Death Compensation

Chapter 1174 Crystallization of Nothingness

In addition to Lilina, there were many people who saw this scene.

Many people are afraid of this, thinking that this is another world-destroying disaster besides the Black Mist and the Hades Sect.

But some people think that this is a miracle of the world, just like the human body will have a fever when it is sick. In fact, fever is just the human body's way of 'healing' itself through this mechanism.

So if the Black Mist and Hades Sect are diseases, then the monsters born from their own people this time are the self-healing mechanism and the medicine to save the world.

It's just that this life-saving medicine will bring some pain. As long as they can use this mechanism to remove the Black Mist and the Hades Sect, then they can save the world.

The person who holds this view is the leading researcher of magic crystal technology in the Kingdom. He has promoted magic crystal technology many times and created many practical magic crystal equipment.

As a result, even the increasingly tyrannical God Fear followed the chief's advice and sent people to check the situation at the gathering point.

Moreover, Shenwei also believed that in this special situation, those hiding in the dark would definitely be found.

In this way, he was able to use this to find King Lilina.

To Godfear, the kingdom is important, but the reason why the kingdom is important is because Lilina gave it to her.

If this kingdom is compared with Lilina, it is worthless. As long as abandoning this kingdom can bring Lilina back to him, then he will definitely choose to give up the position of king immediately.

For Lilina, who picked him up and raised him, God Fear has always maintained a special emotion, but this emotion has never been put into words or actions.

But this time, the sudden loss of Lilina completely released his emotions.

As Liubai and Lilina rushed that way, they met a group of migrating people on the road.

Surrounding those people were several Kingdom soldiers holding Kingdom weapons, guarding them, alert to everything in the black mist.

Liubai looked at Lilina next to him and asked, "Why, don't you go and see them?"

"I heard that your kingdom has been in great trouble during this period."

"Even if you don't go back to be the king, you should at least send some news back to reassure your successor." During this period of time, Liubai got to know Lilina a little bit, and at least he won't be pulled out by this woman at every turn. The frozen sword pointed at his head.

Therefore, Liu Bai became much more courageous, at least daring to have some conversations with Lilina on this kind of matter.

"No need." Lilina glanced at Liubai and didn't care much about it.

"The kingdom is not my kingdom alone. If this kingdom cannot function normally after I arrange a successor, then this kingdom will collapse sooner or later."

Lilina had her own ideas about this. It was the case back then, and all the power of the country was concentrated in the hands of the king.

As the Bone King went down a wrong path step by step, he finally used his supreme power to pull everyone into the abyss of the dead.

Therefore, in Lilina's view, the king's behavior of concentrating all power into one person was actually a bad behavior.

The king is just a decision-maker, not a god who shoulders all the power and burdens of the country.

"Shenwei will finally understand, and he will become a qualified king."

"If he can't do that, then he will be replaced."

In her words, Lilina didn't seem to have much emotion towards the fear of gods she had been raised with since she was a child.

"As long as you know it yourself." Liubai then remained silent. Their perception exceeded that of that group of people, so they could watch all the actions of that group of people.

This group of people finally passed by Six Hundred and others without any interaction.

One of the kingdom soldiers suddenly breathed a sigh of relief after he was far away. He didn't even dare to look back, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Tong Qi, is the danger gone?" the person next to the soldier asked quickly.

"Well, let's go." Tong Qi nodded quickly.

He has had a special ability since he was a child, that is, he can feel the 'source of power' around him. The more powerful the power he holds, the stronger the induction it will bring to Tong Qi.

This ability made Tong Qi stand out from the civilian family, and later he almost joined the Kingdom Guard.

This is a national elite force.

He was already considered a quasi-member at that time. Unfortunately, at that time, Shenwei came to the Kingdom Guard on a whim to conduct an actual test on them, hoping to see if there were any interesting members.

So the reckless Shenwei conducted a test. He punched anyone who could still stand and directly joined the team.

As a result, this punch shattered his dream of becoming a Kingdom Guard.

He is just a child from a commoner family and does not have that much money to buy magic crystal enhancers to continuously strengthen his body.

There is no various magic crystal equipment, let alone expensive magic crystal potions. He can only continue to use the basic body-building techniques passed down from the kingdom.

Although they have achieved some results, they are far from being a match for Shenwei.

He was severely injured by a punch.

Although he was treated later, he lost the possibility of joining the Kingdom Guard. In the end, he could only be recommended to the Kingdom Army and become an ordinary soldier.

And due to various reasons, he is still a three-star soldier and has not been transferred to a non-commissioned officer.

But even so, he has gained some reputation among the soldiers. He is known as a clever boy who can detect the source of danger.

The stronger the energy source in the body, the greater the danger. With the help of this sensing ability, he led his teammates to avoid many dangers.

This time too.

"Then quickly send these people to the nearest safe zone." The captain nodded after hearing Tong Qi's words: "After we send these people, we still have the task of clearing the road."

"I heard that there will be many big shots coming."

"Yes." Tong Qi nodded and looked into the distance, where he could feel a strange source of power gathering, and that power made him feel some kind of intimacy.

But then he left with the captain. No matter what, he was just an ordinary soldier now and did not have any confidence to get involved in that kind of power.


The armored magic crystal powered vehicle was following the induction and quickly traveling through the city.

During this period of time, despite the interference of the black mist, the kingdom has gradually regained a certain degree of 'vitality'.

For example, they have developed a signal sensing device in the black fog, which can sense signals coming from a distance.

Then, through the guidance of this signal, the magic crystal power car will be prevented from losing its direction.

As long as the roads are maintained every once in a while, the roads can be basically smooth.

At the same time, the communication device was also produced, but there were many restrictions on the distance. An order needed to be relayed continuously, and it might take more than ten minutes before it could be successfully transmitted to the designated place.

Despite this, this also allowed the kingdom's gradually scattered hearts to gather together again.

Although Shenwei was tyrannical, he gradually understood that no matter how violently he executed these disobedient people, he could not bring Lilina back.

After regaining some sanity, he finally looked like a king. Although he never stopped searching for Lilina, he finally began to 'govern' the country.

At the same time, the Black Mist and Hades sects gradually stabilized, and there were no longer many changes.

People from the Hades sect gathered in areas, forming dangerous zones.

At this time, it is a good time for them to stabilize their power and start to reverse the situation.

There are more and more monsters born from corpses.

After these monsters are born, they will stay in an area, and then emit some kind of energy fluctuations, and eventually even integrate with the time and space of that area.

There is no way to touch these monsters with normal means.

This is why many people think that these monsters are measures for the world to save itself, because in most cases they are integrated with the world.

At this time, in addition to the kingdom's forces, some forces also quietly came here.

They are the rebel forces in the kingdom.

Originally, there were not many of these forces, but due to the crazy operation of Shenwei some time ago, many nobles and ministers of the kingdom became disappointed with Shenwei, and then they became independent ambitions.

Once ambition appears, it is difficult to suppress it. Even if Shenwei is gradually turning into a qualified king, it will be difficult for them to return to the past model of interaction between king and minister.

Therefore, they are naturally full of 'greed' for this power that can 'save the world'. As long as they can hold this power in their own hands, then they may be able to truly control the future of the world.

"There is really no black mist here!" The magic crystal powered vehicle finally reached the gathering point quickly.

The convergence point appeared on a deserted plain. Originally there were many buildings on this plain, but now all these buildings have been distorted by time and space and merged into a black ball visible to the naked eye.

And they had just arrived here, and they could see the black ball without any black mist blocking it.

An old man with gray hair quickly took out various machine calculations and finally confirmed his argument: "Sure enough, this convergence phenomenon is the world's self-rescue measure."

"This power has a strong restraint effect on the black mist." This gray-haired old man is none other than He Zhi, the kingdom's chief scientist.

Although he learned about the data here through some intelligence, and based on the data, he made a preliminary inference that this power was a salvation force, but it was not confirmed until he saw it all with his own eyes.

At this time, as a scientist, Hezhi's eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

Compared to others, he cares more about the meaning of this phenomenon.

Second update, sorry.

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