Daomen Invasion

Chapter 993: : Transfer

The figure of the devil looked magnificent and tragic in the light of fire. The scars on the body were almost worn right in some places.

He looked at Shrek calmly and said, "You are strong, but you can't change anything, **** will come."

Shrek stepped back and said, "It doesn't matter."

"It's a shame, died in the hands of a weak human, if you don't have so much magic equipment ..."

"Actually, I still have more, but I can't do it all at once."

Shrek didn't care about being said at all, using the power of equipment to win. In the duke lord, this is praise. How much equipment a person can use is also linked to his strength.

Some powerful equipment must leave a spiritual imprint before it can exert its full power.

And the spiritual imprint that a person's soul can bear also has a limit.

Shrek ’s upper limit is very high, so he can have a lot of powerful equipment and can control a lot of equipment at the same time.

"this world……"

The devil didn't go on, he was in the wound, the flames rose. Shrek's magic covered him from the inside out, there was no possibility of survival.

The vitality of the **** creatures is stronger and tougher than the abyss creatures, and it has already died for a long time.

Shrek took a golden soul bead out and determined that the devil was dead. Then he threw it away and took the devil's soul from the sky.

In the duke lord, many mages have soul beads, and the souls of alien creatures can be individually counted for merit.

Although the blank soul beads are not very cheap, but the somewhat powerful mage will reserve some in his hands.

Blank Soul Orb can also be exchanged for merit. Even so, the magician does not suffer. Many times, the war itself may not be smooth, but if you can get a strong alien soul, you can make up for a little loss on the battlefield.

Shrek destroyed the hotel house this time, but it was enough to make up for the soul harvest alone.

Shrek used a short spear to cut off the devil's horn as a souvenir. The price of this thing is not low, the devil itself is a legendary creature, a pair of long horns can sell a lot of money. Shrek is not short of money, this thing can be hung in the living room of the magic tower as a decoration.

A powerful mage, the magic tower is always filled with loot. Shrek has gone through many battles, but the devil's long horns are still worth collecting.

Most legendary creatures are full of treasure. But not everything can be used. Shrek also collected the devil's body and turned it over. He is not a research mage himself and cannot be used.

Refining equipment? He is not good at all.

When Shrek returned to the front of the hotel, the battle was over. He communicated with all the combat units and determined that the heavy magic warrior had not yet shot. Relying on the knight, he resolved the periphery.

This is a joint action of humans and **** creatures in this world. The nobles of the Northland are afraid that something is wrong.

Fortunately, the northern nobles' understanding of the duke was still at a previous point in time. Instead, it was seven or eight years ago. Indeed, such a trap would kill yourself and the people you brought.

Shrek ordered rest on the spot, and at the same time asked the robot to contact the mayor.

The members of the Guardian Mage regiment began to check the equipment. In fact, the wizards under the legend had few battles and no losses.

Mainly the magic projectiles in the mage's short spear are all used up. Now everyone takes advantage of the rest to supplement these magic projectiles. There is also the replacement of magic books, taking some medicines, depleting magic equipment, and repairing them on the spot.

Shrek used the reel-sequence launcher in the final battle, and it was excited at a rapid speed.

Sixteen magics were released at the same time, damaging the equipment.

He took off his ring and replaced it with a new one. This is more local tyrants, two legendary launchers.

The devil was not convinced, saying that he won by equipment, which is not surprising. It was covered by sixteen legendary magics. There was no mutual interference between the magics, which caused a decline in power. This itself is more terrible than being attacked by 16 legendary mages.

The sixteen mages, no matter how familiar they are, and when attacked at the same time, the magic may also cancel each other out.

"Adult, find the enemy, and move closer to the town." A magician came to report.

Shrek nodded, opened his horizon, and communicated with the flying robot. Some of the robots outside the town flew a dozen miles away, and one of them found a team of demons in their early 100s.

These devils were uniformly dressed, wearing neat armor, and they looked thick and complicated.

The devil and the devil are different, highly organized, and cooperate with each other, and the fighting power is completely different. In the war between the abyss and hell, the devil is often not dominant in number, but it can get better results on the battlefield.

Among these demons, there is no caster.

The advantage of a flying robot is that you can't see its threat. When observing from a distance, few people care.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it is impossible to detect the level of the enemy.

"No. 1, can you look around the town?" Shrek reluctantly asked the Fire Crow No. 1 with his own authority. This thing is not free. Fire Raven One has no problem detecting the entire continent, but consumption is there. This thing is not a public good, but Xiahe's private.

It is very difficult to get you permission to transfer authority.

Fire Raven One was very considerate, and directly threw a picture to Shrek. Everything within a hundred miles around the town was on the picture, and you can zoom in as you like.

This is a static image, which consumes less and is cheaper to transmit.

Shrek saw the mighty army of demons coming in the northwest direction.

Well, there are dense formations, which shows that the Devil's Legion has very low tactics. Anyway, there are fewer people in hell, and it is also comparable to the abyss. If the cannon fodder wants, it can still be measured in billions.

"No. 1, where do these devils come from?" Shrek didn't want to mobilize the moving picture, every minute was expensive. It ’s mostly useless, because everyone came.

Later, as long as the flying warships are sent to investigate, you can't use such a big thing.

"Inside the duke's collar, seven hundred miles away from Little Sun City, the current angle. Keywords, space singularities. The number is unknown." Huo Yi No. 1 said simple, the wording is to minimize consumption, so that you can still hear understand.

"Okay." Shrek asked no more, it was an invasion of parallel space, and it would be easier. In the **** of a different world, the devil will be very strong, but those from parallel space will basically be weaker by one level.

This is the experience gained from fighting against parallel space creatures for many years.

The legend of parallel space, a powerful epic can kill it, the same legend, there will be at least ten levels of difference. In other words, this 40-level legend in the world has no pressure to kill the 50-level legend in parallel space. The level needs to be around the fifteenth level gap to be flat.

The devil who was finally killed by himself felt more than seventy levels, and was not crushed by his own equipment.

"Issued an alert to Little Sun City. It stands to reason that they almost knew it." Shrek suddenly regretted that Little Sun City had flying warships patrolling around the year and contacted Fire Crow One himself. That was a waste of money ...

Normally, you should contact Little Sun City first and ask if there is a devil.

He felt embarrassed after giving the order, and hurried himself to contact Life Construction.

"Shrek, why are you running to a western town?" Life Construction didn't know Shrek's actions.

"An assassin was found."

"Assassins also appeared here and were resolved. This time it was clear. The nobles of the North, a huge **** colluding with parallel spaces, several cities have been attacked, and now a large army is rushing. Come with us. You quickly lead the people in the town and withdraw here. "


Shrek acted decisively and rode a Trojan horse to the mayor's mansion.

After hearing this, the aunt of the town immediately sounded the alarm. The whole town, in fact, has no ordinary people. The population is more than a thousand and basically works here.

Receiving business trips into Little Sun City, setting checkpoints, etc.

So within a few minutes, more than a thousand people have gathered in the town square. Most of them are veterans and act quickly. The mayor's aunt was also very talkative, saying that she wanted to retreat urgently, leaving people to give permission to the robots and equipment.

This is the case for the duke lord. When abandoning a fortress, some robots will be left, and magical structures with a certain ability to conduct commands will be hidden underground for standby.

These robots and structures will not fight the enemy, but only do a shallow hibernation.

When humans need to recapture the fortress, they will activate these things. These robots and equipment will lock the door inside the chamber and open it when needed.

There must also be some robots on the ground. These robots are immobile from the appearance, and there is no threat. They detect and transfer data on the spot.

The people in the town are moving fast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A robot force, starting from the west gate, should directly respond to the devil's forward.

It is not a striker. For more than a hundred, it is a scout for hell.

It is the fifty short pterosaur knights of the Guardian Mage who command the robot. Judging from the picture given by Fire Raven One, there is at least fifty miles behind this scout force, and there are only a devil army of thousands.

Time is still too late.

In the town, the real trouble is the business travel. The commercial conditions of Little Sun City are still good, facing Rhode Island, you can buy many products led by the Duke without crossing the sea.

The goods over the city of stars are all laid here.

Of course, there are still a lot of people going to the city of stars, especially those who pursue high-end and style. On the side of Little Sun City, there are mainly relatively low-priced goods with relatively large production quantities.

Therefore, there are now more than 2,000 business travellers in the town, and they all have to move to Little Sun City.

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