Death Compensation

Chapter 997 Evolving Stars

However, this kind of acceptance is not worth the candle for future growth.

Up to now, Lu Bai has been able to confirm that if the evil power is developed to the extreme, he can use the evil to mess up the original, and from this aspect he can be promoted to the Japanese rank, but it is only the Japanese rank.

This path does not suit Lu Bai himself.

Therefore, there is a second method, which is to abandon this body's evil power, and then use the [mark] to unify one's own soul to a certain extent, and then break free from this bondage with a small body.

And this is probably the choice of most adventurers.

"At the ninth floor, after discovering the inside, abandon the inappropriate outside, rush to the tenth floor of the star cave, and then walk through the eleventh to nineteenth floor again with a new understanding."

"Perhaps it will be safe to reach the day level, and then pass through the Star Cave."

"It's a pity that the ninth floor of the Star Cave can stop nearly ninety-nine percent of adventurers."

"For those lucky enough to enter the tenth floor of the star cave, it is difficult to truly complete the complete integration of the original and acquired driving forces."

"The tenth floor of the Star Cave may still have some difficulties, and many practitioners will be eliminated, making them unable to move forward, so they can only seek an evacuation point."

"Of course, I also have a third method."

Lu Bai's evil dragon body is lying on this planet, and he can see some problems inside the planet.

It is these problems that prevent this planet from reaching the level of stars.

"It only needs to find a way to push it, and it can be ignited from the inside, and then a grand reaction occurs, transforming it into a star-like existence."

"And I can also take advantage of the timing of this reaction to break away from its shackles and go away."

Those who can do this probably have an understanding of the Japanese level, so it is not surprising that they can use this to clear the ninth floor.

"All in all, the ninth floor is a test of how to reach the day level."

"Either push yourself to have the possibility of becoming a day-level, or push the planet to react and touch the day-level."

At this point, the matter it possesses has reached a certain level, and there is a little bit of possibility to become a low-mass star.

Don't be confused by the word low mass, the sun where the earth is located is just a low mass star.

The sun doesn't even have enough mass to explode as a supernova in its later years, but will become a red giant in five billion years.

Stars with a mass less than 2 to 3 times the sun are called low-mass stars, those above them are called medium-mass stars, and those with a mass more than eight times the sun are called high-mass stars.

Of course, the earth is a yellow dwarf, and some stars with a mass smaller than the sun are called orange dwarfs and red dwarfs with lower masses.

The planet Lu Bai is lying on in front of him, once it really reacts properly, it is very likely to become a red dwarf.

So at this moment, Lu Bai's evil force erupted in full force, and then followed that binding force to stir up the disharmony of the planet itself.

Since this planet has sufficient mass and conditions, it has not yet been transformed into a star, which means that its own operating system is also inharmonious.

It may not have the original existence of the soul, but it also has other 'existences'.

Because of this dissonance, it disturbs the dissonance of other individuals, traps itself, and traps others.

However, with Lu Bai's reverse stimulation, the planet suddenly had a different reaction.

Lu Bai also took advantage of this opportunity to withdraw and leave.

The power of the whole body is twitching, and countless scarlet powers bloom, resisting the restraint and gravity of the planet.

At the same time, it is also fighting against its own disharmony.

Finally, after the planet's reaction reached a certain level and he rushed a certain distance, the restraint suddenly decreased.

Lu Bai quickly moved away from the planet.

Then came to the boundary of this incident, quietly watching the changes of that planet.

Lu Bai didn't intend to go to the tenth floor of the Star Cave right now, but was going to pull out the return door here first.

He planned to go back to the zero floor once, and then wait until the next or two Star Cave adventures before going to the tenth floor.

First of all, it is because of the original problem.

This time, the equipment that Lu Bai obtained from the altar on the second floor of the Star Cave was the 'Dragon Scale Armor'. The Qi, blood and dragons are most likely related to the herd of beasts.

And according to Lu Bai's own observation, there is still a sanctuary in his innate originality.

That is, the original evil fate of oneself - Buddha.

If Lu Bai wants to take the path of integrating the primordial and acquired driving forces, so as to reach the Japanese level, then he needs to have a certain understanding of several primordials.

To be honest, Lu Bai's cognition of the acquired driving force is actually not bad, but it is the innate driving force. For various reasons, he has basically never had much contact with it.

In particular, in the original junior high school, the "plant life" occupies the largest share.

Although it appeared several times during my growing up, I haven't had much contact with it.

This situation is actually not very normal.

Generally speaking, the initial stage of normal life has the greatest impact on the soul.

Driven by this influence, the acquired driving force may also be the original forces, and finally form the established destiny, that is, the fate cocoon, and everything will be affected by the original control.

On the contrary, it is Lu Bai, the situation that the acquired impetus is basically not in line with the original, it seems weird.

This can only be attributed to Lu Bo's particularity, a particularity that can only be created between several real-dimensional games.

Secondly, Lu Bai also needs to return to the zero layer to deal with some problems.

For example, in the relationship between Lone Star and human beings, there is a high probability that Yu Hui will be selected by Lone Star to do certain things.

The other is that he made an appointment with Bjorn before, he did some things, and then went back to the zero floor to find himself.

All these things need to be dealt with.

The stars in the distance are constantly expanding, and high-energy reactions are constantly happening inside. Under such circumstances, the matter releases a large amount of energy.

Light and heat are constantly impacting the surrounding universe, and that restraint ability becomes even more terrifying under such circumstances.

In the cosmic space, the small planets and interstellar gas in the distance are also absorbed and enter the planet.

Depending on the reaction area, energy and matter are gradually layered in an orderly manner.

A bright red star seemed to be about to appear in front of Lu Bai.

But at this moment, Lu Bai noticed a trace of disorder.

Then it was this slight disorder, and there was a chain reaction.

A little bit of bright yellow first emerged from the core, and then bright yellow bloomed with a more violent reaction.

Let the overall stability change.

To form a star, it must enter hydrostatic equilibrium and thermodynamic equilibrium, and the entire star enters a balanced state.

But now there is a problem with the internal energy reaction.

In this kind of reaction, a large amount of scorching energy and material flows broke through the shackles of gravity and flew out.

"The quality is not enough!" Lu Bo immediately realized.

Star formation is important for the integration of forces such as pressure and gravity.

Obviously, the planet in front of me failed to do this.

So a split is about to happen.

Lu Bo estimated that this planet will have a large amount of energy and matter escaping, and then some of the remaining matter will gather together due to gravity.

It could become a gas giant, a planet not far from Jupiter, or a brown dwarf, a type of substar.

And those escaped energy and matter flows will gradually cool down after an unknown number of years, and then form planets, asteroids, and comets.

If enough things escaped, it might form a binary or even a multi-star system with the original planet.

Lu Bai didn't intend to watch it any longer, not because he didn't have the time, but because he couldn't stand it anymore.

This scene is so big, Lu Bai can't escape, he will only be engulfed by this explosion, and he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die, the gain outweighs the loss.

Otherwise, even if the planet fails to evolve into a star, seeing this spectacle can greatly increase one's own knowledge.

Lu Bai walked through the portal, feeling the changes in the dimensions and time and space.

And the zero floor of the star cave that is close at hand.

At the same time, a force was transmitted to Lu Bai, acting on the barrier between Lu Bai and the body of the evil dragon.

It's not to eliminate this barrier, but to strengthen it, and then Lu Bai's body, which is comparable to a planet, will be closed under this barrier.

Lu Bai gradually returned to his original appearance, while a series of abilities such as the body of the evil dragon were trapped in another time and space.

It's almost the same as when Lu Bai was on the layer of the abyss.

It's just that this time the main body is weaker than the body, and it's the main body that is active outside.

Lu Bai himself can also use this power in the outside world, but as long as he uses it, that power will decay and eventually be exhausted.

"Is this my reward for solving the ninth floor of the Star Cave?" Lu Bai could feel the convenience of this way of handling power.

If he can use his huge evil dragon power sparingly, it can even be used for hundreds of years.

In addition, the three dragon balls forged by his evil dragon body can also exist for a relatively long period of time.

The villains and Hull people living inside have also become relatively free, and they can find a chance to migrate to Lubai Hanguang Cave, but at that time their power system still needs to be slightly changed.

After returning to the zero floor of the Star Cave, Lu Bai immediately went to the curing station.

This time, he has two abilities that need to be solidified.

One is naturally the ability [imprint] obtained from the three boundaries and three imprints, which can be used as an important basis for integrating the original and acquired driving forces.

The second is the ability [heart] of Dongshan Stone from the abyss stone man clan.

With the solidification of these two abilities, Lu Bai can feel that his inner consumption is being rapidly reduced.

"Even if I don't do anything now, I can be promoted to a star within ten years."

At this time, Lu Bai's resonance rate had reached 70% before he knew it.

This resonance rate is increasing rapidly.

Second update.

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