Death Compensation

Chapter 1498 Changing Times

"Kill!!" Countless thought waves spread across the battlefield, and the deformed monsters wearing scales kept changing their postures.

Compared to priests, warriors are still much easier to train.

They wielded weapons condensed by their own transformation, and the scales on their bodies changed accordingly.

In addition, there are a large number of slaves working hard at the front. They have received rewards. As long as they survive this war, they can obtain the status of free citizens. On the contrary, these people on the opposite side will become slaves.

Until then, good times are yet to come!

The war has now entered a fever pitch. A large number of shapeshifters are constantly twisting their bodies, incorporating flying rocks into their bodies, and then projecting them out.

Gel was spilled all over the floor.

There were corpses everywhere, and they were trampling on the corpses of their own kind, trying to kill each other.

At the same time, various strange phenomena were occurring on the battlefield.

"Quick, go over there and guide us. We must lead the power of the dragon and snake god to the enemy!"

Kad spread his thoughts loudly, causing a famous priest to rush forward.

At this time, the tribes of the Dragon and Snake camp had also withdrawn. They either joined the Heaven and Earth camp respectively, or they became nomads and retreated into more dangerous areas outside the border.

But at this time, the Dragon and Snake Gods had not dissipated, and some of them were also attracted by this unprecedented battle.

The tribe of heaven and the tribe of earth have reached the moment of decisive battle with each other, and neither one is willing to give up such a force.

They are not specialized priests of dragons and snakes, but they can guide these dragon and snake gods towards their enemies through various similar sacrificial methods.

The priest who received the order, escorted by the team, passed through the crazy battlefield, then came to the designated location, and then immediately began to pray for seduction.

As his movements changed, various powers changed chaotically, and then a huge arm that seemed as broad as heaven and earth appeared on the battlefield.

There were a lot of holes in this arm, and there was pus, blood and putrid smell in the holes.

As soon as it appeared, many people went crazy.

“Harun Kusai!!”

“Harun Kusai!!”

Crazy shouts were everywhere, and these thought waves were transmitted quickly, making more people aware of the existence of this huge arm. Then this arm seemed to have more interference power in the world at hand.

With waving hands, he killed a large number of shapeshifters and then crushed them into lumps of ice-like things.

At the same time, a lot of cold air burst out from it.

"Harunkusai, the Dragon-Snake Camp, the God of Corruption and Injury..." Card spat out a mouthful of gel, but continued to record this information on a leather book.

The so-called gods of the dragon and snake camp generally refer to those gods who have flesh and blood and can affect life.

Their original god, Dehas, was originally considered to be of the dragon-snake genus, but was later given the title of the benevolent son of the Sun God, and his own camp also tilted towards the sky.

The final attribute became the dragon and snake in the sky.

There are some differences between the flesh and blood of these dragon and snake gods and the shapeshifters, and as they get closer, the gelatinous bodies of the shapeshifters will also turn into flesh and blood.

Card looked at the gel he had just spit out. The normally colorless gel now turned bright red.

According to their research, this red liquid is the blood of dragons and snakes.

This blood of dragon and snake will push the body of the shapeshifter towards a life form made of flesh and blood.

"Flesh and blood are ominous, dragons and snakes feed on them!" Kader then wrote down this sentence in the book.

Looking over there, Harun Kusai has been led to the enemy's camp. At the same time, there are still some forces of evil gods that are interfering with everything here.

Fortunately, the evil god's power used to be elusive, and there was no way to directly intervene for the time being. As long as there were not enough media, the problem would not be too serious.

Kad's mission is to observe the media that may appear on the battlefield, and then lead these media to the opposite side, or directly destroy them.

A more important duty is to worship the sun god-Alodelis!

The power of the sun god can give warmth to all things and at the same time produce a powerful suction.

In the face of this suction, even some of the evil god's power will dissipate and fly into the sky.

Because of this, Arodlis could become the Lord of High Heaven and the God King of the Heavenly Camp.

When it comes to the final battle, what matters is hard power.

Whoever has more soldiers has stronger soldiers.

Whoever can activate more God's power will be able to resist more of the enemy's evil god's power.

In the end, the Heaven Tribe won, and most of the Earth Tribe died in the battle, and those who survived were turned into slaves.

In this way, he became an inferior person in the Kingdom of Heaven.


A scholar turned over a page of the stone book in his hand and continued to translate the deformed text on it.

The students next to me also carefully recorded the translations.

"The Kingdom of Heaven did not last long after that, because the previous wars led to the pollution of many evil gods and the existence of miracles, which caused all kinds of disasters."

"After ruling the shapeshifting clan for more than three hundred years, the Kingdom of Heaven was destroyed, and a large number of shapeshifters died or became deformed."

"The era of shapeshifters has passed, and has been replaced by the Ax Clan."

The scholar calmed down and closed the stone book. He felt that the energy consumption was too great.

"This knowledge of myths can greatly promote our understanding of ancient times. Although most of the myths are absurd, the real history may be hidden in these myths."

"Teacher, do you think God exists?" a student next to him asked.

"We have searched so many ancient books, and there are indeed some things happening in them that we cannot understand yet, but these things are definitely not miracles."

"That may be just a phenomenon that we don't know yet, or it may be an ancient technology."

"Just like shapeshifters, we didn't think this kind of life existed at the beginning. Many people considered it a mythical creature. But with the unearthing of some texts from the age of shapeshifting and some remains of their existence, we have to admit, Shapeshifters may really be an intelligent civilization in ancient times."

"But it's just an intelligent life, not a mythical creature."

"I understand, teacher." The student nodded, closed his notes, and prepared for get out of class to end.

He seemed to have accepted the teacher's statement, but his hand that squeezed the notebook with such force that the veins bulged slightly showed that he was not that calm inside.

As a student of history, Heng originally thought that the world was materialistic and devoid of gods and ghosts. However, when he took leave to go home to visit his sick grandmother not long ago, a series of surprising changes occurred.

His grandmother said that when she was young, she had contact with God.

She managed to escape at that time, but she was still branded with the divine mark.

Over the years, she has been waiting for death. Only death can give her a chance to remove the mark of this god.

At that time, he just thought that his grandmother was too old and sick, which led to speculation.

But then, strange things happened in the villa owned by my grandmother.

My grandmother had a good reputation and was also very wealthy. She was once a teacher, and many people were her students.

This time I got sick and a lot of people came.

People came and went, but in the end a few people with close connections stayed for lunch.

That is, during lunch, the shadow of a visitor who also came to visit the patient was lost.

Yes, the shadow was lost. This unscientific thing happened directly in front of him.

He originally thought it was some kind of light and shadow magic, but then when the man walked into the sun, he spontaneously ignited, and while spontaneously combusting, he shouted something about Arodlis.

He knew that name. The divine master of the Transformation Kingdom of Heaven in ancient times was called the Lord of Heaven and the God of the Sun.

That situation caused an irresistible impact on his outlook on life.

I don't know if it was the smell of barbecue brought by spontaneous combustion or something else. At that moment, Heng knelt on the ground and vomited for a long time.

Then the police came, and they summarily closed the case. Everything was defined as spontaneous combustion due to exposure to chemicals.

As for his abnormal vomiting and the loss of his shadow, they were all considered to be hallucinations caused by food poisoning. Everything was very perfunctory, as if everything had passed.

But this is just the beginning.

The following night, they encountered the lost shadow.

The shadow even spoke, scolding another visitor for secretly stealing the gem belonging to the teacher, Heng's grandmother.

Then the shadow killed another visitor. When someone shouted Arodlis' name loudly, the shadow screamed and ran away.

After that, they learned that their grandmother visited many places when she was young.

There are rumors that my grandmother was so rich as a teacher because she dug up a lot of treasures.

These people have come to visit the doctor all these years and are reluctant to leave, just to get the treasure.

As for the person who finally called out Arodlis' name, it was another student of my grandmother.

This student is older and almost 70 years old.

He had been exploring with his grandmother, so he knew a lot more.

"We did get something, but it was cursed. We sealed it in different places, but we didn't expect that he would secretly find one of them."

"And as the teacher gets older, the curse becomes more active."

"All of us are contaminated with divine aura. If we don't want to die, we should find a way to remove the divine aura from ourselves."

After that, grandma's student asked them to come back first to take care of the funeral affairs, and then meet up to prepare for the so-called divine aura.

Second update, sorry.

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