Daomen Invasion

Chapter 170: : 1 way to draw a sword

Between Medell's life and death, Dan Tian's Qihai expanded suddenly, her body was boiling, and her blue sword burst out almost instantly. E┡ Novels www. Δ1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Behind the head, the blue silk lifted up, the silver ring burst, and Jianguang dreamed.

The arcane torrent died under the blue silk sword, and then the magician took out his magic book, and suffered the strongest magic backlash.

A bite of blood mixed with visceral fragments spurted out. He had never heard that the magic of Arcane Torrent would create a backlash!

Jianguang broke through the arcane torrent, still falling forward, and the magician's body was cut into fine pieces and exploded by the disordered magic power.

It's so beautiful!

Xiahe did not expect that he could see the essence of Jianxiu in this world.

One sword breaks everything!

Medelly couldn't suppress the true energy in her body, and immediately took the spear and took the long sword out. This long sword is the spoils of Xiahe, from the son of the law.


The long sword trembled, the sword gas exploded, up to three meters away, and Medierly held the sword forward as fast as lightning.

The two magicians also panicked, the enemies were so strong that they could not understand them. The magic of Arcane Torrent is almost mandatory, and it has a wide range of effects. As a result, it was cut by the girl.

It was not a teenager, but a female swordsman disguised as a gun warrior.

Xiahe quickly replaced the tarot cards, the surrounding tetrahedrons disappeared, and four element order cards with different attributes flew out. The tetrahedrons became transparent and invisible.

Elemental punishment.

Xiahe's attack target is the furthest magician. He still left only one goal for Medieri. Medieri was brave and not fake, and was not yet suitable for one enemy two.

Phantom flashes, serial warhammer!

Xiahe approached the last mage, leaving the target behind.

The mage's eyes were red, a powerful force exploded between life and death, his magic book flipped, the ring on his hand was also flashing, and it exploded frequently.

He already knew that with some reservations, he would die the next moment.

Summon fire element, thorn mountain, ice wall, earth barrier, no need of wind blade, meteor fire rain, shadow invasion ...

The burning fire element rushed, and the flames of his body rose and exploded with a crackling sound. The surrounding snow is melting into a river. The temperature of this element of fire was too high, and far away, Medieri felt a pain in the face.

No matter what magic he has, he can be wiped out!

Xiahe pays attention to Medillary, and there is an indescribable feeling in her heart. Genius is a genius in any world. As if Medillly was born for a sword, how long did he learn from himself, not only opened up Dan Hai, but now In promoting her power.

The Danhai of sword cultivation has its own attributes. Some people have to practice for a long time before they can be determined slowly, but geniuses will continue to be promoted when Danhai opens up, determine the attributes, and form their own unique swords.


Medirelli cut off with a sword, and the element of fire extinguished.

She felt the air on the sword mixed, influenced by the element of fire, and entangled the chaotic world law. In the Danhai, the real gas surged out, brushing on the sword.

The sword light turned on again, as if it had just been pulled out of the sheath.


The Thorns Mountain is broken and the Qi is turbulent. In the Danhai, the Qi attribute becomes deeper. The Danhai is also changing and sinking down. It is getting deeper and deeper. The violent Qi is boiling inside, but Medierli has nothing Abnormal feeling, only feel abnormal. From Xiaoxuejian, she finally found her way.

The ice wall collapsed, the Medir Lidan Sea fell, and there was more and more qi, the water element on the sword was washed away in an instant, and the power of the chaotic law of this world also turned into the power of kendo.

Medierli knew this was her lack of strength. After each attack, Jianyi would be disturbed, unable to soar above the nine days.

Each attack is like redrawing the sword.

However, all her eyes were full of excitement, and everything in front of her was just a hindrance to the road. She had already seen the road, even if it was difficult and dangerous?

What's more, these obstacles can be wiped out.

Pull the sword in anger, pull the sword all the way!


The magician's great head flew up, and Medieri's sword light became stronger, rushing towards the last mage.

The magician turned and fled, and rushed to the warrior's cabin. He was afraid, and all his confidence shattered. The young swordsman could use her long sword to smash magic, which he could not understand.

At the same level, isn't the mage suppressing all professions?

Xiahe quickly picked up the battlefield with the hands of the master, and chased with Medierli. Then the Master flashed two times in succession, and had escaped far away. Medierli was wrapped in his sword light, and the degree was not slow. Chased behind the mage.

Elements burned!

The mage didn't dare to run anymore. He used the two flashes in succession, which was already the limit, and was still being overtaken, and gave birth to a desperate mind.

In his body, the power of the elements skyrocketed, and both eyes glowed.


Meidi Li's tongue burst into spring, and even spit out a door letter.

The elemental avatar was naturally out of control, and Medieri's sword light fell, and the mage was cut in half by a sword. Not satisfied, Medirley crossed the magician's body and rushed towards the hut.

The depth of her Danhai is still increasing, and the boiling qi is somewhat scarce, falling down.

Dan Hai, a relatively rare Kendo monk, was automatically repaired by Medieri.

Jian Yuan.

A figure came out of the hut, carrying a black snake-like shadow. There was an unfathomable feeling in Jian'erli's eyes as if Jian Yuan was projecting. She saw at once the strength of this warrior, as if a giant ancient snake had stepped on his feet and stepped forward.

The warrior's false realm ...

Compared to my adult, you are far away!

Medieri was angry, and the little warrior looked at him condescendingly. Among the newly-built sword abyss of Medierli, there was a dragon-like sword sound.

Her body was wrapped in sword light, turned into lightning, and she fell with the sword's intent, slashing towards the seven inches of the big snake.

At this moment, all her state disappeared, leaving only the abyss of horror sword.

The black long whip flew up and a purple electric light fell. The long whip turned and the tip of the whip hit the Xiahe's ice cone fiercely. The ice cone more than one meter long was pumped into mist, azure blue, and drifted in the air.

Medierly's sword light passed by, and the illusory serpent shrieked in the neck with a stern roar.

All this appeared only in the eyes of Medieri, that is, the long whip warrior did not appear, he just felt that his false realm was suffocating, and the girl's sword light surged again and swept through.

His arm lifted slightly, and the whip rod hit the tip of Medieri's sword.


True air burst into thunder, and Medieri's eyes closed, her body rolling with her long sword and rushing forward. The warrior's wrist shook slightly, and shattered an ice cone in Xiahe again. The lingering endlessness, like a snake, whipped into the gap between the sword lights of Medierli.


The whip pulled in through the gap and collided with Medicel Liz, making a brittle sound and retracting like lightning.


The snake suddenly swelled and rolled up, so Xiahe and Medil Lid were inside. The warrior urged the false realm to maximize its strength, killing two enemies in one fell swoop.

Only the huge scale armor was rubbed around, and the colored poisonous gas was transpiring. Xiahefei changed the digital element card. This time ten elemental cards flew, the flame tetrahedron burned, and the colored poisonous gas made a squeaking sound, which was cleared by Xiahe. A few meters out.

Medirary ignored the poison, and the sword light was up and down, and each sword was cut on the scales of the giant snake. After each sword was cut, her Jianyuan deepened. Medelly regarded the warrior as a sword stone,

It was just that the sharpening stone was too dangerous, and the giant snake shrank inwards, trying to entangle both people.

Medierli's sword light was scattered, and she felt a little out of touch. In her state, Xiahe couldn't bless her with any magic.

Xiahe sighed, this is a real level of suppression, this warrior is up at level 30, and awakened his epic ability, but relying on the false realm, he can kill himself and Medirelli.

It's quite a defiant behavior for two people to persist for so long.

Xiahe took a reel out. The reel was dark gold. The magic rope wrapped on it was crimson in color. Xiahe just pulled it. The reel unfolded and turned into a turquoise mountain. It smashed down. The half body of the giant snake was smashed by the mountain peak, the power of the disorder was exploded, and the half snake body flew out. Medelly felt the pressure relaxed, and the vitality in the body continued again.

Controlling Jianguang, she chased the flying giant snake and killed it.

The false boundary was broken, the long whip in the soldier's hand exploded, and a phantom flashed in Xiahe's side. He came to his side and took advantage of his repulsed kung fu to move the Asla pendulum.

There was a tick in the soldier's ear, and then he saw his hands and feet slowed down a hundred times, a pain in his neck, a wound was cut, and blood was sprayed.

Xiahe was astonished when Asra cut the curse, and he was also surprised, and he got another gold mark in his backhand.

The gold symbol was blocked by the neck bone.

The soldier's double fists slammed into Xiahe, and Xiahe greeted him with a punch.

On the fist of the warrior ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ dense fangs appeared, and on the fist of Xiahe, a lotus flower hammer appeared. The fists collided and Xiahe was smashed in half. The warrior fears in his heart that he is hitting a phantom? But the pain on the arm came back, and the phantom skill was not fake.


Xiahe appeared behind the soldier, and the thunder of palms fell, hitting the soldier's heart.

The soldier threw himself on the ground, and one of them tumbling, and the sacrifice of the thunder failed to kill him. Even more terrifying is that the impact of Asra's pendulum on him was only more than a second, and he got rid of it immediately.

Yes, the false realm of the warrior is a big snake, as if it came from the ancient world. Such strength shows that his vitality is extremely tenacious and difficult to kill.

The successive magic of Xiahe could not be controlled for long.

Summer maze!

Xiahe faced the tumbling warrior on the ground and released his space magic, saying that he should control him. There was a giant snake's upper body chopped to a rag in the middle of Medillary, and a huge snake's head swallowed poison gas.

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