Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3325: Satisfied with your posture

The face didn't say anything further, but Yun Yi finally vaguely remembered the incident five years ago.

At that time, he went to a certain meal and drank too much, so he went directly to the room to sleep.

Half asleep and half awake, he hugged a woman all night.

After waking up, there was nothing unusual in the room. At that time, he only thought that he had a spring dream, but he didn't expect it to be true.

However, Yun Yi's focus is not here. He squinted at her, "You mean, you found the room at will. If there was another man in it at that time, would you sleep with him?"

Yan Yan whispered with some guilty conscience, "I was Chinese medicine at the time, so how can I still have the energy to pick the room and pick people."

As soon as the voice fell, a bite was taken on his lips, "You are not allowed to drink in the future, and a drop will not work, otherwise, you will never get out of bed in the future."

His face was sore that he couldn't help frowning, curled his lips and said, "It's you who are drunk, not me."

"Do you still dare to say?" Yun Yi slammed his hand, his face groaned softly, his body instantly limp in his arms, and he begged him for mercy.

"Remember?" Yun Yi held the place but didn't let her go.

As long as he thought that Rong Yan might lie under another man and play with Chenghuan, he would like to go back five years ago and kill all the men who stayed in the hotel at that time.

"I know." The face responded hurriedly, lest the **** would make any excuses to make trouble.

It is really overbearing to allow state officials to set fires and not allow the people to light up lights.

Yun Yi snorted, kissed her for a long time, and finally let her go until the two of them could barely control her.

"After the matter is over, I will go back and settle accounts with you."


The two lay quietly on the bed for a while, but Yun Yi suddenly remembered something, "I remember that I was so drunk and weak. Someone took the clothes off my body and took the initiative..."

The face hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and said angrily, "Yes, right, right, it's just that I have strengthened you, I'm satisfied."

At that time, his life was almost gone, no matter where he could take care of it.

However, Mingzhu probably did not expect that her calculation this time was to find her the most beloved man in her life.

Yun Yi looked at her shy and annoyed, with a flushed face, and couldn't help but laugh.

"En, I'm very satisfied with your posture. After we go back, we can revisit it."

"Yun Yi, you stay away. I don't know you as a stinky rascal."


The two of them laughed and quarreled for a while, and Chen Lao and Mo's family finally called, and they were all ready to do it at any time.

Yun Yi immediately accepted the irregularities, and after calling and re-arranging his subordinates, he went to Ming's house with his face.

It was late at night.

Yun Yi rushed to Yun's house with her face.

The Ming family’s old house is heavily guarded, with cameras everywhere.

However, unlike the last time they broke in, their people have already surveyed all the places and are ready in their own places.

Just waiting for him to give an order, he rushed in.

Yun Yi took out a handheld computer, tapped his finger on it for a while, and said directly to everyone in the headset, "Action."

More than a dozen black figures broke into the Ming family house silently.

However, after a few minutes, I received the feedback directly, indicating that everyone in the family was in control.

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