Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1898 1898 [Maolilan’s logo]

Maya Hashimoto continued to speculate: Judging from Conan's solemn look, maybe he is thinking about which friend he should break up with? Maybe the reason is because that friend laughed at him for turning into a four-eyed frog or something like that at a young age. Gee, what a youth.


Tsk tsk, childhood.

Maya Hashimoto tried to think of light things in her mind and left quickly.

Although on the way out, there was always a cold feeling behind him, as if he was being stared at by something. But when he remembered that this hotel paid great attention to the health of travelers and had ventilation vents in the corridor, he felt it was nothing.

Next to him, Jiang Xia took the brief confrontation into consideration and remained silent for a moment.

Then he began to think expectantly: "..." Conan was thinking about his friends? And he was still thinking about elementary school-level questions like "do you want to play together?" There is only one truth, so is he missing the Junior Detective Team?

"When I mentioned this, I suddenly remembered it." Jiang Xia murmured to the ghosts following the tattoos, "Those lovely children seem to owe me a movie invitation. It should have been honored a long time ago, but things always happen One thing after another, it has been postponed until now... I must find some time to make up for it when I go back. I hope they won't blame me for missing the appointment for too long."

Ghosts: "..."

Judging from the expressions of those children when they saw you, they probably only blamed you for missing the appointment too soon.

Jiang Xia ignored the strange looks from the ghosts and silently added this incident to the memo in his mind: Just like Conan who was missing his classmates, he also began to miss those children.

Just as he was thinking about it, a figure suddenly stopped next to him.

Jiang Xia came back to her senses, raised her head and saw that the person who came to see him was Wenyue Hualien.

Wenyue Hualien seemed to want to tell him something, but didn't know how to say it.

Jiang Xia usually receives clients at the detective agency and knows how to open up topics.

So he randomly picked a topic that Wenyue Hualien was familiar with: "The play just now was performed very well, very realistic. The only flaw is that the hatred and murderous intent are not strong enough."

"Ah, thank you." Wenyue Hualien blushed, hesitated, and was about to speak.

However, at this moment, a script flew from behind and hit her on the shoulder. The damage was not serious but the malice was very strong.

Immediately afterwards, a strange voice came in: "When you see a man, you can't find him?"

It's the leader's voice.

——Now that everyone has left, the female leader is no longer too lazy to maintain her image of a kind adoptive mother. Bandai Suzue looked at Fumizuki Karien, then glanced at Jiang Xia, showing a very sarcastic expression, as if he was watching an adulterer and a prostitute having a private meeting.

Wenyue Hualien was startled by the script that suddenly came to her, and when she heard her talking about herself, she quickly defended: "No, I..."

"Shut up! Have you learned how to talk back?" The female leader, who was over fifty years old, looked at the rising star in front of her. She didn't like it. "She does nothing but seduce people all day long. Yes - if you have time to listen to others praise you against your will, you might as well hone your crappy acting skills. Appearance is only temporary, and without skills, you can't work in the actor industry for a long time!"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't stand it anymore: "You just praised Miss Hualien for her good acting skills, but you changed your tune too quickly!"

"..." Bandai Suzue slapped herself in the face, and her face was a little confused, so she decisively used offense as defense and turned to Suzuki Sonoko, "You too! You dyed your hair yellow at a young age, huh, Today’s high school students are really nothing like that.”

To quarrel with one person is to antagonize, and to antagonize two people is to antagonize him. Bandai Suzue was a little bit too high-spirited, and happened to see Mao Lilan next to Suzuki Sonoko. She said smoothly: "And you! I put a curl on the top of my head inexplicably. Those who didn't know it thought it was You have horns, what, do you think this unique shape is very attractive?"

Jiang Xia was still looking at the murderous aura coming out of Bandai Suzue, but when she heard her words, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Mao Lilan.

Then he quietly raised his hand and poked the corner of his classmate's hair: "..." He thought he was the only one who noticed this corner. I didn’t expect that others could see it, but I just didn’t usually say it.

Mao Lilan didn't expect that the regiment leader would curse people and the shooting range would be so wide. She raised her hand awkwardly and pressed her hair. The small piece of soft curls was immediately flattened and the "horn" disappeared.

...and then within two seconds, it slowly rolled back to its original state. The hair horn stood proudly on his head again.

"Did you see it? Xiaolan has natural curls, not perms. She has had them since kindergarten!" Suzuki Sonoko was very angry, but saw Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan both playing with the small piece of hair, fluffy and smooth hair. It seemed to feel good, so she couldn't help but touch it.

At the same time, he did not forget to criticize others: "You have lived to such an old age, don't you know that some people only have a small amount of naturally curly hair, which is not permed at all? - And me!"

"What is 'yellow hair'? I am an intellectual and elegant chestnut." Suzuki Sonoko flipped her hair and snorted back in a voice that was no less than Bandai Suzue - although the female leader looked tall and thick, one punch She can beat two of her, but now she has Jiang Xia on her left and Mao Lilan on her right. Ten more people will dare to speak out.

"Speaking of which, why do you always wear a hair scarf?" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized something and suddenly realized, "You must be bald when you are only sixty years old. No wonder you suddenly want to scold others for their beautiful hair. Are you? It’s not jealousy.”


The female troupe leader is used to seeing submissive young juniors like Wenyue Hualien. She usually behaves like a local emperor in the troupe. Unexpectedly, today, she was actually talked back to by a female high school student.

Bandai Suzue said angrily: "You are only over sixty, and I am clearly just fifty-three. The information is clearly written, but you don't even read the encyclopedia!"

"It's almost the same..." Suzuki Sonoko heard that she had said something wrong, and her aura was slightly weaker, but she was a little aggrieved, "But I only chase good-looking people, and even when you were young, you didn't rely on your looks to make a living. You It’s not on my recipe book, why should I check your encyclopedia?”

Bandai Suzue: "...I am the center and pillar of this troupe, why don't I come to our troupe!"

Suzuki Sonoko told the truth: "The special prize in the lottery was won by buying a cup. It also includes tickets, food and accommodation - why are you so angry? We should be angry! If only we had known that your interpersonal relationships here are so messed up. , there is still a murder case, so we won’t come.”

Jiang Xia had been nodding in agreement from the side just now. When he clicked here, his movements paused slightly: "..." Huh?

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