Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2304: Feimo: The pressure comes from the owner

After looking at Feimo's desk, Chi Feichi looked at the students near Feimo again.

From Feimo's arrangement of the front and back desks, it can be seen that the head teacher is very careful in arranging the new transfer students.

The boy at the front desk is very serious about taking notes, but looking at the content and handwriting of the notes, and the choice of stationery, he is not the kind of perfectionist who is more rigid. If such a child is placed next to the freshman, as long as the teacher tells him to take care of A new classmate, this kid will definitely do the same.

When the freshmen can't keep up with their study progress and feel uncomfortable, a front desk who studies hard and is willing to help classmates will definitely have topics to chat with the freshmen and make friends quickly.

If the freshmen study well, they must have a lot of common topics with this boy.

The girl at the back table wears a ponytail. Judging from the choice of clothing and stationery, she likes cute and beautiful things like many little girls. She is a moderate, moderate and extroverted type. There is no sign of extravagance, and she is not like a class bully. .

Girls can also take notes, but remember to draw cute villains next to the notes. With this kind of personality and cute appearance, she should also be a popular girl in the class. There are such classmates beside the freshmen , it is easy for freshmen to feel the kindness from classmates as soon as they come, and it is also convenient for freshmen to establish contact with other classmates through girls.

As for the boy who sits across the aisle from Feimo's seat, judging by his attire, he should prefer sports like football, and his spirit is also good. When he casually looks at other students, his eyes don't have any bad emotions, and he glances curiously from time to time. Feimo, after seeing a row of crows parked outside the window, stared at his classmates for a long time with wide eyes, and looked around at his classmates restlessly, all because he wanted to find someone to say, "There are crows outside, and I tried my best to hold back this matter. See what others have spotted.

According to preliminary judgment, this is also a child who is easy to get along with, and there is a high probability that he will be more enthusiastic about the new students, but there is a certain distance across the aisle, and such an enthusiastic classmate is nearby, which will not put pressure on the new students.

With this kind of arrangement, as long as Feimo doesn't have a bad temper that makes people lose patience and kindness, he can have some basic exchanges and communication with his classmates. Even if he doesn't have any special friends, there will be some classmates who can talk .

Although the follow-up relationship with classmates depends on the future situation, what Feimo does on his own, whether there are any special incidents, whether the teacher can stand up and solve problems when facing students' conflicts, but such an arrangement is always a good start .

In addition to the problems of teachers and classmates, there is also Feimo's homework...

In the classroom, Feimo looked sideways at the crows parked outside the window from time to time.

Seeing a certain little crow with purple pupils scan the classroom and observe the students with calm and unwavering eyes, he can guess that the master is probably analyzing his situation.

He is very familiar with that kind of gaze, but he is used to those eyes appearing on his master's human face, suddenly seeing a baby crow with such a pair of eyes, it is still... very strange!

Chi Feichi read the notes in Feimo's book through the window glass.

The handwriting is not particularly correct, but it is not so crooked that it is unreadable, and it belongs to the category of normal people.

Writing pass.

Looking at the content of the teacher's writing on the blackboard, this section should be a social class in Japanese elementary schools. The content is mainly about history and geography. Fumo didn't take notes in large paragraphs, but just drew lines and recorded some key words.

The state is relatively relaxed, and the key points of the records are very precise. It seems that Feimo's social studies will not have any problems.

Meeting Chi Feichi's gaze, Feimo bit the bullet and took notes.

His master's scanner-like gaze, looking at the contents of his notes and staring at his hand holding a pen, was a little too much for him.

In the classroom, the young male teacher had almost finished his lecture, and asked the students to communicate in groups.

Before more children noticed the crows outside the window, Chi Feichi took the lead and flew to the roof.

Feimo breathed a sigh of relief, but after a while, he found that a certain little purple-eyed crow, a certain captain crow he personally appointed before, and a certain big crow that Feichi clung to his body flew back again.

Three crows and one snake found a figure that could be covered by curtains and

Seeing that he was parked in his place, he continued to watch him in class.

Feimo: "..."


In the past, when he was the only one who led the crows to watch, he never thought that one day he would be the one to be watched...


The young male teacher took advantage of the students' discussion time and came to Feimo's seat.

Feimo came back to his senses, stood up like a sensible and polite student, and then cast a puzzled look at the male teacher.

"You just transferred here today, right?" The young male teacher smiled and found that Feimo didn't show rejection or nervousness. When I transferred to another school, I would like to ask you, can you adapt to the learning progress in the class?

Chi Feichi observed and analyzed silently.

This is a more sensitive person.

Probably because he has not been a teacher for a long time, this male teacher is still a little nervous when facing some tasks, and he will worry that he will not do well...

"Before I entered school, I had a brief understanding of the course content. The content of the social class in the fourth grade was the position of the world's land and sea plates, plus the position and environment of some of the countries, and a simple history of Japan," Feimo replied seriously. , "It's all superficial basic knowledge, I can keep up with everyone's progress.

The male teacher was choked up by Fei Mo's sentence "superficial basic knowledge, but there was nothing wrong with Fei Mo's summary. From his adult perspective, those knowledge were indeed just a brief introduction, but these words were written by a child. It made him feel very delicate to say it, "Then...well, Mizuno-san should have done well in his Mandarin studies...

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to say 'shallow,' such a sharp comment that he agrees with in his heart!

"By the way," the male teacher said, remembering that he didn't know much about Feimo's previous situation, "The school Mizuno-san attended before he transferred was..."

"I used to go to school in the United States," Fei Mo said, "but my father is Japanese, so there will be no problem with Mandarin."

"Really," the male teacher breathed a sigh of relief again, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, when the class started, I didn't know your situation in time, because I think you should have done yourself with your classmates in the last class. I introduced that if I ask you about your situation in this class, it may make you feel uncomfortable, so I took advantage of other students' group discussions to chat with you about you... ..."

"Teacher Neihai is really a gentle and patient person." Feimo directly praised him, but he thought about ending the topic as soon as possible, "If you want to know about my situation, you can contact me at any time. If there is something I don’t understand, I would like to ask Utsumi-sensei for advice, I hope you don’t mind when the time comes.”

"Why would I mind? You are welcome anytime!" The male teacher responded with a smile, and after thinking about it, he seemed to have nothing to say, and then said, "Then you guys can continue the discussion. Mizuno-san can share with you what you have learned about the United States.”


Fei Mo nodded, and sat back down after the male teacher turned around.

Outside the window, Feichi sighed with emotion, "This young teacher is not Feimo's opponent at all..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

That's right, the rhythm of the communication just now was completely under Feimo's control, and he could even imagine the words "favorability +1+1+1" appearing on the head of the male teacher.

It may not be appropriate to say 'opponent, but if Feimo and the teacher get into a dispute, it will be difficult for the male teacher to control Feimo, but Feimo can control the teacher instead.

In the classroom, after the teacher left, the girl at the back table curiously asked about things she was interested in.

"Mizuno-san, you transferred from America. Is studying there the same as in Japan?"

The boy who was sitting across the aisle from Feimo couldn't help but brought the back table and said in a low voice, "Yeah, what's there to discuss about the ocean, tell us about your time in the United States


The boy at the front desk looked at the teacher who had just left with a guilty conscience, "But teacher..."

"Afterwards, there will be relevant content in the homework, so it should be regarded as learning in advance."

Feimo's words made the boy at the front table less entangled, and made other children echo him.

In order to be able to answer fluently when the Mizuno family asked about the experience of the United States, he had already asked Fang Zhou to find a lot of information on the United States, as well as some trivial matters about the lives of the people concentrated in a certain area. Can speak clearly.

Children just want to hear something novel, and it is easy to deal with it.


Eight minutes later, a class officially ends.

Because he didn't want to feel sorry for a certain young male teacher, when Feimo was talking about anecdotes, he also sorted out the rough division of the ocean among several children.

The children couldn't get enough of what they heard, and they also invited Feimo to continue talking during the recess time. Even if Feimo mentioned that he wanted to go to the bathroom, the boy next to him enthusiastically said, "I will go too, and Feimo was forced to unlock it." Going to the bathroom with classmates is a great achievement on campus.

It was not until lunch time that Feimo found a chance to break away from the group of children and slipped to the roof of the teaching building alone.

On the rooftop, more than a dozen crows shared the bread and snacks cheated from the children in the lower grades, while a certain little purple-eyed crow and a certain snake just stayed and read on the concrete platform, UU reading www.uukanshu. com did not participate in the dinner party of the crows.

Fei Mo closed the roof door and walked towards the concrete platform where the purple-eyed little crow stayed, "Aren't you going to eat with everyone?

"I've tried it, and my food intake is about the same as in the human form, but the crow's size can only peck a little at a time," Chi Feichi explained, "I don't know how long it will take to eat enough, so it's better to wait until I get back to eat.

"Can you taste food in crow form?" Feimo asked curiously.

Chi Feichi recalled the feeling when he pecked something just now, "I can smell the food, but I can't taste it.

"It's the same for me in the crow form," Feimo leaned against the concrete platform, and said with emotion, "So I was really surprised when I tasted food for the first time after becoming a human. I didn't expect to taste such a wonderful taste. No wonder Human beings are always keen to dig out different the way, you came to school because you want to...」

"I want to see if you are suitable for school life. Now it seems that you will have no problem getting along with teachers, classmates and teachers," Chi Feichi finished speaking, looking at Feimo Zhengtai and asked, "But... you Will it be stressful?"

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