Daomen Invasion

Chapter 992: :devil

"You are of little value, but it is always right to kill the dog first." In the darkness, a person came out on the wall. Even if the room is not small, it is not too big. He and Shrek are only less than five meters away.

Shrek lifted the short spear, pointed the spear at the man, and looked carefully.

The pale face, like skin without sunlight all year round, faint eyebrows, and the color of lips, is more like frozen meat, which makes people feel sick.

Seeing a pair of short horns on his forehead, Shrek smiled and said, "Hybrid bastard, looks like a **** creature?"

"Your arrogance ..."


At the front of Shrek's short spear, a golden magic projectile flew out so close that it was impossible for the person on the opposite side to react.

The attack of this magical musket is too subtle. People who haven't seen it, don't know what is hidden in the short spear.

The golden projectile was shot from under the man's chest, and the bullet rolled up, which was already manipulated by Shrek.

A black breath condensed in the man's chest, trying to block the magic projectile from hitting the heart.


The second projectile hit the man's face, and then Shrek's short spear pierced out with a golden light on the spear tip.

Gold blade.

This is the magic created by Xiahe, gold magic.

The man's face suddenly split open, at which time the magic projectile arrived and slammed into his brain.

"Although I am arrogant, I still have a good habit. The enemy is dead. Then talk." Shrek grinned and retreated backward, the spear tip turned upside down, and the golden light swept away. In the shadow behind, a creature less than one meter tall He was decapitated.

The flames on Shrek ’s legs had n’t been extinguished, the figure swayed and kicked against the window.


A burning stone appeared out of thin air and flew out of the window kicked by him. Dozens of magical attacks around them were all triggered by the gravity of this meteorite, and the explosion sound continued.

Shrek jumped out of here, and was in place from the beginning. Apart from releasing a flash in the corridor, he had never used space magic.

He can sense the power of disturbing space, and the techniques Xiahe has taught him are specifically aimed at this situation. Although he can still use space magic with his strength, if the elemental disorder in the body is triggered, the real killer of the other party will be released at this time, and it may lose money.


Shrek heard a violent knock outside the hotel, his own person, and the other party.

In the yard of the hotel, a golem with a height of more than three meters came down from the truck. The golem was covered with pearlescent treasure, which turned out to be a legendary golem.

The so-called jewels of this car are all blindfolded, in fact, they are jewel golems.

In a variant of the diamond golem, the defensive power may not be as high as the diamond golem, but the attack power is stronger.

Outside the yard, a scorpion-shaped robot less than one meter tall rushed into the yard, and a white plasma was ejected into the mouthparts at the front. The gem golem was suddenly burned out of the hole.

More than 20 scorpion-shaped robots, the plasma ejected, damaged the legendary golem.

The goblin waved his arm and hit the ground with a punch. The scorpion-shaped robot that rushed into the courtyard flew at the same time, and disintegrated in midair.

"Magic Golem of the Earth Department! Legendary Level!" A mage exclaimed outside and retreated.

Shrek brought five legendary mages this time. Two of them followed him upstairs. The remaining three were already fighting the legend of the enemy. The remaining magician was the strongest but the thirty-second epic.

Dealing with legendary golems may not break the defense.

The legendary golem rushed out of the yard and went straight to the long street.

At the other end of the long street, fifty short pterosaurs roared and rushed over. The headed knight, armed with a spear and a short pterosaur horn, bursts into a powerful thunder.


Fifty short pterosaurs jointly released a thunder and blasted on the chest of the jewel golem. The light of the gem golem dimmed instantly, but it was still rushing forward.

The knight raised his spear and roared: "Asla!"

Behind the knight, the blood was boiling and shouting in unison. The blue light and shadow flickered among the fifty knights, and they were connected in a blink of an eye. The Cavaliers urged the short pterosaurs to rush across the long street and collided with the golem.

The golem flew backwards, exploded, and the place hit by Leifa collapsed first.

The short pterosaurs swarmed the country, the golem was fragmented, a charge, the legendary golem ended. The knight's breath fell in a blink of an eye, and under the mask, he was still sneering.

He is the killer of this time, the legendary magic knight.

Under level 60, who can withstand his thunder blow?

It's a pity that after this, it takes an hour to release the second attack. Short pterosaur magic furnace, storage capacity is like this. But already very powerful, what else can I pursue. The gem golem, if he didn't have any configuration aids, the front would be nothing.

However, without this Thunder attack, ordinary legends are not enough for one charge.

Knight Warsong, for short pterosaur knights, can withstand hundreds of times.

The Fifty Knight turned a corner and blocked the road outside the hotel. In the hotel, the magician merged, five legendary mages, besieged the two legends, and in a blink of an eye, half of the ground in the courtyard collapsed.

The reloaded magic warrior waits patiently in the distance, is the first person, and also a legend.

They cleaned their heads and tails, and if there was a fish in the net, it was their turn. There are also battle array skills, joint release, magic armor is a suit, fifty people united, a positive impact, and it is no different from the chariot.

One after another, magicians withdrew, legendary battle, they just glanced at it.

Behind the hotel, Shrek landed, the surrounding earth was burning, and the sky was blood red. On his body, a faint metallic luster lit up, and the formation of the magic robe started.

"Hell projection?"

"Yes, a little bit of insight. If you surrender to hell, being a lord is not a problem. Why bother with Asra and get to death, but just a guard.

Shrek looked back and saw a pale face.

"Just that one, is your brother?"

"It's my father. Introduce yourself, I'm a fearless demon, Yan Hong." The young devil dressed in a dress and graceful, bent down towards Shrek.

Shrek carried the short spear, and there was a magic projectile in the short spear.

All the mage short spears led by the Duke have this structure and can only store three rounds of projectiles. After use, they must be reloaded. Anyway, Shrek has no chance to do it now.

"Hell, why are you interested in me?"

"Of course not to you, the target is still Asla. Luring you out, there is a lack of protection around Asla. You said, are you in a hurry now, go back?"

"The common language is good." Shrek said.


"It's nothing, preparing a magic." Shrek smiled and pointed his short spear forward.

A cross-shaped crack in the space enveloped Yan Hong.

Yan Hong's figure disappeared, and when the next moment appeared, he was surprised to find that his chest was stabbed by the other party's short spear.

"The technology of space trajectory, I am much better than you. Are you the trap in the hallway? You arranged it? Unfortunately, I got rid of it instantly. At that time, I knew that there was someone who was good at space. You Look, I'm such a powerful space magic, it's instinct to avoid it if you don't want it. But instinct is traceable. "


Yan Hong's right hand, with long nails, was inserted into Shrek's chest, pinching his heart.

Shrek's face, still tiny, seemed ironic.

"Have you never heard the magic of flesh and blood?"

Yan Hong was at a loss, drawing his hand, and the heart on his hand was still beating with blood. Is it fake? impossible!

"It's just a medium of spellcasting, which has indeed brought damage to me. However, compared to killing a legendary devil, it's nothing. They all say that the devil is cunning. I don't think it's ok?

Shrek shook his short spear, breaking Yan Hong's heart.

"Are you real or fake?"

Shrek picked up Yanhong with a short spear, turned around, and sent him to the cross-shaped space crack where he was divided into corpses. When he was sure that there was no problem, he cut the devil's head with a short spear and picked it in front of him, saying, "Of course it is fake."

The scars on his chest disappeared quickly, and even the damage of the magic robe was gone.

"The flesh and blood, interesting humans, interesting magic ... ah!"

The devil screamed, Shrek shot a golden soul bead on the devil's head, and the devil's soul was forced away.

"It's so hard to die, and the soul must be very interesting." Shrek put away the soul beads, the temperature of the earth at his feet receded, and the moon appeared in the sky.

At the same time, a shadow fell silently behind him, falling behind Shrek.

Shrek's figure flashed forward, but eventually appeared at a position a dozen meters behind him. In front of him, a pure demon figure appeared.

The demon is more than three meters tall, with long horns, holding a steel fork, and his face is covered with scale armor.

Shrek's cold sweat came out, just before, the mage robe was damaged, the mage armor had been pierced, and the opponent's weapon was almost a bit, and it was about to pierce the skin.

He didn't feel it, but instinct. After leaving Hell Projection, he felt that things were not that simple and released an abstract flash.

This is the magic he has created by himself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The idea was given by Xiahe.

Flashes forward, and finally the body appears behind.

When designing this magic, he wondered why it was so. Because blinking is usually out of the enemy's attack, in this case, will it not fall into danger again.

The teacher said that this was used to counter the assassin.

Today, it really used.


The last magic projectile was released. On Shrek's short spear, the golden light bloomed, a magic book flew up, page by page unfolded, his badge also lit up, and on his ring, the magic sequence transmitter rotated.

The devil was instantly covered by the brilliance of magic, Shrek has always been an activist.

Just nearly, he was assassinated by the devil.

If you are not in a mood to talk, simply use magic to communicate.

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