Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3585: Father and son meet (1)

"Little Treasure, Little Treasure..."

Huang Ying shook Long Xiaobao's body gently and shouted.

However, the little guy in his arms had no reaction at all.

Huang Ying's heart tightened in an instant, and even the hands holding Xiaobao began to tremble slightly.

He put his head on Long Xiaobao's chest in a panic, and the heartbeat in his chest under his ears was almost undetectable.

After her mother was killed, she once again experienced fear.

Even when dystocia was hanging by a thread in the operating room, she never felt fear in her heart.

The most is just unwillingness and guilt.

Not reconciled that her sons would die with her before they were born, and feel guilty that all this is because of her.

Huang Ying didn't have time to wipe the tears from her face, and placed Long Xiaobao on her seat, "Xiao Bei, look after your brother."

After speaking, I head directly to the studio where the crew is in front.

The door of the studio was closed tightly. Huang Ying ran over and slapped the door desperately, "Open the door, open the door."

After a few seconds, someone opened the door from inside.

A young man walked out from inside, Huang Ying hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold him, "Is there a doctor? Is there a doctor?"

The man shook his head, "Miss Huang, there are only a few of us on the plane. For your safety, it is better for you to return to the back seat as soon as possible."

"I beg you to let the plane land immediately. My son is sick. He must go to the hospital immediately. I beg you." Huang Ying begged bitterly in tears.

From her home to the present, she has no idea what happened, nor does she know where the end of the plane is, and how long it will take to land.

She only knew that Xiaobao had to go to the hospital immediately.

Unlike the rude people who caught her before, the man's attitude was much better, and he spoke a little embarrassed.

"Ms. Huang, sorry, the plane is now over the sea and there is no way to land. It will take eight hours to the nearest land landing point.

You'd better go back to your seat as soon as possible. "

Eight hours!

Huang Ying only felt that all the explosion in his head was exploded, and his body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The man hurriedly stretched out his hand to help her, and then let her stand firm.

Huang Ying didn't know how she got back to her seat. Looking at Xiaobao's pale face, she hated her incompetence at the moment.

But she couldn't do anything, she could only hold him helplessly, calling his name in his ear.

The temperature on Long Xiaobao's body gradually receded, and his body began to gradually become cold.

It was like his life that passed by with the temperature.

Huang Ying's tears were about to cry dry, and she didn't say a word, hugging him tightly.

Long Xiaobei held Long Xiaobao's hands in her warm little hands, rubbing him constantly.

I hope to bring him the temperature of my body.

I don't know how long it took before the plane finally landed.

The cabin door opened, and Huang Ying hugged Long Xiaobao and rushed off the plane like crazy.

Seeing everything familiar before him, Huang Ying was no longer in the mood to think more.

Ran out of the airport with Long Xiaobei and stopped the car on the side of the road.


After seeing Long Xiaobao's situation, the taxi driver didn't say much, stepped on the accelerator and drove directly towards the nearest hospital.

Perhaps it was being pushed to the extreme, and the situation had reached its worst, Huang Ying was very sensible and calm at the moment.

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