Daomen Invasion

Chapter 411: : Poor Taoist

"My lord, when I came to the extreme north, I met the elves and said that I would give me some artifacts to kill something evil."

Xia He glanced at Qiu Xuanji and said, "Why didn't you get fooled?"

"I'm not stupid. I only believe in such words. I cut off two elves and went down to find the principal."

"At that time, I was still able to cry for help, but now I can't do it." Jennifer added later.

"Principal!" Xia He was startled, and came to Jennifer in one step. He could still feel the terrifying power in Jennifer's body, not like a seriously injured person.

"In the volcano, there is indeed a horrible creature. I came down to suppress it, and then down, there are still a few legends in this big tree. We took turns to suppress it and arrived at me in recent days."

Xiahe was relieved, but he still asked: "Principal, can the people below be reliable?"

"I'm the last one to come. I don't know if it's reliable. If they aren't there, then things will wake up long ago."

Xiahe took out a mirror and asked, "Is this thing used to save the monster from getting out?"

"Yes, that monster created the land of the extreme north, the gods of the elves. It exhausted its power and slept, and then we humans found it, and it has never been able to escape the volcano." Jenny said, using her mallet-like fingers A touch on the mirror. The mirror surface of clear water is like a lard, completely blurred.

"Also." Xiahe took the remaining five pieces of equipment, these are the elves disguised as artifacts, used to rescue the monster from the trap. Jennifer discarded them one by one without any effort.

Xiahe can't do it, otherwise he will do it himself.

"If you are absorbed by these things, they will control your soul and take your flesh into the magma. Asla, how did you resist this thing?" Jennifer is also surprised, these six pieces of equipment, each One is almost legendary.

Xia Hexin said that this thing is far from the Daomen equipment comparison, it is not easy to resist.

But he ca n’t say this. He had to say: "Principal, the equipment on my body is better than this, and there is a flame demon. I want to use the equipment to control me, unless it is a semi-artifact."

When thinking about this, it was the same reason that Jennifer gave the six pieces of destroyed equipment to Xiahe. The real materials of these pieces of equipment are still of considerable recycling value after being destroyed. But because this thing is not legendary, it's still a little bit less, and the material's level is also worse.

For Jennifer, the difference between these materials and gold coins is not significant to her.

"Medeli, did you give something to the principal?"

"Here it is." Medirelli looked very happy.

"Then don't you go back?"

"Not easy to run."

"Isn't it your spectroscope?"

"The environment here is terrible. I'm afraid of ruining that thing. Besides, isn't there a principal, and I'm not in danger."

Xiahe couldn't help crying and laughing, saying: "How do I know if you are in danger, I ran over for you."

"Ah! I'm sorry."

"Asla, I let her stay and taught her a little combat ability. And, this little guy you brought over, come and let me see."

Qiu Xuanji dumbfounded, this fat woman is more powerful than her master.

Involuntarily, he took a few steps forward and came to Jennifer. Jennifer reached out and touched his face, Qiu Xuanji suddenly felt the whole face was covered in lard. The feeling of suffocation rose from the depths of the soul.

"Also, although it came from a different world, not an intruder." Jenny said.

"Principal, are you sure?" Xiahe asked behind.

"People brought you, don't you know?" Jennifer's tone was a little harsh.

Xiahe said: "I can meet him, it is purely the reason of His Excellency Nicola Mailer."

"That guy, I understand, then let this little guy follow you, don't run around, or you will be killed." Jenny took a mouthful and swallowed the last bit of meat.

Qiu Xuanji felt that his throat was blocked, as if the fist-sized piece of meat had fallen into his mouth.

Jennifer wiped her hands on Qiu Xuanji's body and smiled and said: "Boy, you are very good, where is your teacher?"

Qiu Xuanji now knows that he can't call for Asra, so he has to answer honestly, "Teacher ..."


Xia He was shocked when Jenny spent a slap on the top of his head. Jennifer rubbed Qiu Xuanji's hair again and said, "The elf made some means in his head, and he barely saw it. Only then did I let him know several languages ​​of the world."

"Family teacher ... It's a real person at Tianqimen. I took a spaceship and ran into here, and I happened to meet Asla."

"He said to help you hide your identity and make you sell your life right." Jenny Hua asked with a smile.

"Yes." Qiu Xuanji didn't know what else to say.

"Then you have to work hard to cover up your identity, but you also have to pay a price."

"Senior, I'm in the astral world ..."

"I know you have been to many worlds, but here is the main world, and everyone in the universe is staring at it, and everyone wants to occupy it. All the people of the main world, including the will of the main world, are very foreign beware."

"Principal, what does Lord Nicola mean?" Xia He wanted to ask this question clearly.

"Legendary matters, you don't care, we'll solve it ourselves." Speaking of this, Jenny Flower said a little apologetically: "Thank you for sending the drops of destiny, but there are some things ... people can't fight destiny."

Xia He listened to something inexplicable, Jenny said: "Your Majesty let you control the Tenth Academy of Magic, you don't want to participate in anything, just let Nicholas toss it yourself."

"But, I just asked for fiscal power."

"That's what power, huh." Jenny Hua sneered.

Xia He still had doubts in his mind, but Jennifer didn't want to say, so he couldn't ask.

"You wait here for a few days. When it's my turn to rest, let's talk about something else." Jennifer said, shrinking into the corner of the tree hole and closing her eyes.

Xiahe pulled Qiu Xuanji, and Qiu Xuan's body had greasy hair on his face and his face was embarrassed.

"Adult, what should I do?" Qiu Xuanji's words made Abigail and Medirelli both smile.

"What can I do, you just follow me. The principal didn't kill you, so I dared to take you in. As you said before, you can practice with peace of mind, work for me, and save almost the resources you can fix yours. The spaceship has left this world. "Xia Hexin said, if you see the bright future, how can you leave.

Qiu Xuanji didn't think so far, and nodded silently.

"Okay, it's still safe here. Come here, don't disturb the principal." Xiahe reached out and went to the other corner of the tree hole. This whirling fire tree is too large, and a tree hole has a radius of tens of meters. Xiahe took the tables and chairs and let everyone sit down, and the tree hole was still empty.

"Everyone, this tree is a dozen miles deep in the volcano. Our position should be at the top. The principal did n’t say who the rest of the legend is, where he came from, and he did n’t want us to participate in it. Let's participate. "

Speaking of this, Xiahe glanced at Medierli again and said, "We will not be here if it was not for Medellie this time. Since we have come, we cannot go back empty-handed. Extract the ground fire here The power is very convenient, and there is also a place on the tree where the materials can be taken. "

Xiahe said that Qiu Xuanji was the happiest because he had very few rune papers, and whirling fire trees were suitable materials for making rungs. The effect is of course better than that of a thousand-year-old mahogany, as long as you can choose materials.

"Three of you, did you lose any strength?"

"All right." Abigail shook his fist at Xiahe.

"Some progress has been made recently." Medieri answered seriously.

Qiu Xuanji was embarrassed again and said, "I have to recover for three or five days before this bracelet opens."

"Then the four of us, when we go back, don't go directly. I'm going to deal with those elves. As for the dragons that accompany the elves, they are all Eudemons. It's not a cause for concern. The elven **** shooter is in trouble ..."

Qiu Xuanji said: "Give me some time, I can create a rune to defend the arrows."

"I have ready-made on my side." Xiahe Road.

Qiu Xuanji was not hit lightly, and the magician would also make the arrow drop symbol?

"My plan is to clean up the elves outside."

"What are you talking about! Master ..." Qiu Xuanji felt that his voice was too loud, and he couldn't help lowering it. He was afraid of arguing about Jennifer.

He is not too afraid of the power of the legendary female principal, because when the gap is too large, there will be a kind of consciousness of breaking the pot and breaking the life and death. But the headmaster ’s greasy hands rubbed on his face, it was a nightmare ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There should be tens of thousands of elves in the extreme north, there will not be too many, otherwise that thing in the volcano He couldn't suppress it at all. With the power of faith, he would quickly recover his strength, not a few legends can suppress it. We go out and kill all the elves, which will weaken him even more. "

"That one……"

"What are you going to say?" Xia He looked at Qiu Xuanji, but Qiu Xuanji went to see Abigail and Medirelli. It turned out that both women were supposed to look like this.

Are these people crazy? Even if he is a Taoist, he has enough runes to deal with one or two hundred elves. For tens of thousands of elves, none of the four can survive.

"The principal will help us, at least the magic flying wings on the body will improve a lot, you can rest assured."

Qiu Xuanji said with confidence, how could I rest assured that although the principal was powerful, it seemed to be a warrior's path. Even if it can help manufacture equipment, it is at most epic.

For epic equipment, it is not necessarily good to have what you carry with you.

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