Death Compensation

Chapter 1497 The era of dynasty is coming

"In this case, the situation can be considered stable, and the Death Abyss has begun to have opportunities to dismantle it." Lu Bai stood on the ground, watching the shapeshifters offering sacrifices to the Death Abyss, and then understood them in his own way. Know.

"I have to say that these cognitions are constantly disturbing me." Lu Bai could feel that the increase in cognition was changing himself in a very natural way.

For example, Lu Bai didn't like being a tool man before, and rarely used it.

Even if you really need other people to help with things, you will basically be given more options for changes.

Just like his three disciples before.

1314. Nana and Wufang.

Although the top, middle and bottom horses were decided on from the beginning, they all had the opportunity to make a comeback in the choices they were given.

But now, these multiple cognitions are making Lu Bai gradually become accustomed to tool people.

Because the level where Lu Bai was standing at this time was too high.

Similar to the existence of shape-shifting monsters, Lu Bai only needed a thought at this time to derive a similar existence.

Then with just a change of thought, they can dissipate like smoke.

At this time, if you still want to recognize them as "human beings" from the bottom of your heart, it is somewhat contrary to your own position.

"This is an opportunity, but it is also a disaster." Lu Bai saw it clearly.

Although these cognitions and knowledge are indescribable, once they are analyzed, they are a wealth that can be implemented in several or even more large multiverses.

These wealth may be nothing to those who have mastered the power of the circle, just what they have seen along the way.

But for a being like Lu Bai who is trapped in a large multiverse, it is the real ladder that allows Lu Bai to progress upward.

The bad thing is, these things belong to other people.

These are the experiences of the predecessor of Hengbian, which were stripped out by him and contain his own strong personal subjective color.

Once it is affected, it will move closer to constant change.

Constant change is strong and focused on detachment.

Except for detachment, He does not care about anything. Everything external is His tool.

Including the large multiverse promoted by Him, even His existing body in this life, and even everything.

This kind of person has already forgotten everything.

Everything is simply divided by him, useful or useless.

This is not a good mentality, at least not the mentality Lu Bai needs.

What Lu Bai has to do at this time is to fight, while analyzing these cognitions, and at the same time fighting against these cognitions.

He wants to turn them into his own resources, rather than being affected by these resources, so that he can use them without any scruples.

Lu Bai once read novels and saw one type of protagonist.

They are righteous, they hate evil, and they hold high the banner of morality.

Then it was discovered that the devil was killing people and refining elixirs to form treasures for cultivation.

As decent people, they were naturally unwilling to let such evil people go, so they killed them directly.

As for the treasure elixir they made with human life, of course it cannot be wasted and should be swallowed in one gulp.

Just this one move made their sense of justice fall to the bottom.

Because the properties of things are different, using this thing will also make the previous properties different.

The original situation of justice defeating evil has turned into fighting each other for treasures.

The so-called decency has just become a dispensable identity.

Different road non-phase plan.

Lu Bai and Hengbian are definitely not from the same Tao.

After knowing about detachment, Lu Bai naturally wanted to do it or not.

At least once you have the opportunity to travel across the vast multiverse and gain enough knowledge, you will naturally move towards the ultimate goal of transcendence.

But if Lu Bai was asked to give up everything for the sake of detachment and become a detached tool man, Lu Bai couldn't do it.

"What I am is my true self!" Lu Bai's will continued to emanate, stabilizing the minds of many shape-shifters.

This gives the shapeshifters a few more choices.

As the Creator, Lu Bai did create them to analyze these indescribable cognitions, but from the moment they began to think for themselves, Lu Bai did not limit everything to their cognition of the indescribable. Matter.

Because of this, Kad had a chance to survive.

Rather than being completely infected by the devil after sensing the existence of the Death Abyss, he fell into madness and died.

Of course, this does not mean that Lu Bai is acting as a nanny for these shape-shifting monsters.

God loves the world. Lu Bai created them, but he created them in this endless knowledge. They were born to face the indescribable.

Lu Bai would neither completely limit them to it, nor would he help them defeat those evil gods step by step, allowing them to have everything rich.

"Everything is natural, everything is self-permitted!" Lu Bai summed up his experience as the creator.

It has to be said that this kind of self-awareness has indeed allowed Lu Bai's path to continue to climb upward.

The so-called path is essentially a way of living in the world, which refers to how to exist in this troubled world.

With the further improvement of strength, the way of living in the world has become the way of changing the world, which refers to how to modify this troubled world.

Reaching this step of Lu Bai is naturally the way to create the world.

It refers to how to create a world, what kind of worldview to give to this world, and how to let the creatures in the world survive.

Because Changbian chose to be detached, nothing in the multiverse he promoted had a chance to breathe.

Everything is controlled by the source, and everything is a tool.

Even if the real dimension seems not to be directly controlled by Constant Change, in fact, it is just a part of His enrichment of the multiverse and assists His transcendence.

The only failure of Changbian was that in his first attempt at detachment, he failed.

Then there was a problem with His originally perfect control.

Lu Bai didn't like this worldview where everything was under control.

"It seems like I have completed my first step." Lu Bai looked at the entire changing universe.

Various indescribable gods gradually have specific visions and are being assimilated into this world.

Just like the Death Abyss, as a death monster, its appearance has become the sun.

The analysis of this existence greatly expanded Lu Bai's understanding of death.

"But this is only the first step." Lu Bai knew it well, and he analyzed these indescribable methods to shed new light.

It's like a fruit suddenly appears. The fruit tastes similar to an apple and looks similar to an apple, but the outer shell is not a smooth peel, but a scaly peel.

Then we can directly name it scaly apple.

Through similar and known apples, combined with some characteristics, we can directly 'recognize' them.

The same is true for these evil gods. The Death Abyss is naturally not a star, nor can it be the sun.

But some of its appearances were similar to the sun, so Lu Bai pressed it on the sun.

Similarly, there are many indescribable things. They are imaginary, but they are linked to the known physical things.

With the production and life of the shapeshifters, many cognitions were generated, and they were combined with the known. As a result, Death Tianyuan gained the title of a sun god.

In fact, He has nothing to do with stars.

In this way, most of these indescribable cognitions have been basically analyzed. However, it is important to note that this kind of cognition is the product of distortion of existing cognitions.

Just like the scaly apple, it may only taste similar, and its actual species has nothing to do with the genus Apple in the Rosaceae family.

Now also these indescribable things.

"I need to use the distorted cognition to re-research and sort out their true information."

"This is the second step."

"During this process, I need to be careful. I am completely contaminated by these perceptions, so I still need to rely on the general trend of all living beings..." Lu Bai decided on his strategy and looked at the world.

At this time, the Continent of Transformers was turbulent, and the tribal era officially transformed into the dynastic era.

The original system of one god and one tribe was quickly eliminated due to poor risk-taking capabilities and insufficient ability to accept students.

Major tribes began to develop polytheistic doctrines.

At the same time, the gods who exist in the dark are also divided into camps by the shape-shifters.

They follow the alignment of heaven, the alignment of earth, the alignment of gold and the alignment of dragon and snake.

The four camps will overlap in some places.

Currently, there are only three huge tribes on the earth. It is possible to defeat other tribes and form a unified dynasty.

One of the tribes was developed from the original Dehas tribe, the Tribe of Heaven, and its chieftain called himself the Son of Heaven.

He is the son of God created by the gods of the heaven camp.

As for the other two tribes, one is the Earth Tribe and the other is the Dragon Snake Tribe.

Most of the tribes in the gold camp were loose and even dominated by wanderers. They failed to become large tribes and were scattered all over the world.

At this time, Kad, who was no longer young in the Heavenly Tribe, looked at the sun in the sky, but his heart returned to peace.

At this time, he has become the new high priest, pushing Death Abyss Alodelis to the position of Lord of Heaven in the Heavenly Camp.

As for the original Dehas, he became the descendant of Arodlis, and changed from the god of health and healing to the god of universal illumination.

From the perspective of mythology, the other party has become the benefactor given to the world by Arodlis, so his status is still very high.

But Kader knew that all gods were essentially nothingness.

Now, they can give them various names and force them to have various relationships, but one day, nothingness will want to be transformed into reality. At that time, disaster will come!

Card, who was prepared in his heart, condensed his tentacles, which were radiant and exuding bursts of warmth, just like the sun radiating light on the world.

However, in reality, it is the abyss of death, the power of despair that can sink everything.

"Chief Chief, launch an attack, we must unify!"

First update, sorry.

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