Death Compensation

Chapter 1175 Rebellion

"Perhaps, I can use this phenomenon to truly complete my research!" Hezhi thought.

He has been in poor health since he was a child, and because he forcibly used the immature magic crystal enhancement device he developed in his early years, his body has become pineapple-like.

Although he later used his own ingenuity to heal most of his body, he could not change the damage to his foundation.

He has no way to reach the real power, and it is difficult to reach high places.

To this end, he continued to develop various instruments in an attempt to strengthen himself and even arm himself in this way.

However, after this kind of strengthening reached a certain level, it continued to damage his body. He found that the more he strengthened himself, the less he seemed like himself.

Moreover, he also studied the fear of gods and communicated with Lilina, and learned one thing.

That is, in the realm of power, before the star level, there is a place to start from the outside.

After reaching the star level, you need to start integrating your own power from within. Only in this way can your power gain true 'divine nature'.

In other words, relying on external forces for strengthening, and if one's own ability to integrate power is not up to standard, it is basically impossible to become a strong person among the stars.

Therefore, the more advanced strengthening device was abandoned by Hezhi.

However, he never really threw it away. Instead, every time he gained some new knowledge, he wanted to see if he could use it to actually create an external reinforcement device.

Until today, his long-awaited plan finally seemed to have an opportunity to be launched.

Hezhi immediately took the people to the nearest area, where there were already pioneers driving large detectors that could detect the energy fluctuations here.

"Let me see." Hezhi feverishly flipped through the records of past detections, and quickly came to a conclusion based on the peak energy change: "It will take three more days for this polymerization reaction to end. By that time, its power will be You will start to be restrained.”

"That's when we can get closer and study it."

"Go quickly and mobilize all the surrounding armed forces to defend this plain!!"

"This is the property of the kingdom and the property of us humans!!"

"Yes!" The guard members who followed around also started working immediately.

Tong Qi, who had just cleared the road and was about to rest, was brought here together.

His special abilities have actually been recorded for a long time.

It's a pity because he was harmed by the petty willfulness of power.

Shenwei knocked him down with a punch on a whim, and his future was ruined. Naturally, he was unconvinced and complained about Shenwei's brutality and unreasonableness.

In his early and late stages, many people who were not as good as him joined the Guard to obtain superior resources. It was him in this stage that was eliminated for this reason.

This complaint naturally attracted the attention of some people.

Shenwei himself punched him, cursed him with rubbish and left, not caring about such things.

But others who came with the fear of God were not.

Although Shenwei is reckless and easy to get emotional, his force value is really high. It is human nature to be strong, so Shenwei also has many admirers.

These admirers also had a high status in the kingdom. After hearing Tong Qi's complaints, they sent Tong Qi to the army and blocked his upward path.

They want him to understand that you, Tong Qi, just have a small talent, and it is not a talent at all. If you can't go up, you can't go up.

Under this kind of willfulness of power, even though Tong Qi made a lot of achievements, he is still just a three-star soldier until now.

But when it comes time to use him, he will be used directly.

Tong Qi held the magic crystal weapon and was alert to every move from the outside world.

Then he turned his head and looked at the gathering black ball in the plain.

The power there gave him a very close feeling, and he even had some auditory hallucinations in his ears, as if the ball allowed him to participate in this gathering.

This made Tong Qi feel that he was crazy. It was because he had been suppressed for a long time that he became particularly thirsty for power.

But if he could really gain power, he wouldn't be where he is today.

Tong Qi knew the reason why he was suppressed, but he just couldn't accept it. He was unwilling to lose his future because of someone else's willfulness, and then he just complained and was suppressed again.

It's a pity that no one will speak for him. He only has a perceptual talent, and the value is not yet great. Some people are willing to disobey the group of people surrounding Shenwei for him.

Not to mention, God Fear has now ascended to the position of king, and those people have been further promoted because of their previous closeness to God Fear.

Tong Qi seemed even more neglected.

Unfortunately, even if that assemblage point could allow Tong Qi to gain strength, he would not be able to go there.

If he goes AWOL now, he will most likely be caught on this issue and be court-martialed.

Those people didn't mind killing him even if they were a little willful.

He felt that the black ball was almost finished gathering, but he could only look back at the black ball at the gathering point, and then continued to be on guard.

"Be careful, I always feel something is wrong." Tong Qi frowned and said to the captain.

The captain nodded and said nothing.

He was also a person who was brought here by his petty power and capriciousness. Originally, he was supposed to be a high-ranking military officer with a promising future.

And during a break, I met the person I fell in love with at first sight.

When he was pursuing the other party, he found that there was another person pursuing her, but he didn't care. He believed that his sincere and passionate emotions could finally win the beauty back.

Then he was demoted three levels in a row and came here to serve as a squad leader, without even a vacation.

His love rival is a powerful man, and now his boss's boss.

It is precisely because of this experience of being suppressed that he has always taken care of Tong Qi and supported each other.

However, at this time, Tong Qi found that the captain's eyes were very complicated.

"Listen to me, Tong Qi." The captain held the magic crystal weapon and said, "I know you are a person who pursues 'justice', but we have all suffered unfair treatment."

"So even if we go back with revenge, it's right, so don't stop us!"

After the words fell, before Tong Qi could react, Tong Qi saw him reverse the direction of the magic crystal weapon and aim it at the boss behind them.

Pulling the trigger, the energy bullets flew out, blasting the boss into smithereens.

A gunshot rang out, and responders sprang up.

Tong Qi instantly sensed a large amount of energy reaction, and most of the people stationed in the distance turned back, and then pointed their guns at the other people inside.

At the same time, a number of armored vehicles were approaching from a distance, and the muzzles on them had been charged.

These reactions made Tong Qi feel only fear.

Because before this, these armored vehicles and personnel were all on their defense front.

In other words, there was a rebellion in the kingdom, and it was a high-level rebellion.

This time, it was the chief scientist who summoned personnel to escort, but it was someone else who deployed the defense line.

Tong Qi looked at his former captain, charging bravely and killing many people.

Most of those people were just ordinary soldiers, but now they were shot to death without knowing anything.

Tong Qi froze on the spot with his weapon raised.

The current situation of mankind is already so bad, why do these people still want to rebel?

Even if they have suffered injustice, the injustice cannot be transferred to other innocent people.

If one day, Tong Qi has the ability to challenge Shenwei in a duel, then he will not hesitate to retaliate against the opponent for blocking his future in the duel.

If he encounters those who suppress him, he will draw his weapons and make those people pay the price.

However, he will never release his resentment to strangers.

This is the justice that belongs to his childhood.

So, the current turmoil is not revenge, but a rebellion.

The captain's previous advice to him came to mind, but Tong Qi still raised the magic crystal weapon.

"I'm sorry to let you down, but I must stop this rebellion!"

Tong Qi has indeed suffered a lot of injustice, but since the disaster struck, he has seen too many families that were torn apart by the disaster.

And these families are basically civilian families like his.

Now the kingdom has finally stabilized the situation and found the power to save the world.

He will never allow these people to break the coming peace.

Even though his power is meager, he must give his own strength.

Raising the magic crystal weapon and aiming it at a rebel with red eyes, Tong Qi fired and hit the opponent in the thigh.

Although this will cause the opponent's limbs to be mutilated, it will not be fatal, but will only lose combat effectiveness.

When the rebellion occurred, the gathering black balls became more and more condensed at this moment.

Hezhi looked at the black ball and turned a deaf ear to the gunshots and turmoil outside.

No matter who wins in the end, he is indispensable.

However, things went beyond Hezhi's expectations. A large number of Hades sect members suddenly rushed out from the other direction.

The weapons in the hands of these people are not very powerful, but each of them is fearless of death, and has special power and pollution.

As long as the people of the Hades Sect gather to a certain number, a field will be formed.

In this realm, everyone's spirit will fluctuate involuntarily, and all the sufferings of the past seem to reappear, impacting their spirit and distorting their reason.

In this case, only belief in Hades can make them peaceful.

Some soldiers who were deceived by the rebellion rebelled on the spot under the mental impact of such a field.

The entire area instantly turned into a mess.

First update, sorry.

①The human beings here do not refer to humans on earth, but to intelligent life forms in this dimension. It is just a free translation.

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