Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3324: life experience

Rong Yan was still thinking about Little Mango, so she called the little guy first, knowing that he was in Yunxiao, and was relieved.

In order not to be discovered, Yun Yi took the face of Ming Shengru's old fox and flew directly to the capital by private jet.

Originally, he didn't plan to take Rongyan into Beijing to take risks, after all, she now has no superpowers, just an ordinary person.

However, he also knew that even if he didn't take her, she wouldn't stay at home and wait honestly.

Instead of worrying about her running around alone, it's better for him to take her by her side.

After the two got off the plane, Yun Yi went to the nearest place to the Ming's house and looked for a hotel, waiting for news from Old Chen and Mo's house.

Anxiously walking around the house, Yun Yi was busy calling on the side to make various arrangements.

As the night darkened, Yun Yi had made arrangements here, hung up the phone, looked at the anxious face on the side, stepped forward and took the person into his arms with one hand.

He kissed her on the forehead, and said soothingly, "Don't worry, there will be no problem with Grandpa Chen and Mr. Mo's arrangement.

I promise that I will rescue Ma safely and securely. "

Being held in his broad and solid arms, smelling the breath of his body, his face and a restless heart gradually settled down.

He stretched out his little hand and hugged him back, curled his mouth and said, "Who is your mother, that's my mother, don't bark."

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, "It doesn't matter, if you don't admit it, then we will continue to give birth until you admit it."

As he said, he raised his hand and looked at the time, "It will probably take a while for Old Chen and the Mo family, and that's almost enough."

"What is enough?" The face looked up at him inexplicably.

"Sleep you and have a baby." Yun Yi said straightforwardly.

While talking, he directly hugged the face with one hand and walked over to the bed.

The face exclaimed and hurriedly reached out and hugged him tightly.

Angrily stretched out his hand at him a few times, this bastard, really is 24 hours a day, thinking about this mess all the time.

Being thrown on the bed, Rongyan rolled over hurriedly, rolled to the other side of the big bed, and glared at him with a blushing face.

Yun Yi raised her hand and quickly grasped her ankle, pulled the person over, and then directly covered it, the big hand also began to be dishonest.

"Yun Yi don't." The face bit her lip, resisting the voice in her mouth, and her little hand pushed him weakly.

Yun Yi licked her lips and smiled, biting her lip and said, "Dare you run away? Huh?"

"Don't dare." Replied with a flushed face and a small face.

Yun Yi smiled and put the person in his arms. He was originally just to make her happy, and he didn't really want to do anything.

However, one thing came to mind at this moment.

Slightly lifted her chin and bumped her on her forehead, "What the **** is going on with Little Mango? Don't tell me, I will eat you now."

The face curled his lips and whispered, "Rogue."

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and was about to act again, and his face hurriedly reached out and hugged his hand, not allowing him to move, and then reluctantly said the things that year.

"After I left Ming's house, I have been pretending to be fleeing all over the country. Five years ago, I was chased and hid at a banquet, and I accidentally happened to run into Mingzhu.

At that time, she put medicine in my wine, I just hid at that time and didn't notice it. Later...then the medicine had a seizure, and I hid in a room.

I happened to meet you who was drunk, later..."

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