Death Compensation

Chapter 1501 The thing a young man can never ask for!

Now that I think about it carefully, there are many doubts about this matter.

The first was the two people who were planning to steal the treasure.

They didn't know much about these things, and they only knew that their grandmother had obtained a batch of 'treasures'.

So how did they find those sacrificial supplies stored in batches and stupidly bring them to the rightful owner.

It's a pity that after my grandmother became ill, she basically fell asleep and lost consciousness.

Maybe he will die soon.

Heng had many questions that he didn't have time to ask because he was frightened at the time.

Now it seems that things are full of doubts.

It is very likely that there is some unknown conspiracy.

Heng thought about this, and about three or four seconds passed before the feeling of a rat crawling around Heng's body slowly faded away.

And after regaining control of his body, he could feel his body being very sore.

It's like not exercising for a long time, then playing high-intensity ball all afternoon, and then waking up the next day.

My whole body was sore and weak, and I had to hold on to the wall when walking.

Fortunately, this symptom has improved a lot after a little relief.

Heng gradually felt the strength return from his body.

That's right, coming back.

"That roar seemed to transfer my power directly."

At this time, there is no need to think about science, it is better to think about mystery.

As his strength returned, Heng's movements became smoother and smoother, and he soon arrived at the area where the altar was located.

As soon as he came in, Heng saw other people.

Yu Le held a long pole weapon and looked at Li Kang opposite with sharp eyes.

Li Kang was holding the bone knife, with blood on it, without any movement.

Hu Yi was lying on the side with wounds on his body, which seemed to be Li Kang's masterpiece.

Heng also noticed that Li Kang was holding a glass product in his other hand. If he guessed correctly, that thing was most likely the eye of the Spirit-Eyed Tiger.

"Be careful, Li Kang has a problem, he took the initiative to lead us here." Yu Le said after seeing Heng arriving.

But Heng noticed that Yu Le's footsteps moved slightly, as if he was adjusting his position and guarding himself.

"What exactly is going on?" Although Heng guessed that Li Kang had a problem.

But he didn't expect that they would meet directly like this.

And, to be honest, he still has a good impression of Li Kang.

This old man's temperament and appearance are extremely energetic. Although he is close to being seventy-nine, he does not have the old man's old age at all.

At the same time, his concern for his grandmother cannot be faked.

"I didn't lie to you, I just hid something." Li Kang saw Heng's arrival and began to explain himself.

"I did lure the Lingmuhu here." Li Kang admitted some of his actions and gave an explanation: "But the purpose was to use the Lingmuhu's heart to save the teacher."

"Teacher, he has a brand on his body, she can't die!"

"I think you don't want to die, right?" Hu Yi, who was lying on the ground, cursed loudly.

Obviously, he didn't believe even a single punctuation mark of Li Kang's words.

On the contrary, Heng had some faith in Li Kang's statement at this time. After all, Li Kang's physical condition at this time did not look like that of an old man.

He is not so eager to seek treatment and prolong life by deceiving and harming others.

On the contrary, Heng could feel his emotional sincerity when he mentioned that the teacher could not die.

"It's just that the branding must be a lie. Doesn't he like my grandmother?" Heng suddenly had an inspiration and realized this.

"The teacher has the brand of Arodlis on him, and ordinary mysteries cannot work on him."

"Only on this altar, if you use the sacrificial effect of Arodlis to kill the 'sacrifice', can you get the corresponding reward. Only this kind of thing can work for the teacher!"

"The sacrifice is the spirit-eyed tiger I attracted!"

"It just needs some other people to sacrifice, right?" Yu Le suddenly said at this time.

"To remove the divine aura normally, we only need to return the cursed items here and use the altar to worship these one-eyed warriors."

"There's no need to fight against mythical creatures."

"There is no need to offer sacrifices to gods."

As a folklore professional, Yu Le needs to know a lot about these things.

During the Kingdom of Heaven period, human beings were not supposed to be sensitive to mystery, that is, even if they were exposed to 'mystery', as long as they were not contaminated with too much mysterious power, it was difficult to directly come into contact with mystery, so they were regarded as isolated people.

Train them to master some weapons and powers to deal with various mysterious incidents.

In this way, even if the mysterious processing fails, the person will just go crazy and die. Unless he comes into direct contact with the gods, changes will rarely occur.

The maximum loss is just one human life and will not cause a large-scale disaster.

It can be said that the reason why the Kingdom of Heaven has been able to sustain for three hundred years is that humans' one-eyed warriors have made great contributions in the last few decades.

Otherwise, it would have collapsed more than two hundred years ago.

In the Axe period, humans were in charge, but all kinds of mysteries were still prevalent.

In order to fight against these mysteries, more and more one-eyed warriors appear.

The one-eyed warrior is a protective wall standing between humans and mystery.

As time went by, the one-eyed warrior gradually became part of the mysterious ritual.

They are mysterious obstacles, but also mysterious connections.

It's like items that are obviously the one-eyed warrior's, such as masks, bone knives, wooden beads, gems, etc., but after being taken, they will be stained with the curse of Arodelis.

In modern times, many mysterious incidents can be solved by simply feeding the problem back to the one-eyed warrior.

What was stained on them was just the divine aura generated by witnessing the curse.

If it is a curse, or a further imprint, then you need to seek change from mythical creatures or gods.

It can be said that mystery can be simply divided into three levels.

The divine aura came into contact with gods and mythical creatures, leaving corresponding auras on their bodies.

These auras will attract mystery, so they need to be eliminated. Generally, you only need to find the area related to the one-eyed warrior, perform sacrificial rituals, and finally carry building blocks with their names engraved on them for a period of time to solve the problem.

Curse, this kind of curse usually violates some mysterious taboo. For example, although the sacrificial items here belong to the one-eyed warrior, they are sacrificed to Arodlis, so once they are taken away and not properly kept, it will Tainted with a curse.

Curses need to face mythical creatures directly to have a chance to solve them, and curses often spawn corresponding mythical creatures, such as the black shadow they encountered before.

The highest level is the imprint, where one truly recognizes the existence of God, or has some kind of direct or indirect contact with God.

This will become a channel for divine power to enter the human world.

This kind of mark is basically impossible to solve. Even with the help of the power of different gods, the most it can do is suppress it.

Heng's grandmother had a brand on her body, indicating that she had contact with gods in her early years, and later came to this sacrificial site and took away these sacrificial items.

It means that she completed some kind of sacrifice and used this method to suppress the brand on her body.

As a result, now Li Kang not only attracted new mythical creatures, but also completed the sacrifice to the gods. This was already a rush to meet the gods.

The risk is too high.

Moreover, even if the danger of meeting God is not included, Li Kang alone is also a dangerous person.

This is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Arodlis, with the purpose of creating a one-eyed warrior.

The bone knife in Li Kang's hand is used to dig out eyes. It represents the power of human beings and also symbolizes human self-sacrifice.

The mask in Heng's hand is gone, so he can still use masks from other places, or even paste his face with mud.

As long as the mask is unique, the risk will be higher at most.

But the bone knife in Li Kang's hand was gone, so the ceremony really couldn't start.

Because only through sacrifice can one become a one-eyed warrior.

Li Kang obviously wanted to use the current environment here to collect enough 'sacrifice', then complete the ritual, become a one-eyed warrior, and then kill the spirit-eyed tiger on the altar.

Naturally, the sacrifice cannot come directly by oneself, so... Hu Yi and Yu Le were both chosen by Li Kang as one of the sacrifices.

Used to gather enough sacrifice elements.

But Li Kang's attitude towards Heng is still different. Perhaps because he loves Wujiwu, Li Kang does not regard Heng as his target, but instead thinks that Heng is his helper.

"Grandma doesn't like this." Just Heng's words broke Li Kang's fantasy.

Although Heng didn't have much contact with his grandmother, he knew her as a person.

Grandma is a very kind person, brave, warm, and exuding a kind of brilliance all the time.

A few years ago, when I was in better health, I hit the trafficker who was stealing a child on the street with a cane. Then he grabbed the child with one hand, put the cane against the trafficker's throat with the other hand, and killed the trafficker with his old age. Suppress it.

Li Kang's expression froze, but his eyes remained firm.

When he was a young student, he stepped into the mysterious realm and almost died.

It was at that time that the teacher rescued him. He would never forget the light of the flashlight in the teacher's hand and her stretched out hand in the dark underground when he was desperate.

Even though the teacher was more than ten years older than him, and even though the teacher had a daughter with him at the time, he still fell in love with her. Unfortunately, he never dared to express his feelings.

He knew that the teacher would never agree to it.

In her words, all the love in her life was used up within those thirty days.

What you can't get when you are young will eventually trap you for the rest of your life.

This is the case for Li Kang. He has never married and has done good deeds throughout his life. He is considered highly virtuous and respected. Because of this, he will be regarded as a guest of a country.

But in his old age, he was willing to do less rational things for his teacher.

Today, he is going to sacrifice to the gods, hunt down the spirit-eyed tiger, and take the heart to save the teacher!

First update, sorry.

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