Build Madness

Chapter 936 Tianwei Rescue Squad

When Dao Eleven, who boasted his skills at the full level, was dragged into the super centrifuge by six Tianwei while struggling...


What is an ultracentrifuge?

Tiancheng's super centrifuge is not an industrial device for separating liquid and solid particles, but a large aerospace instrument for training loads, also called manned centrifuge.

Its appearance is like replacing the blades of a fan with a spoon, and then tie a person to sit on the end of the spoon, power on, and rotate...

After starting, as the centrifuge accelerates, the experiencer will gradually feel uncomfortable. The gravity that ordinary people bear in a normal state is 1 g. The instantaneous peak value of a large roller coaster in the playground will not exceed 3 g, and the pilot basically maintains 6 g. , Astronauts will hardly exceed 10g, but Tiancheng's super centrifuge can allow users to experience a maximum overload of 35g.

However, the data belongs to the data. If it really reaches 35 g, I am afraid that no one will survive, including monks whose physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

In addition, the purpose of Tiancheng's construction of the manned centrifuge is not to carry out load training, but to study the 'anti-gravity device'.

This device is not a device that relies on energy to push back and break free from gravity, but creates gravity and a magnetic field to create an instrument that can allow human beings to maintain body functions in any environment.

Can also be used in aircraft, spacecraft, space station.

This project is very important.

Because according to the setting, the silicone body of the No. 1 unit survives for every year, which is equivalent to ten years of human survival on the moon on the mother planet.

In the past month, under the influence of the gravity of the moon, which is only one-sixth of the parent star, the silicone body that can simulate 99% of the characteristics of human life began to continuously report 'muscle atrophy' and 'bone loss', etc. , a symptom that cannot be reversed even if you return to the home planet.

According to the results of the simulator, after five years, which is equivalent to 50 years of human beings living on the moon, Unit 1 will eventually become an 'alien' with thin arms, thin legs and a big head because of these symptoms.

This is the greatest resistance for Tiancheng to enter the moon and develop real estate, and it has caused differences of opinion in many laboratories established by monks.

Some believe that if human beings want to develop, they must leave their home planet and adapt themselves to the environment of each extrasolar planet, and then spread the seeds of civilization, bloom everywhere, natural selection, survival of the fittest, so that human beings become the largest group in the universe, even if there is no The so-called aliens can also create internal competition and promote overall development. Therefore, if we want to enter the universe, we must develop an 'anti-gravity device' that is almost impossible to complete at present.

Part of it is that the cost of promoting human beings to enter the universe is too high, which does not meet the investment-return ratio established by Tiancheng. It is better to increase the protection of the home star environment to ensure their own living environment, and then carry out projection energyization, neuron connection, etc. Technology, in the future, it is only necessary to bring energy-enhanced image delivery equipment, machinery and silicone bodies that can replace human actions, and bring them to exoplanets through spacecraft, so that the development and tourism projects of exoplanets can be completed. When the technology is mature, it can still meet the requirements of permanent residence for 5-10 years, and when the things that replace human beings are destroyed, human consciousness returns to the home planet to continue the next round of experience.

In this regard, Ge Xiaotian means...

The ghost knows which one can activate the system upgrade conditions, so it's better to do it together.

"Boss, I was wrong, I request to replace my 'boasting' with a more professional and practical auxiliary skill..."

When Dao Eleven was struggling and was dragged into the super centrifuge by six full-level Tianwei...

At 12:00 noon Eastern China Time and 10:00 am Western Time, West Asia has just ushered in the dawn of the morning.

In the 4371 highland, more than a dozen North American soldiers were lying in the bunker, surrounding the SG TV, watching the Romance of the Three Kingdoms broadcast on the Huaxia International Channel.

"I have Admiral Pan Feng..."


Signal shielding?

That's right, there is indeed signal shielding here, no matter whether Glonass, GPS, or other communication waves, they are all invalid.

But there's also the Zigbee network here.

The signal source is located in a small farmer's courtyard on the north side of the base. It uses optical fiber to connect to the outside world, and the shortwave signal ignores shielding.

There are attackers and defenders, and no one dares to destroy the 'safe zone'.

Because once it is destroyed, the attacker who is too busy to play the game will come back in minutes.

And the North American soldiers who have been trapped for nearly three years will also lose their only way of entertainment, become depressed, even manic and irritable, and attack each other...

As for how this SG TV came about?

The farmer's small courtyard is considered a store, as long as you have money, or you can purchase goods through the three major security companies of the mother planet.

However, electronic products such as SG TV only have the function of one-way signal reception and cannot transmit information to the outside.

This is a prerequisite for the West Asian attackers to keep the store.

It's like a certain powerful man, publicizing to the outside world: We are not ruthless people, we are the guardians of our homeland, and we are very humane!

In addition, due to the difficulty of transportation and the war-torn area along the way, the store does not provide food or weapons, but only sells two kinds of watermelon drinks, one kind of cigarettes, and some toilet paper.

North American soldiers here, and in other regions, rely on these five things to survive nearly three years.

And as the price, it is to pay fifty years of salary...

Fortunately, North America promised full reimbursement.

But even so, the soldiers are approaching the limit...

"Enough is enough, Tony!"

"Jerry, calm down, don't hurt yourself, come, a batch of white generals will be put on the store today, for a change!"

"Oh Shet, this stuff is hot..."


A soldier guarding outside hurriedly climbed into the bunker, "It's not good, Carter is going to die soon!"

Two months ago, Carter suddenly suffered from acute nephritis. Due to the shortage of supplies and the inability to contact the outside world, the military airdrops were still mainly military equipment. Even if there were medicines, they were only anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and bandaging.

The director of the base asked the small farmyard for help many times, but the boss of the other party said that he was powerless every time.

Up to now, Carter has edema all over his body, and his consciousness is blurred. Not only can he not eat, he even needs medical equipment to breathe...

"This damn war!"

The base supervisor put on the dragon scale armor, raised his hands and ran towards the small farmyard on the north side.

Although he knew that the opponent's boss would express his powerlessness as usual, but all he could do now was this.

bang dang...

Push open the courtyard door and walk into the hut built of unburned bricks. The bearded boss from Ba is also watching Romance of the Three Kingdoms on SG TV.

"Sir, my soldier needs your help."

In fact, the director of the base didn't have any hope after saying these words, and without waiting for the bearded boss to answer, he filled out the Huo Dun Group loan agreement on his own, picked up a bottle of watermelon-flavored code, and drank it all in one gulp.

Lit a cigarette, sighed, took out a photo of his wife and children, and murmured: "I really want to go home."

"Ho Ho..."

The bearded boss smiled heartily, "Sir, if I had been earlier, I might not have been able to satisfy your wish, but today, we in Pakistan were honored to participate in the '03-United Anti-K' and were very honored to be received by Mr. Ge. Later, we won To several copies of the 03 Tianwei rescue agreement."

"This is……"

The base supervisor got the paper and looked through it carefully, "Entering the battlefield for rescue? Isn't that ridiculous?"

"Believe it or not, I'm just an 'Affiliate', plus, if you sign the contract, you need to pay me an additional 5% referral fee."


"Sir, this is the only place I can help you. If you all sign, maybe I will leave here and go to other places to do business. I hope we can meet again in the future."


Ghosts want to see you, a weirdo who sells cigarettes on the battlefield!

The base director opened a bottle of watermelon-flavored code again, thinking quickly.

This is the Tianwei rescue agreement, not the Huo Dun rescue agreement, so the credibility is not high.

Moreover, the agreement was provided by this suspicious boss, and its authenticity cannot be confirmed.

However, Carter is at stake. Instead of dying at the base, it is better to arrange for him to explore the way...

If it is true, everyone will have to leave this ghost place.

He hesitated for a moment.

"Can you sign a copy first? I plan to send Carter away."

"No problem, but I want to remind you that due to the one-way communication, I need to go to the contact point to submit the agreement. If I miss this time, I'm afraid you will have to wait half a month for the second batch."



The store owner signaled the base supervisor to fill in the report and pay the funds, and then called out his subordinates to look after the store, while he himself rode an electric bicycle with a large girder, and galloped towards the north...

The director of the base was apprehensive, raised his hands high, and returned to the base without incident.

"Sir, Carter has twelve hours at most."

"Twelve hours..."

But the Tianwei rescue period is three days.

The director of the base looked at the distant sky. The sun was rising, and the sky was covered with colorful clouds. A figure riding an electric bicycle gradually disappeared into the horizon.

Obviously, it was too late.

Suddenly, a large group of figures carrying Ake Siqi in their arms, or swishing figures on their shoulders, rushed from the foot of the mountain in the distance.

"Enemy attack!!!"

chug chug...

Boom boom boom...

The flames of war are raging, and the smoke is filled, which also means that our own airdrop supplies are about to arrive.

This is a law, a law that is mastered by both the enemy and us.

Sure enough, after a while, bursts of buzzing came from the south, and a small transport plane roared and dropped a box of supplies, and then left in a hurry without slowing down...

But was immediately hit by the attacker's shoulder.

The base supervisor ignored the small transport plane that fell, and stared at the supply box. After calculating according to the anemometer, he suddenly picked up the recoilless gun, "Quick, quick! Gather at point B!!!"


Thirty people stayed behind, and 20 people moved.

In the distance, nearly a hundred West Asian militiamen have already taken the lead.

But just when the soldiers at the base walked halfway.

chug chug...

"No, there is an ambush!"


After the base supervisor finished shouting, he saw a scene that he would never forget.

On the east side of the hillside, there are densely packed, and the bedding is full of West Asian militiamen. They rushed like crazy. On the distant mountain road, there seemed to be a few small "Katyushas" mounted on agricultural tricycles.

this moment.

The base supervisor suddenly remembered the Tianwei rescue agreement signed just today.

That's right, Tianwei Security Group is an enterprise. In order to make a profit, it will definitely announce the new agreement of version 03 to the world.

Since our side can evacuate, the West Asian militias who have a blood feud with our side will naturally not let our side leave easily.

Had I known this, I should have signed them all.

But then again, who can guarantee that it is true...

Before he had time to think about it, the base director raised the recoilless gun to suppress fire, "Retreat!"

"Sir, if we can't get the supplies, next time, we won't have any ammunition to grab supplies!"

"See those agricultural tricycles? When they arrive, we will all be finished. Instead of dying here, we should return to the base! Retreat, this is an order!"

Three hours later.

The 4371 highland has been surrounded layer by layer, and countless earth-made weapons were dropped into the base by the West Asian militia through ancient devices.

There was a sea of ​​flames all around, mixed with the stench of burning feces and unknown things, and the billowing smoke also blocked the sight of the soldiers.

"Jerry, put the gun down, you can't kill yourself!"

"Tony, I'm tired, I want to rest..."

During the quarrel, the comrade-in-arms next to him rolled into the fortification with a face full of pain: "Oh, damn it, I lost my leg! Help me!"

Seeing that the situation was out of control, the director of the base said, "Calm down! Brothers, we still have hope! At least, we didn't die!"

"But we're running out of ammunition."

"No, we have support!"

"Sir, with support, we wouldn't have been stuck here for nearly three years at all!"

"No, it's different this time!"

The director of the base caught a glimpse of the West Asian militia retreating temporarily. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, he quickly took out the bottom of the agreement signed for Carter, and he didn't care whether he believed it or not, and said loudly: "They will arrive soon!"

"Tianwei Security Group?"

Seeing the eye-catching sign, the surrounding soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Don't worry, they will definitely come!"

"But... even if they can do it, only Carter can go."

Everyone fell silent.

The director of the base suddenly laughed loudly and lied, "Brothers, you must have never experienced Huo Dun's rescue."


"It's a very wonderful trip, and you can also sign an agreement on the spot. Believe me, I have experienced it, and I know that they will do anything for money. Of course, I am praising them now, at least...they can transfer us Get out."

"All right sir."

ten hours later.

It was getting dark.

The base is running low on ammunition.

"Sir, why haven't they arrived yet?"

"I guess, they should come from Tacheng in the west, which is far away from here..."

While speaking, the director of the base, who had been on guard all the time, suddenly noticed an orange-red light flashing under the eastern sky.

extremely fast...

chug chug...

The West Asian militiamen on the eastern hillside also spotted each other, and countless bullets intertwined into fishing nets in the air.

Three seconds later.

A mechanical prompt sounded from a loudspeaker: "Heavenly Guard is in action, idlers retreat, but anyone who attacks our side will be regarded as a 'and' attack, and our side will launch unlimited firepower to counterattack after being on alert."

"Alert countdown: 10, 9, 8..."

Orange-red light covered half of the sky, but the militiamen in West Asia turned a blind eye and continued to pour bullets crazily.

10 seconds later.

An aircraft comparable to a large civil aviation aircraft arrived over the base, and after hovering, it dropped three black H-type devices.

Tony, who was staring at Jerry to prevent him from committing suicide, rubbed his eyes suddenly, "God, it turned out to be two legs!"


Due to the news being closed, the other soldiers in the base had no idea what the two legs were.

"That is the heavy armament of Tianwei. It can replace the light tank, and it is more effective in mountains and hills."

While breathing, the other soldiers had clearly seen the two-legged machine descending from the sky.

"Oh my god, mecha?!"

"Fuck, look what I saw!"

"Has the outside world changed?"

The two legs are still in the air, and the firepower is already fully fired.

Six-barreled chugs, seatless guns side by side, and ultra-long-range throwing weapons on the back...

In just ten seconds, only three 'Mechs' completely suppressed the West Asian militias all over the mountains and plains.

"so cool!"

"Oh my god, I don't want to face this thing!"

"Fortunately, I will be a driver when I go back, and I will never come to the battlefield again!"

During the exchange of North American soldiers, the huge aircraft landed slowly, and once again suppressed the surrounding air-to-ground.

The super attack power caused a sea of ​​flames within a radius of two kilometers.

However, the North American soldiers did not notice it, and the West Asian militia also did not suffer casualties.

At this time.

The hatch was opened at the bottom of the aircraft, and five 2.5-meter-tall giants wrapped in special clothing and wearing sci-fi helmets were lowered through ropes.

The giant fell to the ground, like a robot, with a super-sized chug in its arms, and stepped on very rhythmic steps, coming to everyone.

The orange-red light shines in the air, reflecting on the sci-fi giant...

The soldiers were dumbfounded.

It was still Tony who spoke first, "It turned out to be the latest mechanical exoskeleton constant temperature suit!"

"what is that?"

Even the base supervisor couldn't help asking questions.

Before Tony could answer, one of the 'mechanical giants' spoke with an electronically synthesized voice, "Who is Carter?"

"Report sir... No, sir, Carter is in the bunker, but he has acute nephritis and is dying."


The lead 'mechanical giant' made a gesture, and No. 2 mechanical giant walked towards the house.

A beam of light (spectral scanning) was emitted from the top of its helmet, and a second later, holding a certain part with one hand, he forcibly opened the roof of the bunker that could withstand heavy fire attacks.


A needle was taken out and blood was extracted from Carter's neck lying inside.

After a while, another needle was taken out, liquid was drawn from a colored bottle, and the needle was inserted directly into Carter's forehead.


The base director turned pale with fright, and wanted to stop him, but saw Carter, who was swollen all over his body and was about to lose his hold, woke up leisurely.

"Oh My God!"

"What did he use?"

The soldiers talked a lot, and the mechanical giant had already pulled out the esophagus, urinary catheter, and ventilator from Carter's body.

"The effect is very good, but need to add money!"

Soldiers: "???"

The director of the base understood what he meant, "Sir, don't worry, his family is rich, and his father is a farmer."

The lead robot nodded, "The mission completion rate is 35%. Return to the aircraft immediately, start treatment, and escort the target to the western Shacheng. Afterwards, the Huo Dun Security Group will fulfill the joint defense agreement and send the target to a warship in North America located in Sangeyang. "

A soldier: "Wait, sir, can we go together?"

"Sorry, you are not on the rescue list."

"I can sign an agreement with you now."

"The fee has increased by 200%."

"no problem!"

"The Dizihao rescue team charges 1 million Franklin per person in the war-torn area, excluding medical expenses, nutrition expenses, accommodation expenses, and other expenses incurred during the period."

"So expensive?"

"I wish you a happy life, farewell!"

The lead 'robot' saw the team members being pulled into the aircraft by the rope, held the rope, and prepared to leave.

"Wait, I'll sign!"

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