Death Compensation

Chapter 512 Greed

Chapter 512 Greed

"Is this power?" Luo Sheng stood up happily.

"Your adaptability is very good. After injecting the zero-point energy of the void, there is not much rejection, and the strengthening effect is not bad." The staff next to you looked at the data, full of surprises.

"So I will be able to perform B-level enhancement soon?"

"No, it's C-level." Luo Sheng was taken aback by the researchers' words.

"What you just did was B-level enhancement."

"Your adaptability has improved very quickly, so your first reinforcement was selected as B-level ten doses of void zero-point energy."

"Now it seems that you are indeed a talent."

He said he was talented, but in fact, he was looking at Luo Sheng with a creepy look, as if he was not looking at a person, but a piece of meat placed on the chopping board.

"Why didn't I..." Luo Sheng wanted to ask why he didn't know that he was directly performing B-level enhancement.

But those words were interrupted, and he was asked to do various tests.

An uncomfortable feeling welled up in his heart, but he couldn't resist these people.

Because they represent the Guardians, it is Void Zero that strengthens the system.

Unless you appear in a high position, otherwise, people cannot fight against a system.

Intensify the joy of success, diluted by the feeling.

He looked at those researchers one by one, and felt like a piece of meat, being constantly being eaten by them.

The most obvious situation is that my time is filled with a large number of research projects.

Originally becoming a strengthener, he was still planning to show off his might and snatch back a few women who were a little bit eccentric.

But now he can only stay in the research room, not even allowed to leave.

Karma: stingy.

Luo Sheng was stingy with everything about himself, those women belonged to him, and those time should be controlled by himself.

But now the facts tell him, I'm sorry, your things don't necessarily belong to you.

From the moment you enter the guard, everything about you belongs to the guard.

After dissecting the guard Guang Weizheng's appearance, his real appearance even made Luo Sheng feel panic.

It was also in this situation that he felt a sudden pain in the back of his neck, and instinctively touched it with his hands, and felt row upon row, as if there were some hard things lined up there.

He was startled, and put his hands behind his back. At this moment, that feeling disappeared again.

What he touched became normal skin again.

"That was definitely not an illusion just now!"

"Is there something wrong with the experiment?" The fear in his heart pushed Luo Sheng further.

A new original sin is revealed once again.

Original sin: Greed.

Desiring to possess more than necessary, excessive zeal for financial or power superiority.

And the reason why people are like this is largely because of anxiety.

If you are afraid of losing what you are holding now, what should you do if the current thing is not stable enough, then go for more things.

As long as there are many things, even if you lose some occasionally, it will not make you disturbed.

However, people with this kind of thinking will get deeper and deeper on the road of pursuing more, and when you hold more and stronger things than others, you will inevitably have a sense of superiority .

In this case, the anxiety of losing will only intensify.

Greed is the original sin.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Sheng's weird behavior caught the attention of the researchers.

"No, it's nothing, it's just a stretch." Luo Sheng instinctively flirted with him.

He has already recognized the fact that he must have more power and more power in order to protect his own things.

In this case, if he reveals his abnormality, it is very likely that he will lose more things because of this abnormality.

Like freedom.

And a person with a strange shape means that it is difficult to trust.

Because no one knows whether you will lose control due to abnormalities.

Lies and deceit are sharp weapons to protect yourself.

"Let's do a test." It's a pity that Luo Sheng's lies are too low-level, and the researchers don't believe them at all.

After some inspection, no new problems were found.

But it also made Luo Sheng feel panic.

If once found out, when will I be able to regain my freedom.

"It seems that I have to get used to concealing my emotions and actions in the future."

Karma: Deception!

Greedy wants to get more things that don't belong to him, and deception is the best way.

After Luo Sheng's inspection was all right, he was finally released.

The news he got was that his intern title was removed and he became an official B-level member.

After that, there are four days every other week to prepare for duty, ready to go on missions at any time, to deal with those A to B level void monsters.

In other words, when the time comes, he will need to face those monsters with real swords and guns.

At this time, Luo Sheng didn't feel any fear, on the contrary, he was eager to try.

This kind of escort members who have new missions are easier to attract attention.

It's like betting on horses, choose a horse, watch the opponent surpass other opponents, and then lead the way and become the first.

Even if you didn't do anything, as long as you pay attention to him, you will feel honored.

And this kind of 'horse betting' has a similar situation among the guards.

People will find new members of the team, pay attention to them, and be fans of some performances of the other party.

Then wait for the opponent to continue to strengthen and become stronger.

This process can last from one to several years.

That focus doesn't divert until the target is in trouble, or dies from a void monster.

Otherwise, they would have been watching each other's movements.

Until the opponent reaches the E-level enhancement and becomes an eight-day star.

In fact, it is still the set of idol worship.

It's just that the target is replaced by a super human.

His first assignment was when he debuted, and because of the 'lucky guy' incident, he had already gained a certain amount of attention.

So as long as he performs well, he can immediately gain a wave of fans.

By the time……

Thinking about the bright future, Luo Sheng snorted happily.

"Luo Sheng, are you free?"

Turn on the phone, similar words have been swiped full of messages.

"Hahaha, now you know I'm fine."

Luo Sheng selected some people to reply, and then saw Qiu Mo's message.

The format is similar, saying that I have something to do with him.

This made Luo Sheng's face turn red instantly.

Although he is not Chu Ge now, he has always cared about Qiu Mo.

He obviously hated her so much before, but if he had the chance, he would immediately go to her again.

Yesterday's you ignored me, but today's me you can't stand up to.

The psychology of wanting to show off in front of others has been fully satisfied.

It didn't matter if I couldn't eat it before, but now I must eat it.

With this thought in mind, Luo Sheng didn't even do the training, and immediately rushed to the address sent by Qiu Mo.

It's just that when he got there, he found that everything was wrong.

The man who took Qiu Mo away is still here.

And Qiu Mo was lying obediently in the other's arms, with a pair of beautiful eyes, there was no trace of him.

"Luo Sheng, is your neck okay?"

The words of greeting made Luo Sheng extremely nervous in an instant.

"Who the hell are you?" No matter how stupid he was, Luo Sheng discovered something was wrong at this moment.

This is a trap.

And he was foolishly rushing into this trap.

"Look at this, it should look familiar to you." Lu Bai touched his face and restored the changed appearance.

Luo Sheng's expression instantly became tense.

At this moment, the arrest of Lu Bai is still playing in the entire Rencang City.

Although Luo Sheng was mainly being researched during this period, he also had an understanding of this matter.

In his cognition, Lu Bai was the thug who defeated two D-level players and kidnapped a C-level player.

But this person directly contacted him that day, there must be some kind of conspiracy in it.

"That's right, it's me." Lu Bai seemed to be able to hear Luo Sheng's heart, and continued to confirm what Luo Sheng was thinking, "The freezing disaster a while ago was also due to my battle with Uranus."

"The abnormal shape on your neck was also caused by me when we met that day."

"What?" Before he had time to be surprised, the pain in the back of his neck emerged again. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and the scales became very clear at this moment.

"What do you want to do to me? If it's Qiu Mo, I..."

"No, no, no, you don't have to be afraid." Lu Bai interrupted Luo Sheng's meaningless words: "This is actually a good thing."

"At this moment, in addition to the strengthening of the zero-point energy of the void, you have also obtained three enhancements of violence, fast digestion, and carrying capacity!"

"You usually spend three days fishing and two days drying the net even for exercise, and soaking in women every day, your body's immunity has long been exhausted."

"You don't even think about it, if it wasn't for what I gave you, how did you get such a high level of adaptability."

This is a lie. The reason why Luo Sheng has such a high adaptability, although he has the curse and blessing brought by the original sin, is mainly because of his accidental inheritance of the position of an E-level enhancer.

But Luo Sheng didn't know this, so he directly believed Lu Bai's words.

"And do you really think that it is so easy to climb up among the guards?" Lu Bai said, throwing a stack of documents over.

Luo Sheng took the information and looked at Lu Bai in puzzlement.

"There are a lot of filth in the guard."

"The interests are intricate. You, a person with no identity background, want to climb to a high place, but you can only fall to your death."

"But with my help it's different."

Luo Sheng flipped through those materials roughly, and found that there were indeed many real scandals about the guards.

The bullying within the escort team, the trading of power and sex, and the exchange of money are very terrifying.

His previous thoughts were too naive.

"Why me?" When Luo Sheng asked this sentence, he had actually placed himself under Lu Bai and agreed to obey Lu Bai's orders.

"Because you are greedy!"

"This will increase your appetite, so you can accept some of my small requests, such as investigating some information about the escort."

"Don't worry, the information I want must at least require you to become a high-level guard to get in touch."

"Now you, there is no need to worry about that time!"

First update.

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