Daomen Invasion

Chapter 197: : Infighting of the Masters

The equipment of the students has not been scanned, and of course the unicorn cannot be brought into the illusion. The war horses in this illusion are all mixed-race Warcraft, and they have high requirements for feed. It is said that in the war between humans and aliens, these war horses often eat enemies.

Like elves, like orcs, or goblins.

These war horses are only loyal to human beings, and aliens cannot ride at all. All war horses have a back height of more than one meter and six, with strong limbs and huge hooves. If the soldiers do not wear heavy armor, this kind of warhorse will not be affected by the terrain, and ordinary soft soil will not fall into it.

Xiahe let four students take 20 soldiers to form a smaller team, he led the way ahead. Students must quickly remember the map on the warhorse, even if they are separated from the team, they must also meet in the village marked by Xiahe.

There was some chaos in the camp. The teachers and students who participated in the mission never experienced the war at all. Many of them did not manage their own soldiers and left the camp in a mess. They are reluctant to provide supplies, because if it rains, without a tent, they will not be able to camp at night, and the soldiers will get sick and die.

Xiahe sneered, the environment in the forest was worse, the rain was silting up, and the armored beast was not suitable for carrying, because it would fall into the mud. It is these war horses that are brought to maintain physical strength, otherwise Xiahe will let all soldiers walk into the forest.

Xiahe didn't even wear a vest, the master's space equipment was too small, the students were two cubic meters, and the teachers were eight cubic meters. In fact, when attacking the elven empire, the Masters may not have space equipment for everyone. This has already improved a lot of the strength of the human army.

The rain started to be heavy. The soldiers all had ponchos. The students of Xiahe also had cloaks. They held up the wind feathers on their faces. The horses had no armor. They were southern breeds. They were used to the rain.

The area of ​​the fantasy forest is very large. Xiahe and others ran for more than two hours before entering the marginal area. The forest is sparse and there are many bushes. Xiahe ordered all the people to mount and walk.

After finding a slightly higher area, Xiahe ordered the soldiers to stop, add some food and water, and check the equipment.

The soldiers took the steel crossbows on the war horses and assembled them. A magician came to Xiahe Road: "Adult, after entering the forest, the magnetic needle is not easy to use. Do you want to establish a coordinate point?"

"Go ahead and leave a coordinate every five miles."


The roar of Warcraft came from afar, and two magicians immediately walked over. Observing outside the team, a storm tiger appeared. The magician immediately released two deterrent magics and took out the magic wand.

The Storm Tiger is also a 20th-level up-level Warcraft. It really conflicts. If you accidentally injure the soldier.

Storm Tiger sees the presence of humans in his territory, and his heart is irritable, but when the two deterrent magics continue, they have the meaning of retreating. He was hesitating whether to leave or not, an arc fell on its back, and a huge blue ice cone penetrated its heart from top to bottom.

The magician assigned by the army was horrified, the leader's mage was so strong!

Mage in the army originally disdain the team of mages recruited by these empires. A purple electric ice cone in Xiahe made them take away contempt.

"Go and tidy up, I don't need this thing."

The magicians heard the words, and immediately took the soldiers to the body of the storm tiger, and began to break down the spoils.

Although they are all created by the illusion, but each one is lifelike, it is no different from the real human beings, it also has its own joys and sorrows, and it also wants to survive in this world. Even if this world was created temporarily.

The things here, Xiahe is estimated to be impossible to take out, even if the Metatron family has this ability, they will not do that. Therefore, Xiahe does not want to win the spoils, he only needs to win.

Twenty-level Warcraft is not cheap, even if there is no magic core, tiger teeth and tiger claws are good things.

On the way to the back, a mage regiment approached, the squad responsible for the warning immediately issued an alarm, and Suzy immediately asked Yuri to take two squads to prepare.

This is not a real wizard war, but a competition of many teams.

If it is overcast, then go home.

The Masters continued to approach, ignoring Xiahe ’s warning, Xiahe frowned, saying: "Ready to fight, the other party crossed the cordon and can attack on his own."

"Master, shall we help in the past?" The soldiers assigned to Xiahe had two archers. Their ranks are higher, they are all already at level 25, and their bows and arrows are enchanted equipment. This is a little compensation for the lack of epic power in the Xiahe team.

"Go, mainly attack the opponent's magician, don't worry if the opponent's soldiers don't move."

"Yes." The two archers rejoice, they do not want the division to fight for each other, but this is inevitable. The soldiers did not want to kill each other.


Shot a ringing arrow and landed a few meters in front of the mage regiment.

"Stop, if you get closer, you're welcome." Yuri said to the distant mage.

"all of us are……"

"Stop your footsteps, please go around the road." Yuri replied coldly, like the rain falling on the treetops.


The soldiers pulled out their war knives and prepared to take over.

"Don't give your face, attack!" In the mage regiment, a dark-haired magician issued an order to attack, but the soldiers in the mage regiment responded unresponsively.

Dozens of fireballs flew, and Sousse waved his sleeve calmly.


The warning distance was originally a safe distance, and the opponent stretched the fireball attack forcibly, but it was too far. In this forest, it was still raining, and the power of the fireball was affected. These dozens of fireballs were dispelled by Sousse alone and magically.

"Attack!" Xiahe immediately ordered to counterattack.

In the mage regiment, all the soldiers stepped back, did not want to participate in the battle, and immediately exposed 29 magicians.

Withered thorns, endless shadow arrows ...

Melancholy porcelain figurines, death mist electric chain!

Xiahe magic surged out, and the battle erupted in an instant.

Fifty soldiers took part in the battle. The steel crossbows in their hands shot at the magician. The two archers flew with arrows and screamed in the mist.

"Why doesn't it matter!"

The mist was quickly blown away by the strong wind, and a powerful force burst out on the red-haired mage. Around him, the rain turned into ice beads, hitting the ground, and the ground had frozen into frost.


Without the command of Xiahe, Suss began to form fuzzy ripples around his body, and a ring of fire wrapped around him. Xiahe finally saw the false realm of this guy.

Purple Electric Ice Cone!

Xiahe continued to use his ultra-long-range magic to clean up the opponent's mage. This skill is quite effective when facing the weak. And because the attack speed is too fast, the epic might not even dispel.

"Get on the horse, pick up the knife." Xiahe ordered calmly, and Sus began to confront the epic mage.

Xiahe also got on a warhorse, holding a magic wand, and more than two hundred soldiers also got on a horse. He took a metal rod on the battle horse and connected it to the handle of the war knife, which immediately became a long knife.

"Bless the Magic!"

Xiahe's students immediately followed the content of the training to armor and speed the soldiers.

True soul movement!

A group of Xiahe soul magic continues, and the soldiers' morale is suddenly boosted, and the breath on his body is rising.


Xiahe's resting place was originally a highland in the woods. More than two hundred soldiers carried a long knife and rushed down. Xiahe waved his staff, and the bursting stars were lost one after another.

Little fireball!

Xiahe's students, followed by Xiahe to release magic and cover the enemy.

With so many fireballs exploding, the elemental environment is chaotic in the array of enemy wizards, and the shields that are barely propped up are also automatically exploded.

Fire Dragon Shock!

The opponent's epic mage was in a hurry. His men suffered a fatal blow within almost ten seconds. Although there were not many staff reductions, they were basically injured.

A fire dragon burst into the Xiahe.

Xiahe was surprised. The opponent's false realm was clearly a frost world. It was actually able to release fire dragons in this false realm. That is to say, the opponent's ice-fire dual system, the fire realm's false realm, was hidden in the frost world.

Arcane, years of frost!

Xiahe does not expect Sus. Although Sus is also an epic, the other party hides deeply. While attacking himself, he will definitely suppress Sus, lest Sus rescue.

He could not hide, once he escaped, the soldiers who were behind him charged were killed.

The judgment was wrong, and Xiahe was annoyed.

An unprecedented power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rushed towards the fire dragon, and the size of the fire dragon shrank rapidly. By the time Xiahe had been wiped out, most of them had been wiped out by Xinghe Frost, and a phase of the Frost Dragon Shield blocked it.

Suss was ashamed. An opponent's ice storm suppressed him, almost killing Asra's life.

Asrah marbles.

Xiahe threw dozens of light balls, flicked on the ground, and came to the epic mage in a blink of an eye. The light ball is not affected by the false realm, and releases the arc violently.

Wind riding, spear of destruction! Melancholy porcelain dolls, melancholic porcelain dolls ...

In front of Xiahe, three porcelain puppets held a spear and rushed towards the epic mage. He even led a horse and blessed the cavalry as if his body was supported by the wind. , A lightning spear condensed out.


The false realm was broken, and the smashed porcelain dolls formed soot. Xiahe collided fiercely with the epic master.

The horse warped his nose and spouted a burst of blood, and there was a small wound on the epic master's abdomen. He couldn't believe that he was broken by a big magician.

Phantom flashes!

Xiahe's phantom, nine huge fireballs floated in his palm, but the epic mage knew that Asra had reached behind him, he did not hesitate, and released the shield of ice and fire against him.


The phantom and the exploding stars were dispelled by him.

Broken Hell ...


After the broken hell, Xiahe connected an Asra slash curse, and the epic mage was horrified, and a crack appeared on his neck.

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