Death Compensation

Chapter 1015: The Tomb of Micro Civilization!

The space channel was forcibly opened, and the savage Lu Bai launched a merciless attack on this weak place.

In any case, facing the advantage brought by Lu Bai, Sanctuary is particularly 'active' in the critical situation.

The eternity and change of thinking and mind, under endless disputes, every victory will change the possibility of which one will occupy the mainstream in the future.

Critical obstacles failed, and Lu Bai and Sanctuary successfully broke into the second floor of the Star Cave.

The second floor, after entering, is not the familiar starry sky, but a dazzling sky and earth, full of high-energy material flow everywhere.

Every little dot, the energy and thinking on it, are changing crazily.

"Welcome to the world of microscopic life!" A message came, and then every point of material energy around it that brought brilliance launched an attack on Lu Bai.

The sanctuary is more inclined to the macro, and most of the gods and Buddhas have descriptions such as "immeasurable light" and "immeasurable life".

But comparatively speaking, Criticality prefers the microcosm, because from this angle, everything is changing, changing all the time.

The scale of time is too "tolerant" for microscopic things.

Summer insects are indescribable, and the time scale brings despair on the cognitive scale.

So microscopic things can only use time in a more refined way under this circumstance.

Strive to bloom a more perfect brilliance in a short "summer".

The energy level of these microscopic organisms in front of them is very low, which is equivalent to going to another extreme with Huaxing.

I just grasp a little bit of energy myself, and then use this bit of energy to the extreme.

Also because it is extremely small, the communication speed of the microscopic civilization can be unimaginably fast.

Their thinking is changing every moment, and their civilization is constantly rising every moment.

But every moment, this kind of microscopic civilization is destroyed.

Why in the universe, the body shape of most intelligent races actually fluctuates up and down in human form.

That's because this body type is the best in terms of resource consumption, environmental adaptability, disaster avoidance, and further development.

If it exceeds this size, the consumption of resources will increase, and wisdom will need to spend more energy on the control of the body.

If it is smaller than this size, for intelligent civilization, the ability to resist risks will decrease again.

These microscopic civilizations are an example, such as the one in front of me, their civilization level is actually not low, if the body size is normal, then they are basically the cosmic intelligent race that can navigate in the universe.

They have developed to the present, according to Lu Bai's time scale, it has only been less than half an hour.

They entered the Star Cave even later than Lu Bai, most likely when Lu Bai was attacking the second-floor portal of the Star Cave.

There is such a microscopic civilization, which was born in a certain dimension, and then reached the limit of civilization after more than ten minutes. After being unable to overcome the difficulties, the civilization was destroyed and sent into the star cave.

But after they launched an attack on Lu Bai, Lu Bai's thoughts were in turmoil. Thousands or even tens of thousands of civilizations like theirs were destroyed because of the energy reaction mobilized by Lu Bai's thoughts.

It's just that in this scene, there are many similar micro-civilizations.

In other words, Lu Bo has entered a special event, the cemetery of microscopic civilizations!

Because of the many limitations of micro-civilization, micro-civilizations basically appear suddenly, and then are suddenly destroyed in a short period of time due to problems in the development of civilization, or encountering some kind of natural disaster.

There are micro-civilizations that can really go on in the multiverse, but there are very few.

And most of the time, after a certain period of time, they will "transform into stars" themselves, that is, they will become relatively normal in the eyes of creatures of human body size.

Lu Bai's incarnation, Lu Yi, the lord of demons and demons, had evolved into a state similar to microscopic life because of the ecological environment there when he was fighting against the clone of the president of the Red River Society, the "East Lake Lord".

It's just that this kind of life form will either pass through and reach the point close to the real dimension, or end up halfway to change its own size, or die directly.

And these microscopic civilizations that are dying, they can't simply be regarded as the disappearance of ordinary life.

Their souls are not big, even very tiny, but in the state of rapid development of civilization, their everything is highly utilized, such as the soul.

Moreover, most of them have a cluster effect, and their souls can resonate.

This leads to a problem. Tiny souls do not allow them to carry much originality, but highly developed civilizations, coupled with soul resonance, can interfere with the originality in their brains with the power of other souls.

In fact, the first pass that these microscopic civilizations want to form is to tame the original soul in the form of clusters.

Only in this way can their tiny souls carry enough thinking ability.

Therefore, every citizen of microcosmic civilization has, to a certain extent, completed the promotion that can only be accomplished by Japanese-level or rebels.

This is the advantage of microscopic life.

But it also allowed them to be thrown into the star cave by the entire civilization without any room after death.

Although for them, the problem is not too serious, anyway, no matter where they go, they can't live for a long time.

Star Cave or Netherworld, it doesn't make any difference to them.

But now, Judgment has chosen them, and Judgment, who loves thinking changes, loves these microcosmic lives very much.

He himself even opened up a huge dimension, and the rules in it are relatively more suitable for the development of these microscopic civilizations.

Every micro civilization is a very high-quality incubator.

After all, there is a certain gap between their collective thinking and a normal interstellar civilization, but it is more orderly and unified, and the strange monsters that can be bred are stronger.

This cemetery of microcosmic civilizations, there are many microcosmic civilizations at this time, and they are all polluted by the critical point.

They expressed their surrender to the border, willing to transform from a civilization into a strange demon under the promotion of the other party.

Under this will, the thinking frantically promotes the energy explosion.

Although the damage caused by each microscopic civilization is extremely limited, there are too many civilizations like that here.

Lu Bai can only continue to agitate energy, with excessive energy levels, causing range-wide damage and shattering these micro-civilizations.

Not to mention, with the suicide attacks of these micro-civilizations, their thinking of a civilization has been integrated.

Then with the help of critical power, they carried out the 'transformation star'.

The collective souls merged into one, and then evolved into strange monsters.

'Spirits! '

The newborn group spirits in this line are not strong, even compared to other strange demons, group spirits are still relatively weak, but an important problem is that there are too many of them.

There are as many micro-civilizations as there are stars in the sky, and each micro-civilization can hatch a group of spirits.

The dense group of spirits, hiding behind these microscopic civilizations, continuously absorb energy, and then grow and adapt.

The high efficiency of micro-civilization also brought them to the spirits.

They grow at an extremely fast speed. If Lu Bai can't solve them as soon as possible, then Lu Bai will probably face hundreds of millions of extraordinary life forms next.

"The observation of constant tranquility has failed!" Under Lu Bai's observation, the observed area did appear to be stagnant.

It's a pity that the critical power also shines in it, the power of distortion of thinking, so that there are always many distortions of will in that piece of time and space.

Lu Bai's observation cannot penetrate this kind of abnormal will, so even if he observes with constant tranquility, that piece of time and space is stagnated, it will be reactivated due to this kind of change.

If it is cracked violently, Lu Bai will be surrounded by densely packed micro-civilization groups like an interstellar energy cloud.

Although their ability to bear disasters is very weak, a little energy fluctuation may destroy their civilization, but their civilization technology cannot be underestimated because of this.

Their energy utilization rate is extremely high, and under the collective efforts, Lu Bai's energy transmission range dropped sharply.

Although they paid the price of destruction, they were able to limit Lu Bai's power to a small area.

In order to ensure that the group of spirits in the periphery can grow up healthily.

At present, the most effective means of attack are black and white, but the efficiency is not very high.

The obliteration of black and white qi needs to be refined to a certain extent in order to ensure that a microscopic civilization is completely crushed to death.

Otherwise, as long as a small part remains, it can develop again in a few minutes.

In other words, this thing is too small, but it is not easy to absorb and digest.

"The critical power here is too strong!" Lu Bai kept experimenting with his moves, and then looked for the key to breaking the game.

The problem now lies in this point. There are too many microcosmic civilizations and too many changes in thinking, thus supporting a critical force.

The power of the sanctuary cannot be truly exerted, and it is basically used to fight against the critical power.

Sanctuary and criticality are the real dimensions of opposition, and the two sides have fought countless times.

This time, Judgment originally took the lead, and polluted the second floor of the Star Cave through the outside world.

But at this point, Lu Bai seized the opportunity and in turn introduced the power of the sanctuary.

But the borderline will not allow Sanctuary to destroy his plan to pollute the Star Cave, so he transferred the main carrier of Sanctuary's power - Lu Bai, directly to the second-floor "headquarters" where he is the most powerful, thus restraining Lu Bai. Cypress.

It has to be said that even though these real dimensions are restricted everywhere in the star cave, there are still many ways to use them.

Lu Bai is not panicking now, Sanctuary has the upper hand in this battle.

Because, it is not only the Sanctuary that is dissatisfied with the critical erosion of the second floor of the Star Cave.

So in comparison, this time is not a confrontational war, but a group fight without martial arts ethics.

All Lu Bai has to do is to survive this war and escape after gaining enough benefits!

Second update.

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