Thinking of something, he reached out to touch his pocket in a panic.

However, the pockets were empty and there was nothing.

In order to prevent Xiaobao from getting sick on weekdays, she always had medicine in her pocket. This morning she went out to find a job, changed her clothes, and forgot about it when she left in a hurry.

She regretted at the moment, why didn't she stay with them at home.

Holding Long Xiaobao tightly with one hand, the other hand slapped the car in front desperately.

Cried and shouted, "Stop, stop, my son is sick, he needs medicine, stop..."

However, the person driving in front was indifferent.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, hold on, Mommy won't let you do anything."

Huang Ying hugged Long Xiaobao tightly.

The tears in the eyes fell uncontrollably.


Long Xiaobao coughed, raised her little hand with difficulty, and gently wiped away the tears on her face.

"Mommy...I...cough cough...I'm really fine...Don't worry."

Long Xiaobei was aside, with big red eyes.

There has never been a moment when he hates himself more than now, why can't he protect his mom and brother.

A small seed took root in my heart.

He wants to become stronger!

One day, he wants all those who bullied his mom and brother to regret it!

After more than an hour's drive, the car finally stopped.

The door behind the carriage opened.

Huang Ying hurriedly hugged Long Xiaobao and got out of the car, crying in tears to those people.

"Please take me to the hospital, my son is really sick, he needs to go to the hospital now, please..."

However, no matter how she begged, it was useless.

The mother and son were forcibly taken onto a plane.

There were no flight attendants in the empty cabin, only three of them.

At this moment, Long Xiaobao's already coughing face became paler.

He wanted to comfort his mom, but he opened his mouth with a cough, and he couldn't even speak a complete word.

Huang Ying took off her coat and wrapped the little guy tightly, and then hugged it into her arms.

Kissed his forehead, "Little Treasure, don't say anything, Mommy knows that it will be fine, it will be fine.

Will you stick to it? As long as you are okay, Mommy promises you everything. "

But I don't know when the tears have already fallen on his face.

Long Xiaobei pursed his mouth, and ran to the front of the cabin to find a cup and water.

Huang Ying carefully fed the water into Long Xiaobao's mouth.

At first, Long Xiaobao could drink some more, but later, he couldn't even drink water.

Long Xiaobao no longer coughed, but he started a fever.

A pale little face was flushed with burning.

Huang Ying tore a bit of her clothes, dipped in water and applied it to his forehead.

However, the ups and downs in his chest were getting weaker and weaker.

The unprecedented fear in Huang Ying's heart seemed to have returned to when Long Xiaobao was just born.

She might lose him at any time!

Twins are both telepathic and physical.

Long Xiaobei's face also blushed, but his small hands were holding Long Xiaobao's hands tightly.

He whispered, "Brother, brother..."

(It’s still five shifts today. The double monthly ticket war is open. One vote counts as two votes. Babies, I work hard to code. Can you vote hard? Thank you for accompany me for another year. , Let's cheer up together, monthly tickets, recommended tickets are all thrown at me, I love you, do you?)

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