Daomen Invasion

Chapter 171: : Great migration

The warrior was locked in the maze of Xia, unable to find the direction, the realm fell, and the huge snake head also fell to the ground, which was decomposed by Mediel Li Jianguang. E┡Ω novel www "W. Ω1XIAOOSHUO. COM

The false realm, completely broken, can no longer condense.

It was only at this time that Medelly sensed the changes in Danhai. Inside her lower abdomen, it seemed that a bottomless abyss appeared. In this abyss, all her swords were hidden.

However, the abyss is too deep, and not all forces can be stimulated. At this moment, Medirelli feels that her power has dispersed, and her hands and feet have become soft noodles. The long sword in his hand was covered with scars, and the ridge of the sword was covered with cobweb-like patterns.

"Sir, I can't do it anymore." Medieri couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the ground.

She squeezed out all the power and laid a solid foundation, but the enemy had not yet died.

I can only rely on adults ...

Xiahe successively casts his immature classic magic, the Asra pendulum and the summer maze. This is time magic and space magic. They are not what he should master now, and the consumption of him is also huge.

So Xiahe did not intend to get entangled, the seven-page book unfolded, and seven exploding stars fell in the maze of Xia.

The warrior was also dying and struggling, but in a small space, the sixty-three fireballs fell one after another and exploded, with no possibility of evasion.

Each fireball is like a star.

Xiahe also sat on the ground. He knew that he was too stingy. If two epic scrolls were released in succession, the effect would definitely be different, so he didn't need to desperately, he could directly kill the tenacious soldier.

But now I have to take the students to flee, and one less one is used for the epic scrolls.

Many snowmen around him who were not killed slowly approached. Xiahe lay down on the ground and manipulated the eyes of the frost giants he had arranged before, freezing each snowman into a frost with frozen rays.

When Xiahe regained his strength, Medieri became more and more paralyzed.

"How are you?" Xiahe worried.

"Adult, it's so comfortable. Although I can't lift my strength, I have never experienced this feeling. I don't want to do anything. I feel like the earth is like a bed. I want to sleep lazy ..."

"You are not a dragon, what lazy you want to sleep when you are advanced?" Xiahe lifted Medelly with a smile, the big knight was thin and thin, but it was not heavy.

"I didn't feel advanced, it was still in the 20th level, and I didn't have any awakening skills."

"Learning swords with me, advanced is not like that." Xia Hexin said, you have achieved Danhai, and now the consciousness is also strong. This is the state of the fourth grade Yin God. Before you did not even achieve the Yin God, the soul did It's so strong and reliable, and it's not hurt to fight against the epic powerhouse.

"I just want to sleep. Adults are carrying me." Medelly closed her eyes. Her soul grew stronger and she became a god, but she was very tired.

Xiahe had no choice but to make another porcelain puppet, carrying Medirley on his back, where he went to pile the wood himself.

Because I had said it well, I would go back a few days later, and Xiahe simply chose the in-situ refining materials. Regardless of whether the nobles of the North have won in the future, or His Majesty the Emperor, the things here probably won't belong to them. The simplest way of Daomen Refiner is the first step, which is to purify materials and create embryos.

Xiahe had already thought about using this material to refine badges on a large scale. After all, the emperor His Majesty gave his family badges space, which was very practical and expensive. He wants to arm an army, wearing all the badges of the Xia family, with similar functions, probably billions of gold coins?

If you want to make a badge that is delicate enough and has enough space, at least the raw materials must be as much as the heavy screen. Usually the appearance is reduced and more material is consumed.

When it comes to waste, Xiahe doesn't care. Anyway, the forest cannot finally be owned by him.

Xiahe's choice is also overbearing. He simply wraps the whole log with Daomen real fire, refines it, shrinks it, and then the whole root is included in his space equipment. Fortunately, the family badge space is not small, Xiahe asked the porcelain dolls to carry Medirley back to the lumber yard, made a shack, and then started working alone.

No matter how fast he is, he can make two pieces of wood in an hour, and he can't really sleep for it, he still has to maintain his combat effectiveness. Medirelli had been lazy and refused to help. Xiahe rests five or six hours a day, and the rest of the time is spent here.

Xiahe spent ten days, collected 360 logs, and stopped.

His refining of round logs is also preliminary, and the reduction ratio is not so exaggerated. If the loot left by the four magicians had space equipment, he would have stopped.

As Medirre refused to get up, Xiahe had to take some ruby ​​ointment to feed her.

The red jade paste turned into gas, and was pumped into the heart by Medieri. Then she came to the spirit and said, "Master, is there anything else in this thing?"

She watched Xiahe put away the box, which was still half full.

"I can't refine it, this thing is used a little less." Xiahe told the truth.

"Then forget it." Medieri was lazy and disappointed.

"This box of things, for me, doesn't change millions of gold coins." Xiahe made porcelain dolls, released the sled to let the porcelain doll tow, and pulled Medieri onto the sled.

"Shall we go back?" Medirelli took a silver ring that Xiahe had refinished for her. This was made by the sword she was about to collapse. It looked much stronger than the last one. Medelly bundled up the long, sled slowly in the forest.

"If you don't go back, there are people dead in this place. No one came to see it for more than ten days. It's a strange feeling that we are going around."

"Sir, I think you should prepare more swords for me."

"Why?" My head was only used when I was desperate.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, and I will prepare a few swords with different attributes for you, but you still have to continue to practice gun shooting." Xia He knew that Medieri had not extinguished her dream of flying.

Xiahe spent two days in the forest, and no other logging team appeared. It seems that this is a long-term logging base, and these woods are not used in a hurry. Xiahe took Medieri towards the high mountains again. The forest surrounded the mountains and grew to the mountainside.

Seeing nothing, Xiahe was also discouraged.

This exploration was fruitless, except that some enemies were killed. However, the area of ​​the ruins is too large, Xiahe is two people, and there is no good way.

On the 13th, Xiahe returned to the refuge with Medieri. The appointed day is almost here, and he is also worried that Eva will not manage the students well.

Back at the refuge, Xiahe saw Professor Sus at first sight.

Xia He was surprised and asked, "Professor Suss, what do I ask you to do?"

"Asrah, I'm sorry, they refuse to listen to your suggestions. I can only take the students and wait for you here."

"Our deer are still there." Xia He asked with a smile.

"Take them away." Sus looked down, and he felt sorry for Asra. He is clearly the most powerful of all professors, but he cannot change the result.

Xiahe agreed in his heart, and said in his mouth: "Forget it ..."

Talking about this kind of thing, the other party will say arrogantly, they are also to save more students.

If Xiahe is present, I will definitely say that my students are not students? If you want to get a reindeer, you can trade for it. But Suss could not do such a thing, he stayed and did not follow the group of people.

But it was only eight reindeer, and Xiahe did not prepare so much feed.

"What about those people?"

"Let Eva tell you, she went to investigate, I am here to guard."

Xiahe went back to his magic tent. This is a good place to rest, and students will come in to meditate if they need training. Xiahe has been confiscated and has consumed some magic crystals.

Eva was delighted to see Xiahe coming back, grabbing Xiahe and said, "We must leave quickly."

"what happened?"

"The army of those rebels has already gone out."


"Four days ago, I walked very fast, leaving no manpower in it. It seems that I left this ruin."

Xiahe thought about it and said, "After we came in, the snowstorm here didn't stop, that is, sometimes it didn't snow, at least the wind kept blowing, right?"


"There is something wrong with the ruins, there are no more people to live with, so the snowman has to move out."

"This ruin is going to collapse?"

"It's still far from the collapse, but this weather can't be cultivated. The snowman stays, and the accumulated food will be eaten up to two or three years, not to starve to death. It should be managed and integrated by the northern noble A force. There is no strong cover for this matter, do you believe it? "

"What should I do?" Eva now had no idea.

"What can we do, we go out, walk a long way, bypass the fortress and return to the academy. I remember there should be a large floating airship in the academy, right?"

"Are you going?"

"Look at it and say, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Who knows what was born in the school, if it is dangerous, you remember, we robbed the airship back to the capital."

"Is this the point ..."

"You know what I said is right, but I don't want to believe it." Xiahe immediately summoned everyone to come, thirty-six students in two classes, Sus plus Xiahe three, a total of forty people.

Xiahe took the map and laid it on the table, saying: "I decided to go back to school, but before I go back, I have to take a deep look at the ruins. There are no more people inside the ruins and I should not be in trouble. There are not many tasks. The plan is to improve the map, but the weather has changed a lot. Even if this is the case, let ’s search to see if there are any remaining snowman tribes. "

The students naturally had no doubt, and Susie said: "Asrah, how long are you going to delay?"

"Twenty days ago, I must withdraw." Xiahe calculated in his heart that if Freya had not returned on the 20th, she would have little hope. The imperial support would not arrive, and it was better to escape to the Imperial Capital. .

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