Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1000: : Dragon Shield

"Don't chat anymore. The number of enemies is four hundred miles away. The number is unknown, but there are orders on it, all of them are on alert. Those who were on duty immediately went to rest and restore their strength." The squadron commander suddenly heard orders.

This squad was immediately withdrawn from Chengtou, and there were two former guards.

A large number of mages went to the city and began to check the magical configuration, and the veterans checked the robots. There are many types of robots on the side of the town, there are many old ones that need to be preheated to open.

The warning from Little Sun City, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Although the number of the Devil's Legion impacted from the north was huge, even if there were one or two million, it would not be possible to beat Little Sun City.

The life configuration ordered the flying fleet to be dispatched. This time, two additional Crow IVs were dispatched to carry out air strikes on the devil army in the north. At the same time, there was also a small airship, followed by six legendary mages.

This high six-pointed star airship is used to transport mages. The new model is much faster than other six-pointed star airships. It has no offensive weapons and only a defense system.

This type of airship does not require offensive weapons. The driver on it is equipped with a certain amount of intelligence, and the passenger is a legendary mage.

In the room, there were suddenly more people, and life turned back, saying, "Long quinoa, why are you here?"

The young bishop glanced at the life configuration and hesitated for a while. Although he felt something was wrong, he still didn't discern the true and the false. He constructed the life: "You still owe me a sum of money."

"What time is it?" Life Construction asked with a smile.

"The islands on the East China Sea, we originally built the altar, and later gave it to you when we withdrew."

"The altar let you take it away!"

"Duke, it's not good to say that, but even the island gave it to me."

"Then you go, that island. I haven't used it yet. Welcome back at any time. As for the money? I didn't use it for anything. Impossible."

"Haha." Changli smiled, it was really Asla style.

"What are you doing here? Now that the situation inside the empire is tense, I can't have any direct contact with you." Life constructs the right way.

"There is information to sell to you."

"Not buying."


"The information you want to sell in person is definitely very important. If you don't know such important information, it will be a huge loss for you."

"You don't want to know, where is the trouble now?"

"I really don't want to, long quinoa, maybe you don't quite understand, I am just a duke in the empire, if you want to sell intelligence, you should contact Princess Angelina. I don't need to take so many responsibilities, for me , It is enough to protect your territory. "

"You don't buy a gold coin?"

"I definitely don't buy it. I don't want to listen to half a word unless you give me money."

Long quinoa was smirked. Why is Asra's brain so strange? But Asla said this, making him realize that things might really be like this.

"How much do you plan to charge?"

"A scroll of a dawn giant." Life constructs a lion's mouth.

"OK." Without hesitation, Chang Chen took an old scroll and handed it to life.

"I'm right." Life Construction took the scroll and measured it in his hand, similar to what Xiahe used last time. An ancient giant of dawn was sealed in it.

"On top ..." Chang Chen pointed his finger at the sky and said, "I don't know when, there is an extra kingdom of gods. The **** kingdoms of other gods are blocked by strange powers, and this **** kingdom is not, in Normal operation. The temples we have made with us have not been able to study the origin of this kingdom. "

"Shrine, can you study the kingdom of God?" Life was surprised.

"Well ... have this ability, peep into the Kingdom of God. This is not the point, the point is, the believers of this Kingdom of God are all from outside world, we have this secret. This Kingdom of God also caused the whole world to be turbulent the reason."

In Xiacheng, Xiahe, who is concerned about dialogue, moved his heart.

This **** kingdom is afraid that the mysterious master **** made it. But rest assured that the mysterious Lord God will not come in person, at most it is an avatar. Because of his peculiar attributes, the loss of his avatars did not affect his aggression. The children of the law of manufacture, the fighting power in the world will always be endless.

"A kingdom of gods, mysterious gods, sent believers from outside to disrupt our world."

"That's what I mean."

"Then your temples, is there a way to deal with the new kingdom of God?"

"Unless, the gods can resume communication with us."

"Those believers appearing in the world are the keys?"

"It's not very critical, it's mainly to deal with the kingdom of God. These believers can't kill them."

Life Construction smiled and said, "As long as you are a believer, you will be killed all day."

Long quinoa is slightly cold, said: "Duke, it is not very good to say so."

"Believers of the Bright God can kill all the light." The life configuration looked at Chang Chen and smiled more meaningfully.

Long quinoa is speechless, he can't say anything about it. His status is getting higher and higher. Although his speech will not lead to wars, it is not a problem to lead wars between people.

"So, do you have any good suggestions?" Life Construction asked.

Chang Li said: "That's not there, but I want you to do something for me."


"If the believer of the gods is captured by you ... Can you give it to me?"

"The body?"


"Actually, the duke hunted down these weird believers very early. When they died, their souls were all broken, and they couldn't find anything useful."

Chang Chen thought, that was the case, but he still said: "I have a secret method on my side that can put together the soul as much as possible, so it is also possible to give me soul fragments."

"We will make these souls into soul liquid, and the role of soul liquid is to improve the quality of a person's soul and reach the level of raising the upper limit of the professional level."

"It's blasphemy to do this!"

"Anyway, it's alien souls, and our Duke led us not to use this liquid, just to find a rich man and sell it for a large price. No matter how powerful a person is, who can guarantee that there is no heart and soul."

Long quinoa frowns, which is troublesome.

"But you can rest assured that the soul liquid is expensive and not fake, but you need a large base of souls. You don't need much soul, mainly for those believers, the overall price will not be too high, I just tell you, I collect souls Is not easy. "

"Death costs money, Asla." Chang Chen said helplessly.

"It's not that I am asking for money. I originally had a broken stone on hand. You don't think it's worth the money. But another person wants to buy it and pays 100 million gold coins. Do you think I don't sell it, but give it to you, is it reasonable?

"Broken stone?" Long quinoa meditated.

"Yes, for me, it is breaking stones. I myself, my closest students, absolutely do not allow this kind of things. For those who are not close enough, I ca n’t spend a huge price, just to improve his Practice quality. "

"It makes sense."

"Do you feel speechless?" Life Construction asked with a smile. He is more and more like Xiahe now, and after so many words have been spoken to him, he will never feel strange again.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly there was a short stick in the hands of Long Chen, and he rushed to construct life.

Life Construction shook his head, and behind him a terrible sound, like two mountains, collided together.


The fierce energy ripples were only half a meter apart and disappeared.

Behind him, a man in a black robe, holding a hammer in his hand, had smashed his face with blood.

A phase of Frost Dragon Shield shot on his face.

The assassin was so frozen that he could no longer move. Chang Chen stopped and watched as life turned around, a mage's hand, from the man's body, grabbed a broken soul.

"Did you know that?" Long quinoa looked at the life configuration and asked.

"I know there are assassins and they sneaked into Little Sun City, but I don't know where it is. But as long as he is close to me, then I will definitely show up. This guy is very powerful, but unfortunately every move, I can't hide the Master's perception."

Long quinoa put away the short stick and chuckled.

Life construct took a soul bead, put the broken soul into the soul bead, and threw it to Changli, saying: "As soon as possible to prepare the funds for purchase, I don't want gold coins."

Long Chen received Soul Beads and said, "Then it will be settled. I will have the soul fragments of these believers."

"I promise to keep it for you."

Long quinoa salutes and exits the room, his body is already cold sweat. Asla knows anyone who sneaks into Little Sun City? Then his own actions have already been revealed.

If you want to assassinate him, you are already a dead person?

Think about that legendary assassin, the level may not be as good as yourself, but what about the explosive power of the moment? Then when Dragon Shield hits and shoots on his face, it will be dizzy.

The terrible defensive magic turned into a powerful attack magic. The temperature at that time made him sweatless.

Because of the inability of the gods to communicate, this leads to a decline in strength, but it should n’t be the case. Asra, what level is it? Long quinoa has also made rapid progress recently, but the divine kingdom of the gods has been isolated. His genius cannot be compared with the magician.

Chang Chen has always been proud and arrogant. This time, he was struck by Phase Frost Dragon Shield.

This magic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is a compound magic of Xiahe's early Ming Dynasty. The Dragon Shield itself is built from pieces of water condensed scales. The internal self-formation method forms spatial isolation, spatial refraction in different phases When it can be at a low level, it can resist the attack power of other levels.

This kind of magic has a common feature, that is, it requires users and has huge spiritual power.

However, low-level mages usually have mental powers that can't make ends meet in battle. This type of magic does not seem meaningful to low-level mages.

But Dragon Shield has grown to today, and more and more mysteries have been unearthed.

Just before the shield strikes, it has an extremely deep cold lethality, which may not be as good as absolute zero, but as long as the defense is broken, the legend will only freeze.

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