Death Compensation

Chapter 511 Responsibility

Chapter 511 Responsibility

"It seems that we only need to wait for a while." Lu Bai sensed the number of demons, and the speed of development was much faster than he imagined.

There are many people who are willing to join the Heavenly Demons, and even made Lu Bai wonder if he has returned to Dahua.

Because of the traces of pollution from the abyss, the people in Dahua are extremely impetuous, and they tend to become emotional and go to extremes.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is much easier than expected to recruit the demons in Dahua.

But now, in the dimension of this unstable balance line, the people here are not far from Dahua.

One by one became extremely fanatical about joining the demons.

Logically speaking, in a modern society where resources and spiritual food are not bad, there are not many people who want to become demons.

Even if there are some people who worship the extraordinary people like the guards and because the channels are locked, they are extra fanatical about these things, then there shouldn't be so many people.

Following Lu Bo's analysis of the people who joined the Demons, he discovered a deeper problem in this dimension.

That is the material of this dimension, not as much as imagined.

Various disasters are also more than imagined.

While the class is relatively solidified, the materials are basically concentrated in the superstructure.

Apart from Rencang, Lanyue, Luoyue and other pilot cities with void zero-point energy, there are basically only some big cities with relatively large population and supplies.

A bit similar to Japan, Tokyo in a narrow sense occupies 10% of the population of Japan.

The Tokyo urban agglomeration has a population of nearly 40 million, accounting for one third of Japan's total population.

The same is true for this dimension, where the population is highly concentrated in a few large cities.

Although the city is big, it looks really prosperous.

However, under this prosperity is the result of the blood supply of large areas nearby.

And the city is extremely crowded, and sometimes it is difficult to see a family with a living person after driving outside the city for a day.

All kinds of disasters, extreme weather, desertified land, and some inexplicable diseases have caused people in small places to have no way out.

At the same time, resources such as coal and oil are on the verge of depletion, with production decreasing every year, but prices are constantly rising.

The energy crisis is particularly glaring here.

The emergence of the zero-point energy of the void is called the energy of salvation.

If it weren't for the void zero point energy would be accompanied by the emergence of void monsters.

This energy has already spread all over the world.

Even so, the calls for the promotion of Void Zero Point on the Internet have never stopped.

Moreover, the three big cities of Rencang, Lanyue, and Luoyue are basically relying on the zero point of the void to operate at this moment.

"It's a bit of a sense of science and martial arts." Lu Bai thought.

This sense of sight lies in the feeling of post-disaster reconstruction.

The difference is that the Kewu dimension encountered an omnic crisis.

What this dimension encounters is the world energy crisis.

Lu Bai searched the news more than 20 years ago, as well as the relevant history of that year.

Judging from some situations, the energy crisis was already very serious, and armed conflicts broke out in various places.

After the research team of 'Yongchuan' got out the void zero point energy, this contradiction was eased.

"There's something wrong here." Lu Bai discovered the problem as soon as he researched.

When the conflict has already arisen, all use arms to achieve the goal.

The emergence of an energy that can save the world will not stop people, but will only make them continue to fight, and fight more fiercely.

Because the situation at that time was obvious, whoever mastered the zero-point energy of the void would then be able to control the entire world.

It is obvious that there is a force that forcibly suppressed the struggle of many parties, and this allowed the so-called 'peace' to come.

"A macho from the sky?" Lu Bai remembered what the second seat No. 32 said when he entered this dimension.

When a power is in trouble, a "tough man" will lead the power to revival.

When you read his deeds later, you may even feel that he came to the world with a mission.

Any long-term power organization will have such a strong man.

For example, Liu Xiu, a famous great magician in the Han Dynasty.

Originally, the Han Dynasty was about to come to an end, but Xiuer forced the transition from the Western Han Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In all countries and dynasties, there are still many ancient and modern macho men from heaven, such as the modern...

Cough cough cough, this can't be mentioned.

In short, there is also a 'tough man' appearing in this dimension.

If Lu Bo guessed correctly, this dimension should have been just an ordinary disaster movie dimension.

Yes, not all dimensions have special power systems.

All kinds of wonderful dimensions are also endless.

For example, the dimension of love, in that dimension, everyone is in love, and everyone's purpose is only to fall in love.

From the president of the company to the beggar on the street, whoever doesn't have one or two unforgettable loves is blasphemy.

There are naturally dimensions with disaster movies as the core idea.

It's just that this kind of disaster, if it's a zombie that involves a little supernatural, it's okay, and the others are just natural disasters, so the dimensional value is actually not high.

This unstable balance line is estimated to be just a common dimension about the energy disaster.

But the hunk from the sky changed this, this hunk created void zero point energy.

"It's even possible that he is the earliest strengthened object of void zero point energy."

"It is by virtue of this power that the other side can prevent conflict and war."

"However, things did not go toward beauty and peace, but something went wrong."

"The Savior has been abandoned." The rusty Savior logo appeared in Lu Bai's hand.

Qiu Mo's father is very likely to be the savior.

It's a pity that this savior is now in a state of being banned. After more than ten years, people have mostly forgotten about him.

The reason why the Yongchuan research team could not find any information is probably related to this incident.

The biggest hero was banned, but a bunch of people relied on each other's inheritance to get rich.

And according to the known information, Void Zero Energy has huge hidden dangers.

Several forces that have mastered the zero-point energy of the void, on the one hand, use this energy to promote the reshuffle of society, solidify the class of most people, and occupy an absolute high position themselves.

On the one hand, relying on the guards, an armed force that needs the zero-point energy of the void to co-exist, protects its own position.

At the same time, the void monsters were also used by them.

On the surface, the security guard is to protect the safety of the people, but in fact, what this guard guards is the power system of void zero point energy.

Void monsters are the 'bandits' who support themselves.

Therefore, for the truth of the year, Lu Bai can actually figure out nine out of ten without any investigation.

It is obvious that the savior, the man born from heaven, may not allow the other party to use his own research to engage in this kind of monopoly hegemony because of his high moral level.

Or maybe the other party discovered the flaws and hidden dangers of this ability after researching the zero-point energy of the void, so they planned to stop this energy system.

In short, the savior had a conflict of interest with this energy system, and was finally backlashed by his own research.

It may be mixed with a series of ugly events such as conspiracy, betrayal, hatred, and jealousy.

Because it was too ugly, everyone's faces were ugly, so they chose to join forces to ban the savior.

The other party's name is not allowed to be mentioned, and the other party's logo is also illegal. Various events are artificially created similar events to confuse memory.

Even the research organization only left the name of Yongchuan, and other things were completely sealed up as secrets.

The three main pilot cities are the main forces that murdered the savior and embezzled the other party's inheritance.

The reason why Lu Bai wants to investigate what happened back then is not because he wants to know the truth, but because he wants to know the technical information of the zero-point energy of the void.

He has been able to confirm that this thing has a close relationship with 'death'.

Once he succeeds in figuring it out, then maybe his understanding of death will be greatly improved.

At the same time, He Ming Duoyan arranges himself to come here, and he will also gain a clear understanding in the process of what kind of tasks he wants to complete.

While Lu Bai was thinking, Ding Yan also woke up again wobbly.

Although he was frozen by Uranus, he benefited from the opponent's instant freezing ability.

Ding Yan must have experienced human freezing.

Fortunately, Lu Bai helped him unfreeze, so he was able to come back to life.

"I saved you again, what are you going to use to repay it?" Lu Bai always repays his kindness.

"If you want my life, just kill me." Ding Yan was still a little depressed at the moment.

Betrayed by his best friend, although he understands that the other party has difficulties, he still seems uncomfortable.

"Forget it, let's go."

"You just go on destroying yourself."

"Let people use the zero-point energy of the void unscrupulously."

"Then let this world be destroyed along with it."

Lu Bai knew very well what tactics to use to deal with such a good person, just kidnap him from the moral high ground.

They have a strong sense of responsibility themselves, and it only takes a while for them to regroup and start doing sit-ups.

Ding Yan didn't do anything to cheer up, he just felt extremely tired now.

The more these things are mixed, the more insignificant I feel.

Facing the guards, he couldn't hold back any one of the Eight Heavenly Stars who shot at will.

How can he, who is so small, change this situation.

Frustrated, he still chose to leave Lu Bai's place.

Walking in the alley, looking at the extraordinarily bright world outside the alley, he wanted to go out.

As long as he goes out, he, who is not disguised now, will be discovered by surveillance.

At that time, it will really be over.

Looking at the extraordinarily bright world, Ding Yan paused for an unknown amount of time in the dark of the alley.

Turned around and walked into a darker place.

You have to take responsibility!

Second watch, good night everyone.

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