Death Compensation

Chapter 1292 The development path of the protagonist

For the coming of God, the sect, which was originally in harmony with the residents, began to make crazy troubles during this period of time.

Anyone who does not join the cult is considered a sinner by them.

Throughout the city, everyone was in danger and took up arms.

"The residents' militia has basically lost its ability to resist. Except for a few people who have escaped, the control of the city has basically fallen into the hands of the religious group."

Arnold returned to the room, only feeling that he had entered a prison.

He said to the old doctor while checking the traps arranged around him.

"Currently, most residents are ordered to stay at home and cannot travel at will, otherwise they may be executed as disrespectful to God."

"Only a few trusted believers can operate on the streets. They obtain prey from the cult for distribution and keep the crowd active."

"At the same time, someone will check every room. At the fixed time, you must chant scriptures, otherwise you will be caught."

"What scripture?" At this time, Lu Zhu woke up from his deep sleep and asked while moving his body.

"This is Rodela's Secret Book of Life." Arnold was stunned, and then took out the scripture he received.

Although he usually lives outside the city, he still has a safe house in the city and has a normal identity. When he came back, he pretended to be okay and was let in as a good citizen by the cult.

At the same time, he also received Rodela’s Secret Book of Life.

Lu Zhu took the book, flipped through it casually twice, and came to a conclusion.

"People from Green Forest."

Lu Zhu threw the sutra aside, and then said, "If you recite this sutra, your body will gradually undergo changes, and then you will completely become a deformed monster."

"At that time, the entire city will complete the ritual in this distortion, so that the other party can come through this distortion."

Lu Sen's main purpose is actually to prevent Lu Bai from being promoted successfully.

His demand for Zi Zai Tian is not strong, and Jing Lin needs Zi Zai Tian. Under this situation, Lusen hopes that Zi Zai Tian can be born normally and not be taken over by Jing Lin.

But once they realize that Zi Zaitian is in their territory, Lusen will definitely not be polite.

"The Gods descended..." Arnold looked at Lu Zhu. After all, at present, Lu Zhu seemed to be a member of the Gods descended. The only difference was that Lu Zhu had no power himself, but only the big cats and kittens like them. three.

No matter how you look at it, he looks like a weak god.

"Get ready to take action. We must stop God from descending, otherwise no one will have a peaceful life."

"How do we do it? The other party is an entire religious sect, and there were hundreds of armed combatants before."

"Now they control the entire city, and their number may even exceed a thousand."

"But a thousand people is still too few compared to the entire city, isn't it?"

"In addition, I can give you the ability to use external power." Lu Zhu said while leaving a mark on Arnold and the old doctor.

Following the imprint of that mark, Arnold felt a sense of hunger.

Instinctively he grabbed the animal tooth.

However, the beast tooth disintegrated at this moment, and the power inside began to turn into black energy and was absorbed by him.

Demons in the free world can enjoy the sexual pleasures of others.

Othering takes possession of foreign objects and turns them into part of oneself, becoming one's own arms and strength.

This world is full of dead souls. By killing other individuals, they can replenish their strength from other individuals.

It's just that this supplementary power cannot exceed the upper limit.

But now, Lu Zhu's blessing allows them to break this restriction. As long as they can continue to hunt targets, they can continue to strengthen themselves.

"Of course, this kind of enhancement has its limit. When it reaches a certain level, you will be separated and go to the spirit world."

"In the spiritual world, the upper limit of extraordinary power will be much greater. At that time, there will be a greater need for various extraordinary means of searching for people."

"We can't be in a hurry." Lu Zhu said while looking at the old doctor.

He also gave the old doctor the power to break through restrictions, but unlike Arnold himself, who was a combatant, the abilities the old doctor acquired were logistical.

He can make other dead souls into various potions and equipment. These potions and equipment do not break Arnold's power limit, but are regarded as the old doctor's share of power.

"At that time, unless God descends, no one will be a strong opponent."

"So, go hunting, hunt those members of the sect, hunt those soul beasts, hunt everyone who threatens our existence!" Lu Zhu's words, and this is the nature of the demon.

They only value their own nature, and everything except themselves is a resource they use to achieve their own goals, and they are props that can be used for themselves at any time.

The so-called demons are originally extreme selves. In their perception, they are the protagonists.

They simply divide the world into me and external objects.

I remain unchanged, and everything in the outside world becomes me.

This is the free heaven.

Lu Zhu's blessing made Arnold feel full of strength.

Not only has the previous ability to transform into an orc become something that can be achieved with just a thought, but his body is also much stronger than before.

At the same time, Arnold felt that he was so clear for the first time, as if everything about him was put on the table and he could observe at will.

He can even summarize this observation into a panel.

"Well, this is the panel I made for you as a student traveler." Lu Zhu seemed to be aware of Arnold's doubts and said, but this only made Arnold even more confused.

However, Lu Zhu did not continue to explain. Anyway, as long as he felt that he had explained it, it would be fine.

This is the free world, and it is enough to be able to satisfy yourself.

Soon, that night, Arnold went out to complete his mission.

Now that you have made up your mind to protect this life, then protect it to the end.

At least, now his numb life finally has a meaning.

Quietly leaving the area where he was, Arnold restrained his aura. As a killer, he still had some abilities.

Soon, he spotted the Order's patrol on a street.

Everyone on the patrol team wore black robes and wooden masks.

Under the black robes, their bodies seemed to have been twisted, and something was squirming. Just looking at it made people feel scared.

He had also seen people from the cult outside the city. Under their black robes, there were some deformed limbs. These limbs could launch attacks from anywhere under the black robes, and at extremely fast speeds.

"The soul beast has entered the city. You guys go to Chengdong Third Street to provide support." The captain of the patrol suddenly stood on the spot, as if he felt something, and then suddenly said to a few people behind the team.

This is the contact information of the cult, which can transmit some information through the air. Faced with this kind of enemy, Arnold could avoid them before, but he did not expect that now he would need to actively hunt them.

"While occupying the entire city, they also need to maintain order in the entire city."

"The rioting soul beast will become my best teammate."

Arnold only felt the wonder of the world, and then he bypassed the patrol and walked towards the headquarters of the cult inside the city.

Then, after walking a street, he suddenly sensed something and took action decisively at the corner.

The members of the cult who walked out of the corner were greeted by Arnold's fatal move before they even reacted.

The dagger-like claws pierced his throat directly, destroying his vocal organ, and then the other hand hugged him tightly at this moment, restricting most of his movements.

Under the black robes of the members of the cult, a limb that looked like a rat's tail was constantly swaying, but it gradually lost any power.

His body quickly dissipated, and then part of it. Being absorbed by Arnold, this makes Arnold feel that his power is increasing.

This increase is an increase in the entire upper limit, rather than the previous sense of power brought by a full stomach.

His upper limit of strength and speed have been greatly improved, and he also feels that his ability to control the body has received some breakthrough improvements.

For example, some places can become soft or hard.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm talking about his arms. He discovered that his arms could stretch far beyond his previous reach, and his fingers could become harder than steel.

According to Lu Zhu, this is the ability of this person in the cult, which is being transformed by him and becoming his strength.

At the same time, a suit of clothes and some items were left behind where the man died.

Arnold immediately put on his clothes, then began to check the items, and continued walking towards the headquarters of the cult.

He was able to detect the other party in advance precisely because he could sense the traces of things left by the original hunter.

That stone slab has now been integrated into his body by Arnold and has become his body's instinct.

Otherwise, even if he is a killer, he will not be able to sneak into this area while the whole city is on alert.

After checking the items, Arnold discovered a problem, that is, among these items, there was a dumping place outside the city that contained the items they needed. This person came back from the dumping place outside the city to report.

There are still their people guarding the pile.

The problem now is that the terrain outside the city is chaotic, and the cult still needs someone to lead the way to that place. The map location is not accurate just by relying on teleportation.

This man even carried a notebook map with him, which was used to record his route there and back.

A total of three of them came back, but when they were outside the city gate, they were attacked by a rioting spirit beast.

"This is an opportunity!"

Second update, sorry. Did you write this on your phone while eating outside?

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