Daomen Invasion

Chapter 928: : Ascension of Smith

"It's okay, it was Jack who went out to fight himself. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a"

"Go out in person!"

"Well, I heard that the giant reappeared, or it was extra large. If you let the giant approach the tower, would it cause some damage to the tower?"

"How is it possible that the weapons on the Sky Tower cannot be withstood by the legendary giants, and they cannot get close at all."

"That's suffocation."

Xiahe is also very helpless. On the side of the Tongtian Tower, the space is already very large, and some places may be split out, and the size is less than ten miles in size.

Rhode Island, Sun City.

The atmosphere is not tense, the scope of the Sun City is huge, and the space here is also very broad, and the space barriers only appeared more than two hundred miles outside the city wall.

There is no strong presence. In cities, alchemy factories are running slowly and do not consume much. Even urban weapons are not in a state of preparation.

At the edge of the space barrier, Smith looked up and looked at the dark sky, then turned back to see the brightly lit Sun City.

Alas, what the **** is this?

Armies continue to emerge from space barriers and come to this world. Smith saw the strong above the legend, and went up to kill, not much nonsense.

There are hundreds of legends in succession, dying in his hands.

After he murdered, he drifted away, ignoring the ordinary soldiers, not even destroying large equipment.

These legends are his sharpening stones.

Without the legendary strongman, the rest of the army will usually panic, and then under desperate circumstances, march towards the brightly lit Sun City.

Finally, he died under the strong defense system of Sun City.


Smith suddenly condensed his breath, the whole body merged with darkness, and disappeared instantly.

Stealth, the skill of Taiyin Xianfu, it is impossible to force stealth in front of the enemy, unless the level difference is large, but if the Yin God is in advance, the breath of convergence will be difficult for the enemy to find.

In the darkness, a man and a woman and two Taoists came out, Smith was surprised.

This pair of men and women, the style of the robe on their body, is not the dress of the Taoist priests in Taiyin Xianfu organized by the teacher?

Is there a Taiyin Fairy House in the parallel world?

In terms of rank, these two Taoists are a little higher than themselves, but ...

Smith didn't show any killing intent, and passed the big sword in his hand forward. The male priest burst into a cyan light instantly, and a huge jade die appeared, blocking in front of Smith's sword.

The female Taoist waved his hand, and a beam of thunder struck Smith's door.

Smith's sword was light as if there was nothing, speeding up dozens of times in an instant, a turning point to the female Taoist. This change is too fast for Smith to control.

When the sword went down, the thunder broke, and the female Taoist was split in half by the middle of his sword.

Jianguang separated his head, and his soul followed the destruction.

The male Taoist gave a heartbreaking roar, and it was his companion who died. Taoist couples are not wives, and their intimacy is ten million times deeper than that of worldly couples. ..

That's the other half of him, the souls of two people blend together.

Smith smiled. He could see that the power of female priests was much weaker than that of male priests, but it was also a threat. So pretending to attack the male priest and attacking him forced him to defend. The female Taoist must counterattack, and then he burst out the true power to kill the female Taoist in one fell swoop.

For Jianxiu, seizing opportunities is worse than creating opportunities.

Jianxiu is not a brainless combat machine. Smith's talent is still above Medieri.

Smith turned to eight meters away in a blink of an eye, and the giant sword in his hand also grew. His body was completely covered by the armor, and then the sword swept down.

That jade die was cut in half and the male Taoist vomited blood. When the Taoist was killed, he had been hit hard, the jade die controlled by his soul was cut open, and he could no longer bear such a blow.

Sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and Smith is not close at all, and the male Taoist is broken into the skull remotely.

The teacher said that when the Taoist was dying, he counterattacked strangely. Don't be careless, and carelessness is the end of death.

After killing two Taoists, Smith's long sword became darker, as if carrying a heavy weight. When he retracted the sword, the buzz in the air had begun to affect the space barrier in front.

Smith's figure shrank, and returned to the state of ordinary people. The giant sword also shrunk back, and he was included in the sword box.

No, this power is too violent. If you encounter an enemy with a higher level, can you still control it? When this continues, when will it stabilize?

Smith pondered and killed hundreds of legends to promote his realm, and his control ability was actually strengthened.

But his strength is also greater.

Fang Cai wiped out the thunder light with a sword, and in his heart he developed an extremely irritable emotion, wanting to kill all the creatures clean feeling.

There must be a long distance before it really breaks out, but if you do n’t get this feeling, it will be a matter of time before you get out of control.

"Forget it, the recent progress has been too fast, go back and read more."

Thinking in this way, two fuchsia lights flew from the bodies of the two Taoists and flew to Smith like lightning.

Smith was alert, a little late, but on his sword box, the sword light flew up automatically, facing the fuchsia light is a twist. The fuchsia light exploded in an instant, like fireworks.

Smith just had time to release his sword gas shield, and the fiery reddish light spot was annihilated under his sword gas.

Smith was shocked, what is this?

Automatically tracked, it seems to be some kind of imprinting power. I seem to have killed the child of a big man? Or apprentice.

Originally wanting to get some loot, was so frightened that Smith simply pulled out the giant sword and slashed through, annihilating the corpses of the two Taoists completely, leaving none of the equipment on his body.

After finishing all this, Smith glanced at the sword box. The sword box originally had three lines on the back, but now one is missing. When I asked the teacher what it was, the teacher smiled but did not answer.

It turned out that I was protecting myself.

He was right, Xiahe was not afraid of Smith encountering a strong enemy, he was afraid that some big men behind him would notice him. Therefore, on the sword box of Smith, the sword qi released by the three lines is usually absorbed by the strength of the sword box. Specially for this type of curse, weird secret method of imprinting.

After annihilating all the fuchsia light spots, Smith's heart was a lot easier, as if the shackles were removed, and it was like the feeling when he had just advanced to first-order sword training. Something in the world was completely opened to him.

In his heart, the original irritability also vented.

Fang Cai, before the fuchsia light appeared, he had a death crisis in his heart, but the fuchsia light was too fast, and he failed to react.

Between life and death, making a turn, Smith felt like he was sublimated.

Before this, he had not met anyone who could threaten his life. In a sense, what he is worse than is this number. Although Xiahe helped him to survive, the Taoist priests in the world of Shenzhou never said that they would resist by themselves.

What kind of physical body resists thunder and robbery, and it is impossible to think about this kind of thing.

Da Luo Jin Xian can do it, because Da Luo Jin Xian has been immortal.

Smith laughed loudly, and a turbid air spewed out of his mouth, breaking into the space barrier and disappearing. He has a feeling that if he wants to go through, he will die, so he will not die. But is this turbid gas the remnant of his robbery and discarded?

If there is power in the space barrier, it is best to crush this remnant.

Sure enough, this muddy air entered the space barrier, and the residual dust on his soul was also wiped clean.

Can this space barrier cut off soul induction?

Smith didn't continue to explore. His knowledge is also very rich. He thinks very clearly about the problem of different dimensions of space. This space barrier knows how much the real thickness is. If the Jianqi body goes in, if it is tens of thousands of miles, it may be said that there is no end to the layered dimensional space.

If you forcibly cross, the sword energy will be exhausted, and the person will die.

Anyway, such a force can't survive, let alone attack. Even the very weak professionals have the inherent power of this world.

Therefore, the space barrier appears outside the city, without dividing the inside of the sun city.

If you don't get into the dead, you can't help yourself with the space barrier.

But Smith didn't plan to return to Sun City anymore. He took a grass cottage out of the fairy ring of Tai Yin, unfolded it on the ground, and walked in by himself.

He laid the giant sword across his knees, sat on the floor, took out a blank book, and then used the sword gas to write on the book and draw.

What kind of books do you read? In King Kong, the books he likes and dislikes are almost the same.

Now, Smith wants to write a book and a sword score by himself.

This is something he wanted to do long ago, and everything was ready. Smith thought the magician's magic book was really cool, he didn't.

So he wants to refine a sword spectrum, which can be used as a magician's magic book besides being used as a legacy. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiahe never thought that Smith would have such an idea, how? Look, he is not like a book writer.

At the beginning of writing, Smith's sword spirit became extremely soft, portrayed on the pages of the book, and it was a golden hook of iron painting.

In his mind, the understanding of the sword was flowing, as if incomparably complicated, there were hundreds of millions of thoughts in an instant. But in the pen, it is simple, just like his soul.

His kendo, not so many ideas, is based on strength, speed, sharpness, straightforward expression.

He felt that the two Taoists had threatened and attacked secretly. There was no such thing as fairness and justice.

He felt that ordinary soldiers should not die under his sword, he would not move at all.

Everyone has a responsibility, he will not bear all of it, but the part that belongs to him will not be shirked to others.

Two priests, rivals in the Sun City. So, he started, no matter what.

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