Daomen Invasion

Chapter 927: : Battle without end

"No, just watch it. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a" The captain stared nervously at the picture returned by the alchemy telescope.

The surviving soldiers, struggling to save themselves, suffered minor injuries and began to look for the severely wounded living nearby.

If you continue to attack, it's no problem to kill the wounded soldiers. The five professionals who survived are not easy to kill with long-range attacks.

The fortress is not without powerful weapons, but it is to deal with the legend, unless there is a legendary enemy, he has no power to call.

Fight out of town? No permission, so wait here slowly.

Within a distance of two to three miles, a scorpion-shaped robot can hit an enemy quickly and accurately. If it is ten miles, even if the robot's orbital firearm can push the projectile so far, the quasi-head and the lethality are insufficient.

After all, it is a small gun, if there is a battleship ...

This brigade, even the manned six-pointed star airship is not equipped, but there is a double airship, which is of little significance.

Looking at the posture that the professional was aiming at, only the small flying robot could hit every kilometer, and the airship exploded in one shot.

I usually work with big troops, and now there is only one big team left, trapped in the castle, and the logistics are cut off. I can only rely on the reserve to spend my days. How to fight?

Under normal conditions, you can go out of town for a battle, but now absolutely not.

The captain looked at a professional in the distance and ordered the wounded soldiers, not knowing what to say. Then he took out a blanket and spread it on the ground, and all five professionals walked up.

Then the blanket flew up.

Although the captain is not a magician, but he is absolutely familiar with magic, there is no magic pattern on the blanket!

Okay, maybe it's divine power?

The enemy can fly, which is not good, the team leader immediately sends an alarm, and soon, the team above the city becomes a squadron. ..

The noble legion lacks heavy knights, but the other establishments are similar to Xiahe ’s main legion, but there are not so many magicians.

There are still many magicians in this team of Baron Pullman.

The command team in this squadron is the configuration of one battle mage plus four magic net mage. The command squad also has a commander magic configuration, a commander magic configuration, and a balancer magic configuration.

In addition to the command squadron at the core of the brigade, it is the best squadron.

The squadron leader took over the command position and issued the order: "All squad leaders, turn on the air shield and prepare to fight."

The captains of the eight standard squads are all heavy magic warriors. The armor itself has stored magic and air shields. Normally it is not opened, after all, the raw coal crystals stored in the armor are consumed.

Eight air shields were turned on, and the soldiers of these eight standard teams were all within the protection scope. And all the air shields are united, the defense capability is greatly increased.

The flying carpet wasn't fast, and I was prepared here before approaching the edge of the Great Wall.

The squadron leader did not order an attack, and patiently waited for the flying carpet to lower its height.

The flying carpet slowed down, and suddenly turned into a cloud, pressing down.

The squadron leader frowned, a short spear in his hand, and a golden light flickered into the dark clouds.


Inside the cloud, there was a painful mumble. The soldiers in the city head all pointed the magic rifle at the black cloud. In the field of vision inside the soldier's mask, hundreds of red and blue dots appeared on the black cloud.

Red dots are soldiers, blue dots are robot soldiers.

Because they could not see the inside of the dark clouds, these attack points were scattered, like the oldest archer, covering and killing the enemy by the arrow rain.

Only scorpion-shaped robots and magical constructs did not participate in the attack, and they were unwilling to waste resources.

The scorpion-shaped robot's projectile is magical and has a high value, and the accuracy of the scorpion-shaped robot is very good. If it can aim, it will basically not attack mistakes.

As for the magic configuration, it can release magic, and consumes the original magic stone.

The metal projectile whistled into the dark clouds, and inside the dark clouds, five figures rushed out, releasing powerful air currents on their bodies, while flashing colorful lights in their hands.

Each of these five professionals has blood.

"Mage, fireball."

The squadron commander calmly gave the order that all the magicians raised their short spears at the same time towards the sky. The splendid magical brightness instantly illuminates the range of several miles.

The fireball became a film, and it hit the five professionals.

The five professionals are all abilities, they hid in the dark clouds, originally wanted to sneak attack, but under the cover attack, shattered their dreams.

To rush out is a last resort.

In the sky, the fireball exploded violently, and the air waves hit downward, making all air shields no longer transparent, stained with a layer of orange color, and radiating intensely with ripples.

The abilities, the body is broken, and all the abilities have dissipated before they have attacked.

The squadron leader had a lingering fear. The spell-like attacks of these five guys felt very powerful. Fortunately, the first step was to become stronger. The subject of the Duke ’s Master training is the issue of coordination of fireballs during the first wave of attacks. Can fire the fastest and fire the most fireballs.

The magic outfits stood there calmly, and if the power fell, they would react.

This is a bit risky, but it saves a lot of magic rough.

The protective covers that cover the entire city, they can be released to protect fifty human beings.

The battle ended quickly, and the squadron leader said: "Send the robot warrior to solve the remaining enemies. Pack the loot, and yes, that blanket, take it back to study what it is."

The city gate opened, and more than a hundred robot warriors went out. Accompanying them, there were also two passer-by logistics vehicles. Although it is a logistical tank, there is a lot of armor and large firearms, but it is not equipped with magic artillery.

It is not human soldiers who drive chariots, but mutant mutants. This configuration was specially developed to control the chariot, so that the chariot can move even without soldiers.

The passer's combat power is not strong, and the large firearms above do not shoot fast, but the power is strong enough, and the 20th-level professional cannot bear it. In addition, the passer must have a sufficient number of robots to protect.

Generally, a tank will have five follower robot warriors.

The robot rode the Trojan, and after rushing out of the city gate, ran north. Ten miles away to the north, the wounded were seeing the glow of the fireball exploding in the distance, and their hearts were trembling.

The robot in the distance has already opened fire.

There weren't many people left, and all of them were wounded. The large guns on the tanks aimed at the injured professionals and made a huge roar.

The remaining soldiers were quickly cleaned up by the robots. The robots went up to pick up the spoils and judged the valuables. They were all placed on the chariot.

The robot turned and left, leaving blood everywhere. It didn't take long for hundreds of soldiers to walk out in the dark shadows behind the distant space barriers, dressed in the same style as before.

The war seems to never stop.

The leader's ability smelled the **** breath, waved his hand, and the soldiers below stopped. In the pocket of his body, the leader's ability took a centipede and placed it on the ground. The centipede fell to the ground and slammed into the blood-stained soil. The ability closed his eyes and analyzed slowly.

In less than half an hour, the advance troops were all killed!

The enemy is so powerful that the attack launched within ten miles has killed most of the people. This kind of attack only happened once, that is to say, the enemy's weapons could not be used arbitrarily, that's fine.

However, the five abilities who attacked the opponent also quickly died. The opponent's technological weapon should be very powerful.

From the analysis of the traces on the battlefield, there are robots on the other side, and many robots.

But in the attack, there is a smell of power.

What space is this? It doesn't look big, but it has such a strong enemy.

Baron Pullman couldn't sleep, and there was another wave of enemies, this time the number was more than six hundred. Moreover, this is the first time the enemy has appeared continuity, the two dials appear to come from the same space.

He had to issue an order to continue the battle with the squadron that had just returned.

Fifty people can hold up to six hundred.

This squadron has the most complete robot warrior and magic configuration. Let them fight tonight. Maybe the enemies in the future will become more and more dense.

Barman Pullman gave a command, unless necessary, first use the magic cannon to attack, put the enemy to the position where the accurate archer can attack, and then fight.

The attack of the scorpion robot is much farther than the precision shooter, and it can hit the back row.

Barman Pullman felt exhausted physically and mentally, and did not know when such a day would be the first one.

In the Tiantian Tower, Xiahe put down her troubled emotions, and gave the book of life and death to Medierli.

Anyway, the Tongtian Tower has enough resources and a steady stream of enemies, and has also sent more loot.

Nothing left or right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just continue production. Xiahe doesn't have to work **** production matters. He is now mainly upgrading the level of magical structures and advanced robots.

In the past, he had many things to do. These tasks of upgrading the structure were all handed over to his hands. Now that he does n’t need it, he can personally upgrade every structure that is worth upgrading.

Although there are many magical structures of the duke, it is definitely not a cannon fodder.

Some advanced constructions have the ability to command battles themselves, and many constructions are magic net nodes, which can provide power to the magic net mage.

Although the construction is mass-produced and the final assembly is completed, but the magician manually, many factors will affect the quality of the construction itself. After Xiahe's treatment, the potential of the construction will increase.


"Medierli, what's the matter? This is not the afternoon yet." Xia He and Yan Yue asked in a hurry. The afternoon was the time when he and Medierli were in actual combat, without interruption every day. This makes Xiahe's own combat power also rapidly increase.

It's impossible to fight against Jianxiu without thinking about improving the fighting ability.

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