Daomen Invasion

Chapter 196: : War mission

"Asla, Yuri's team is led by Vladimir ..."

"If he wants to go, he will go by himself, the student will leave me, otherwise let him roll back to the North Sea." Xiahe angered, he can't control other classes, but within the scope of his authority, he will not let these people die.

"I understand, Asla, it's okay to do so, but after going back, you will be impeached by them. Have you thought about it?"

"I think clearly, they can't move my post of associate professor anyway, I was seconded from Juno College." Of course Xiahe thought clearly, he was not afraid of impeachment.

If Metatlin adopted his own suggestion and used the Demon Legion to solve the problem, his top three positions would not be able to run away.

College exchange, the Tenth Magic Academy has been ranked forty or fifty, which is still the best result in many teams. Get the top three by yourself, if you have impeachment on your face, just impeach it.

If they dare to do this, they will spend more money, propagate and build momentum in the imperial capital, and compile these people's ugly faces into stories. In this debate, I discovered that I still have the ability to write.

"What else?"

"Nicholas, are you going to this mission too?"

"Of course, I am monitoring, how can I not go."

"Then you will buy me a few more scrolls, lest you die, the headmaster will be sad."

"Okay, I can still get hundreds of gold coins." Nicholas did not want to argue with Xiahe. The person that the headmaster valued, even if he was crazy, he had to accompany him crazy.

Xiahe drove away Nicholas and immediately asked Freya to make the scroll. One hundred and twenty students, he could only leave forty-eight.

In fact, for the sake of students, he doesn't need money to scroll, but the things that don't need money, the other party will not cherish it, and may be used in advance in order to attack faster.

This kind of task, many people will try to reach the place first.

Vladimirson heard Nicholas recounting Xiahe's words, and he was so angry that he simply picked up a few other professor lecturers and threw Yuri's team to Xiahe. Xiahe was even more upset and called Yuri's group to attend classes with his students.

He will bring two teams to participate in large-scale war missions.

Large-scale war missions, with a huge plot background, are carried out in a fantasy world, which is extremely difficult.

This task started on the 28th and ended on the 33rd, for a total of six days. The content of the task is extracted from a historical fragment at the time, named-Elegy of the Great Elf King.

The mission of all teams is to kill the twelfth Great Elf King who has been defeated. The Great Elf King, who was badly wounded, was escorted by his cronies and fled into the Fantasy Forest, the ancestral land of the Great Elf King. Among the fantasy forests, there are many now extinct World of Warcraft, complex ground environment, and the defeated soldiers of the Elven Empire.

Although it is said that it is a defeated soldier, there is no legend to sit in, but the fighting power of the elf army is not low.

Participants in the competition must advance from the periphery of the fantasy forest to the front of the elven king.

The students of both classes, Xiahe gathered in the hall downstairs, and Medieri guarded the door outside, preventing anyone from entering. As for those who want to advance, Medieri will naturally teach them to be humans.

Xiahe gave orders to let her kill, even when the emperor was in front of him, Medierli would also start.

"Let you come, or someone will have resentment, and think I have delayed your future. But I am the most selfish person, let you take classes with my students, if you are not satisfied, you can go out now.

It was true that some students listened to Vladimirsen's words and were dissatisfied, but when Xiahe said so, they felt wrong.

Xiahe wants to pit them and just leave them aside, why should he come to force a class together.

"There is not much time. We will go in on the first day of the mission. This is a large-scale war mission. Our own equipment will not be brought in. Metatron will arrange uniform equipment. However, after entering, there will be materials. The warehouse is for us to choose. Each magician will also be equipped with five soldiers, and our fifty-two people will have 260 soldiers. This is a great help. "

Yuri's class disagreed, Xiahe could tell.

"Looking at other professions? Are you really ... arrogant. Your dad has money, it does not mean that you will make money. The legendary wizard is powerful, does not mean that you are powerful. The magician ruling this empire does not mean that you are the emperor. Your arrogance. , Stemming from knowing nothing about power. "Xiahe was rude and scolded.

"Just like you, Medierli can cut it all by herself. I really don't know where you come from. I don't want you to participate in Metatlin's affairs because I'm afraid you will die there. Vladimir Mison is crazy, and everyone else is an idiot. "

"Teacher, you are angry." Mila was timid and authentic, she was the youngest, and Xiahe rarely attacked her.

"I do n’t care if they are all dead, because these people are a waste of food when they are alive. You are different, you are young, and you are the hope of the future of the empire. From now until you enter the mission, you are here to give me a good lesson. These things are more than just This mission will be useful and will allow you to use it for a lifetime. "

Xiahe is very violent. Regardless of whether the students are rebellious, they begin to explain how to cooperate with the soldiers to fight. He also created melancholy porcelain dolls to replace soldiers and demonstrate how to bless them with magic.

Freya wants to make equipment for other classes, and simply doesn't participate in the mission.

Xiahe also didn't want Freya to be scanned by Metatelin's artifacts, if the filling was miserable. Professor Suss would still attend. Xiahe asked Suss to take Yuri ’s class. She only brought the students in the fourth-grade class. Medieri did not arrange the task, she was responsible for contact.

Emma came to lead the Xiahe early in the morning. The college sent an airship to carry 51 people into a Tallinn north of the college. Too many people are doing tasks, and the scene seems a bit confusing. Xiahe found his own mission tower and urged the students to enter. He was the last to enter, watching the Metatlin people close the tower gate, and then came to the mission space.

Because of his experience at Storm Point, Xiahe is very familiar with the process.

In essence, the entire Tallinn maintains a huge illusion. Such a large illusion can only be supported by an artifact.

"Quickly, don't spend time there! Captains of all teams, go to get the equipment. Before dark, you must capture the next enemy's supply point. If you let those elves take the supplies, your group of people will beheaded! "

In the military camp, a tall officer waved his stick and shouted loudly.

The officer had a bad smell on his body. There were scars on his face. A leading magician snorted, and the officer immediately went up, and a stick was drawn on the magician's face.

The magician was stunned, and he heard the officer shout: "Go and get the equipment!"

"Ah!" The magician was angry, and a huge fireball floated in his hand, he would throw it away. More than a dozen soldiers rushed to the side, and the slender sword in his hand stabbed into the magician's body at the same time.

The magician slowly softened to the ground, and the blood on his body surged out.

"Drag out to feed the dog!" The officer pumped a stick to another magician. Xiahe didn't want to be humiliated, so he quickly followed the instructions to get the team's equipment.

The barracks are very large. It didn't take long for the chaos to start. After being executed by the officers, there were more than one hundred magicians. These people who did the tasks were honest.

The people of Yuri's class really admired Xiahe's five-body cast on the ground. Sure enough, on the battlefield, those troops were really terrifying. A magician in the realm of a master was slaughtered by a group of soldiers, and he could hardly fight back. Soldiers are advancing and retreating like wind, holding demon-destructive weapons, wearing defensive armor, and combined together is a killing machine.

Xiahe took his team ’s brand, received all the equipment from the quartermaster, and returned to his team. Fortunately, everyone gave a belt of space, and the magician's equipment was all available. It was a war suit.

Although Freya did not come, the soldiers were not assigned according to their real names. Each class was assigned 150 soldiers and a team of 50 soldiers.

The leader of Xiahe is only him, Medielli and Suss. It stands to reason that there should be ten people. As a result, the barracks of the illusion supplemented him with seven 20-level magicians. Then, he assigned five magicians to Sus, and left two on his side.

There was a thunder suddenly in the sky, clouds drifted from the northwest, and the darkness above the barracks was slowly shrouded. Xiahe quickly took people to his camp, and three hundred soldiers stood ready.

In the middle of the big camp, tens of thousands of troops have already started to set off, and the drums of war are thunderous.

This attack on the fantasy forest, the Chinese army 30,000, directly hit Huanglong. There are as many as hundreds of wizards to cooperate, to uproot the power of elves in the fantasy forest.

Mage groups acted individually, and they must converge in the ancestral land rejected by the Great Elf King.

The herald soldiers rode the wind wolves and traveled through the large camp. Every time they came to the camp, they read out the military orders aloud.

"The general has an order, and the elven sorcerer has launched a high priest. It will rain for the next half month. All the mages must not refuse to fight due to the weather. The ancestors, all military merits are reset! "


A thunder burst in the sky, and the rain began to fall.

Xiahe opened the map, glanced, and said: "Give up all the armored beasts, before we get dark, grab this place."

Xiahe's finger clicked in an elf village, and a map phantom floated behind him, zooming in.

"Yes!" The soldiers answered loudly.

"Go on, let's go!"

More than three hundred people, under the command of Xiahe, got on the war horse and gave up the armored beast carrying the military supplies. The magicians took the food as much as possible, and the rest of the camping supplies were not needed.

Seize the village, there will be the first camp.

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