Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2303: Is it really safer?

In the air more than 500 meters above the ground, a group of crows flew in the form of "people" as if they were pretending to be geese.

Chi Feichi followed the flight for a while, and found that it was difficult to meet "strange birds" in the air in this area, so he stopped following the team honestly, and occasionally flew higher, breaking away from the "wind barrier" formed by other crows, and adapting to the high altitude by himself wind of.

The crow at the back: "Quack, quack..."

Meaning: Captain, the owner has left the team!

The big crow in front: "quack...quack..."

The meaning of the expression: the owner pays attention to safety, please don't run around!

In the park below, a toddler stopped in his tracks and did not go to his mother who was squatting opposite. He pointed curiously at the birds flying through the air, "Mom...birds..."

"Gah!" The big crow yelled in a loud voice, and only when the child's mother said, "It's a crow," did it quack and fly away in satisfaction, "That's right, the crow is here!"

The other crows called one after another: "Crow! Crow! Crow! Crow!"

In this joyous atmosphere, Chi Feichifei flew back into the queue with a blank face, trying to 'ga,' and soon realized a problem.

He can't crow!,

Even if he becomes a crow, his vocal cords still have the same structure as that of a human being. It is very simple to make a human voice, but the crow call he imitates is still biased towards the call imitated by a human being, which is a little bit different from the orthodox crow call. the difference.

In fact, crows have two calls.

Among them, the penetrating 'quack' is the most easily heard by humans.

The voices of other birds are either crisp or dull, and they are rarely as penetrating as crows. Amidst a bunch of chirping, chirping, chirping, or cuckoo cuckoo, it is like a mudslide.

This kind of call is usually used as a warning when encountering an enemy, or when you are flying like before, you suddenly get high and want to call out twice, or you are too lazy to fly close and call out at a distance from each other. Of course, it is also possible. It's scolding, crows are more social than many birds and communicate with each other more than other birds.

Another sound, which will appear when two crows talk at close range, is similar to the 'chirp' sound made by other birds, and it is low and light, much gentler than the quack sound.

No matter how similar the pronunciation of the quack sound imitated by humans is, it is difficult to have the penetrating power of the orthodox crow call.

It is even more difficult to imitate the chirping sound, that kind of chirping sound is too soft, human beings try to 'chirp', one sound may be ok, but those chirping sounds are not only soft, but also have different pitches, and sometimes the pitch of the same call will be different. After making several turns, the difficulty of imitating it is not much lower than that of squawking.

"Master, we're almost at Didan Elementary School," reminded the big crow that took the lead ahead, "Let's lower the flying height first, so that we can observe the situation below..."

Chi Feichi withdrew his thoughts, then lowered the flying altitude, and observed the situation of the building ahead.

Forget it, don't worry too much about the sound. When he is with the crows, he can speak human language so that the crows can understand it. If he meets a human in the form of a crow and imitates it twice, many people will not be able to hear it. live problem.

"Master, it's here!"

Ahead is the ginkgo forest behind Didan Primary School. After the big crow took the lead to fly over the fence, it couldn't help but quickly lowered its flight altitude. When it passed over the rabbit cage, it stomped on the iron sheet above the cage as if playing a prank, and said "Wei, the sound. ,

The rabbits in the cage were startled, and either froze their ears or hooved into the corner.

"Gah!" The big crow called out happily.

In the rear team, except for a certain purple-eyed crow, the other crows also flitted over the rabbit cage one after another, stomped on the iron sheet, and in the voice of 'Li Liwei', they all gave a 'ga,' like a countdown.

"Ga! Ga! Ga..."

Chi Feichi flitted across the iron sheet with a black thread on his head, he didn't step on the iron sheet to scare the rabbit, nor did he bark.

This group of crows are really like bullies forming gangs, swaggering through the market, and bullying men and women.

It's not that he can't understand this kind of evil, just like he sometimes wants to scare his sister, Conan and others into a pale face. The reaction of these creatures in panic is the most interesting, and different creatures have different smoke bodies and different threats. The degree may lead to different reactions, he is just not interested in bullying weak animals, and also, a little questioning his initial thoughts--

Is it really safer to fly with the crows?

"Master," the big crow slowed down its flight speed after entering the campus area, and flew on a level with Chi Feichi, not forgetting to ask, "Aren't you interested in scaring little rabbits? It doesn't matter, there are many pets in Mihua Town. Dog people, those dogs are very interesting to play with. We can watch them being played around in circles when we encounter slow ones. When we meet fast ones, we can also exercise our reaction speed. I will show you when I am free. to play...",

Chi Feichi: "..."

Exercise reaction speed? A little heartbeat.

In order to prevent him who is not proficient in flying from being bitten to death by the dog, shouldn't they try to start with the slow-reacting dog first, and gradually increase the difficulty?

Big Crow: "Cats are a little more dangerous, but it's okay, as long as we move fast enough, they can only watch us anxiously when we fly into the air..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Cat is also good, you can let Wuming be his partner. ,

Big Crow: "Or we can go to a convenience store to keep an eye on them. There are those cute humans. When they buy something and go out, we will go up and grab it..."

Chi Feichi: "..."


Big Crow: "The zoo is also very fun, we can go to find the dumpling, the dumpling's hair looks great, before we thought that the dumpling would respond slowly, once I led a team to breed its fur and go home to make a nest , I didn't expect it to come out with claws so fast, it was almost flattened..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Happy to test your courage every day?

"Okay, master, let's list these for the time being." Seeing that the big crow was about to arrive at the teaching building, he stopped giving examples and asked actively, "After reading Boss Feimo, shall we go find other creatures to play with? How is it? Which one do you like to play?"

Chi Feichi thought about it, and said in a very soft voice, "Let's try the dogs first, and then go grab the human things."

The big crow turned his head and chirped in a low voice, "Understood, Boss Feimo said that things should be done step by step, let's start with the stupidest..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

It's true to say 'step by step, but it feels weird to use it for bullying other creatures.

There are also 'resident patrolling crows' of the non-Mexican Legion in Didan Primary School.

After seeing the flying crows, the patrol crows flew forward one after another, followed the crows to the roof of the teaching building, and stopped on the high barbed wire wall surrounding the guardrail.

Chi Feichi followed and fell down, looking down at his claws grabbing the barbed wire.

This stabilizes the whole body, and the experience is really special.



The crows greeted the patrolling crows of Didan Elementary School, and asked about Feimo's situation.

Although Chi Feichi couldn't utter the orthodox crow call, it was absolutely no problem to listen to the 'crow language'. Up to now, it seems that many crows in the non-Mexican group can express a certain message accurately.

'The boss Feimo arrived at school an hour and a half ago, and Mr. Yasuji Kuroki drove him here..."

'The Mizuno Yoshikazu of the Mizuno family, Mizuno Yoshikazu's wife are here...,

'Go to the staff office first...'

'After the other three left, Boss Feimo and the teacher went to the classroom, Class A of the fourth year, the classroom is located in the teaching building...,.

'The head teacher of Fei Mo's boss is a female human being, she looks quite old, but she seems to have a good temper...,

‘We originally wanted to observe the classmates of Boss Fei-Mo, but we were stared at by Boss Fei-Mo who introduced himself in the class at that time, so we didn’t dare to watch any more...,

'It should be the second class now, I purposely flew past the window and took a look, it was a young male teacher who was teaching...」

After listening to the message, the big crow looked forward to turning to a certain little purple-eyed crow, "Master, let's go and see Boss Feimo!"

With their masters around, are they afraid of being glared at by Boss Feimo?

Chi Feichi nodded, and took the lead to fly to the window of Class A classroom of the fourth year.

His original intention of coming here was also to see if Fei Mo could adapt to human campus life. Coming here as a human would make others realize that their relationship is unusual, and coming here as a crow was just right.

Class A for four years.

The young male teacher stood behind the desk, explaining the contents of the lesson plan, turning around to write on the blackboard from time to time.

More than thirty students were sitting in their seats. Some of them were listening to the teacher's explanation and taking notes seriously, while others were distracted, or peeking at a new transfer student. Occasionally, when the teacher turned around, they quietly Pass notes to nearby classmates.

Feimo sat in the back seat near the window, lowered his head and boredly took notes, heard the faint sound of wings flapping outside the window, and looked sideways.

On the table outside the window, a little purple-eyed crow and a big crow landed one after another, and a snake's head poked out from behind one of the big crows.

Feimo: "..."

Is his master here too...

Chi Feichi landed outside the window, instead of staring at Feimo like other crows, he observed the situation in the classroom first. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Among the desks per person, Feimo's desks are relatively new, and the traces left by the sun on the desks are quite different from those of the others. It should be the desks and chairs that the teaching staff moved in advance after knowing that there were new transfer students.

Among the boys and girls in the fourth grade, the average height of the girls is obviously higher than that of the boys, and the height of the avatar is above average among the boys in the fourth grade. unexpected.

Instead of putting the desks in the last row, they put them among the classmates. It should be to allow transfer students to establish contact with classmates faster.

As for placing the desks near the window, it is to prevent the students from being too enthusiastic and crowding the new transfer students after class.

A ten-year-old child has just arrived in a strange environment and is surrounded by strangers. If he is not a very cheerful and outgoing person who likes to make friends, he will easily feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Personal space, no matter how you can feel at ease, with a sense of security in your heart, you can make new friends calmly.

From this point of view, Feimo's class teacher is a gentle and careful person who knows how to take care of other people's emotions and is more responsible.

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