Death Compensation

Chapter 996: The Ninth Floor

"Then the ninth floor is actually based on inspiration and thoughts." After Lu Bai entered the ninth floor, he could indeed feel these events, many of which focused on changes in thinking.

Enemies encountered, their abilities are mainly abstract and conceptual.

For example, Lu Bai met a small man in an incident on the ninth floor.

That little man has mastered something called 'weakness over the strong' ability.

As long as it is an individual who looks stronger than him, it will be suppressed by him to a certain extent.

Various weaknesses of one's own are also easily exposed to the opposite side.

Its ability, to a certain extent, reverses the opposition between strength and weakness.

But it was only to a certain extent, so in the end he was defeated by Lu Bai.

From him, he got a fairly good ability reward.

[Sequence: There is a cause-and-effect relationship between powers. If you set the upper and lower powers, you can control more lower powers with higher powers. 】

Because of this ability, Lu Bai's energy level has adjusted its structure again, thus achieving a skyrocketing increase.

Although criticality is one of my acquired driving forces, it occupies a very small share.

There is even a high probability that it is because of the relationship with the Sanctuary that they intervened.

Therefore, when Lu Bai was on the ninth floor, he soon had a hunch that the next event would be the last event on the ninth floor, and it had nothing to do with criticality.

So Lu Bai sorted out what he had gained on the ninth floor.

The harvest of those abilities is actually not important anymore, what is important is the control of one's acquired driving force.

"There is actually no difference between the original driving force and the acquired driving force. They are both just driving forces. The difference is that the original driving force occupies a relatively central position."

"The critical acquired push has little effect on me, but it is not without it, and cannot be underestimated."

Lu Bai remembered the special event he encountered during his second adventure in the Star Cave, the city whose name he had forgotten.

Looking back now, this incident was actually full of doubts.

At that time, Lu Bai had just entered the second floor of the Star Cave, and he was still practicing Qi and Blood Martial Arts.

Without preparing for anything, he entered such a special event, and gained nothing in it, but killed some Jiao Ling.

In addition, before actually entering the Star Cave, I was still in the subsidiary dimension of the Star Cave, in the cemetery of the space station, and encountered a critical fool.

"In this way, although criticality is not my main acquired driving force."

"But it still affects me when something like this happens to me."

Lu Bai gradually came to a conclusion.

With a high probability, the two encounters with critical creatures were not aimed at him.

It is only because I have a critical driving force that I have contact in the process.

"So, this time the critical point is actually aimed at the Star Cave?"

"No, there is a high probability that it is directed at the subsidiary dimension of the Star Cave."

Lu Bai was thoughtful, and vaguely realized this.

The Star Cave involves various real dimensions, and when they restrain each other, it is far from being able to fight against the critical family.

And apart from the fact that the real dimensions restrict each other, the Star Cave has some special features.

"Then the focus of the problem is more on its subsidiary dimension."

"The five major forces in the subsidiary dimension, in addition to the traveler, correspond to the guardians of the second to fifth floors of the star cave."

"It is estimated that the secret inside is not simple. Is this what the boundary is seeking?"

"Also, the first floor of the Star Cave..." Lu Bai raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had noticed something.

There is no guardian on the first floor of the Star Cave, but at the beginning, according to your origin, you will recommend corresponding ability events, so that anyone can smoothly transition to the deeper part of the Star Cave.

Now that I know one thing, I realize the particularity of some of the problems.

The Traveler faction is the fifth largest faction in the subdimension of the Star Cave.

It's just that there is no corresponding number of layers in the star cave.

Before, because the traveler was an outsider, Lu Bai thought it was not a problem, but now that he thinks about it, the problem is more serious.

Although the memory inside the thousand-dimensional space has disappeared, some cognitions remain in Lu Bai's mind.

That is how the God of Thousand Dimensions can control the events in the Star Cave.

Then, as a traveler under the influence of the God of Thousand Dimensions, he cannot obtain the special status of the Star Cave, which seems a bit wrong.

At this time, looking back at the special zero and first floors of the Star Cave, you will feel some problems.

"One layer involves the original, so there is a high probability that it will be related to other real dimensions."

"But the zero-level, the so-called inspiration, I didn't pay much attention to it before. Now it seems that I may have to get some observations."

Lu Bai gradually had an idea in his mind, and then crossed the boundary of this event and entered the last event on the ninth floor.

When Lu Bai entered this event, he saw a portal for the first time, which was the portal leading to the tenth floor.

Unlike other events, this event has nothing to do with the acquired driving force. It is more like a comprehensive test. As long as you pass the obstacles of this event, you can go to the tenth floor.

"This planet!" Lu Bai's body, which was almost the same as that of other planets, was also forcibly bound to a huge monster.

Planets are also different from planets, such as in the solar system.

The largest planet, Jupiter, has a diameter about 11 times that of Earth and a volume 1321 times that of Earth.

The planet in front of us is estimated to be larger than Jupiter, and it is different from Jupiter. Although Jupiter is large, its mass is relatively poor. Although it has a rocky core and heavy elements, most of the planet's matter is gaseous.

The planet in front of me is estimated to be about the same size as Jupiter, but its mass exceeds Jupiter, if it is not a key thing.

Lu Bo felt that this planet could produce some kind of reaction and change into a star.

Lumber was bound to it like a spine across one side of the planet.

On the planet, all kinds of substances are changing rapidly, breaking all the gathered forces.

It even goes deep into every part of Lu Bai's body, affecting the energy response in Lu Bai's body.

Then from the inside of the planet, there are still strands of power emanating from the inside of the planet, constantly restraining all Lu Bai's actions.

"The larger the size, the greater the impact. Before it reaches a certain level, it will be restrained by this planet." Lu Bai probed a little, and then he understood the characteristics of this planet.

Now this is the last test.

Break free from the special constraints of a planet about to turn into a star.

Lu Bai didn't act in a hurry, but thought of a question instead.

"Although there is a gap between a star and a real sun level in terms of realm and subjective initiative, there is no difference in energy level."

"In the sea of ​​stars, the Milky Way alone has 300 billion stars..."

"In the observable universe of the earth, galaxies similar to the Milky Way are also measured in hundreds of billions."

Thinking of this data, I immediately understood why Xingxiu Sea can become one of the most powerful real dimensions with a relatively simple transformation star.

This amount of energy levels simply completely rubs other real dimensions on the ground.

It's no wonder that Xingxiu Sea turned a blind eye to the behavior of the God of Thousand Dimensions who casually accommodated a living planet.

Because for Xingxiuhai, this is equivalent to a neighbor's child pulling up a small grass in his yard.

This kind of thing doesn't even need any anger.

It's a pity that Xingxiuhai basically ignored the disputes in the multiverse, and just lay there and continued to expand, and the turmoil from the outside world couldn't affect him at all.

"Even my original and acquired driving force has nothing to do with Xingxiu Sea, even if I am the Lord of the Earth."

Lu Bai shook his head and stopped thinking about Xingxiu Sea.

It can only be said that Xingxiuhai is strong if it is strong, but it is basically not affected by other basic thoughts, desires, and souls, and its own thoughts, desires, and souls are naturally extremely weak.

If one sentence is different, you can stop caring.

Of course, Lu Bai is not qualified to care about it now.

It's better for him to get out of the shackles of this planet earlier.

The scarlet evil force erupted and seemed to destroy everything.

However, the power that erupted was restrained at that moment.

There are thousands of forces pulling this scarlet evil force.

The power that was originally indestructible seems to have lost its particularity, and can only be pulled bit by bit, losing its effectiveness in this change.

"As expected." Lu Bai was not surprised by this.

On the ninth floor, there is actually only one test, that is, whether you have the qualifications to reach the day level.

This planet that seems to be almost turning into a star is a kind of test.

The focus of the Japanese level is to integrate the original and acquired driving forces of the soul, so that it has the possibility to become the core of creation.

This is true whether it is the path of refining the truth or the path of turning into a star.

And this disharmony of the soul is actually reflected in the external power.

The power that seems to be one and allowed to be controlled by itself is actually the same, full of disharmony.

The binding power of this planet comes from its huge size and mass on the one hand, and on the other hand, it comes from its ability to amplify all disharmony.

The higher the energy level and the larger the volume, the greater the possible dissonance.

In this case, the constraints are even greater.

To break through this shackle, either the energy level has exceeded a certain limit before, or the internal and external are relatively unified, and the dissonance that can be affected by it is minimized.

And if you can do this, you already have the possibility to reach the Japanese level.

"Clearing the ninth floor of the Star Cave is just the possibility of becoming a Japanese class."

"Then the number of floors ten or even deeper in the Star Cave may be the key to ensuring that you become a day-level, or even breaker."

At this moment of being pulled by the planet, Lu Bai already had more than one way to escape from the shackles of the planet.

For example, 'accepting' evil power.

Although there is still a gap in the star cave, as long as you accept it wholeheartedly, you can make this force really close to you, thereby erasing its inconsistencies and breaking away from the shackles of this planet.

First update.

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