Death Compensation

Chapter 1064 Creation Core Features

Lu Bai integrated the soul power acquired by the outer soul, as well as the various powers he controlled, and after integration, they were all transported to the self-imprint in the soul.

At this time, the problem was discovered, that is, the power of the soul can help the self-imprint to gain a foothold, but the power of its own cannot.

First of all, the level is not enough. Even if these powers have been refined many times, compared with the original power, it is still as difficult as the natural floating power of water vapor trying to shake steel.

It can also be seen from this that Lu Bo's seemingly closely connected power is too loose and the internal disharmony is too great in the face of the original power of the real dimension.

It is true that water vapor cannot shake a piece of steel, but when the water vapor condenses and turns into water or even ice, if the amount is sufficient, it can naturally push the steel.

According to this situation, Lu Bai constantly adjusted his own strength, absorbed the experience, and quickly filled the loopholes.

However, the disharmony among the forces is not so easy to adjust.

In some places, Lu Bai could clearly detect the problem, but he just couldn't integrate it, because in order to integrate power, one must have spirit, mind and other things to control it.

In terms of thinking, Lu Bai has no problem, but these powers are all derived from the soul, and if the soul is not in harmony, the derived spirit and mind power will be in harmony.

No matter how high your spiritual realm is, it will be difficult to make up for this.

This dissonance further reduced the purity of Lu Bai's mental power, and because of this, Lu Bai's power changed from water vapor to mist, and some of his power even condensed into dewdrops, but there was no way to go further, condensed into water, and his power was mixed together.

Fortunately, there is the impetus of the God of Thousand Dimensions to cover Lu Bai, otherwise, relying on the little soul power that Lu Bai has mastered, the essence is similar to that of water without a source, and there is no way to maintain the existence of the soul imprint.

"If this continues, my soul imprint won't be able to gain a foothold at all."

"We must enter the positive cycle as soon as possible." Lu Bai now uses his own power to rebel against "fate" to interfere with the soul.

It is the opposite of the channel of soul-derived power-external power.

There is just a cycle between the two.

The mastered power interferes with the soul, and when the soul is strong, it can increase the power of its own control, and then further purify the soul.

This is a positive cycle.

It's a pity that it's a beautiful idea, but it's extremely difficult to do it.

If it weren't for the help of the driving force of the God of Thousand Dimensions, and the driving force of Nether would not fight or grab, but would stabilize the center.

In addition, Lu Bai used death to break away from the three driving forces before. Lu Bai's soul imprint, let alone gaining a foothold, could not even enter his own soul.

Now if you want to further promote the power inside your soul to go out to help the power outside, it is even more like a tiger's mouth.

And as Lu Bai further integrated his forces, the resonance rate also continued to rise, climbing from 91% to 92%.

By the time the climb reaches 95%, the climb has stopped.

Lu Bai secretly thought it was a pity, but he stopped in time to stabilize the basic market he had finally created.

This time, the driving forces of Jinglin and Abyss can be provoked to fight against each other, and they can fight for a foothold for themselves, because the two belong to Heng and Chang respectively.

Through this kind of disagreement, intervening with the impetus of the God of Thousand Dimensions, it was successfully achieved.

But Jinglin and Abyss are not puppets.

Their eyes are not here, Lu Bai can still provoke their forces to confront each other.

As their eyes came, Lu Bai had no choice but to give up and be himself with peace of mind, relying on the God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether to protect his soul imprint.

Although it is said that with the help of the possibility of Zizaitian, Lu Bai has obtained many benefits, has residual characteristics, and has been taken care of by the God of Thousand Dimensions and Nether, but it is also very troublesome.

If Lu Bai was not the carrier of the possibility of Zizaitian, then in the face of this soul protected by two real dimensions, as long as the other real dimensions do not have any deep hatred, they will probably not fight again.

But now Jinglin and Abyss have firmly stabilized the impetus left in Lu Bai's mind, and are even raising their bets.

Especially the abyss, as the opposite real dimension of Zizaitian, it must control all information of Zizaitian.

Zizaitian will inevitably be born, which can be regarded as a kind of "big trend", a huge background under the constant and changing.

But how to be born, what form after birth, that is another matter.

If you can occupy the possibility of Zizaitian in advance, capture some of the key 'cognitive cores', and then let Zizaitian be born.

Then from now on, he will be able to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with Zizaitian.

It might even go a step further and monopolize the field of 'desire'.

In the Nether Dead Sea back then, when the Dead Sea hadn't split into filth, Nether had accumulated too much foundation, and thus became a powerful real dimension second only to Xingxiu Sea at that time.

Over the years, Abyss has lived quite freely because Zizai Tian was not born.

But when He comes out, He feels uncomfortable.

Therefore, although Lu Bai lost the possibility of Zizaitian, he will have a reaction with Zizaitian after all, and he is unwilling to withdraw from Lu Bai's soul no matter what.

As a result, the situation is stalemate again, and in the future, if you want to use the constant and the change to cause the confrontation between the other two real dimensions, it will not be so easy for you to benefit from it.

Lu Bai opened his eyes. At this time, the space of the last event on the ninth floor of the Star Cave has become much brighter.

Lu Bai could feel that he could break through the constraints of space at any time and go to the portal leading to the tenth floor of the Star Cave.

At the same time, check your own gains.

First of all, Lu Bai's imprint is initially based on the soul, forming a soul imprint, which can be regarded as mastering a ray of driving force that really belongs to him.

Secondly, because of the control of the power of the soul, one's own personal symbol mark has been further improved. Even if one does not use the passage of the nether world, one can still make a mark through dimensional induction to a certain extent.

If you wait until Lu Bai is stronger, then as long as you put the mark on it, you won't be able to escape Lu Bai's control.

Just like the connection between the impetus of the real dimension and the real dimension.

This kind of power is born to communicate with the dimensional membrane.

"Sure enough, this is the true foundation of freedom." Lu Bai lamented the changes in his personal symbolic imprint.

In addition to the ultra-long-distance connection, this symbolic imprint has many potential abilities that can be developed.

In addition to the soul mark, the quality of Lu Bai's other powers is also much higher. After all, the previous integration and condensing has eliminated the disharmony of these powers to a certain extent.

The current strength is stronger than the previous ten strength.

More importantly, Lu Bai is now close to the Japanese level, and has obtained some characteristics of the Japanese level in advance.

The complete characteristics of the day level are the core of creation.

Possesses all the abilities to create a dimensional world.

And Lu Bai currently has a resonance rate of 95%, and if it exceeds 90%, every 1% can get a ray of characteristics.

In other words, every step forward, integrating one's own strength, can unlock some abilities that the original existence should have, and the resonance rate of the traveler system is manifested.

Therefore, Lu Bai directly obtained five natural abilities.

Creation of space, enlightenment of spiritual breath, constant things, self-actualization of heaven and earth, and absorption of darkness.

These abilities are very useful, creating a space is a further step of Lu Bai's previous ability to open up a different space.

It can make Lu Bai create something out of nothing, set up a space skeleton on the dimensional membrane, and create a piece of space.

Instead of relying on the existing space skeleton to open up a different space like before.

Attributing spiritual breath is the pre-requisite ability to create souls, which can make living beings exist and the space will no longer be lifeless.

Stability of all things is to further stabilize the space structure, so that the internal things can exist safely.

The self-acting world can make the opened space have self-evolving intelligence inside, so that it can run, and you don't have to do everything by yourself.

Swallowing Mingming means that the space can obtain energy from the outside world to support the improvement of the internal operation of the space.

It’s just that these abilities look good, but at best, they can create a relatively healthy different space out of nothing, but they can’t create a real dimensional world.

Lu Bai's resonance rate has to continue to increase, so as to obtain the final various characteristics, and when it finally reaches 100% resonance, these characteristics can be integrated into one and become a complete core of creation.

Of course, if this creation core really wants to create the world, it must evolve the creation core into a dimensional core.

Although he won't really die, he has been imprisoned in his own dimensional world since then, unable to really get out of his own world.

Therefore, most Japanese-level individuals, if they really want to create a world, will replace it with some kind of treasure that can evolve into a dimensional core.

For example, in the fantasy ocean of the earth, the special modules extracted by the divine power of the thousand-dimensional god are such treasures.

Of course, this method of creating the world still has some problems. Although the connection is close, it is not considered intimate, and problems may arise.

Therefore, creating the world with treasures and creating the world through self-evolution has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it depends on the individual's own choice.

Lu Bai naturally doesn't think about the creation of the world now, and he doesn't know where his own Hanguangdongtian is placed by the God of Thousand Dimensions.

At present, only one or two can be vaguely perceived through the imprint.

However, due to the initial possession of this ability, Lu Bai is still not very familiar with positioning in the dimensional membrane, and the induction has also been greatly 'blocked', and further improvement is needed to stabilize this connection.

In addition, the more harvest is that Lu Bai seems to have a general understanding of what the so-called breakers are.

"From this point of view, the possibility of the real dimension of the God of Thousand Dimensions is probably somewhat similar to that of the Mechanical Wheel. No wonder the preacher of the Mechanical Wheel is similar to the traveler of the God of Thousand Dimensions."

"If this is the case, then I will be able to break through the skill bar naturally and become a breaker when I become a day-level."

First update.

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