Constructing-Style Wizard

Chapter 440 430 Angel Crystal

Li Nuo is more than a hundred kilometers away from the battlefield.

This distance is nothing under the influence of psychic spells.

After throwing out a string of spell marks, he successfully used his "mental vision" to clearly see the situation of the Main Angel Group's fleet.

At the beginning, the Main Angel Group fleet had 20 ships, all of which were auxiliary special engineering ships.

After a fierce battle that lasted for nearly half an hour, the number of ships was significantly reduced, and the remaining number was less than half.

Correspondingly, the jump stasis field released by this fleet also became much smaller, but it did not disappear.

The reduced stasis field was concentrated in a corner of the battlefield by the fleet.

There, 18 "unwanted" artificial angels were protected by the player's fleet.

These player fleets that help the Angel Enterprise Consortium keep the artificial angels on their behalf include not only battleships and cruisers, but also transport ships, and they are large transport ships, specially designed to transport large targets.

This kind of transport ship was originally used to recover ship wreckage, but now it has become a carrier for transporting artificial angels. Their performance has suddenly increased several times.

The players took advantage of the raging war to load the artificial angels onto the transport ship.

Once the jump stasis force field disappears, or the transport ship sails out of the range of the force field, the 18 unwanted artificial angels will be immediately taken by the transport ship to the territory of the Unification Bureau, saying goodbye to the angel enterprise complex.

The Lord Angel Group fleet obviously knows this.

While maintaining force field interference, they also mobilize artificial angels to launch a fierce attack on the player's transport ship.

Fortunately, the Security Guard of the Consolidation Bureau happened to be parked near the player's transport ship.

The security guard's plundering ships spread out battle barriers to provide all-round protection for the transport ships.

This is a defensive front composed of 80 plundering ships.

The 80-layer barrier shield alone is enough to make one's scalp numb.

To make a simple estimate, unless a Titan ship appears on the scene, and the ship aims at the 80-layer barrier shield and outputs a full shot, it will be able to penetrate all the barrier shields.

The situation facing the Lord Angel Group is very passive.


Unable to defeat, the vast ocean of player ships are overwhelming, and their backup force is even more endless.


No, no, if they leave, the group of artificial angels who have personally experienced planet annihilation will really not be able to come back. There is definitely extremely important research data on them.


Continue to delay?

Yes, that's all.

The superior star field is building a fleet. As long as it delays for a while, at least a hundred artificial angels will come to support.

The longer it takes, the greater the losses and pressure on the Unification Bureau will be, and they will eventually collapse and leave in embarrassment.

In the Lord Angel Group's fleet, the captains of each ship were discussing and discussing countermeasures.

Li Nuo used psychic magic to get an overview of their discussion.

It is expected that in 15 minutes, the first batch of a hundred artificial angel teams will set off from the central space station in the Mercury Star Territory.

At that time, the battlefield situation will begin to change, and the players' numerical advantage will be gone, and they will inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

Li Nuo glanced outside the ship.

Some nimble players have successfully approached the ships of the Lord Angel Group and are currently setting up magic bombs to blast the ship's shields, or directly using spells to bombard the shields.

Since most ships of the predator class adopt a modular design, their ship shields are not a whole, but are divided and combined according to the parts of the ship to form an assembled shield similar to building blocks. shield.

If players want to forcefully board the ship in a short period of time, they must attack the weak parts of the ship of the Lord Angel Group.

After picking and choosing, the air pressure control room located in the lower belly of the ship became the first choice. That place is used to adjust the air pressure level of the entire ship.

After Li Nuo found out that artificial angels were about to return for support, he thought for a few seconds.

He silently arranged magic bombs inside and outside the air-tight pressure chamber.

If the players can't break through the ship's defenses quickly, Li Nuo will help them.

After all, it would be good for him to capture the artificial angel alive.

Li Nuo didn't want to see the 18 artificial angels taken back by the angel corporate consortium.

After completing this step, Li Nuo turned his attention to a magic picture.

The spell mark that conveyed this scene to him was located on the Lord Angel Group ship numbered "Lord Angel-0366".

The captain of this ship is the commander of this fleet.

His appearance is very, very peculiar.

He has the same limbs and body as normal humans, but his head is much longer than normal humans, resembling a pumpkin about half a meter long...

To be more precise, the area below his eyebrows appears normal, but the eyebrows are half a meter away from the hairline, and between the two is a wide and long forehead.

This incredible appearance is very common among humans in the main angel group.

The average crew member's forehead is less than twenty centimeters, and the captain is twice as long. The fleet commander has an extra ten centimeters on top of the captain.

It can be said that the higher the status, the longer the forehead.

Li Nuo couldn't help but take a few more glances at the strange-looking commander, and activated the detection spell.

"Oh~ So that's it. The bigger the forehead, the bigger the brain capacity, the more things can be stuffed into it."

Li Nuo noticed that there were many strange things in the minds of the members of the Lord Angel.

Some are common brain chips, which are placed in readers built into the brain.

The other part is some kind of living thing, as small as a grain of rice, and squirming like a maggot.

The electronic brain composed of a brain chip and a chip reader is assisting the crew's human brain in processing data. So what does this granular living creature do?

Li Nuo frowned slightly and muttered to himself:

"This thing can't be a demon brain worm, right? However, only one demon brain worm can control humans. Why do members of the Lord Angel Group put so many demon brain worms into their brains?"

Li Nuo realized that this might be a new gadget that he had never seen before.

He activated the spell "See Through Creatures" that can see through flesh and blood, and aimed at the heads of the members of the main angel group and cast a detection spell.

The energy fluctuations of the detection spell are protected by the "veil of separation". Under normal circumstances, no one can detect its existence.

Strangely, at the moment when the detection spell took effect, the granular things in the minds of the members of the Lord Angel Group trembled slightly, as if they were reacting to the detection spell.

Li Nuo's eyes narrowed slightly and he noticed this almost invisible movement.

He did not immediately cast a new detection spell to verify whether the scene he just saw was an illusion, but carefully read the detection results in his mind.

[You activated the "Micro Skill". 】

[The spell is activated successfully. 】

[You have obtained information related to "Angel Crystal". 】

Li Nuo raised his eyebrows.

I dare say that the particles that are similar to maggots are not flesh and blood, but some kind of tiny crystals with the characteristics of life.

I saw this in the detection results:

[Angel crystals, the quality is unknown, the quantity is about 300,000 pieces, the composition and source are unknown, the function and purpose are unclear, it is suspected that it can strengthen the holder's binding force and control over artificial angels. 】

Li Nuo read the detection results, shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but sigh:

"I really miss the ability to actively deconstruct. The results of active deconstruction must be much more detailed than this detection spell. I heard from the Scroll Angel that he plans to use active deconstruction to deconstruct life. I don't know if he has succeeded..."

Li Nuo suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and thought quickly.

In the dark, he had a premonition.

If he wants to free the assassination angel from the master brain controller, he may have to use this thing called "angel crystal".

To say the least, he felt that he needed to use passive deconstruction to obtain detailed information about such crystals.


A muffled sound came from the magic screen, and Li Nuo heard the sound and looked over.

Yes, the efficiency of the players is indeed high.

Without the need for Li Nuo to take action, they broke through the shield and outer armor plate of the Lord Angel Group ship, and were now exchanging fire with the armed crew inside the ship.

Li Nuo pondered for a few seconds, and a plan emerged in his mind.

After he waited patiently for a minute, the battle inside the ship became intense, and players and armed crews could be seen fighting in almost every cabin.

It is worth noting that although players still wear power armor, they have abandoned technological offensive weapons such as blasters, flamethrowers, and individual rail guns.

They all use magic on each other's enemies.

Thunder spears, thunder forks, lightning beams, fireballs, pyroblasts, and hot magma are all thrown at the enemy's face for free.

While casting spells, players also add drama to themselves.

"Take my move to the powerful Tianlong!"

"Hula~~" The flame pillar spurted out.

"Another palm thunder!"

"Crack-" Lightning shot out from the palm of his hand and stabbed the armed crewman.

"Pay attention, this knife will be very handsome!"

"Huh——" The sickle-wielding skeleton held a giant sickle in its hand and swept across the battlefield horizontally.

A boy in the second grade of middle school made a seal with his hands.

After completing the sealing, he shouted word by word:

"Sand! Storm! Send! Bury!"

It's a pity that even with extraordinary momentum, the rock and earth spells he can use are only three levels. At most, he can wrap an enemy in mud and squeeze it until it makes a rattling sound.

Seeing that the ultimate move he had suppressed could only barely control one enemy, the boy couldn't help but feel embarrassed, causing the players next to him to laugh.

Players are laughing and joking, and the style of painting is completely opposite to the tense battle.

Their body movements and lines are not very consistent with the concept of "magic".

However, Li Nuo didn't care about this.

Players, just be happy.

Combining different things together and using them according to your own understanding is one of the characteristics of the player itself.

After Li Nuo saw the players asking for information from the crew about the coming support, he completely ignored the battle.

He used the spell mark on the ship as an anchor point and temporarily made an energy body clone to facilitate his movement on the ship.

Seizing the right opportunity and taking advantage of the corner of the battlefield where no one was paying attention, Li Nuo controlled a seriously injured ship team leader.

He used the "veil of separation" to cover up the two of them, raised his hand and cut off the opponent's vitality with a hand knife, successfully triggering passive deconstruction.

Reading the deconstruction results has to be put aside for now.

Because Li Nuo noticed that after the team leader died, the angel crystals in his head began to rapidly turn into powder.

At the same time, the team leader's head continued to shrink like a deflated balloon, and fine gravel flowed out of his ears and nostrils.

Angel crystals convert into sand very quickly, but Li Nuo's reaction speed is even faster.

The moment he noticed the change in the crystal, he clenched his fist and punched it through the head of the person in front of him with a powerful punch, shattering the angel crystal inside in one fell swoop.


Crystal fragments scattered in all directions, turning into sand in the air and falling to the ground.

Li Nuo glanced at the decomposition results in his mind and nodded.

It’s done.

He got the information he wanted.

Li Nuo casually transformed the corpse in front of him into gravel with rock and earth magic, and quietly dismissed his magic clone.

Li Nuo, who was outside the battlefield, opened his eyes.

While looking at the battlefield with brilliant fireworks, he recalled the decomposition results he had just obtained and started reading.

[Passive deconstruction is successful. 】

[You have obtained the deconstruction result of "Communications Room Leader". 】

The person in charge of the communications room was the ship member Li Nuo killed just now.

Information such as his name, identity, and upbringing are not worth mentioning.

Li Nuo's focus was on the other party's memory fragments in the past month.

From these memories, Li Nuo learned about the existence of the Star Destroyer Angels and the fact that the defense forces of this galaxy were paralyzed due to the data explosion.

"No wonder after the "space erasure", I waited at the scene for so long and didn't see anyone from the Redemption Angel Group coming over to take a look. All the monitoring stations in the entire galaxy were bombed. "

Li Nuo read the information related to the Star Destroyer Angel several times.

If nothing else, the Star Destroyer Angel just produced by the Angel Enterprise Consortium is definitely related to the "Space and Gravity Angel Gillenz".

"Hey, could it be that Gillenz is also locked in the mastermind controller?"

Li Nuo's heart moved slightly.

If this is the case, then after rescuing the Assassination Angel, Gillenz can also be rescued.

Of course, whether you really want to save the latter, you still have to discuss it with the assassination angel.

Li Nuo continued to check the information in his mind.

[You have obtained the deconstruction result of "Angel Crystal". 】

[Angel crystal, an angel relic, a mysterious extraordinary prop, related to the "self-resurrection" of angels. The purpose of a single angel crystal is unknown. When the number of angel crystals you hold increases, you may gain some abilities belonging to the renamed angel. 】

"This thing is actually used to resurrect angels... I really didn't expect it."

Li Nuo rubbed his fingers and used illusion magic to condense simulated angel crystals on his fingertips.

He picked up the thing, which was only the size of a grain of rice, and put it in front of his eyes for inspection.

Which angel arranged such a resurrection method for himself?

Assassination Angel?

No, no, no, it can't be Him.

Could that be Gillenz?

Li Nuo narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the existence defined as the Star Destroyer Angel by the Angel Enterprise Consortium.

Could it be that the angel corporate consortium relies on the ability of this angel to control so many artificial angels?

Thinking of this, Li Nuo was 30 to 50 percent sure that the angel crystal came from Gillenz.

But here comes the problem.

When the Assassination Angel disagreed with the Star God handing over the Holy Fire to Yuwai Yongcun, he was just ordered to be imprisoned by the Star God.

Why is Gillenz dead?

Even if he is unwilling to assist the Star God, Gillenz will not be executed.

Li Nuo always felt that something strange happened in that period of history unknown to outsiders. (End of chapter)

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