Daomen Invasion

Chapter 119: : Kill him and explode the equipment!

"Undead Scourge and the like. ΩΩΩE Novel WwΩW. 1XIAOSHUO.COM" Xiahe was worried and authentic.

If the city walls were collapsed by epic cannons and the undead commander drove straight in, the magic tower would not be able to hold on for long. But it is not much better now. The attack of the undead is endless, and sooner or later it will overwhelm Stormwind City.

Gather all the soldiers in the magic tower on the city wall? The casualties can be very heavy.

"Master Long, can you protect me?" Xiahe refused to sit still and decided to preemptively.

"Although you go, I can still use ordinary epic magic."


"Here." Freya stood up next to him, and Martin was startled. He always thought that the person standing not far away was an ordinary soldier. His career is usually responsible for exploring the path of adventure, such mistakes make him ashamed.

Xiahe released a flying fire crow, jumped on the back of the fire crow, Freya also jumped up, and the flying fire crow shook his wings gently and rose into the air. The flame on his body was restrained, and the heat of the jump was no longer visible on the red feathers.

Void Feather.

Xiahe blessed herself and Freyja with magic to reduce weight, and the wings of the sacred flying crow spread out, and the degree suddenly accelerated. Freya took Xiahe's clothes and walked behind her. She came to the front, leaned on Xiahe's arms, took the Luna Bow, and pulled an arrow out of the metal arrow on the thigh.

Xiahe shook his head, urging Shenhuo flying crows forward, flying more than 500 meters. The children of the law on the ground were all looking up. Xia He rolled over and fell from the back of Shenhuo Flying Crow. There were four element digital cards floating around his body, and the magic book also opened at the same time.

Withered thorns!

This time, Xiahe personally guided the magic. When his feet landed, gray thorns in the range of tens of meters had grown around him. The children of the law pulled out their weapons and cut off the enchanted magic plants, but those who were injured and fell to the ground would not work. Xiahe didn't wait for their companions to rescue, and even a lively plunder.

The child of the law of serious injury, the life force in the body was forcibly extracted, and he saw that he was getting old.

Shenhuo flying crows hovered, flying back high, a clear gunshot sounded from the ground, and metal bullets wrapped around the runes flew towards Shenhuo flying crows. Dozens of feather arrows chased behind, Freya sneered.

Is this archery compared to yourself?

Her wooden arrow flicked on the moon god's bow, and the arrow flew to the magic gunman. The belly of Shenhuo Flying Crow was steaming, and the rune bullets and feather arrows were softened, and they all deviated from the track.

The magic gunman stood on the ground, put the magic lance on his shoulder, and calmly used three consecutive shots, each rune bullet accurately shot on Freya's arrow. The wooden feather arrow couldn't stand such a confrontation, and it broke with a puff. Freya was too lazy to pay attention to him again, pulled out the second wooden arrow, and shot at another son of the law.

The magic gunman felt a brow in his brow, and among the broken wooden arrows, a sawdust-like sawdust pierced into his forehead like lightning.

The melancholy porcelain figurines and phantom flashes.

Before a huge shadow came, Xiahe flickered back to Freya, and the flying fire crow suddenly rose out of the enemy's attack range.

The porcelain puppets left by Xiahe gleamed with golden light on their fingers and ran under their feet, forming a thin tornado around their bodies. The golden light flew over the injured child of the law, all in two paragraphs. The phantom avatar followed the porcelain doll, and the palm of his hand thundered.

A knight in heavy armor urged the warhorse, but before he charged, Leiguang fell on the chest of the warhorse and passed through. The sacrificial **** thunder exploded in the knight's body, and blood was ejected from the gap in the armor.

Porcelain puppets killed more than 20 wounded men before they were cut off by a sword light and fell to the ground.

The phantom dissipated automatically after being pre-existed in the body, as if it had never existed before.

"It's the target person, Lord Stormwind!"

I don't know who shouted, and the children of the law were immediately excited.

But Shenhuo Flying Crow was raised to more than a hundred meters, except for the epic strongman, the rest of the attacks could not threaten the magician. While worrying, the children of the law saw the lord of the Stormwind City, the target character Blood Mage, died, and jumped from the air, located in another area where the wounded were gathered.

It seems that he will give priority to killing the injured, and the children of the law nearby are overjoyed.

"Kill him, the entire magic tower equipment will burst out!"

The sharp voice of a magician with two eyes like a black hole exploded. His level appraisal brushed several times in a row, and finally saw the hidden attributes of the blood mage.

Xiahe landed. In the magic book, nine exploding stars flew out, facing in all directions.

Freya is not in a hurry, shoots an arrow in the sky every second, only for archers and magical gunmen with long-range attacks.

"Kill him and explode the equipment!"

The language of the son of the law is chaotic, Xiahe just sneered, and a strong breath locked himself. Finally someone got hooked!

When jumping from the back of Shenhuo Flying Crow, Xiahe also asked himself why he was so desperate.

For the people slaughtered at the fair?

I also went to Boulder City to kill the Boulder mercenaries.

Because the Son of Law has no bottom line? Do things the same as beasts?

But there is no need to retaliate now, as long as you grow up and let the six gods' embers burn more and more prosperous.

It's just because I have this grievance in my chest, and I don't want to endure all the way.

Endure to the end, you can endure into the big Luo Jinxian? In the other world, there have been gods and turtles that became immortals, and even the strongest weapon of the Shenzhou Empire can't break through the defense. However, Turtle Immortal cannot protect its people and its world.

Cultivating longevity, is it just to turn yourself into a king?

The strongest of these children of laws is only epic, which also escapes. Would n’t the three saints who face the Temple of Dawn in the future hide in their mother womb! And each time you kill a son of the law, the clearer your memory is, the more things you remember from the past. As if the last part of the world is going away.

The emperor of the arcane empire gave him a new identity, and the world is doing the same.

The difference is that His Majesty the Emperor is a person, but the world has no personality, no self, and therefore ruthless.

Besides, this is his own Stormwind City. He fled without a fight today, and more people will bully him tomorrow. Even the initial stage of Dao Palace in the world of God Week is so cruel, there is no reason to speak.

A sword light struck in the darkness across a distance of more than 100 meters. Jianyi locked Xiahe's soul. Jianguang was like a dying spring, and the vitality passed away. At this moment, even the two people who were standing in front of Xiahe felt heartbroken.

Why live? Life is pain, struggling in endless reincarnation.

Jian Yi sells bone, Jian Xin erodes soul.

Xia He laughed loudly, a golden light appeared on the fingers of his hands, and rushed forward, and the two sons of the law affected by the sword were cut off. Then he suddenly turned around, two golden lights came out, the golden charm was like a fish, even bypassed Jianguang, and went straight to the swordsman's chest.

The swordsman didn't want to lose his lock, and his mouth spewed out a sword, and the gold symbol was blown away in one breath.

The Dragon and Tiger Dao on Xiahe's wrist lit an electric arc, and on the back of Shenhuo Flying Crow, the arc that flickered on Freya's wrist, which had been inconspicuous, also flashed in the dragon and tiger's road. The two arcs instantly connected and penetrated the swordsman's chest.

Virtual room white electricity, dragon and tiger thunder!

Thunder rolled in the swordsman's chest, and the sword suddenly stopped. Xiahe releases the hand of the mage and puts his body in the dragon and tiger dynasty. In the Dragon and Tiger Dao, there is a special grid that can accommodate space equipment, but Freya refines the wooden box that cultivates the three artifacts of elves, and combines special attributes.

Kill my explosive equipment? Who bursts who is not necessarily.

But it feels good to explode equipment! This epic swordsman's long sword is second only to the new one by Medieri. His space equipment is larger than the original Stormwind Lord.

The chaotic arrows are like rain, with the radiance of energy, covering a circle of tens of meters and falling. Each arrow cluster carries energy that makes people feel palpitations. A phantom flashing in Xiahe came to the center of the big pit cut out by the red sickle and drew it down. This time he had to use Taoism to save the bodies of the three magicians in the Dragon and Tiger Dao.


The arrow rain exploded, and the turbulent energy rushed outwards in the coverage area. If Xiahe used a defensive spell, the spell had collapsed at this moment, and he was slaughtered.

"How could he connect so quickly!" A son of the law shouted.

Magicians less than 20th level, it is already scary to use flash skills. This mission target, the skill cooling period is terrible, how can this be killed?

Xiahe leaped from the pit, dozens of people around threw himself, just want to be able to cut a knife.

At the foot of Xiahe, six metal warhammers turned up and smashed crazy around them.

This warhammer is condensed out by the magic book ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is as big as a water tank, only relying on the weight, and smashed the son of the law of siege out. Xiahe suddenly felt alert in the heart, and the two epic strongmen in the distance did not start. He unconsciously released a phantom flash, then crashed into a large net.

The big net is black, and the net cable is so cold that it shrinks inward when covering Xiahe.

"Miaozai, this is really a bird's death. It's a netizen!" A young Taoist clapped his hands and laughed at Xiahe.

Xiahe was surprised. Why didn't this Taoist appear before?

The Taoist picked a red gourd around his waist. Xiahe's heart was awkward. There were too many Daomen's equipments and evil gates. Cross-border beheading was common.

Not to mention that you are a third-grade Taoist priest, even a Yangshen real person may be killed by this gourd.

I used Daoism in this world carefully, but the children of the law were unscrupulous, and I was not worried about being revealed by the gods of this world.

The black net on the body has been tightened, the cold on the net line has penetrated into the heart, Xiahe feels that the five internal organs are numb and frozen, and no skills can be used on the body.

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