Daomen Invasion

Chapter 118: : Lord Long's epic magic

It was dark and dark outside the city, the huge sky was drooping down, and the air was so stuffy that it was about to explode. Long to Xiahe Road: "Use your magic tower for power."

During the speech, Long's finger was pointed on a magic pattern under his feet. The magic pattern lit up and extended upward, and the magic eyes in the height also lit up. The darkness outside the city seemed to be dispelled, and Xiahe's naked eyes saw distant scenes, overlapping his own sense of consciousness. At a distance of more than 500 meters, there was continuous space ripple flashing, and a team was sent outside of Stormwind City.

Divine power!

Long's expression became serious, and the teleportation of this divine power was extremely precise, avoiding the maximum interference range of the magic tower. Each teleport is completed independently, but the Empire cannot do this.

Long sent his own power into the eyes of magic and forcibly increased the exploration range of the magic tower. Xiahe saw the edge of the market, the burning gate, the broken shops, and the desperate people.

"These demons!" Long's anger couldn't be restrained, the breath on his body instantly became horrified, Martin retreated involuntarily, and the soldiers were paralyzed on the ground.

Xiahe also felt that his anger was boiling, but he did not show it because of the practice.

"Master Long, we are not opponents." Xiahe gritted his teeth.

"Well, out of the magic tower, I can't control the situation."

"There is a **** Mary's dharma king over the dock. The gun king and sword king should also be not far from the sea. The three epic realms are not going to be able to counterattack. And these monsters are coming at the magic tower.

"Let them come." Long's voice was cold, and he was about to quit.

Xia He sighed in his heart, but did not expect that the Son of Law would come to the storm corner on a large scale. I chose to stay here because there is no temple of the gods in Stormwind. The goddess of wealth is an alien **** and is already an ally. But where the gods missed, the children of the law also appeared easily.

There were few soldiers in the city, only a hundred people, distributed on the front wall. The walls of Stormwind City are quite strong, and there are also protruding towers and fortifications, but if you want to defend against enemy siege, at least a thousand talent lines must be placed on the front. Xiahe did not plan to replace these more than a hundred people, and all the soldiers were shrunk in the fortress in groups of ten.

Then Xiahe contacted the Magic Tower and summoned Austin.

"Adult, are you looking for me?" Austin's busy image in the field of vision was sweating. Xiahe is also helpless, this goods always has the cunning of the goblin, and too naive. How can a Taring sweat?

"Austin, you turn on the magic pillars around the magic tower, let Medirley distribute the manpower, and fifty people are organized into a team, patrolling within the magic pillar, you are responsible for spell support. The enemy may have a flying machine, pay attention to the sky .When the target is found, use elemental strikes, and then use Arcane Storm after invalidation. "

"Yeah, sir." Austin bent down humbly, forming a strong contrast with his child's image.

Outside Stormwind City, the number of children of the law exceeds 2,000, divided into teams, facing the city wall. Among all the teams, there was a dozen meters of empty space around the central team, and a bronze cannon was placed in the middle of the empty space. The bronze cannon was covered with magic patterns and surrounded by a circle of devastated gemstones.

The base of this cannon is a **** demon, creeping on the ground, carrying the barrel with his back. His curled legs are the base. The four arms of the demon were raised upwards and twisted in the opposite direction to fix the bronze cannon.

"Long Lord, look!" Xiahe pointed to the bronze cannon more than six hundred meters away.

"Epic weapons are enough to destroy the city walls."

Xiahe frowned. The wall of more than ten meters high was not a problem for professionals, but in the battle, the effect was very obvious, and it was easy to defend from the top. If there is no city wall, you ca n’t help it with Longjia. Block the offense of the Son of Law.

"Did you see those two magicians?"

Xiahe nodded, and on both sides of the bronze cannon, there were two children of the law, who were checking the moire, while activating the magic circle under the base. This bronze cannon must be connected to the earth, otherwise it will destroy itself as soon as it is bombarded.

"Can you attack them?"

"You can kill one, but the speed of the magic is too fast." Xiahe knew Long meant to attract the attention of the enemy. In front of the bronze cannon, stood an old man in a black robe. All the breath of the old man was enveloped in the magic robe, and there was no leakage.

If Xiahe did not probe with divine consciousness, ordinary mental power could not be sensed, as if this person did not exist.

This is a magician in an epic realm, probably at the same level as the magic king.

"It's about to be better. My magic can be reached in 0.4 seconds." Long said this, turning his palm up, with a red sickle floating on it.

The sickle is one foot in size, with a slightly darker spine and a bright red blade.

Xia He folded his hands together, and between his palms, a one-meter-long blue ice cone appeared. The purple arc flashed in the air, and the ice cone flew along the traces of current.

The old man in the black robe returned and released an elemental armor, which fell on two magicians.

However, his instant magic was a bit late, and the blue ice cone had penetrated the chest of a magic technician. When the elemental armor falls, the ice cone is also wrapped inside.

The old man was frightened and angry. He saw his student fall and his chest bulged high, so he couldn't die anymore. He roared, and the surrounding space oscillated. Behind him, a giant hill appeared, holding a thick stone pillar, and smashed it toward the flying red sickle.

The red sickle is ten meters long, as fast as lightning, flying through the sky, making the sound of ghosts crying and howling.

The drooping black sky was stained red by this sickle, the breath of death enveloped the range of thousands of kilometers around the square, and every son of the law saw a bright red blade cut, knowing it was an illusion, and his skin was still split The pain is so great that I ca n’t help but release my skills to resist.

Because if they do not stop, they will be scared to death.

The earthy yellow light of the stone pillars of the hill giant exploded, and the stone pillars were thick again, and the ten-meter sickle looked slender and fragile.

Epic magic, summon giants.

Xiahe Khan, if there is no Long here, he will die. This is an epic magic used with props, great power, and instant, otherwise he will kill the magician without waiting for him to be released.

Instant epic magic is unsolvable for yourself.

Long stood at the head of the city and saw the hill giant appear, and he hooked his finger. His action flowed through the clouds as if it had begun when the giant hill appeared.

Under the sky, the red sickle flipped its angle in the sky, and it was a cut down.

Xiahe felt as if he had been cut through a layer of confusion, hidden in the Yang God in the Shenfu. The experience gained from practice and the secrets of many worlds were reproduced at this moment.

It turned out to be this way!

In order to conceal the Dragon and Tiger Palace, the master not only blocked his Yang God, but also masked countless memories, leaving only things that would not be alerted by the Dragon and Tiger Palace.

This memory is broader than the sea, and Xiahe cannot be browsed for a while, and only allows the soul to absorb it according to its needs. These memories originally had to wait for him to break through the realm of the Ninth Grade, and when he became a first-order Yangshen again, he could only regain his mastery by opening his shrine.

This time, Xiahe was ecstatic.

I originally thought that it would be difficult for me to return to the first-order state within ten years. The laws of the Shenzhou World and this world are somewhat different. If I want to slowly integrate in this world, so that the soul is not excluded, it will be more expensive Several times the effort. Now with this knowledge ...

No matter how fast Xiahe's thoughts turned, he didn't have that red sickle.

Long hooked his finger, and the red sickle turned and cut in the air. The hill giant and the stone pillar, the old man in black robe and the bronze cannon were cut off by the red sickle.

The old man in black robe still had a sneer on his face, not knowing that he was dead. Before the red sickle dissipated, the breath of terror burst out and spread in the wilderness.


The sky shook, and the ground outside the city was blood red. Hundreds of children of the law were paralyzed, twitching, and urinating. Next to the bronze cannon, another magical technician was scattered, and his body was cut into hundreds of pieces. A large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters sinks deep down, burying the master and apprentice in a blink of an eye.

The same epic, instant spike!

The memory penetrated deep into the soul, and Xiahe's eyes were still lost, his face already showing shock. The expression was strange and distorted, but no one saw it.


There was a long sigh of breath, and the breath from his mouth was a little reddish.

"Only level thirty-five, fortunately, fortunately." Long exhaled, but his face turned rosy, and his spirit looked much better.

In front of Stormwind City, the children of the law were in an uproar. The old magician is the most important combat power in this joint mission. His epic heavy artillery is also the key to blasting Stormwind City.

Just die in one click? In the information given by the main god, there are only more than 1,000 soldiers in Stormwind City, the magician who controls the magic tower is only fifteen, and the master-level strongmen are not more than ten.

There was an error in the information of the Lord God, which caused the children of the law to panic.

"Master Long, what magic is this!"

"It's my own epic magic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ death turned around." Long is also very satisfied with Fang Cai's performance, killing a 35-level epic strongman, showing a trace of pride.

Epic magic? This magic is enough to kill the legend!

Xiahe watched as there were more than three hundred rulers in the distance who fell on the ground and twitched, unable to get up, vaguely feeling that Long was definitely not that simple.

"At least six hours, I can't turn around with death anymore, Count Asla, don't think too much. Look over there!"

Xiahe looked along Long's finger. Someone was arranging a huge magic circle near the market. Many people were dragged out of the market by the son of the law, cut off their hands and feet, and thrown in the center of the magic circle. Resentment skyrocketed, connected to the pure black sky.

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