Daomen Invasion

Chapter 999: :influences

When the princess was bleeding, other nobles of the empire were also mobilized. Everyone got accurate information. This was the rebellion of the nobles of the Northland. Hell creatures were also contacted. Millions of demons poured in. There may be more. More demons appeared.

The information given by the Duke Lords proves that these demons are of high rank and powerful in combat.

Although half of them may be private grudges, the nobles of the Northland hate the Duke of the Tombstone abnormally, but the alien invasion is a matter of the entire empire, and no one feels that Duke Asra can bear it.

Then, the imperial nobles began to donate.

Princess Angelina added a part of supplies, this time not gold coins, but magical original stones.

Empire nobles have also sacked their bags, and they are also not for gold coins. They are all magic stones, magic materials, or strategic metals.

Some poor nobles have come up with raw coal crystals.

But these are all bookkeeping. From the royal side, they can quickly trade to the Duke of Asla, and then the royal family deducts the corresponding materials or money from the local nobles in all aspects.

Xiahe suddenly felt that the cohesion within the empire was not only calculated by everyone.

Without such cohesion, I am afraid that the arcane empire cannot compete with other empires in this world. The semi-elven empire in the south was originally very powerful. Under the blow of the arcane empire for hundreds of years, it is now ill.

Xiahe received all the photos and wrote down the names of each nobleman.

The war with the devil has just begun. In the first three days, more than 100,000 people have been lost. Some were dead, some were captured by the devil and taken away.

The population on the territory of Duke Zhesu is not dense and scattered. This is the reason for the huge loss.

Within three days, no small or medium town has been captured. In addition to the air support of the flying forces, the city walls, ground support, and veterans fighting hard are the main reasons.

Many aristocrats feel good about Xiahe, not counting those old aristocrats.

Because Xiahe has disclosed the manufacturing method and usage of the robot, although the method to reduce the cost is not given, it allows everyone to produce it by themselves, which is a very, very big contribution. If not everyone had created a lot of robots, the space barriers all over the world last time would make their losses unimaginably high.

Xiahe didn't expect that there would be so many people donating such things in the territory.

It stands to reason that he forcibly plundered the territory of the Duke of Zhesu, and everyone just stood by with cold eyes. Then think about it, life is built under your own advice, try to rescue the people, and support each village. Is this why the imperial nobles donated money? The nobles of the empire really can afford the word nobility.

The arcane empire has not reached the point of twilight, and even said that it was still very young.

Although many families inherited the ancients, the enterprising spirit did not die.

Xiahe let Oville's substitute, went to the House of Lords and gave a public speech, saying that he would increase his investment, and now he was sending airships to rescue him. As long as those who can take them away, they will be sent to large cities for protection, and before the end of the war, let them worry about food and clothing.

Also thanked the imperial nobles for their support, so that his energy dilemma was eased.

Duke Lord, will draw troops from the New World and the half-elf empire, come back to support, and destroy the Devil Legion from Hell as soon as possible.

After reading the speech, Princess Angelina was not angry, and Xiahe had to draw half of the six legions back to the territory.

In this way, he left three legions on the side of the half-elf empire.

But nominally, there are also two large royal legions, under the command of the Duke, under the command of the Minister of Administration, under the sole authority of the commander.

No one can blame the Duke, and he can't even chew his tongue.

Duke Asra's strength in the semi-elven empire is the most, except for the royal family.

Xiahe gained a lot of resources, and really let the life configuration increase its intensity. The secondary legions went out of the city and counterattacked in the three small towns around Little Sun City. After cleaning up the devil close to Little Sun City, there were many legends Under the supervision of the Master, the three small towns were expanded.

Is mainly to build a magic tower, heighten the city walls, and raise the city walls to more than one hundred meters.

The town was originally small, such a high city wall was unreasonable, but the outer periphery, another circle was added to turn the town into a two-story structure, the outer city wall was 30 meters, and the original town wall in the middle was like a huge tower, attacking Radiation range around tens of miles.

Then, build a fort along the road, station robots, and provide logistic support for the troops.

In addition to the old main city, Little Sun City, and the square city occupied by Snows, Xiahe expanded two medium-sized cities in both the north and south directions, and stationed the transferred legionary.

Other medium-sized cities have also been reinforced and invested a lot of war materials.

For the people left by Duke Zhesu, Xiahe was divided into two parts. More than 200,000 people formed the Changling Corps, and the rest were scattered troops. No legion was formed and the various areas were scattered.

In fact, these soldiers lacked supervision, and Xiahe didn't care if they would rebel.

But this time, these soldiers became the object of his rescue.

Shrek was in the meeting room, listening to the arrangement of life, he was somewhat dissatisfied and said: "If I go out, who will protect you, Duke?"

"Little Sun City is safe. You have so many legends and epics on hand. If you don't let go, it will be a waste of troops."

"However, the responsibility of the Guardian Mage is not this."

"Your responsibility is to help me." Life Construction said bluntly: "Execution command."

"If I only bring legends, knights, and heavy magic warriors, I will stay here. Their movement speed is a problem, which will affect my mission."

"Okay, but I suggest you bring some epic mages."

"I will bring, to allocate manpower, allocate resources, yes, I want to apply for the recruitment of some veterans, Duke Zhesu surrendered."

"I will give you permission, rest assured, how much do you want?"

"Come together, if there is any loss, I will continue to force them."

"Do not cause too many casualties."

"No, I will treat them as Rhode Islanders. The enemy is the devil, and I am divided."

"That's good." Life configuration on the spot let people get the paperwork, giving Shrek the power to recruit troops. The upper limit for recruiting troops is 6,000 people, one battalion. This authority means that he can also apply for weapons and materials for a battalion, which is a huge sum of money if logistics is included.

Around the Little Sun City, the three towns are already armed to the teeth, and there are a certain number of troops coming around to support them. These troops from other nobles will not arrange field missions and are placed in three towns.

In the sky, airships smoke endlessly, because many of them are transferred, so they are a bit old.

The new airship built by the Duke led him to send people everywhere to save people.

Fortunately, in the territory left by the Duke of Zhesu, the original coal mines still have a lot of money. After Xiahe occupied it, he made a fortune and solved the energy problem for the renovation and transformation of the new territory.

Duke Zhesu, did not update the city very much, and the facilities are old. In Xiahe's view, this noble is not worth following.

The northern town, the earliest completed transformation, in the process of transformation, also engaged in battle with the devil army for several days, the devil was dead and wounded. A blast furnace had to be set up outside the city, burning the devil's body day and night.

Because there are too many samples, the magician has lost all interest in getting it back.

The soldiers on guard were very relaxed on the outer wall of the north, and there was no trace of the devil within two hundred miles. In the sky, there are flying robots, as well as some flying warcraft alert, small mechanical insects, hidden in the wilderness, the devil appears, it is impossible not to be found.

Chengtou soldiers stand guard and are squadron-sized, taking turns to rest. Usually a squadron, only one standard squad will stand up. The rest of the teams took turns to rest.

Even the standing team is not so serious.

Five people are chatting. The youngest shooter is the youngest. He did n’t wear a mask. Although he stood straight, he smiled on the face. The team leader headed said: "Captain, I heard that you are coming from the main legion? Why others? All are above the squadron leader, you are a squad leader. "

"Don't mention it, people are promoted, I made a mistake and was punished. It's good to give a team leader."

"What did you do wrong?" A soldier was curious, the captain was very good, and they were in one.

"It's not a big mistake. At that time, I was young, soft, and hesitated in attacking. As a result, I lost four more robots. I asked above if I want to retain the merits ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Merit. Of course I chose to retain the merit. "

"Captain, your badge is so handsome, when will you touch me?" The precision shooter shy his face.

"This is not enough, the badge is my life." The captain refused flatly.

"Don't be so stingy." The oldest soldier flickered beside him.

"This is not a stingy problem. On the side of the main legion, the badge is ... a sacred thing. Except for the possibility of showing it when handing over the task, everyone is usually very precious."

"Are the people in the main legion really so strong?" The precision shooter asked with a weird expression.

"How could it be so strong? At first, it was similar to everyone, but there were too many wars, and naturally survived are very strong. I am there, an ordinary soldier, but much more than you study. The Duke encourages everyone to read, and reading is very cheap on the main legion. "

"Captain, can we enter the main legion?"



"Now if you want to enter the main legion, you must have certain merits in addition to your own abilities. You are all recruits and have few battlefields. If you want to accumulate so many merits, you can't do it in a few years.

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