Death Compensation

Chapter 1293 Self, what exactly is it?

The sky was dark, not a trace of light could be seen.

Compared to the day, the night in the underworld is more terrifying.

It's not just the reduction in light.

The daytime in the underworld is also dim, as if there are thick clouds, blocking any light. It is better outdoors, but indoors it must be assisted by lighting.

At night, this darkness expands further, and lighting is also needed outdoors.

At the same time, at night, various distortions occur in the underworld.

For example, at night, some soul beasts, especially flying soul beasts, can break through restrictions and enter the city to hunt.

Most of the spirit beasts were actually at a point where they were not weak but not too strong before, and could be defeated with a little training in force.

As long as you don't encounter hordes of spirit beasts, you will be relatively safe.

The most annoying soul beast at that time was the flying soul beast.

These spirit beasts are extremely smart and can see at night. Moreover, they used to choose to quietly drop some garbage at high altitudes at night when people's vision was not good.

Attack enemies on the ground by throwing objects from high altitude.

Once it causes serious injury to a person, it will land to hunt.

And if they encounter a weak individual acting alone, these flying soul beasts will come in groups to bully them directly.

It can be said that before this, flying soul beasts have always been one of the biggest problems for the survival of all dead souls.

Only in the center of the city will there be some powerful crossbow arrows that can drive these flying soul beasts away.

Therefore, at night, except for some people who were active in the center of the city, most people stayed at home and did not move at other times.

Arnold put on his clothes and felt the black robe covering him. There were only two ways for the members of the sect to detect their own people.

One is to explore the extent of limb changes.

At this point, he seemed to have the possibility of getting through. After all, he had also acquired some related abilities, but he had not grown any deformed limbs.

The second is spiritual induction.

They can create some fluctuations through some kind of mysterious induction.

These fluctuations can only be sensed by their distorted brains.

This is why they are able to conduct communications over long distances.

Although fluctuations cannot convey enough information, it is enough to confirm identity.

If you send out a wave and the other party cannot sense it, or the other party cannot send out a wave at all, it means that the other party is not one of your own.

Arnold was not worried about this kind of thing. He had already tested the effect of the blessing given by Lu Zhu.

As long as you kill the opponent, you can gradually plunder the opponent's abilities.

Then he can completely use this ability to sneak into the cult and destroy their divine descending ceremony.

Just do it if you think of it.

Arnold put on his black robe, no longer as cautious as before, but swaggered towards the headquarters of the cult.

We also encountered patrols on the road, but none of them had any doubts about Arnold's identity.

In the process, Arnold would also take decisive action when encountering a patrol with insufficient numbers.

With sudden attacks and a body that continues to strengthen with hunting, his combat effectiveness is becoming stronger and stronger.

However, sometimes, this kind of attack will fail, because the strength of the members of the cult is not static.

He now has the ability to fight monsters and upgrade, but reality cannot really become a game, and even if it is, it will not be in this underworld.

There are strong and weak members of these sects. Weak sect members have some physical distortions and have grown some abnormal limbs, which is equivalent to carrying a weapon that can be flexibly controlled.

Members of the powerful cult have deformations all over their bodies, their body speed has been greatly improved, and a variety of deformed limbs have grown everywhere on their bodies. When necessary, they can even grow new deformed limbs out of thin air.

Most importantly, they will also have the accumulation in their hands.

Arnold encountered this kind of master when he attacked a lone member of the cult.

This made his infiltration fail.

The master immediately spread the mental fluctuations and notified patrol teams of all sizes in the city that there were enemies sneaking in in disguise.

Although he successfully killed the cult master and snatched away the opponent's piles, he also exposed himself.

We can only take advantage of the darkness and retreat quickly.

The first infiltration failed, but Lu Zhu didn't care.

"There is something in the accumulation place..." Lu Zhu is the possibility of Zi Zaitian after all. Although he is still born with only one foot, he is still well-informed.

Now, the cult is busy with the ritual of divine descent. Under such circumstances, it has sent people to the outside world to search for something on a large scale. Then this thing must be the medium of descent.

Those challengers are located in the human world, so if they want to descend from the gods, they must feel the pressure brought by Lu Bai.

The only way to enter the underworld is to die, but after death, it is very likely to fall into the underworld and be decomposed.

Therefore, if they want to complete the complete divine descent, they must obtain enough media.

However, the extraordinary power that belongs to them in the underworld is not enough. In fact, it is difficult to have a specific form and cannot accurately carry their existence, so they need another medium.

These mediators can only come from the spiritual world or the higher-level dream world.

The accumulation place itself is a 'garbage dump' formed after the collision of high boundary layers.

In this case, there may be a accumulation of their own power inside.

All they need to do is collect and organize this pile of materials, and then it can be used as a medium to receive their divine descendants and help them create their own dead soul body in the underworld.

"I didn't expect that Rodela was very lucky." Lu Zhu sighed.

The underworld contains a large amount of netherworld garbage, and the collision of higher-level forces creates a lot of accumulations.

In this case, being able to accurately find the accumulation of one's own strength is also a kind of luck.

"Currently, it seems that the pile is either covered up or too huge to be transported from the pile to the city, or the pile fell into the hands of something more troublesome."

Soul beasts can also use stacked objects.

Moreover, the soul beasts will also gather in groups. Now that the soul beasts are strengthening and rioting, even the religious group will find it difficult to obtain enough from the soul beasts.

"Use this incident to cause enough conflicts to make the people of this sect completely fail. At the same time, these sect members will be eliminated."

Lu Zhu immediately issued such an order.

They are now short of manpower, and now they can barely hide in the city with the help of chaos.

But if they want to develop, they must not hide like this.

At the same time, the people of the religious sect cannot be allowed to complete the divine descent ceremony and let the green forest challenger named Rodela descend to the underworld.

With this idea, Lu Zhu and others immediately took action.

At this time, Arnold also discovered the power he could absorb and gradually reached his limit.

If he continued to absorb it, he would feel that there was something floating in his body, as if it could fly out of his body at any time.

And this is his spirituality.

Once he becomes powerful enough, these things will ascend to the spirit world.

Then another him is formed in the spiritual world.

He has no specific consciousness, just like a soul beast.

But the two are closely related. With some methods, Arnold can even transfer his consciousness into the body of the spirit world.

This is actually a good thing for personal improvement.

But for Lu Zhu now, it is not a good thing.

Arnold has a strong personal touch about him.

Once Arnold appears in the spirit world, other individuals in the spirit world will sense it.

And this kind of induction will at least be transmitted to the cult in the underworld.

At that time, many religious groups will have obtained some information about Arnold, and then they will besieged and killed.

"So, you need to make a choice at this time."

"Ask your own heart and what you want, so as to exclude those unimportant things and form 'props'."

These props need to be refined by the old doctor and become his share. This method is used to avoid the problem of exceeding the upper limit of the underworld.

"We can't expose it to the public, at least not yet."

"After solving the Rodela Order and developing its power for a while, we can begin to explore the power of the spiritual world."

While Lu Zhu sent Arnold to slowly attack the Rodela Order, Lu Bai once again woke up from his slumber.

As all parties speed up the progress, the power movement between the entire dimensional boundaries is also accelerating, and he can sense more things.

The soul beasts also experienced some changes at this time.

Rainbow flower buds began to appear on some of the soul beasts, and the originally hazy situation was improving.

They are transforming towards them.

It's just that the soul beasts themselves are formed by the chaotic accumulation of various things. Their essence is very chaotic. In this chaotic process, the self also appears very chaotic.

For example, this part of the soul beast comes from an ordinary farmer, and that part comes from the princes and nobles, and the other part even comes from monsters from another world, and the rest comes from the collision of forces from higher realms.

The composition of soul beasts comes from different dimensional worlds, different species, different identities, and different souls.

Under such circumstances, they gradually gained wisdom and began to think, think about their own existence, and think about themselves.

For example, after a certain level, Lu Bai will start to observe the nature of his soul and think about his own existence.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he was a primitive existence of the great multiverse, a soul born due to the possibility of free heaven and being pushed by the real dimensions such as Jinglin and the herd of beasts.

As for these soul beasts, their souls are their bodies. This kind of self-cognition and observation will come earlier than Lu Bai, and the observation will be more in-depth.

Then the remaining things in the soul body will make them confused about their own existence. (End of chapter)

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