Yamanaka Ino,"Naruto has such a leadership quality at this moment!"

"So charming."

Haruno Sakura,"Hey, hey, why isn't our world a parallel world? Our Naruto is so disappointing.""

"When the two are compared, there is a world of difference."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto, don't be discouraged, keep working hard, in the future, you will definitely be better than the you in the parallel world."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Actually......I don't quite believe this encouragement."

Jiraiya,"Ah, Hiruzen-sensei's steps are indeed wrong."

"How suitable is Naruto to be the Hokage?"

"If he could show his sincerity to the other person when he was young,"

"Instead of playing some conspiracy and tricks, why would it have come to this point today."

Tsunade," Alas, some people are like this, step by step, narrowing their own path."

Orochimaru," According to the current plot development"

"In the future, it is only a matter of time before Uzumaki Naruto kills Sarutobi Hiruzen. So the question is,"

"Will Naruto choose to be Hokage?"

Uchiha Madara,"If it were me, I would definitely not be the Hokage."

"Why should I be the one to protect this village?"

Momochi Zabuza,"If it were me, I would definitely choose to be the Hokage, and make those who have bullied me since childhood live a life worse than death."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto's ambition is to conquer the world, how could he only be a Hokage?"

"Even if you do it, it's only temporary."...

【Hyuga Neji lamented Naruto's hard training, and he also put in more effort to train himself.】

【He believed that with such a partner, his strength would grow rapidly, and Hyuga Neji also had more hope for the future.】

【"Why is Hyuga Hinata here?"】

【According to the rules of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Ningji must swear to protect Hyuga Hinata until his death.】

【In fact, before the bird in the cage curse was planted, Hyuga Neji liked his cousin Hinata very much, and felt that protecting her was what he should do.】

【But after the mark was left, he began to hate this relationship】

【Naruto said,"She came to see me. Hinata is too weak and needs to practice constantly."】

【When Naruto sent Hinata home yesterday, the two made this agreement.】

【In the other person's hand, there is a basket filled with breakfast.】

【Hyuga Neji was somewhat impressed by Naruto's charm. Even the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan was changed by him?】

【On the other hand, since Uzumaki Naruto sent Hyuga Hinata home yesterday, someone has already investigated him. After all, Hinata is the daughter of the Hyuga clan.】

【Hinata Hiashi looked at the information about Naruto on the table in front of him, as well as some of his actions, and a smile appeared on his face.】

【"This kid is really outstanding, a genius ninja, and he is also very mature. He is a man who can do great things."】

【"Hinata is indeed too weak. Now, if she has more contact with Naruto, who wins people over with his virtue, she will definitely be influenced by him. This is a good thing."】

【"Moreover, Ningci and Naruto seem to have a special relationship. Perhaps Hinata and Ningci will repair their relationship because of Naruto's existence, which is a great thing for our Hyuga clan."】

【Hyuga Hiashi seemed to be relieved all of a sudden. The two major issues that troubled him were solved because of Naruto's appearance. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"This scene looks like the father-in-law has approved his son-in-law in advance."

Namikaze Minato,"I agree with this marriage."

Kakashi,"It's not bad to arrange a marriage for children. The two of them are quite suitable."

Hyuga Hiashi,"......"

Jiraiya,"The descendant of the Fourth Hokage and the daughter of the Hyuga clan, what a powerful combination."

Yamanaka Ino,"What are you talking about? Where did you put me?"

Haruno Sakura,"I don't agree with this marriage!" Akimichi Choji,

"I have a feeling that the Hyuga clan leader is about to be fooled by Naruto......."

"By then, I'm afraid they will be one of the main forces that will defeat the Third Hokage."

Shikamaru,"Actually, if you think about it, it's normal."

"After all, it was the Third Hokage who forced the Hyuga clan leader's younger brother to die."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"......"

He didn't want to say a word now, he just wanted to quit this live movie watching room!

His reputation went downhill, and he was almost being criticized by everyone!

【Half an hour before the class started, Naruto and the others finally stopped practicing.】

【Several people ate the breakfast brought by Hyuga Hinata together, and their life was very fulfilling.】

【"Hinata, did you make this yourself? It tastes good."】

【Hinata blushed immediately after being praised."Thank you!"......Thank you for the compliment, Naruto-kun"】

【"If you like to eat......tomorrow......I'll make more."】

【Naruto smiled and patted Hinata's head,"It will be hard work for you."】

【"After eating the breakfast you made, I feel full of energy."】

【Hinata felt like she was about to faint!】

【"Naruto-kun......Just like to eat......"】

【Hinata bit her lip,"Lunch and dinner......I can bring it for you, too."】

【Naruto smiled even more happily. If Hinata helped him cook, he could save time cooking and have more time to improve his strength.】

【"Thank you Hinata, you are such a lovely and kind girl"】

【"I just like playing with cute girls like you"】


【Hinata couldn't hear what Naruto said later, because her head was dizzy and her brain was���The picture was blank! 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"Our little Naruto is awesome!"

Namikaze Minato,"That's right, why do I feel like Naruto is on the path of a scumbag?"

"He not only praised Hinata as cute, but also praised Ino yesterday."

Uchiha Mikoto was quite disappointed.

Looking at Sasuke who was only focused on eating in the picture,"Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat. Look at how Naruto talks, you don't know how to please girls at all."

Sasuke,"What's the point of girls?"

Hizashi Hinata,"I hope our Neji can learn more of Naruto's good points."

"Being able to please girls is also very important."

Mei Terumi,"I just feel more in love with Naruto." Yamanaka

Ino,"Naruto-kun is so gentle, it must be great to be with him, and I am willing to cook for him!"

Tsunade,"What a fun and good kid!""

"Although it can be seen that he is taking advantage of Hinata, it cannot be said that he is taking advantage of her because she is willing to do so."

"If it were me, I would also be willing to meet some of Naruto's requests."

"After all, it would be pleasant to get along with him."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Hello, hello, hello? What? The me in the parallel world is clearly a smooth-talking kid, how could anyone like him?" Hyuga Hinata

,"Naruto-kun, the way another Naruto-kun does things is really irresistible."

Uchiha Sasuke,"I don't understand......."

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