Death Compensation

Chapter 100 Xu once crossed the same boat for a hundred years, but now he should sleep together in t

Chapter 100 Xu once crossed the same boat for a hundred years, but now he should sleep together in the same acupoint!

"To be reasonable, generally it shouldn't be a mob first, let me get familiar with the situation, why is it a big boss right away?"

Lu Bai said out of breath.

This is also his ability to dissipate part of the spiritual side with his qi and blood smoke.

It would be difficult for another warrior to protect himself.

It's like that Xiahou Dandan competed with Yan Chixia in martial arts, you can come and fight for a long time.

But when facing monsters and goblins, Xiahou died in a few strokes, but Yan Chixia, who knew Taoism, could easily deal with those goblins and goblins.

This is why interlacing is like a mountain.

The essence of a warrior is to fight against all creatures and spirits. After a person becomes the general trend, he is to fight with people.

Maybe in the later stage of the warrior, it will become He Tiandou or something like that.

But in essence, practicing martial arts is practicing martial arts.

And these demons and goblins were on the spiritual side from the beginning, and after further study in this line of work, their methods became much weirder.

Lu Bai's qi and blood smoke can interfere with the ability of the mental side, but from the current point of view, it is just self-protection.

It is also worthy of being called a magic land.

Lu Bai was walking in the snow. When he ran out of the ruined temple, he saw a river in the distance.

If you follow the river, you can always find a place where people gather.

"There are bright red runes on the big wooden stick. This monster can be banned by people, which shows that this world has developed these strange things through demons, and naturally there are restraints."

"As long as you have the relevant knowledge and match some modules, you can combine a module that restrains these weirdnesses, and then use my martial arts."

"It's really not possible, it's okay to have related weapons."

Lu Bai slowly came to the river. There were some ice floes on both sides of the river, but there was clear running water inside.

Just walking, Lu Bai realized something was wrong.

I don't know when there was fog on the river.

The snow is white, the river is white, and the world is white.

In just a moment, Lu Bai's visibility was only two or three meters away.

After this distance, you can only see a piece of white.

"In this world, are weird things so frequent?"

"Take two or three steps, and you will encounter such a strange thing?"

Lu Bai raised his vigilance and stayed away from the river.

This strange fog appeared only after approaching the river.

Maybe this weirdness has geographical restrictions, as long as you stay out of the vicinity, you don't have to worry about it.

Anyway, I just want to use this river to judge my position and look for human gatherings.

"I can't say that this dimension is full of these weird things, is there no one?"

As soon as this guess came out, Lu Bai's thinking couldn't help but slide.

This kind of thing is also impossible to say, the time flow rate of the dimension and the earth is inconsistent.

According to Wang Erya, the closer the dimension is to the real dimension, the slower the flow of time will be.

Like the fantasy dimension of martial arts, it has reached 1:30.

And as long as the word “fantasy” is not broken, then the time ratio between the earth and the dimension will not be less than 1:3.

And in this dimension, thirty years have passed since the earth was polluted by demons.

Even if the time ratio is slower, a hundred years should have passed here.

A dimension has been polluted by demons for a hundred years, and no one knows what this dimension has become.

Lu Bai walked for a while in the white mist, but found that he did not go out of the range of the white mist, but completely lost his way.

"Empiricism has hurt me again." Lu Bai also knew something was wrong.

According to experience, if you encounter danger by the river, just leave the river.

It's just that these weird things can't be handled according to common sense experience.

Otherwise, you will only get yourself in.

Of course, the question now is how to deal with these fogs.

These weirdos here are all good at this kind of large-scale deception. Lu Bai has all the strength, but he has nowhere to use it.

One by one, they play with falsehoods, illusions, falsehoods and the like.

Wouldn't it be nice to fight with real swords and guns?

Lu Bai was not in a hurry, if he ran around like a headless chicken, he might have fallen for that weird trick instead.

Consume yourself and fulfill others.

Lu Bai calmed down his emotions and let himself calm down.

This trip was not going well from the very beginning. My original purpose was to enter a river and lake that was not far from the martial arts, at most a higher force value.

As a result, he was tricked into this magic soil.

Forget about the magic soil, but as soon as I came up, I encountered that kind of sealed big demon.

After a walk, I was trapped by fog again.

The thoughts in my heart are inevitably confused.

"Of course there are other factors besides this." Standing in the mist, Lu Bai recalled his various experiences after entering the Demonic Land.

The sky and the earth are plain white, and there are no tall trees around, so the field of vision is fairly wide.

Although it may seem a bit lonely, it should definitely not be so 'depressed'.

"That's right, it's depression." Lu Bai said with certainty.

The environment has a great influence on human behavior.

When you are in a depressive environment, your whole person's emotions will also become depressive.

In this repression, one either perverts in silence, or perverts in outburst.

All in all, perversion is the only way out of this oppressive world.

Lu Bai was inevitably affected.

"It seems that even if there are still people surviving in this world, most of those people are mentally ill."

After sorting out his thoughts, Lu Bai calmed himself down, and then began to think about his current predicament.

"I have qi and blood, but it is difficult for their ghostly methods to directly affect me."

"In fact, with these spiritual forces, it is difficult to directly hurt people."

Lu Bai thought of the few dead travelers in the files.

One eats itself to death, and the other drowns itself.

They all killed themselves.

"So the more you do, the more mistakes you may make."

"Be cautious in your words and deeds." Lu Bai thought.

And at this moment, from somewhere, an inexplicable singing sound came.

The singing voice is a female voice, crisp and pleasant, singing delicately in a dialect that Lu Bai doesn't quite understand.

"The son is looking forward to a beautiful daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law is silent when she gets married."

"Silence provokes resentment from my mother, and resentment will eventually lead to hatred after a long time."

"It's hard to live with hate and love, and a good man is not a good man."

Until then, the singing sounds as if the daughter's family is expressing their thoughts that are pressed in their hearts.

Although there is some resentment, it is still normal.

The song was originally meant to express one's heart, and to sing out the resentment in one's heart was actually vented.

"In winter, the glaciers are bitingly cold, and the tears freeze in the eye sockets."

"Blood flowed all over his face like flowers, fish teeth biting his body and not knowing."

"The bottom of the neck is like a rough white bone. This resentment is not dead."

"I used to cross the same boat for a hundred years, but now I should sleep together in the same acupuncture point!"

"Sleep together!!!"

First update.

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