Daomen Invasion

Chapter 169: : Arcane Torrent

"Sir, what's wrong with this thing?" Medier Licha said, and the Lord Lord was really surprised. ΩΩΩΕ Novel WwΩW. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Xiahe was of course surprised. This wood, sensing it, has the same material structure as the screen that Freya took back to study. The forest at the foot of the mountain is all of this wood, waiting to be harvested.

Using this wood as a material to open up space may be very expensive, but once the scale is formed and the consumption is evenly distributed, the cost will naturally be lower. If you use this thing to build a warship, the entire ship will be chaotic barriers, the quality can reach the legendary level.

Although Xiahe is rich, he can't afford it either. This requires the strength of the country.

Legendary warships, with the legendary warships, the empire can attack the green forest big 6!

No, the empire will definitely use the legendary warship as a maritime power to bypass the southern end of the Bingfeng 6 and attack the half-elf empire on both sides!

This thing, you have to take away what you say. At this time, Xiahe felt that his space equipment was not big enough, and he saw that so much material could not be taken away.

If you have a half-plane, you must all be transferred!

However, he also had to become a Yangshen before he could learn the magician to build a half plane, and now he certainly has no hope. Or kill a legendary mage and take his half plane?

But it stands to reason that these northern rebels should not know the secret of this wood. There are very few people to see them cut down. It is impossible to cut these trees for hundreds of years, and you do n’t have to worry too much.

Besides, although this giant tree is precious, if it is taken back to the Shenzhou Empire, it is analyzed by technology and Taoism, and the pressure of artificial synthesis is not great. Even after studying to the extreme, not even these woods are needed.

Xiahe quickly calmed down and said, "These timbers are strategic materials that the empire needs very much. But I need them more."

"I can't take it away ..." Medirelli looked at the huge log with regret.

"There is a guy in the epic realm, not a caster, let's kill him."

"I'm afraid I am not an opponent."

"I hold him back, he will die without a flaw."

"Okay." Medieli listened to Xiahe's confidence, and she was also fearless, and immediately agreed.

"I'll clean up the surroundings first, and let him throw the net." Xiahe said, taking Medillary to the edge of the forest, the wind was still very strong, the death fog chain could not be put down, Xiahe began to arrange frost giants on the treetops Eye. The advantage of this magic is that it can last for a long time if it is not attacked by frozen rays.

At the edge of the forest, on an open space, there is a temporary wooden house.

Inside the wooden house, a pit was dug in the center, a stove was set up, and an iron pan was supported on it. The hot steam was pointing straight up and out through the roof opening.

Inside the pot, the aroma rolled, and a middle-aged man of ordinary looks sandwiched the meat with a clip and put it in the pot. Next to him there is a table with knives, forks and long-handled spoons. The plate was filled with cut pieces of meat, soaked fungi, and a plate of green leaves, all of which were cut off. I don't know what kind of variety.

His face was rough and his head was cut short and messy. Wearing a leather robe, without armor. This warrior facial features do not have any outstanding characteristics, and they have been forgotten. On his left hand, a weapon was placed on the ground, a whip over four meters long.

The soft whip has a two-foot-long hard rod wrapped around a magic rope. Then the magic rope spread to the whip, and it looked like a rough weapon, which turned out to be an epic weapon.

In the corner of the room, there were four people sitting on the floor. They turned out to be four magicians of the 20th grade.

In the arcane empire, the magician has always been the dominant, this kind of warrior is the main, the low status of the magician is very rare.

"Someone is here, you go and see."

The soldier picked a piece of meat in the hot pan and threw it directly into his mouth, as if the meat had no temperature. He chewed hard with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Yes." The four magicians agreed and stood up and walked out of the humble house.

The cold wind rushed, and the wizards felt a chill.

The forest was dry, the tree had no leaves, and the snow reflected the light. Medelly carried a spear and came under a tree. Dozens of snowmen cutting the tree appeared to her, and screamed and threw up.

These snowmen may not reach the fifth level, which is much better than those who have not yet practiced, but Medilly does not know how to start.

The guns flickered, the snowmen fell silently, and Medieri felt that her skills were insulted.

"Medi Li, ready to fight." Xia He finished, and gave Medi Li a goddess armor, and then added an Arcane Martial Soul.

The four magicians fanned out in a fan-shaped manner, and the wings spread faster.

Battle mage!

Medirelli and Xiahe learned a lot, and they were familiar with the formation of the mage. As soon as she turned around, the big gun was caught under her ribs, and she rushed towards the magician on the left.

Xiahe is not good at dispelling magic, he very simply released the magic book, tarot cards.

Around his body, a burning regular tetrahedron appeared, and four element order cards floated around his body, and the fire element boiled instantly.

Broken Fire Hell, God Ember Fire Arrow, Blazing Stars!

The Hellspread is more than 50 meters wide. The attacked magician flashes forcibly, withdrawing from the attack range, and a fire arrow hits his mage armor.


Nine fireballs detonated at the same time, the mage's armor shattered, and the ember fire arrows that were about to extinguish, absorbed the power of the exploding stars, twisted in front of the mage, and pounced. The necklace on the magician's neck flashed, and there was a huge ice shield in front of him.

Xiahe's Broken Hell divided the three magicians, and in the magic book, three more exploding stars flew out. This less than twenty-level magic, with the blessing of the tarot card's pure fire element order card, suddenly increased its power. The other two magicians saw the companion's mage armor was shattered, and their hearts were tense, and they released the most powerful defense.

Xiahe instantly mastered the rhythm. For the magician, offense is everything.

While the two magicians defended, they also released their magic books. In the magic book, hundreds of fireballs poured out, each of which was the size of a baby's fist.

The sound of the explosion was endless, and the two magicians were blown up and flew out. Although there was no injury, the hundreds of small fireballs also lost their directions and flew around.

The magician who was hit by Xiahe God's ember fire disappeared, looked down and saw a deep hole burned on his lower abdomen. The muscles in the wound were carbonized, and no pain was felt.

Ignore the pain!

This magician released a rare magic, similar to the beast blood of the beast god, fighting to fight back regardless of the injury.

Shun golden tornado!

Xiahe's tornado flew to the ground, swept the flames in the broken hell, and flew to three busy magicians. These magicians are indeed rich in combat experience, but unfortunately they have never seen Xiahe this magic release enemies with almost no gaps.

The 33-page magic book is not only about storing more magic, but also the union of magic itself. The power of the seven-page book is that it is incomplete, but has the sequence properties of a more complete magic book.

Xiahe was effectively blocked here, and Medirelli had succeeded. Her spear pierced the target mage's earthen wall, pushed the mage through her chest, and picked it up. The magic prepared by the mage is out of control, and the magic is boiling in the body. Before Medirley continues to attack, he has burned his vitality clean.

With just one shot, the twenty-two magic master was killed.

On the battlefield, a simple misjudgment will kill you.

In the state of Wushun blessing, the spear breaks the demon, and the degree is doubled. The magician's blocking counterattack tactics become death.

The standing mage is dying fast!

Xiahe admired in his heart that Medirelli was more brave than he thought.

Medieri's wrist was tingling, and this blow killed the enemy in seconds. She was also slightly injured. As soon as the anger turned, the pain disappeared, and Medirelli switched his spear to his left hand and turned to kill another magician.

The Golden Tornado rushed towards the magician, wrapped in the flames of the broken hell, and the magician's magic wand.

Spells dispel!

This skill is not only aimed at elemental magic, arcane magic, all kinds of spells are within the range of dispel. More magical for priest magic.

Three huge wind blades were spinning, and there was a layer of invisible force outside. There was no sound during the flight, forcing the two magicians who had just stood.

In Xiahe's magic book, magic is unreserved and released in order.

Sequence release, there is no gap at all, it is a free feeling for the magician.

Xiahe used a magic book to suppress Medieri's enemies and let her pick the fruits.

Medierli had no need to hurt her body, charged with a gun, and the target mage dispelled the tornado. The flame in the tornado flew down like a purple-red dead leaf.

Medierli had rushed to a distance of more than twenty meters, and the magician looked at the methodist to stop the other two companions, and was still using the same methods to deal with himself.

But he also knew that the young man in the Jinpao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ didn't dare to block it with defensive spells.

He raised his hand, the ring on his hand gleamed with brilliance, and instantly released an arcane torrent.

The hair of Medirelli stood up, and this moment seemed to be stared at by the dragon, and his life was at stake.

She recognized this magic, and Xiahe was a magic dictionary. Especially after reading the books of the Royal Library, when he directed the students and Medieri, he taught a lot of things that the legendary master did not know.

Arcane Torrent is a cruel and powerful magic.

The attack range of this magic is very wide, in addition to flashing skills, it is difficult to avoid it. Medieri's own invincible skills time is too short, it is afraid of death.

When the arcane torrents pass by, even if you can resist the attack, this magic will silence all your skills. If you cannot resist the attack, the Arcane Torrent will take away your flesh, vitality, and soul.

You are like a corpse in a long river, and will eventually be washed away with only a skeleton.

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