Death Compensation

Chapter 1065: Second Son of Death, Spirit of Rebirth from the Past, Soul Derivative Lu Yi

Why does the God of Thousand Dimensions treat other living beings with natural preferential treatment, and even the driving force in the soul is not fortified against them. Perhaps this kind of "trail" of myself is the correct way for travelers to break through.

After all, only the impetus of the God of Thousand Dimensions without restrictions has the qualification to create his own path.

"The mechanical wheel is the real dimension that is opposed to the herd of beasts." When Lu Bai cut off the herd of beasts before, he also obtained some information from it.

The core of the beast herd is the existence of life itself, so in order to continue its own existence, the beast herd gave up useless wisdom, leaving only the life instinct.

But if you further refine some keywords, you will find that herds of beasts have nothing to do with life, and it is more like a continuation of existence.

Similar to Haijiao, but Haijiao is obsessed with its own existence and is unwilling to change, while the herd prefers to continue. No matter what it becomes, as long as it can continue, it will be fine.

The mechanical wheel seems to have nothing to do with life, but the core of the mechanical wheel is the transmission and rotation between things.

The mechanical wheel itself is an individual that changes all the time. Today is different from tomorrow. Today it may be the gear that dominates the mechanical wheel, but tomorrow it may be a different gear.

Therefore, the number of Masters of Mechanical Wheels is more than imagined, although their terms of office are not long.

It pays attention to the flow between things, in other words, it is the change of owner.

So the herd of beasts and the mechanical wheel are opposites, and the domains they control are actually extensions of things.

It’s just that the herd of beasts is eternal, and it is still itself that requires things to change. It’s like a beast giving birth to a son, and the son is also the beast itself.

Mechanical wheels are changing, between transmissions, things may still be 'gears', but they are no longer themselves.

However, there is also a saying that the beast herd is the change, and the self-existence is continued through the change of life, while the mechanical wheel is the constant, even if the self is abandoned, the "transmission gear" must be maintained.

But no matter what, the existence of the mechanical wheel has indeed promoted a 'new wind', and many changes have been related to the mechanical wheel.

There are also many "preachers" under its command. They walk in endless dimensions, and are very keen to introduce new things from other dimensional worlds to another dimensional world, and then trigger changes in dimensions.

For example, in a magical world, missionaries will spread technology in it, making technology mainstream.

In a world of technology, however, the missionary will promote the revival of the mystical, making magic mainstream.

The essence is the communication flow of all things in the world.

"So if the God of Thousand Dimensions achieves the real dimension, there is a high probability that its core is the nature of change!"

"Change requires new possibilities, that's why He is so tolerant and supports travelers so vigorously."

But it is estimated that it is only similar, but not the same.

Lu Bai's inspiration burst out at this moment, and various cognitions continued to emerge from his mind.

This even made Lu Bai wonder if it was the critical power that re-entered his soul, but then he discovered that it was not, but his normal thinking ability.

After Lu Bai really controlled part of his soul, his thinking inspiration became extremely strong.

Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration is the perception of the soul.

When you truly control your own soul, inspiration is just like the senses of sight, hearing, smell, etc. It is a natural thing, rather than waiting for an opportunity.

At this moment, Lu Bai even had a feeling that he might not be a fool in the past.

In other words, everyone in the world is stupid.

Before that, most people's souls were not under their control at all, and nearly ninety-nine percent of people could not observe the soul.

Even if the soul is observed, there is no way to interfere with the soul.

What can interfere with the soul is only the outer layer of the soul, and has no contact with the soul box and the inner layer of the soul.

Those who can touch it must either go to surrender to the original, or become a challenger. At this level, it is considered to be the initial control of the soul, and they are no longer stupid.

The true power of the soul can only be seen for oneself.

Before that, ordinary people had a hint of inspiration, which was originally released for a certain purpose.

"Today I will know who I am." Lu Bai muttered these words.

Even if the soul was destroyed before, Lu Bai was reborn according to the memetic past, and the soul was bred again, and this soul did not belong to him.

At this moment, I feel that I finally have such a trace of myself.

Feelings come from the heart, tears fall from the soul.

I saw that the touch of Lu Bai's soul imprint entered his soul came back again, and a little soul tear fell down.

When the soul tear fell, Lu Bai caught it with his hands, and saw the soul tear grow, and a new soul was born in it.

With the instinctive operation of the star cave, the surrounding space instantly shattered, and a large number of space substances without front, back, left, and right gathered and fell around the newborn soul, forming the opponent's body.

In the end, an invisible and formless existence is formed. Looking at the other party is like reflecting a mirror, which can reflect the past of one's own soul.

A consciousness rose from it and landed in Lu Bai's heart, conveying the meaning of intimacy.

"The fate has come." Lu Bai nodded and said: "From now on, you will be my heir, the second son of death, the spirit of the old rebirth, and the derivative of the soul-Lu Yi."

Compared with the eldest son Lu Chen, Lu Yi is quite "indifferent".

After being named by Lu Bo, he felt a little joyful, but he didn't have any more words.

Then he seemed to sense something, and conveyed to Lu Bai the meaning of leaving.

Lu Shi knew it from birth, and it seems that he was born with a certain responsibility in the star cave, so when Lu Bai named him, he called him the old spirit of new life.

The Star Cave is composed of stagnant things in the Nether, and it is closely related to the Nether. It was only split due to various reasons, and it has become the place where other real dimensions rebel against the original.

Lu Yi was born at this time, and there is a high probability that it is related to the death ghost, so he is the second son of death.

Maybe one day, the star cave can return to the netherworld.

So Lu Bai agreed.

With the birth of Lu Yi, Xingku also cut off some of his rejection of being resurrected after dying in Xingku.

Lu Bai looked at Lu Yi who was leaving, and didn't stay any longer, and stepped out to the tenth floor of the Star Cave.

The tenth floor of the Star Cave is very similar to the zero floor of the Star Cave, but it is very different.

The tenth floor of the star cave is vast and boundless, with various landforms, and even various living things, which are no different from the outside world.

The brainstorms that were scrambled by countless people on the zero floor of the Star Cave before can be found everywhere here.

Because everything except adventurers is derived from inspiration.

The growth and evolution of all things can be seen in the ten floors of the Star Cave.

Looking back, you can even see some changes from the zero to the ninth floor of the Star Cave.

When he got here, Lu Bai felt a sense in his heart, and understood the function of the tenth floor of the Star Cave.

Before the tenth floor of the Star Cave, it was basically the past of things, but after the tenth floor, those pasts were gradually stripped away with the operation of the Star Cave, and the pure power of the soul evolved into an inspiration.

Some of the ideas flowed to the zero floor of the star cave to maintain the operation of the front part, and more of them flowed to the tenth floor of the star cave, where new things evolved.

So the zero to nine floors should be called the old ten floors, and after ten floors, it should be called the new ten floors, and the number of floors is constantly increasing.

The entire Star Cave should be in the shape of an upright shuttle.

The two ends are small and the middle is large. At this time, the ninth and tenth floors of the Star Cave are just the largest places of the Star Cave, and they are also the center of the Star Cave.

When you reach the tenth floor of the Star Cave, you can start to clear the Star Cave.

The Star Cave is not a charity field. After entering the Star Cave, smash the past inside, turn it into essence and absorb it, and finally use this to recognize your own soul.

During this process, Xingcao also paid a lot of things.

And there are also the existence of rebels, they carry a large piece of 'past fragments', this kind of fragments leave the star cave, it is possible to resurrect as a challenger.

Therefore, if you want to get out from the tenth floor of the star cave, you need to pay a price.

"Let go!" Lu Bai understood this point after Hunlei gave birth to his second son, Lu Yi.

The old days are reborn.

After taking away the past here, I have to let go of some of my past.

To use a more professional vocabulary to describe it, it is to subtract and become empty.

Inherit some of your past that you don't need through a certain ceremony to things after the tenth floor of the star cave, and then take over your past to form events that belong to your past.

You can then leave the Star Cave with what you need.

It sounds very simple, and it seems to be a benefit. Before the old tenth floor of the star cave, some events that could cleanse some power can be carried out here at any time.

Lu Bai can feel that he can strip part of his past power without damage at any time, and then form an event.

And in this event, as long as the beings on the new tenth floor of the Star Cave can clear the level one after another, absorb the past power inside, and pay off a certain amount, Lu Bai will be able to leave the Star Cave.

Eliminating those forces, Lu Bai became more harmonious and able to guarantee his own unity.

In the past, through life and death, the impetus such as herds, criticality, and sanctuary was eliminated, but now it seems that the means are too clumsy.

It's just that there is a huge trap in it.

"No wonder so many people have no way to clear the star cave." There are very few people who can understand the soul and then embark on the road of soul integration.

After entering the tenth floor of the Star Cave, you need to let go of the past. In this case, many people began to do something to their souls.

Strip away the original, and become a master from now on.

However, most people find that they have no way to leave after peeling off the original formation event, because without the original, they have no ability to act independently, and their souls have fallen into a deep sleep.

In the end, it can only nourish the new tenth floor of the Star Cave like a whale falling.

Lu Bai discovered many such incidents on the tenth floor of the star cave.

They are all events formed by certain adventurers with their own original past.

It can only be said that even if they embarked on the road of becoming a Japanese class, they still lack knowledge.

Therefore, stripping the past to form events is actually a trap.

It seems that the disharmony has been resolved, but in fact, it is just like "not seeing the poor", not solving the problem, only solving the problematic people, will only create greater discord.

The second update, tomorrow this volume should end.

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