Cataclysm King

Chapter 202: The White Queen ignored the laws of kingship

Chapter 202 The White Queen ignored the laws of kingship

 PS.The content is as per the title

The hunchbacked old man used an evil necromantic secret technique to enter the strange gravitational field. At first, others looked at him with only surprise and confusion.

However, seeing Ji Xun also rushing in and not dying either, their mood became "urgent".

 These two guys are all aiming for the Holy Grail!

 But at the same time, a thought suddenly popped up in everyone's mind: Is it possible that this gravitational field is not dangerous?

 Only Prince Nasane did not think so.

 His expression became very ugly.

  After all, he is the only one who knows the horror of this "field that leads to the fall of gods."

The Paladin Galen a hundred years ago was a hero recorded in history. He was the strongest man in the human kingdom and defeated the Great Demon King of Hell.

 How can the field he left behind be simple?

As long as one does not understand the secret technique of divine death, it is impossible to get close to it alive.

But that magical and mysterious art is exclusive to their royal family of Delan and is never spread outside.

 How did these two guys do it if they don’t know the secret method?

 But whether they can figure it out or not, the fact is that the two people have been getting closer to the Holy Grail step by step.

 Seeing this, Prince Sarn looked stern, knowing that he could not delay any longer.

He slashed out a sword energy, temporarily repelling the red dragon Yuri, and turned around and rushed towards the Holy Grail without hesitation.

This Holy Grail is related to the succession of royal power. It has long been something that he must obtain, and he must not let others get it!

Wearing golden armor, Prince Sarn's fighting spirit surged like a tide, and he crashed into the gravitational field with a knight charge.

He was completely different from the trickster methods used by Ji Xun and Hunchback Lao Duan before, so he rushed in step by step.

 He was already proficient in the secret method of divine fall. When he entered, wisps of gravitational black lines also appeared around his body.

That weird force didn't seem to have much impact on him.

 He ran quickly for more than ten meters.

  But it is not completely without influence.

 Like a good swimmer jumping into the water, the first few dozen meters seemed to be done with ease.

However, as Sarn gets closer to the Holy Grail, more and more gravitational threads linger around his body.

As if the buoyancy of the water is getting smaller and smaller, the speed of his steps is getting harder and harder.

However, even so, he quickly surpassed Ji Xun and chased the hunchbacked old man at the front.

The fighting suddenly stopped as soon as the human prince withdrew.

 Previously, both sides wanted to kill each other and then get the Holy Grail.

 But now someone breaks the rules and the situation changes immediately.

Whoever falls behind now will have to be robbed of the Holy Grail.

Seeing this, Red Dragon Yuri's amber vertical eyes looked full of cunning and viciousness, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of Hellfire Dragon Flame.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

That scorching dragon's breath, which can burn silver-quality armor into molten iron, actually collapsed within a few meters of the domain?

Only then did the demon understand that this gravitational field was not just for humans, but for all matter.

 Whether it is equipment, martial arts, techniques, or energy elements

 Everything will be pulled by that strange force.

 The dragon's breath was breathed out, and the stable elemental structure was instantly pulled apart, and the flames were extinguished.

 Seeing this, Red Dragon Yuri's expression turned cold.

It also knew that the three humans could not be stopped by force.

As soon as its vertical pupils turned, it immediately returned to its human form and rushed into the field.

  Although I know there is danger, it is absolutely impossible for people to watch the Holy Grail being taken away.

What's more, three humans have already walked in in front of them. The arrogance of being a high-level demon will never make it think that lower humans can do it, but they can't!

 Higher demons are fearless!

 It is also confident that its power is the strongest among the Tomb of Heroes.

Unexpectedly, I suffered a big loss as soon as I entered the field.

The gravitational threads instantly wrapped around the whole body, and the muscles all over the body were instantly crushed and made a crackling sound.

Red Dragon Yuri’s expression changed drastically.

 It then realized that the gravity in the field was not constant, but varied due to individual differences.

 It has withstood the pressure that its position deserves!

However, after understanding this, Yuri still had no intention of backing down and walked towards the Holy Grail step by step.

Even among demons of the same level, it is still the strongest!

Not far away, Jia Yu Chujiu, who saw this scene, immediately pulled away and retreated.

 The other three demon leaders who were fighting with them also stopped.

 The two sides distanced themselves.

 They also know that it is no longer their battle to determine the outcome.

 Learning from the past is right in front of us, and the three-headed demon commander does not dare to easily try to set foot in the domain.

Chūjiu is not good at strength, nor does he have any clues in that field.

She did not go in rashly, but carefully observed her surroundings.

However, Jia Yu threw a few stones into the field with great interest. In his eyes, there were not only the changing stones that fell to the ground, but also the rules of the field's operation.

On the other side, three people and one demon entered the realm of God's Fall, and were approaching the Holy Grail step by step.

The leader's hunchbacked old man's methods are still unbelievable.

He was already within twenty meters of the Holy Grail, and the black lines of gravity around his body were as dense as flames. This range was already under unimaginable pressure.

 The most obvious thing is that the skin and flesh on his body have been completely deformed and even torn off piece by piece, exposing the bones and dark red muscle fibers inside.

But what’s outrageous is that not a single bit of blood flows out, just like a corpse that feels no pain.

Although the body is constantly breaking down,

 But he still walked forward expressionlessly.

The tearing of body tissue was indeed too much to bear, so he stopped to rest and then continued walking.

 Slow, but still the fastest among the others.

 A few meters behind Lao Duan, Prince Sarn caught up with him.

But he no longer had the same momentum as before, and under the golden armor was already a panting and red face.

Even if he knew the secret technique of God's Fall, the fact that he could walk here safely was already the limit of his body.

Which epic hero left this realm behind? The level of laws it contains is so high that he can no longer understand it.

Now every step he takes, he has to stop and rest for a while.

 I wanted to rest for a while.

 But the hunchback in front of me was already far beyond him, and there was a guy chasing after him.

Saan just gritted his teeth and persisted.

 Showing that there was no room for him to stop and take a breath for too long.

 Behind Sarn was none other than a tall werewolf with white hair.

Ji Xun’s understanding of the Mysterious Technique of God’s Fall is gradually increasing, but after reaching this distance, he has reached the limit of physical collapse.

He now felt that the air was like stone, and breathing was as difficult as pouring iron slurry into his lungs.

Thousands of pores on the skin are oozing blood, and the bones of the body are cracking and cracking has begun.

As I walked, I didn’t know which piece of internal organs had been torn apart again, and “poof!” another mouthful of blood mixed with blood foam spurted out.

Ji Xun stopped, his body surrounded by green light, and the "Immortal Curse" also repaired the damaged and broken body tissues.

 Betting on the last bit of your life, give it a try.

Ji Xun looked at the distorted gravity around him. Under the blessing of the clown mask, the laws of the universe that were usually as fine as dust were now clearly flowing in front of his eyes like a turbulent river.

 This is a great opportunity that can only be encountered.

 Enlightenment is constantly refreshed, and proficiency is visibly increasing.

Ji Xun has never seen the power of a certain law so clearly before his eyes.

“Overpressure comprehension of ‘Fifty-Two Demon God Forbidden Techniques: Leading the Gods to Fall’, Comprehension +111”

“Over-pressure comprehension of ‘Fifty-two Demon God Forbidden Techniques: Leading the Gods to Fall’, Comprehension +178”


The enlightenment and refreshed enlightenment experience has been ten times that of before.

 It seems to be about the same.

  But time did not wait for him.

 The situation has become extremely dangerous.

  Warm blood soaked his chest, Ji Xun squinted his eyes, and murmured in his heart: "What a pity. If he lived long enough, he should be able to understand the secret technique of "inducing the gods to fall."

If you give him enough time, he will definitely be able to comprehend it, and he will also get the Holy Grail.

 But now, he clearly felt that there was not enough time.

 The feeling of physical exhaustion caused by the end of lifespan can no longer be resisted by willpower.

That strong feeling of exhaustion washed over my heart like a tide.

 At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the state of magic relief and support the body with various secret techniques, and the consumption of mantra power is also very exaggerated.

Ji Xun's body at this moment was like a flame that was about to run out of oil, and he was already dying.

 It seemed that as long as he closed his eyes at this moment, he would be free forever, but he would never be able to open them again.

There is a thought in my heart that keeps telling me: Give up, give up all this suffering.

But several voices suppressed it: Get out!

 At the end of your life, you should be as brilliant as a flower.

 The Holy Grail is right in front of you, and your life has not burned out to the last second, how can you give up!

Ji Xun smiled ferociously, breathing heavily, and stepped forward step by step.

He only had one thought in his mind, and he could only survive if he got the Holy Grail.

 After Ji Xun's death, the red dragon Yuri seemed to be imprisoned in place by an invisible force.

 Now, it takes several minutes to take a single step.

 The three of them and the demon were in a stalemate, as if they were about to die on the spot at any moment. In the crypt of the Tomb of Heroes, the battle turned into a wrestling match.

 The four protagonists are all moving forward.

The hunchbacked old man ranked first is surrounded by divine power, and his ability to be fearless of physical damage is becoming more and more advantageous.

At this moment, his arms had been torn off and fell to the ground into a pile of minced meat.

But it didn't stop him from moving forward at all.

 Not long after, Lao Duan had reached the foot of the hero statue, less than five meters away from the Holy Grail.

Ji Xun and the other three people behind him looked helpless.

This competition is all about hard power.

Even if I want to catch up now, I can't catch up.

  Rao is only a few meters apart from each other.

 But this last distance is deadly every step of the way.

 Every step of difference is the difference between life and death.

At present, the hunchbacked old man has obviously reached his limit. His head has been crushed, but he is still alive.

 He took two more difficult steps, and the Holy Grail was already within easy reach.

 However, just when everyone thought that this guy would be the first to get the Holy Grail, an unexpected scene happened.

 "Pa", "Pa", "Pa".

  Thin and steady footsteps sounded from my ears.

Although the sound was very soft, everyone in this quiet underground mausoleum could hear it clearly.

Ji Xun and the others, who were in the throes of life and death, watched a mushroom-headed boy stroll into the realm of divine fall.

It is Jia Yu!

This guy just walked step by step without being affected by the field at all.

How can it be?

The three people and one demon all changed their expressions and were dumbfounded.

Even Ji Xun couldn't figure out why this mushroom head was completely unaffected by the realm.

 But this is the fact.

The Shen Yuan Realm seemed to delay everyone's thoughts. Before they could figure it out, Jia Yu had already walked over.

 The distance of a hundred meters was not far, and in a blink of an eye he had surpassed Red Dragon Yuri, followed by Ji Xun and Prince Sarn.

 Then, he easily surpassed Lao Duan, whose body had become distorted into a human shape, and stood next to the Holy Grail with great ease.

This scene stunned everyone.

  Although I don’t know how this mushroom head did it, I guess that he saw through the loopholes in some rules.

But what is surprising is that Jia Yu did not pick up the Holy Grail immediately.

 Instead, he squatted there.

Like a fascinated boy watching ants move, he carefully observed the silver rune cup.

 Time seems to have stood still.

Jia Yu stared at the cup intently.

 The others just stared at him.

No one expected that the guy who originally seemed the weakest would be the first to approach the Holy Grail.

"This guy"

Ji Xun thought about something when he saw this.

 He had been guessing about Jia Yu’s identity before.

 In the eyes of others, he is just a field agent who was let in by Bureau X to atone for his sins.

Ji Xun thought so before.

However, Jia Yu knew Chujiu.

 This is very subtle.

Unsurprisingly, Chujiu's current identity is that of a member of the "Thirteen Kamen Riders".

Then it makes sense that Jia Yu is also a member of the Thirteen Knights.

Although this legendary organization is very mysterious to the outside world, the only thing that can be determined is that all its members are top-notch experts, or top geniuses who have integrated fifty-two epic source cards.

Jia Yu is the latter?

Thinking about it this way, he can see through this gravitational field and seems to be able to understand it.

Thinking of this, Ji Xun murmured in his heart: "Tsk, tsk. He really is from that organization."

 He was not sure before.

After all, Jia Yu is Xie Guozhong's little follower. No matter how bold and arrogant the Thirteen Knights are, they are, after all, a killer organization wanted by the federal government.

It’s no longer like going undercover to the ace agent of Bureau X.

Looking at it now, well, things are even more outrageous than I guessed.

  I made a mistake.

Ji Xun thought this way.

However, without thinking much, Jia Yu suddenly stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to pick up the Holy Grail.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xun didn't panic anymore.

 But the expressions of the other three suddenly changed.

 Prince Sarn and Red Dragon Yuri are too far apart, and there is nothing they can do in a hurry.

But seeing that the Holy Grail within reach was about to be snatched away, the hunchbacked old man suddenly became furious.

 In full view of everyone, this guy suddenly rushed forward.

 But in these last few steps, the gravitational field has become terrifying to the point of life and death.

as expected!

Lao Duan had barely taken a step out when his body suddenly shriveled up like an empty can.

 Then in the twisted space, the entire body was torn into pieces.

However, just when everyone thought this guy was dead, something strange happened again.

 The hunchback on Lao Duan's back was like a burst abscess, and a stream of black liquid spurted out.

 An even more terrifying scene appeared.

From the exploding hunchback, a dark green baby rushed out and headed straight for the Holy Grail.

 “So that’s it!”

When Ji Xun saw this, he shouted in his heart.

 Only then did I understand why the hunchbacked old man could not be killed.

It turns out that this dead ghost baby is the real person of that guy!

Since the hunchbacked old man has exposed his true identity, he is bound to win the Holy Grail.

He was one step faster than Jia Yu, and took the Holy Grail with a small green hand.

 But at the same time, something unexpected happened again!

 Lao Duan got the Holy Grail in one hand, but it seemed as if he had touched something terrifying. His expression suddenly changed, and at the same time he made a scary and strange cry in his throat: "Ah"

He pulled out his hand as fast as lightning, but it was already burnt.

 Almost at the same time, the originally dim silver Holy Grail suddenly burst into dazzling white light.

As if being struck by a flash bomb, the huge underground cave lit up.

 Looking at Lao Duan retreating violently, Ji Xun and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

 At least it wasn’t taken by this guy, which is a good thing.

Only Jia Yu who was standing next to the Holy Grail was extremely calm, and even pursed his lips. His expression seemed to say: Look, I said it was dangerous, otherwise why didn't I take it?

With this touch, everyone immediately realized that this Holy Grail was not that easy to get.

However, just because someone touched the Holy Grail, the three people and one demon felt the physical pressure suddenly relax at the same time.

 The realm of Godfall has disappeared!

 The situation changes again!

The moment the terrifying pressure disappeared, Ji Xun also felt a murderous intent coming from his back.

 Without the restrictions of the field, Yuri, the most powerful red dragon, immediately became violent!

It spit out a dragon's breath, and the black **** sprayed out from the can.

Ji Xun was two big steps short of it. He couldn't avoid it and was thrown backward by the heat wave.

At the same time, Prince Sarn, who was not far in front of him, ignored him and rushed straight towards the Holy Grail.

Only he knows why no one else can touch this Holy Grail!

 Because, this [Sismark Holy Grail] is the "Holy Grail of Royal Power" that contains divine power and the laws of royal power!

The white light just now was the fire of the law of kingship.

This kind of sacred instrument of high laws cannot be desecrated by ordinary people.

 Only his royal bloodline can prevent him from being burned by the law!

However, when Sarn was confident about getting the Holy Grail, suddenly, the water vapor around Jia Yu quickly condensed into frost, and a figure suddenly condensed from the elemental state.

Amid everyone's shocked gazes, the figure in the complete elemental state reached out to the Holy Grail first.

Prince Sarn's eyes flashed, and he sneered and cursed in his heart: "Seeking death!"

This Holy Grail is something that not everyone can touch!

However, before his sarcasm could appear in his eyes, it suddenly turned into shock.

 He watched helplessly as the delicate hand grasped the Holy Grail, and then picked it up easily.

When Saan saw this scene, his expression changed suddenly: "How is that possible! Who is she?"

 He could never understand why anyone else could ignore the laws of kingship and get the Holy Grail!

However, Ji Xun, who was sent flying backwards by the dragon's breath, suddenly realized what he was doing.

Looking at the holy light just now, with the blessing of the magic solution state, he immediately recognized that it was some kind of high-level law thread.

 Rethinking what Jia Yu said before, it was not difficult for him to guess that it was the law of royal power.

 He has already figured out the two necessary conditions for obtaining the Holy Grail: 1. Divine Domain, 2. Royal Power.

Ji Xun has also seen the elemental spell, which is the ability of Chujiu Demon after being solved.

 He thought suddenly: "So the [White Queen] sequence can ignore the law of royal power?"

 (End of this chapter)

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