Daomen Invasion

Chapter 410: : Dao? News

Xiahe and Abigail both nodded, and such powerful spells can throw out thousands, which is definitely a long-lasting caster.

Qiu Xuanji took out a lot of equipment from his bracelet, and gave Xiahe a glance, saying: "These things, I can inspire and release, and might not be as good as my own spellcasting. "

Xiahe was not surprised. The authentic Taoist was originally a versatile type.

Only by the side door, will you be trapped in certain circumstances.

Xiahe looked at things and knew that Qiu Xuanji was honest with himself. Except for his most important equipment, it was estimated that all the means of Fulu had been taken out, and he had almost 80% of his strength.


"Adult." Qiu Xuanji immediately changed his name.

"Except for your most important things, do you have any supplies with you?"

As soon as Qiu Xuanji heard it, he knew that the other party had a deeper understanding of him, but he didn't understand that his realm should be above Asla, why was he seen clearly.

Qiu Xuanji didn't continue to think about it. He simply released most of the things in his bracelet and filled the cave.

Xiahe's consciousness swept away, and he was slightly shocked. He pointed to a translucent stone and asked, "This, I want to buy it. How?"

"This is the soul of the moon, the more precious jade. If the adult likes it, it will be given to the adult, and it will be the previous reward."

Xiahe smiled and said: "The price of this thing can be above my repair magic liquid, your personal things, how can I be so strong."

Qiu Xuanji said: "That's another matter. Without the help of an adult, I'm afraid this bracelet won't open. I will increase the price for what the adult wants in the future."

Xia He laughed. The Moon Soul Jade is really superb. I haven't heard of it being so good. The size is still relatively large. There are surpluses in refining both mirrors.

Of course, this thing is of no great value to others. Taiyin Xianfu refines the Taiyin mirror, and it is too difficult to search for materials. The lunar nucleus of lunar stars is not so easy to get around. This Moon Soul Jade is something that can be obtained only after the disintegration of the lunar star. It needs the destruction of the stars.

Although the universe is vast and there are many lunar stars that meet the requirements, even the golden fairy is unwilling to take the initiative to destroy the stars, which is not beneficial to the practice.

The price of this thing is high because of its rarity, and some fairies are extremely boring and will also play collection.

However, there are almost no real refiners. Qiu Xuanji is willing to give up for this reason. Such expensive things cannot be refined into good equipment, and everyone can only use them for collection.

"Then I'm welcome." Xiahe received Moon Soul Jade on the spot, also afraid of the other party's regret. With this thing, his Taiyin mirror can only be refined. Before thinking of many alternatives, he had to wait for the Taiyin star core.

Xiahe continued to check in the materials. This time I really bought a few things, and I chose to be relatively unpopular. There is no substitute material in this world.

After the selection, Xiahe asked Qiu Xuanji to collect these things.

"Three of us, it's easy to get out. This cave must have been artificially refined. It's just that there are a lot of elves outside, and there are powerful regional illusions. Those green dragons, don't look fake. The combat effectiveness is not low."

Qiu Xuanji said: "Sir, I listen to you, and if I let me have an idea, I can't help it. I don't understand this world at all."

"The dragon can fly, can you?"

"Although it's possible, I'm afraid that I can't fly those Eudemons."

Xiahe nodded. He took a pair of magic wings and said, "It was originally prepared for my disciple. You should still try it on equipment. This thing allows people to fly."

Qiu Xuanji had seen a lot of flying equipment. After he wore it, he was really excited, and a pair of wings popped out of the space behind him, slowly flapping in the back.

Then he tried to put it away again, very smoothly.

"You have the flying ability yourself, and with this, you are not afraid to fight those green dragons. Abigail, you also equip magic flying wings."

"Well." Abigail agreed, just to see Xiahe took a gourd out and shot it.

A turbid flame rose into the sky and did not enter the small cave at the top of the cave. Wuyun Shenhuo burned over, and the cave with only the arm's thickness contracted and then swelled violently.

Xiahe received the gourd and smiled, "Go away."

He flew up, Abigail quickly followed, Qiu Xuanji saw the wind elements around Xiahe's body condensed into a form like a horse, and became more awesome to this world.

The three figures flew out of the exit like lightning, and then saw the flames under their feet. This cave was not in the mountains, but hung on a big tree.

The big tree grew in fire, and the lower half was burning, with lush foliage.

Where Xiahe and others escaped, it looked like a huge stomach pouch hanging on a branch. Abigail doesn't think there is any problem here, anyway, there are many strange creatures in the universe, and it's not surprising that there is a big tree growing in the volcano.

Xiahe and Qiu Xuanji were shocked.

Whirling Fire Tree, Three Thousand Worlds!

This thing is clearly a Buddhist thing, but now it is definitely not. It should be that a Buddhist country was destroyed, and then this whirling fire tree was transplanted here, and the three thousand worlds were destroyed. So many things like stomach pouches hanging on the tree are all the remains of the three thousand worlds.

This still proves how powerful the enemy is.

It is also a powerful force in the universe that enables the Whirling Fire Tree to survive. Ordinary legendary strongmen do not have this power at all, and even few gods can do it.

Xiahe thought about it. When he first practiced to the first-order Taoist state, he certainly could not complete this feat.

However, if such a powerful enemy can still move, it is estimated that he has already dealt with himself long ago. When thinking of this, Xiahe and Qiu Xuanji were relieved.

Above the giant tree, many elves rested in the tree house, and no one stood guard on Xiahe's side. It may be that the elves think it doesn't matter. Those who enter the broken world may not escape.

Xiahe raised his head, and the narrow sky above was the exit of the volcano.

Originally, Xiahe wanted to go out and talk, but suddenly there was news about Dragon and Tiger Dao, Xiahe glanced at it, but it was sent by Medierly, one day ago.

Longhu Daolu passed the news, still close, thinking of the elves that someone had escaped before, and Xiahe suddenly knew that he was referring to Medirelli.

The message is simple: I have entered the volcano ...

Xiahe Road: "I'm going to take a look."

"Asla!" Abigail was in a hurry, and the following would be more dangerous. It would be better to go out of the crater first. The other party is just chasing and not fighting here. After going out, she was not afraid of hitting her.

"Medi Li is below."

"Okay." Abigail immediately dissuaded.

What Qiu Xuanji can say, Abigail's change is enough to show that Medieri is a person that Asra attaches special importance to.

Xia He knew what Qiu Xuanji was thinking. He turned back and said: "Medierli is my great knight commander and also a student of my family. She is just like her family.

"I will go too. If my master is below, I will never give up." Qiu Xuanji felt a touch in his heart, not because of the other party, but thinking of himself.

For Taoists, the relationship between master and apprentice is more important than any relationship. Asla is going to find his students, Qiu Xuanji has no intention of blocking. If Asla even gave up his students, how could he follow him in the future?

"I'm not afraid of fire, how about you?" Xiahe said cautiously.

"I'm not afraid, the fire spells are still the best." Qiu Xuanji replied proudly.

"I'm not afraid. It's much better to go into the sea of ​​fire than to swim." Abigail wrinkled his nose. Living on the beach is just that unpleasant. She doesn't like the sea.

"Magic Wings are afraid of fire, but just put them away, and the shell doesn't matter." Xiahe said, jumping from the branch, and Abigail followed.

The three men quickly fell, and in a flash they came into contact with the flames in the lower half of the tree. The flaming flames of the volcano burned on the big tree, but only the bark was burned, as if a crackling sound could be heard. Xiahe knew that the whirling fire tree could extract energy from the flame to grow.

Its root system is probably already thousands of meters deep into the volcano.

Xiahe leaned against the tree trunk and slipped into the depths of the flame, while summoning Medilly in the Dragon and Tiger Dao.

Soon, Xiahe got a response. In the Dragon and Tiger Daolu, Medirley quickly left a line.

"Under magma, five hundred meters, tree hole."

When Xiahe gritted his teeth, he went deep into the magma 500 meters, which was terrible.


Xiahe squeezed into the magma forcibly, even if his blood robe cut off the heat, his face still felt roasted. And the magma is not water, it has huge pressure. Xiahe was so angry that he wrapped himself and dived desperately.

Qiu Xuanji was a bit strenuous, he could only release a Fulu sticker to stick on his body, that is the fire escape symbol.

Xiahe's true energy is rapidly consuming ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ more than the true energy lost with Huang Quan's escape. It's just that Xiahe's five-element escape method is not very good. He hasn't learned it at all and can only use this stupid method. As for Huang Quan's escape symbols, it is not ineffective in this environment, but the loss is greater. It is not easy to refine the fu 箓, and Xiahe does not want to be so broken.

It ’s not too slow to say slow. In five minutes, Xiahe dived 500 meters under the magma, and then looked around the trunk of the whirling fire tree to find the tree hole. After half a circle, Xiahe held out a hand in front of him, and Xiahe also reached out and held it, and then he was vigorously taken out.

Abigail followed Xiahe closely and fell into the tree hole.

"Sir, you're finally here!" Medieli cheered and gave Xiahe a hug.

Xiahe patted her on the shoulder and saw that inside the tree hole, Master Chennya, the principal, was sitting. Jennifer looks good and is chewing on a thigh.

Seeing Xiahe, she didn't put down the piece of meat, but waved her hand to let Xiahe reminisce, so she could eat first.

Seeing Jennifer, Xia He suddenly settled down inexplicably.

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