Jiu Lama,"This Naruto is not a good person, he is too evil."

"What do you mean by asking me to pay rent? Do you think I am willing to live here?"

"I was sealed in, I have no choice but to stay here."

Uzumaki Kushina,"I just want to ask, are you staying here?""


They are indeed mother and daughter...

Uchiha Sasuke,"Naruto seems to have opened the correct way to use the Nine-Tails' energy."

Yamanaka Ino,"As expected, you are the man I like." Haruno

Sakura,"So you have changed your mind, right?"

Yamanaka Ino,"It's so tangled, after all, it's a parallel world"

【On the way back, Uzumaki Naruto was still thinking about another question, that is, his relationship with the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze.】

【He felt that he was infinitely close to the truth.】

【Especially as he grew up, he felt that the Third Hokage was just an old coin, and the other party was hiding many secrets that were not good for him.】

【"Is there a possibility that I was so miserable since childhood, lonely and helpless, and was abused by the villagers?......Was it all caused by the third generation as the mastermind behind all this?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto himself didn't know why, but he was becoming more and more disgusted with the Third Generation. It was no longer just hatred.】

【Although the library was closed, it was not a problem for Naruto now. He sneaked in easily.】

【After finding the portrait of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, Uzumaki Naruto began to compare them again."】

【Golden hair, handsome and gentle face, no matter how you look at it, you feel close to me】

【Naruto began his own hypothesis to sort out the whole incident.】

【"If I assume that the Fourth Hokage is my father, he sacrificed himself to save the village during the Nine-Tails Rebellion and sealed the Nine-Tails in my body."】

【"What about my mother? She must have died because of this incident."】

【"According to common sense, they should have entrusted me to someone to raise me, otherwise, they would not have decided to sacrifice both of them."】

【"The Third Hokage, who replaced the Fourth Hokage and regained power, is the best choice."】

【"This can also explain why I was able to meet the powerful Third Hokage since I was a child. It must have something to do with the identities of my parents."】

【"However, the Third Hokage obviously had other ideas. He knew that there was a strong weapon sealed in my body and wanted me to stand completely on his side."】

【"So he came up with a very stupid idea, which was to spread the rumor that I was a nine-tailed demon fox, so that the villagers would hate me......."】

【"The hatred of these people will naturally push me towards the third generation who occasionally come to care about me."】

【"In this way, he, the Third Hokage, will be the only person I am close to, and I will be able to listen to him completely."】

【"Afterwards, he made me enter the Ninja Academy and tried to use the Will of Fire to brainwash me again, making me a tool to be manipulated by him......."】

【"This old bastard from the third generation really plays his cards well."】

【"The Hyuga clan, the death of Hyuga Hizashi, the presence of three generations"】

【"The Uchiha clan was marginalized, and there are three generations of figures"】

【"The deaths of the heroes Konoha White Fang and Hatake Sakumo were probably due to the negligence of the Third Generation......."】

【"This person really deserves to die. He has killed so many people for his own benefit."】

【Uzumaki Naruto seemed to have opened up the connection and restored the truth behind the scenes】

【"The important thing is, three generations have caused me so much pain!"】

【At this moment, his hatred for the three generations reached its peak."】

【At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto's goal is extremely clear.】

【He needs to become stronger, and his strength needs to exceed that of a Kage. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto's analytical ability is really getting stronger."

"Just through a few clues, we can deduce the truth behind the scenes."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"What a mess, it's just a bunch of blind analysis!"

"I have served Konoha wholeheartedly all my life, but I never thought I would be slandered like this!"

Minato Namikaze,"Third generation, just shut up!""

"You really have no idea what you have done, right?"

Uchiha Madara,"Yes, that's it, Uzumaki Naruto started the rebellion."

"Don't just kill the Third Hokage, you have to bury the entire Konoha village with you."

Terumi Mei,"It looks like Konoha is going to be in chaos from now on."

"The whole world is about to change."

"I wonder if the Fourth Ninja World War will be fought because of this kid Uzumaki Naruto?"

Senju Hashirama,"Third generation, you should start looking for candidates for the next generation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Lord Hashirama, what does this have to do with me? It's obviously the imagination of Naruto in another parallel world......."

Hyuga Neji,"So, the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world will kill the Third Hokage."

"So, will it be true as he said, that if I form an alliance with him, he will abolish the system of the main family branching out, and in the future, no one who has branched out will be engraved with the image of a bird in a cage?......"

At this moment, Hyuga Neji only felt that the plot development of the parallel world had infinite appeal to him.......

【The next morning, Uzumaki Naruto arrived at their training ground at five in the morning and began training.】

【He needs to make himself stronger. He is already impatient to kill the third generation.】

【"Indeed, hatred is a force."】

【"Wind escape breakthrough!"】

【It was just a simple C-level ninjutsu, but when it was performed by Uzumaki Naruto, its power was quite terrifying.】

【After a while, another figure arrived. It was the seven-year-old Hyuga Neji.】

【Seeing Naruto's ninjutsu causing such a violent scene, Hyuga Neji was secretly shocked.】

【After thinking about it last night, his mentality has also changed.】

【Naruto stopped, and Hyuga Neji asked seriously at this time】

【"Is what you said to me yesterday true?"】

【"In the future, no one will be carved as a bird in a cage?"】

【Naruto looked at the excited Hyuga Neji and said with a smile,"Of course, as long as we have enough power, we will have the final say on everything."】

【Hinata Neji seemed relieved and said firmly,"Then I am willing to assist you."】

【Naruto smiled and stretched out his hand to Hyuga Neji, shaking his hand,"No, we are not assistants, we are partners."】

【"We are like-minded partners with common goals."】

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