Build Madness

Chapter 937 Ge Xiaotian: Dare to smash my place!

The guardians of the 4371 highlands spent all their wealth, discarded their weapons, changed their rescue suits, and finally boarded a strange aircraft comparable to a large civil aviation as they wished.

Then through the monitoring of the whole machine, it was found that...

This turned out to be a jet helicopter!

On screen:

The nozzles distributed on both sides spit out airflow, generate reaction force to push the fuselage, and drive the coaxial, counter-rotating, variable-direction dual-rotors on the upper ends of the nozzles on both sides to quickly lift off...

Afterwards, the tail pusher was activated, and everyone felt a strong push back feeling, and the aircraft left the 4371 height in an instant.

It started fast, far surpassing vertical lift fighters.

(This technology was "kindly sponsored" by the original Maoxiong Pili Space Agency. After system improvement, Tiancheng's specialty vector engine was added, and the final shape was finalized. The appearance can refer to V280.)

After a while.

The loudspeaker in the cabin blared:

"Dear bosses, welcome to take the Dizihao rescue plane. We are returning, and the rescue progress has reached 55%. The next stop: West Shacheng, with a total flight distance of 2185 kilometers, is expected to take 4 hours."

"During this period, you can take off your seat belt and carry out small-scale activities in the rest cabin. We have prepared cigarettes, drinks, melon seeds, beer for you..."

"Bosses who need medical assistance, please re-sign the contract as soon as possible."

"I wish you a pleasant journey!"

After listening to the voice prompt, the director of Base 4371 and more than fifty soldiers were a little at a loss...

"Did I hear wrong? 2185 kilometers, only 4 hours?"

"Is it important? What needs to be solved the most at the moment is that we evacuate the base, how should we report to the superior!"

"Sir, if they don't rescue us, we save ourselves. Is it wrong?"

"But we have not been notified to evacuate."


In silence.

The robot that looked like a decoration next to it said, "Is it a problem? As long as the money is in place, there is nothing that cannot be solved. If you agree, we can also package you as the only heroic team that successfully broke through in the war-torn zone of West Asia!"


And this operation?

The base supervisor and the soldiers were collectively stunned.

"Don't worry, we are professionals!"

"But... we have no money."

"wish you a happy life."



The jet helicopter flew rapidly through the night at a speed of 580 kilometers per hour.


Western AR Training Ground, Tiancheng International Holdings Office.

Whenever it is quiet, Ge Xiaotian will turn on the AR globe and make it float quietly in front of him.

Then take a serious look at this world, which is different from another time and space, but has more potential for development.

After four years of hard work, today's corporate banner has spread all over Asia, Europe and Africa. The funds in the corporate account, regardless of the currency of the country, are a set of astronomical figures. There are countless industries under the group...

And if Tianwei is counted, the number of regular employees who have just exceeded 200,000, each of them is like the protagonist of a novel with golden fingers, with the help of the skills given by the system, they are distributed all over the parent planet, completing the orders issued by the headquarters, and contributing to Tiancheng , keep going.

all of these……

It always made Ge Xiaotian couldn't help sighing: I'm really awesome!

Immediately, he was worried that he, the big boss behind the scenes, would one day be easily pushed horizontally by the real protagonist who appeared from nowhere.


In order to comfort himself, at this time, Ge Xiaotian would take out the mirror, "Such a handsome guy must be the only one who travels through..."

At this time.

Dao Shishi, who was sent into the super centrifuge for bragging before, staggered into the office like a drunk man. Hearing this sentence, he opened his mouth to flatter him, but he vomited straight away.

"Uh... sorry, I really couldn't hold back."

"Send him in again!"

"Wait, boss, it's important."


"After the '03-Joint Anti-K' exercise officially started, it was reported by the mother star news media in many ways. At home, it was full of positive energy and achieved the desired effect, but know, the West smeared and distorted us , never stopped."

"That is to say?"

"Now the Internet over there is full of various oriental threat theories, conspiracy theories, and provocative articles."


The two quagmires made North America anxious, the Viking pirates made England overwhelmed, the Red Sea raiders made the whole European region panic, South America was troubled by Horton, and there were fires and kangaroo incidents in Australia.

Now this group of people still have the leisure to meddle with the sub-region...

Ge Xiaotian adjusts the AR globe, selects North America, and the wide-area display immediately pops up the detailed geographic information of the area.

Choose a city and lock on a street.

The screen of another wide-area monitor next to it changed, and jumped out of the information posted on the Internet by the surfers on the street.

This intelligence technology is supported by the internal network of Huo Dun Security Group. At present, it can only view one street. When the technology matures in the future, it can completely lock every individual, just like a system map, and observe the real-time remarks made by the individual from the perspective of God, and even Retrace what the individual has done over a certain period of time.

It seems difficult to realize, but in the future, every smart appliance will be a 'window', or in other words, there will be cameras and scanning devices attached to smart appliances in every room. not difficult.

Ge Xiaotian looked carefully at the information on the Internet. As Dao Shiyi said, the public opinion about the exercise has been guided by North America, all satirizing and hating the East...

"The two quagmires trapped countless soldiers, especially the Iraqi battlefield. Tens of thousands of casualties led to the outbreak of the largest anti-war demonstration in North America. Some families of soldiers even stormed the state capitals and demanded the withdrawal of troops. Now they guide public opinion, It is obvious that they want to divert the public's attention to stabilize internal chaos."


"From a personal point of view, I will definitely use the water army and virtual people to spray them back and help them correct their views. But the rich people who bought the tickets are secretly buying ores and hoarding rare metals. Holden has been dormant for a year. It is ready to come back again, intending to win the North American military's arms orders, and now North America has shifted its work focus to controlling public opinion, ignoring the economic changes caused by these plans we deployed, so it is considered a good thing."

Ge Xiaotian switched the AR map and thought for a long time, "But we can't forget it like this. We must find something for them to do. If this continues, there may be a 'flower row' incident, which will cause our compatriots to suffer, and even smash Chinatown."

"It has already happened. A total of 45 Tianchuang console retail stores under the North American NT Group have been vandalized. Fortunately, there are Huo Dun security guards stationed there. Otherwise, your business in North America may just disappear. "

Wall Street bigwigs invited Tiancheng to establish NT Group in North America, and Ge Xiaotian invested with money. This was a 'legitimate business', and even the North American officials gave a certain degree of support.

Later, NT Group established Tianchuang Company, which was responsible for operating a customized online shopping platform and selling Tianchuang hosts, which was also officially recognized by North America.

Later, Ge Xiaotian transferred his NT shares to the Science and Technology Alliance. Although he forced the other party to buy real estate in the western desert, and gave the other party a false shot in the smart card bidding, the NT shares were affected by '2012' and have been out of the epidemic. The impact brought by it continued to climb upwards.

Generally speaking, no matter who it is, they don't think that Tian Cheng has cheated the Science and Technology Alliance, including the Science and Technology Alliance.

In such an environment of "Hello, me, everyone" getting along with each other, even if the agricultural trade war is fought to the death, the two sides will continue to maintain a happy cooperation in the case of NT Group.

Therefore, Tianchuang Company is operating well in North America, and the customized products that need to be imported from China have not been included in the banned list.

After all, the North American blockade of Sino-Ocean Group is to suspect Holden of stealing from others, smuggling SG pads, and preventing Tianmao Group from carrying out grain anti-dumping.

This is the so-called big country trade.

While sanctioning a certain industry of yours, it trades with you in other industries.

But it's different now.

Smashing Tianchuang's retail store is tantamount to smashing Boss Ge's own business.

This made Ge Xiaotian very upset, "I planned to make a fortune in silence, and let the regions participating in the exercise help us sting North America, but now it seems that we must have some fun for them."

"How about telling Huo Dun Tianwei to rob a few banks overnight to brighten up the atmosphere?"


"Or, send a few boxes of 'Big Fireworks' to the White House, so that it will be lively?"

"Fuck off, can your mind be normal?"

"Ask the boss for instructions."

"Stan Five, how many agreements did you sell?"

"The time is too short. For the nearest country, Pakistan, fifty-seven copies were sold to Highland 4371. Afterwards, Tianwei Security Group dispatched Team 37 of 'Dizihao' to carry out the mission. The current rescue progress is... 55%."

"Before every major event breaks out, there is a fuse."


"Even though the average rescue cost for a single person is 1 million Franklin, the number of North American soldiers trapped in the war-torn areas of West Asia is as high as more than 2,700. This is not counting the nearly 100 soldiers who were captured one after another due to the failure of the airdrop. pilot.

It can be said that nearly a hundred pilots are worth more than the trapped soldiers.

Calculating the total cost of rescue of these people, it is about 4 billion Franklin, which accounts for 1% of the total military expenditure of North America this year.

Not more than one percent, but it can also build a large aircraft carrier.

Besides, spending this money is more expensive than ransoming people.

At least in the eyes of North America, if they negotiate with the West Asian militia and demand reconciliation, it is impossible for the poor ghosts of the West Asian militia to ask for 4 billion Franklin.

Therefore, after the rescue of the trapped people on the 4371 highland, North America will definitely find ways to prohibit the soldiers trapped in other areas and sign a rescue agreement with Tianwei Security Group.

And we, in order to prevent North America from not wanting to spend the four billion Franklin, we must work hard on public opinion. "

"Boss, I understand how to do it. Let the home planet know the news of the rescue of the trapped people in the 4371 highland, stimulate the trapped people in other areas, and then stimulate the families of the trapped people. After three years, there is finally hope. How could it be possible not to get people out, like this, North America... how do I feel, this is a super big trouble for North America?"

"Let's see how the other party responds."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he turned on the AR globe again, locked on the 4371 highland in West Asia, switched to the cloud database of the small farmyard, and called up the 24-hour surveillance video.

In the screen, from the beginning of setting up the foundation to the departure of the Tianwei rescue team, everything that happened during the period is everything.

"What perfect material!"

"How many war-themed movies?"

"No, I remember that Tianyu established a new image restoration company this year?"

"Yes, in March, they substituted the photos taken during the Qing Dynasty into the world in AR. Through image synthesis, AI calculation, event simulation and other technologies, they successfully restored the street scenes of the Qing Dynasty, and then produced VR and AR experience short films. In June, Through ancient paintings, they successfully restored the Qingming Riverside Picture, and last month, they went to Dunhuang to restore the world of murals."

"If this surveillance video, including surveillance videos from other areas, is used to reconstruct a VR documentary of the North American soldiers trapped for three years, I think the families of the trapped people should all be able to experience the cruelty of war."

"Ah... I guess there will be a frying pan over there, especially the families of the victims, who may watch their relatives be blown up or smashed into a sieve..."

"Don't go too far, respect the dead, try to put mosaics on your face."


"In addition, considering the impact of the plan...notify the 37th team of 'Dizihao' to find a way to go to other areas for repairs, and not to come to Tacheng. North America in the province classifies these suffering soldiers as rebels."


West Asia war zone.

Inside the cockpit of Jet Helicopter No. 37.

"I received a notice that due to certain factors, Western Sand City refuses to accept North American soldiers."

Team leader: "Turn to Tianwei Group's branch in Pakistan."


In the communication cabin.

"We have contacted the Huo Dun Security Group, and they will dispatch a security team affiliated to the Huo Dun Company of Singapore to respond in the south of Pakistan."

The leader of the team looked through the data that was just synchronized: "According to the plan, first release some rescue videos on Panda Guardian, and remember to mosaic the soldiers' faces. The deep meaning of success is that according to what the big boss said, it will stimulate more trapped people to sign a rescue agreement, stimulate the families of trapped soldiers in North America, and cause them big trouble."



North America.

Although Holden supports Xiaobu, the two parties are only interested.

Last year, the Holden Consortium was jointly squeezed by arms dealers such as Chicago, Boston, Texas, and Cleveland. DuPont and Morgan were also wary of helping each other, which eventually led to the weak Holden, staying away from the interest group centered on Xiaobu .

Of course, few people actually know that Horton has become one of the few top powerful figures in North America by virtue of the Horton Security Group. life.

But Holden knew in his heart that there were two big hands behind him...


Horton was invited by Xiao Bu to go to the White House for a talk.

When the two sides met, they pretended to be confused while pretending to understand, and exchanged pleasantries for a long time.

Xiaobu plays a video.

It is the video of the Tianwei team rescuing the soldiers trapped in the 4371 highland.

"As one of the three major security groups on the home planet, I believe Huo Dun can do it too."

"No, it can't be done. We don't have jet helicopters capable of surprise attack, low-altitude defense penetration, fast take-off and landing, etc., we don't have two-legged equipment capable of comprehensive fire suppression, we don't have a mechanical exoskeleton to protect ourselves, and we don't have penetration Special communication equipment for signal shielding."


Xiao Bu was silent for a moment, "I can no longer dispatch soldiers, so I hope Huo Dun Security Group can help me."

"The war zone in West Asia is a meat grinder. Now it stops. If my security team goes in, it will start again. I can't afford to lose it. You must know that my security salary is five times that of your soldiers. No , The price has increased again this year.”


"What I mean is that the competition among the three major security groups is fierce. Now if you want to recruit capable security guards, including the training fee, the cost is far more than training a soldier. If the salary is lowered, they will defect to the Holy Church or the Heavenly Guard. At that time, Huo Dun would no longer exist.

You don't want to face the monopoly of their two security companies, do you? You know, if there is no Huo Dun, your intelligence department alone may not be able to stop the group of agents composed of Wajima ninjas, Nordic wizards, West Asian warriors, and Chinese monks. "

"Horton, I can give you some of the arms orders for next year, including clothing, body armor, tactical gloves, etc."

"You can call the shots?"

Horton smiled, "Those arms dealers in Chicago and Texas will not allow me to participate in the bidding, let alone tricky bidding."

"Tell me, how can you help me?"

"Allow me to sell electronic products of Longtian Technology and Weihua Technology, not limited to smart cards, but also VR equipment and AR equipment. These can make a lot of money. Only when Huo Dun has money can he develop weapons against Tianwei, and then Rescue your soldiers."

"That's a matter led by the Science and Technology Alliance, and I can't make the decision."

"So, on the matter of rescue, I'm sorry I can't do anything, goodbye, Mr. Bu."

Horton does not love this ostensible spokesperson, even if he faces the interest groups behind the other party, he still has a way to make the other party compromise.

Therefore, even if he offended Xiao Bu, the other party would not dare to do anything to Huo Dun.

Leave the white house.

Before Horton got into the car, he saw Xiao Bu standing by the window, and suddenly felt that it was like a prison.

"Sure enough, my choice is right, to be a behind-the-scenes boss!"

"Boss, where are we going?"

"Pier 6, go and see the 'imager' shipped from Huaxia."

North America bans the sale of electronic products of Longtian Technology and Weihua Technology, but only increases tariffs on other goods.

'Imager' is one of them.

The principle is to put a roll of drawing paper in a plastic box, and the user observes the picture through two lenses. As the scroll is turned by hand, the picture moves horizontally, producing a dynamic 3D effect.

The technology is not advanced, and the price is very low. It is classified as a children's toy sequence, not an electronic product.

However, the 'imager' arriving in Hong Kong today is a third-generation product with a larger body that can be worn on the head and looks exactly like a VR device.

But it does not have the characteristics that electronic products should have.

Therefore, it is easy to pass the entry inspection.

After Horton arrived at the port, he walked into the storage area belonging to the Horton Group.

Seeing this, the guard opened the warehouse door.

Chen Feng, who was staying inside, greeted him with a smile, "Old Huo, long time no see."

"Welcome to North America!"

"Not to mention anything else, you have to sell this set of AR equipment within a week."

"how many?"

"More than the SG pads on the North American market."

"Seventy million units? My God, how could I sell such a hot chicken in a week?"

"No, no, this is the third-generation VR device, and it is the most advanced electronic product on Mother Planet. You must have confidence."


Holden picked up an 'imager' and put it on his face. It was completely black, "There is no memory card, no battery, no switch, only buttons to adjust the lens, what is the difference between it and a children's toy?"

"No, the first generation of VR devices is a helmet, which needs to be charged and needs a memory card. It is bulky and impractical, and the price is as high as 680 Franklin. The second generation of VR devices adds networking functions and can play games, but it is very inconvenient to use. The price It even breaks through 1280 Franklin. The third generation of VR equipment has been further explored by Tiancheng 101 Laboratory, overturning the previous generations of designs, and re-developing this artifact that can avoid electronic product detection and realize VR functions.”

As Chen Feng said, he picked up an SG pad, called up the VR movie, inserted the SG pad vertically into the card slot of the third-generation VR device, and then put it on Holden's face.

"Look, what a great product!"

"Can it still be like this?"

"The cost is only 2 Franklins. I suggest you sell 268 Franklins. Remember to give me a 10% commission."

"Can you play games?"

"Of course, I specially prepared a batch of gossip shift keys for you. These things are not on the banned list."

"Now I have confidence."

"Actually, what the boss means is to use this thing to further drive the sales of SG pads."

"Sino-Ocean Group has been sanctioned, and the goods cannot be shipped."

"The new generation of SG pads will be launched from the North Pole and circle Canada. You are more proficient than me in what to do after that."


"Well, the North Pole."


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