Death Compensation

Chapter 1016 Micro Knowledge

Sure enough, after a period of time, changes occurred.

Lu Bai could feel that the critical power was fluctuating slightly, but overall it was showing a downward trend.

It shows that the critical point is in the outside world, and the energy here has to be mobilized to solve the problems in the outside world.

After a little observation, Lu Bai had obtained the corresponding information.

Those individuals whose lives he spared have all become his eyes at this moment.

After they entered the second floor of the star cave, they did not fall directly into the cemetery country of this microscopic civilization like Lu Bai.

Instead, they entered into incidents that were critically polluted one after another.

In some of these events, there are only a few borderline polluters, while in some cases, strange demons have already been born.

These adventurers have only one task, which is to find a way to defeat the strange demon, and convert that critical power into [ability] through the operation mechanism of the star cave and then load it.

After loading to a certain level, the body carries a large amount of critical energy, and the event of the extraction point can be encountered.

As long as they can evacuate, the critical power will be taken away together, which can be regarded as a purification for the star cave.

As for these people, with so much critical power, after evacuating, they will plunge into the territory of the sanctuary directly and become pawns of the sanctuary, or will they be captured by the critical forces of the outside world and reborn as strange monsters.

Then it's none of other people's business.

In short, this is a war about the elimination of critical invading forces in the second floor of the Star Cave.

At present, there are already adventurers who have passed the test and brought out the power of the critical point. The pollution of the critical point on the second floor of the star cave is decreasing.

This is why Judgment had to mobilize energy to quell this banditry.

The criticality can be invaded because it is a 'distortion of thinking'.

It uses the alliance as a carrier to slowly invade the "equal communication" in interpersonal relationships.

The place where equality is paramount and liberty is the greatest power.

In fact, it has already been polluted unknowingly.

The stupid spirit in the cemetery inside the space station is just one of the manifestations of pollution.

With the help of this pollution, a secret program of the Federation was affected and became a critical invasion channel.

Taking advantage of this, Judgment arranged for the death of many 'strange demons', and arranged them to the second floor of the Star Cave after they died.

The inexplicable city that Lu Bai encountered at the beginning, of course, now Lu Bai has remembered the complete name - the city of zero orchid poison is one of them.

With the help of this, the power of thinking distortion continued to bloom, and then invaded various places, and finally caused many incidents on the second floor of the star cave to have critical pollution, and use those pollution to give birth to new strange monsters.

Although these new strange monsters were born in the star cave, they lack the activity of the outside world, but compared to those that have completely died in the past.

Undoubtedly, the new strange demon still has some activity and can become a critical bearer.

They can open up new small thresholds, and as the small thresholds increase bit by bit, they can use this to bypass the constraints of the real dimensions, so that the criticality itself can truly descend into the Star Cave.

Of course, this kind of coming is not "eternal". After all, the star cave is the home field of Nether, and it is a special phenomenon formed by other real dimensions.

The final result of critical pollution can only pollute the second layer of Star Cave, and use the power of the second layer to further pollute the alliance connected with the second layer.

Perhaps in the future, the alliance will become a critical subordinate unit from the five major powers in the subsidiary dimension of the Star Cave.

Then, the critical pollution on the second floor of the Star Cave will be cleaned up jointly by several real dimensions that activated the 'special plan'.

It's just that once special plans are activated in other real dimensions, it will give Judgment an advantage, which can be regarded as a small victory for Judgment.


"All real dimensions believe that the critical invasion of the second floor of the Star Cave has some ulterior purpose."

Although Lu Bai is still a little far away from the realm of the real dimension, fortunately he is standing close enough now.

They watched the battle at close range, so they could understand the meaning of the changes more clearly.

The star cave is very important, it stores the original souls of many challengers in the real dimension.

And because of the characteristics of its mass graves and trash cans, there are really some good things that will be thrown into the star cave due to the accidental death of the "temporary owner", which is difficult to recycle.

Just like Lu Bai, if he accidentally died in the star cave, the circle of life and death in his mind would be lost in the star cave, making it difficult to recover.

The reason for this is because the foundation of the star cave was provided by You Ming, so it is only a certain degree of difficulty.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to recover some of their relevant treasures in the Star Cave in another family.

Recycle with much fanfare, and the other real dimensions will definitely cause trouble.

And this kind of thing falling into the hands of other real dimensions is also a big trouble.

Recycle carefully, the mechanism of the star cave prevents the 'invasion' of the real dimension, and it is difficult for them to touch a specific thing inside under normal circumstances.

This time, the critical point was not necessarily to find something lost, so he invaded the Star Cave so painstakingly.

But judging from his behavior, his painstaking invasion is definitely not just for a small victory and then controlling an alliance.

In other words, the critically expended energy is not directly proportional to his apparent income.

It’s like some movies. They look huge, have a lot of investment, and all kinds of “fans” respond well, but when real people go to see the movie, the movie is shoddy and has various problems. In the end, the financial report comes out, and the whole movie is in a loss state. And it has lost a lot, so there is a problem in this regard.

The point now is that Sanctuary, as the critical enemy, has grasped a core idea, that is, what you have to do, I will stop it, and withdraw all the critical energy that affects the second floor of the star cave like a bottom.

In this way, no matter what Judgment wants to do while polluting the second floor of the Star Cave, without the support of strength, there is a high probability that it will fail.

And as the critical power of the grave of micro-civilization declines.

Lu Bai immediately seized an opportunity.

Not all microcosmic civilizations have turned to criticality.

Not all microcosmic civilizations want to integrate collectively, like a pool of orange juice, to merge into a whole, and then turn into a 'strange monster'.

Even during this period of time, there were still many new microcosmic civilizations that fell into this place because of the failure of the sublimation of civilization.

They are newcomers, and they are not willing to cooperate with the border at all.

All they want is to continue to climb the technology tree, and then continue to sublimate the entire civilization!

Even if they have failed to sublimate once and fell into this death zone, they will not give up, but will fight against death again, and then sublimate again.

This kind of microscopic civilization is like a shooting star, and in their short lives, the brightest brilliance blooms.

It's just that the critical energy was too strong before, so that no matter how bright their brilliance was, most of their thinking would be polluted by the critical, and then they became chess pieces that blocked Lu Bai and incubators for the spirits.

But it is different now, with the critical energy reduced, Lu Bai seized the opportunity, the power of the mind bloomed, cleared their critical pollution, and then helped them introduce new power.

"Jing Lin - Eternal Life!"

Real life has always been a force that has nothing to do with microscopic civilization, and their lives are too short.

A little change can dissipate their lives. In the eyes of most people, they must take a civilization as a unit before they can barely be regarded as an 'individual'.

In this case, the quiet forest, which symbolizes eternal life, is a special dimension that they will never be able to observe.

And the special power of this special dimension, real life.

After the death of a life, the soul will return to the netherworld. Micro civilizations generally die in the process of sublimation of civilization. Death means that the entire civilization dies together, and they will be accommodated in the star cave.

But microscopic civilization also has the death of individual life.

The death of individuals is even more embarrassing, their souls are too small, if only a few of them die.

So if this microscopic civilization does not have soul resonance capture technology, these microscopic souls will completely dissipate at the moment of death.

It doesn't even need to go through the 'purification' of the Nether, nor does it need to go through the procedure of the Star Cave, it will return to its original state by itself, and then follow the natural rules and sink into the Nether.

Their real lives are next to nothing.

However, after Lu Bo showed the real life, they discovered that as long as this power exists, even if the microscopic life dies, it can be easily 'reborn' under this power.

They can use this power to easily shape their new bodies.

Even if the entire civilization fails to sublimate, they can use real life to pull their souls back and reshape their lives.

This power has excited many microcosmic civilizations. They agree that mastering this power is the key to the success of the few microcosmic civilizations that have successfully sublimated.

So there are many micro-civilizations, which were instigated by Lu Bai.

In addition to instigating rebellion, Lu Bai's actions finally don't have to be so restrained, and he can truly show his own strength.

Moreover, it can exchange a lot of 'knowledge' from microscopic civilizations with the power of real life.

Because it exists in the microcosm by nature, this makes microcosmic civilizations see things from a completely different perspective from that of normal life.

Under the microscopic perspective, most of the traces of energy operation are relatively clearly visible.

Even the movement of some energy is a natural disaster for the microscopic civilization, and it is something that needs to be recorded and avoided.

After Lu Bai acquired this part of knowledge, he felt that his resonance rate was increasing again.

And the path of 'refinement' has also made some progress.

First update.

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