Death Compensation

Chapter 1502 A sliding shovel, delivering food to your door

The words fell, and the will was as firm as iron.

It was at this moment that a man jumped out from the darkness, it was He Yong whom he had not seen before.

It's just that at this time, He Yong has changed from his previous cowardly appearance, and his temperament has undergone a huge change.

Obviously, since there is a purpose, then among the six people this time, it is impossible to be pure.

Except for Yu Le and Hu Yi who were sacrificed, Heng was the 'half master' and the grandson of his teacher.

Becoming a friend is an unexpected goal.

The battle happened in an instant. He Yong, who rushed out, almost didn't stop at all, and the gun in his hand went straight to the sky.

The bullets rattled, accompanied by a change of light and shadow.

A dark shadow is constantly changing under the blows of guns here.

Those bullets are engraved with various runes. If you look closely, they should be some kind of symbols. It is precisely because of this that these bullets are effective against the shadow creature.

If Heng had received the ritual before, it was the sacrificial ritual that created the one-eyed warrior.

Then what Li Kang holds is a more advanced ritual that is closer to God.

"Shadow of the Greedy!" With the roar of bullets, the shadow was defeated and then thrown onto the altar.

"The blood of the victim!" Li Kang wiped the blood off the bone knife. Hu Yi also bled a lot because of the knife, and all the blood flowed to the altar.

"The eyes of the longing one!"

When he said this, Li Kang didn't hesitate at all. He took out his bone knife and dug directly into his own eyes.

Blood spattered, and he threw an eyeball onto the altar.

"Alodelis, I am here longing for your blessings. I am willing to fight for you, become your bridge, and let you set your sights on the world!"

Following Li Kang's words, sizzling white smoke appeared on his neck, and a big mouth that looked like the sun and was fully opened, full of sharp teeth, appeared.

This is cognitive imprinting.

Only beings who have a corresponding connection with God can possess it.

And the things that were originally used as sacrifices had some kind of change at this moment.

The shadow that was originally struggling and changing, the body changed and twisted into a puddle of black water.

The blood also squirmed and boiled, merging with the black water.

After merging, the black and red liquid got into the gouged eye.

At this moment, the eyes were waving their tentacles, twisting gradually, and looking around with rolling eyes.

Everyone present felt that their souls were frozen at this moment, and everything under their feet collapsed.

Like falling, it is falling continuously into the abyss.

With a flash of light, the eyeball disappeared, and the sinking feeling slowly subsided from their bodies and souls.

Heng could only feel that his brain was fainting as it continued to fall, and all kinds of strange thoughts kept rolling in his mind.

For example, dig out your own eyes and throw them on the ground. That way, if your eyes don't move, you won't feel rolling.

But at this moment, the mask in his hand was slightly cold.

The cold air cooled his brain and allowed him to regain some sense.

"Hahaha, I saw God!!" Heng recovered, but Li Kang, who was originally determined on the other side, was almost crazy at this moment.

"Teacher, I can save you!!!"

After speaking, Li Kang smashed the glass ball in his hand directly to the ground.

The broken glass ball made an extremely unpleasant sound, like fingernails scratching glass.

And the sound did not disappear as the glass ball stopped rolling, but became more and more intense.

It was at this moment that the violent roar sounded again.

"On top!" Heng's body softened and he collapsed to the ground.

As ordinary people, they have no ability to resist when facing mythical creatures. As soon as the other party's voice sounds, they will collapse.

The spirit-eyed tiger was attracted before, but did not get too close to this sacrificial site.

The reason lies in the intimidating nature of the one-eyed warrior.

In the past, the one-eyed warrior killed many mythical creatures.

Gradually, a 'threat' formed. The mythical creatures were not afraid of those little bugs, but there was no need and they would not take the initiative to touch those little bugs.

Originally, the Lingmuhu was waiting outside, and there was no food in the sacrificial site. Even if those people brought food in, they would only stay there for ten days and a half at most.

He can afford to wait.

And now, those people actually destroyed their eyes!

At this point, Lingmuhu no longer cares about the threat posed by the little bugs.

It even directly smashed the dome of the sacrificial place and fell from above.

At the moment it fell, Heng clearly saw this mythical creature recorded in the mythological atlas.

It is covered in black hair and has a dog-like body, but it also looks a bit like a mouse.

The huge head is covered with spikes and fangs, and there are two pairs of small mouths on the cheeks.

At this time, he was breathing heavily.

A pair of eyes that looked like glass beads were staring at Li Kang on the altar.

The mouth next to the cheek made a growl like a low moan.

Amid this roar, although Heng had recovered from the previous roar, he still felt his body weakening, and the 'power rat' in his body had not really dissipated.

On the contrary, Li Kang and He Yong on the other side did not seem to be affected too much.

Their purpose was to hunt the Spirit Eyed Tiger, so they were naturally prepared.

He Yong is a mysterious national security officer in a small southeastern country.

The country still has a certain understanding of these things, and has specially trained personnel to fight these mysterious things.

The Axe Dynasty has basically isolated itself from mystery.

After that, there was a layer of 'myth' as ​​a barrier between mystery and humanity.

The world where normal people live, the world of common sense, is called the human world.

That is a world composed of normal common sense cognition.

And now here is myth, composed of mysterious perceptions.

Except for a small amount of force pulling, it is almost impossible for normal people to appear here.

Although He Yong is a mysterious person trained by a country, this is also the second time he has come to the mythical secret realm and the first time he has faced a real mythical creature.

From this we can know how strong the gap between myth and human beings is.

At this time, He Yong, after seeing the Lingmu Tiger jump down, immediately turned his gun and pointed it at the Lingmu Tiger, and kept shooting at the Lingmu Tiger.

The bullet hitting Lingmuhu's body was like a sledgehammer falling on a leather drum.

There was a buzzing sound, and the black hair on the Spirit Eyed Tiger's body kept fluttering, and some black hair fell down.

And this also completely angered the Lingmuhu, and he had already dodged it with one pounce.

"Okay!" He Yong's eyes widened, blood flowed rapidly throughout his body, and he actually cheered when he saw the spiritual-eyed tiger rushing towards him, as if it was about to bite him off.

He threw the gun without bullets in his hand directly.

But it couldn't stop the figure that rushed towards him in the slightest.

Then He Yong lowered his body, turned his hand, and a dagger full of inscriptions appeared in his hand.

He didn't dodge, and actually rushed towards the spiritual-eyed tiger.

The low body seemed to be trying to get under the belly of the spiritual tiger, and directly disembowel it with the help of the opponent's attack!

However, at this moment, some dark shadows flashed across Lingmuhu's eyes.

Something that looked like a mouse sprang out directly, and then got into He Yong's body.

He Yong's originally agile body froze for an instant, and then he stumbled forward as if his left foot tripped over his right foot.

It looked like it was heading straight into the tiger's mouth.

Achieving perfect cooperation, he was bitten by the spiritual-eyed tiger.

Then the huge head shook, and the upper part of He Yong was swallowed in one gulp, while the lower part was already smashed on the dome, becoming a ball of meat and hanging on the wall.

This is the spirit-eyed tiger, which has entered the myth map and become a member of the recipe.

But that's not something ordinary people can touch.

Even He Yong is only a little brave and somewhat resistant to mystery.

After getting rid of the provocative little bug, Lingmuhu turned around and looked at Li Kang on the altar.

This is a tricky little bug.

On the other side, Heng's body suddenly regained some strength.

But he didn't dare to act immediately.

This spiritual-eyed tiger is too terrifying.

Perhaps for those one-eyed warriors in ancient times who specialized in fighting mythical creatures, the Spirit Eyed Tiger was not particularly dangerous.

But for individuals like them who no longer have hunting pressure, causing rapid degradation of body functions, killing them is as easy as squeezing an insect to death.

Compared with Heng's gradual recovery.

Hu Yi, who had just woken up, now felt desperate.

He was stabbed by Li Kang Na Lao Deng before, but he could not stop the bleeding in time and was already very weak.

Then there was the falling feeling brought by the eyeballs, and the roar of the spiritual-eyed tiger.

All this made Hu Yi feel that he was not far from death.

And at this time, he was lying not far from the altar, and Lingmuhu was walking towards the altar step by step.

Although his eyes were on Li Kang, who was standing in the center of the altar, he was not far away. Once a battle broke out, no matter Li Kang or Lingmu Hu, who would lose or win.

He seemed to have only one way to die.

However, at this moment, a long-handled weapon stretched out from a distance and reached in front of him.

He raised his eyes slightly and saw that it was Yu Le.

Yu Le also recovered a little at this time, and immediately wanted to take advantage of the confrontation between Ling Muhu and Li Kang to save people.

Heng on the other side naturally discovered this scene, but immediately analyzed that it was almost impossible to succeed.

Hu Yi was seriously injured and no longer had the strength to hold onto things.

And they couldn't make any big noise to attract the attention of the Spirit-Eyed Tiger.

Heng also hesitated at this time.

Regardless of whether Li Kang committed a crime or did something his grandmother didn't like, he really just wanted to save his grandmother.

Do you really need to confront the other party?

Second update, sorry.

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