Death Compensation

Chapter 101 Biting Chill

Chapter 101 Biting Chill

At this moment, the fog became gloomy and cold for some reason.

In the cold mist, the voice got closer and closer.

The mist also danced with the sound, as if there was a woman in white, standing in the mist and looking at you from a distance.

That black, that red, indistinct in the fog, but so conspicuous.

The tone of the libretto, after a turn in the middle, became extremely mournful.

The resentment and pain mixed in the voice are constantly conveyed in the singing.

There seemed to be a person lying on his back behind him, telling his bitterness and grievances.

Lu Bai only felt that he was chilling all over, and he no longer seemed to be in the fog, but instead sank into the glacier.

Under the cold, the body is rapidly numb.

This kind of coldness made Lu Bai immediately want to activate the blood-burning method. In this way, he can ignite the blood and warm his body.

It's just that this instinctive impulse was stopped at this moment.

He is very clear about his own physique.

Even if he really sank into the glacier, he shouldn't be so cold, let alone stop his rash actions when he sensed something was wrong.

If that weirdness could really make him freeze to death directly, then it would be useless to directly burn his blood like this.

"Don't you want me to burn my own blood to death?"

Lu Bai shook his head, Wei Wei might not be thinking that complicated, maybe he just wanted to freeze himself to death.

"You can't do it indiscriminately, but you can't not do it." Lu Bai sorted out his thoughts.

Then the second stage of the fighting mode started.

Under the Bloody Helmet, blood is set on fire.

Warmth welled up in my heart, and the chill receded a little, but it didn't disappear, on the contrary, it still lingered on my body.

It was this bit of chill that gave Lu Bai the idea of ​​increasing the efficiency of burning blood to gain warmth.

But at this time, Lu Bai stopped the burning blood by relying on his own reason.

The piercing chill struck again at this moment.

"Now I am urging the blood to burn, and when the blood is running, it has the effect of blood and smoke."

"Under this heavy effect, any mental abilities on the body will be dispelled."

"However, the chill still lingers."

"It means that the cold is not really cold on the body."

"It's cold-hearted."

Lu Bai's body was full of energy and blood, and most of those ghostly methods would not work on him, but Lu Bai was not really flawless.

He said that Qi and blood spread all over the body, but there are also some places that cannot be circulated freely, and that is the brain.

There is a word called cerebral hemorrhage.

The blood vessels in the brain are very delicate, whether it is Qi and blood or internal strength, "upper head" is a very dangerous thing.

For most people, practicing martial arts does not train the brain.

Although Lu Bai was a little better, but only a little better.

His huge energy and blood are also difficult to carry in his mind.

"If I'm not mistaken, this weird thing is very simple, that is, I planted the idea that I am very cold in my mind."

"In this case, even if I'm next to the fire, it will feel slightly warmer, but still cold."

"Then you'll be driven mad by the chill, and you'll want to jump into that furnace."

It is also easy to relieve this strange chill.

Lu Bai only needs to circulate his qi and blood, and then go into his brain, the chill will disappear in an instant.

It's just that Lu Bai may also become a person who cannot speak and has paralyzed hands and feet.

With this as a price, it is unnecessary to forcibly expel that bit of chill.

After much deliberation, Lu Bai could only think of one way.

"Run away!" Lu Bai didn't rush away, but after identifying a direction, he slowly moved towards that direction.

Don't care about the fog anymore, and don't care about the so-called cold.

Once one direction is firmly established, it will not be changed.

The singing in my ears also became faint.

It seems to be far away, but it seems to be in the ear.

Suddenly, Lu Bai heard the sound of clattering.

After walking a few steps forward, I saw the river.

I found myself walking back again.

The fog slowly dissipated, at least exposing the surface of the river.

At this time, a thing was seen floating over from a distance on the river.

At the same time, the source of the singing sound became real at this moment, it was coming from the thing floating over.

After the thing drifted in, Lu Bai realized that it was actually a small boat.

It's the kind of small boat that feels a bit crowded when standing on it alone, but you have to sit inside.

At first glance, there was no one on the boat.

But it drove sideways in the active water flow.

At the same time, the singing voice became more and more clear, and there were those few words back and forth.

"I used to cross the same boat for a hundred years, but now I should sleep together in the same acupuncture point!"

"Lang Jun, why don't you want to sleep with me!"

Lu Bai heard the previous sentence ignorantly, because it was in that kind of dialect accent, and also had a bit of drama.

But Lu Bai heard the last sentence clearly, and now he sees it clearly.

There were people on that boat.

It's just that this person is neither standing nor sitting.

Instead, only one head was left in the middle of the boat.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that it is placed. To be precise, it is hung in the middle of the boat.

There was a hole in the middle of the boat, and her head was coming through the bottom of the boat.

More precisely, stuck in this hole.

The hole was originally quite big, but after her head came in, it was patched up, wrapped in clothes and some straw.

It just happened to hold her head so that she wouldn't fall and the river wouldn't rush in.

In addition, this woman's face is also extremely miserable, with two lines of bloody traces.

Those eyes were full of shards of frozen ice, and the red ice continued to slide down along the traces of blood and tears.

"Your Majesty, it's cold outside in the twelfth lunar month of winter, why don't you come to Tongnu's house on the boat to rest together." The woman said softly.

It's just that it doesn't make people feel any ambiguity.

The biting chill became more and more intense, and the boat had already stopped by the river, breaking through the ice floe.

The slightly rippling water seems to be waiting for Lu Cypress to go up.

There is not enough space on this small boat, Lu Bai might have to touch the dead man's head when he goes up.

Under such a weird environment, how dare you go up and stand next to each other.

"Then thank you, miss." Lu Bai let out a sigh of relief, and stepped onto the boat.

The boat was much more stable than expected.

Lu Bai looked to the side, only to see a large number of bones clustered under the boat.

Skeleton hands and feet paddled, allowing the boat to swim forward.

The head also stopped singing at this time, his eyes were full of ice balls.

The sound of rushing water continued until he walked out of the desolate area.

The boat stopped at an abandoned ferry nearby.

"Li Du Li Chunxiao from Li Family Village, find him and bring him here." The woman's voice was cold, but behind the coldness, there was a deep-rooted and indelible hatred hidden.

After finishing speaking, Lu Bai felt the chill on his body shrink.

It's just not completely gone.

Second update.

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