Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1897 1897 [Testation from the organization]

"The breath of death surrounds this floor, and the ugly desire to kill is also reflected in your hearts. [.\\nCOM Situ's updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\ nCOM official website】"

The female band leader’s somewhat crazy lines rang in the room, instantly bringing a group of people into the stage scene: “If one of us is about to die, then there is no more suitable night than tonight. Don’t waste this time. Ultimate darkness—well, let’s drink to it!”

A group of people gathered around with different expressions, picked up the wine glasses on the trolley, and drank them all in one gulp.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." What the hell is this line? It sounds very ominous. Could it be that that guy Saburo Inozuka really told me that someone is going to kill someone here?

He looked there with slight vigilance.

Then I realized that I was probably thinking too much - if I looked carefully, I saw that the cups on the trolley were empty, and a group of actors were just drinking the air seriously. This kind of look is not poisonous.

However, just as he was thinking about this, the next moment, a skinny man suddenly covered his throat and made a bellows-like buzz as if he couldn't breathe. Then he took two steps back and fell to the ground with a painful look on his face.

"Ah!!" Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were startled. After screaming, a well-honed instinct awakened, "It looks like cyanide poisoning, call the police, call the police!"

Jiang Xia looked at the man who fell to the ground and felt something was wrong: "Wait, he doesn't seem to..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold voice came in from beside him: "Why should I call the police? Don't always cause unnecessary trouble to the police."

Jiang Xia paused and turned around to see the Hokkaido policewoman leaning against the door with her arms folded, as if she had been watching for a long time.

When Suzuki Sonoko saw her, her eyes lit up and she ran over quickly to pull her to the scene: "You are actually there - go and see, there is a murder here!"

Fuwa Narumi pushed her hand away impatiently: "Don't you have any brains? The previous assassination was an act, and of course the poisonous wine here is still an act! Look carefully at that cup. Where is the wine in it?"

After saying that, she looked back at Officer Sato who ran over quickly after hearing the noise, and snorted coldly: "Take good care of the students you are leading. It's annoying enough to listen to a group of actors performing murder scenes every day. This group of audience You actually want to force an extra scene - if I hear random screams coming from here again, I will kick you all out."


Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko turned to look over.

I saw the actor who had been "poisoned" just now, laughing loudly and getting up: "What, are you scared? But let's not say it, only with the audience around, it feels like a rehearsal, my My acting skills seem to have improved."

Jiang Xia: "..." No wonder this man is not a ghost after death, and the murderous aura of the people around him has not diminished at all.

Suzuki Sonoko stood side by side next to him, her fists also hardened: "..." So this bastard just lied down on purpose and refused to get up, causing her to lose her dignity in front of the police? …But it’s good that people are still alive. Humph, there are so many roles for actors.

Conan was also a little speechless: This actor's acting skills are really good. He actually believed it just now. He really thought someone was poisoned and started to think about who dropped the cyanide where.

But speaking of it...

Conan turned to Jiang Xia and remembered one thing sadly: Judging from Jiang Xia's reaction just now, he seemed to have discovered that this was just acting... Damn it, is there really such a big difference between his and his neighbor's observation skills?

Conan stared at the actor pretending to be dead, recalling his actions just now, slowly replaying them frame by frame like a movie in his mind.

After a while, he finally realized it and said to himself: "..." With plenty of time, when he thought about it slowly, he found that there were indeed many flaws.

...But Jiang Xia actually sensed something was wrong at a glance in such an emergency. Hiss, it seems that I have really slacked off during my time as a primary school student. In the future, I will spend less time messing around with the juvenile detective team and find some documentaries to hone my detective skills.

Conan: "..." But thinking about it carefully, when I was with the Young Detective Team, I encountered far more cases than watching movies. Because those children were always too naughty, running around, and then they would stumble upon murder cases that should have been covered up in some nook and corner.

...So whether to play with them or not to play with them.

The primary school student touched his chin, frowned, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

At this time, a voice of questioning floated gently in my ears: "What are you thinking about?"

After all, Conan is a detective who always answers questions. When he heard someone ask a question, he answered it by himself as soon as he was distracted: "I'm wondering whether I should pay attention to those naughty classmates of mine after I go back."

After answering, he came back to his senses. Turning his head suddenly, he saw that the person who asked him was the haunting "Mr. George".

...Oh, no, I heard Jiang Xia say before that this person's name in Japan is "Hashimoto Maya".

Conan: "..." So why do you change your name repeatedly?

And compared with the name "Maya Hashimoto", "George" is so perfunctory that it looks like a pseudonym - why did this person use a pseudonym when he first came into contact with Jiang Xia on the plane?

A suspicious question suddenly arose in Conan's mind, and he felt that there was something wrong with Maya Hashimoto, and it was a big problem - even as early as the plane, he had a vague suspicion that this person was related to the black organization.

He really wanted to test it out.

...It's a pity that there are too many familiar classmates here, and there are countless innocent citizens downstairs watching the mystery drama. And according to that organization's arrogant attitude of daring to bomb the Shinkansen, things would be very bad if they were to alert the enemy.

After weighing it for a moment, Conan had no choice but to endure it and decided not to ask too many questions.


Maya Hashimoto didn't notice the elementary school student's forbearing gaze.

——In fact, when Conan doubted him, he also vaguely felt that the elementary school student next to Jiang Xia was a little strange.

When we were on the plane before, this elementary school student hit his head and fainted when he was very lively. He didn't show anything, so Maya Hashimoto didn't pay much attention.

But later, especially after he started to pay attention to Jiang Xia, Maya Hashimoto had to pay more attention to this elementary school student who always appeared near Jiang Xia.

I didn't find anything wrong with Conan after that, but I just felt weird, weird, and had a vague sense of inconsistency.

So just now, the crew announced that the rehearsal was over and everyone went back to their houses to prepare. Maya Hashimoto passed by the door and saw Conan showing a solemn expression that was not that of a child, so he casually tested it.

And the conclusion drawn is -

I must have thought too much.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Haha, no matter how smart you are, a primary school student is still a primary school student. He was actually thinking about cute little things like "should I play with my friends" with such a solemn expression.

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