Death Compensation

Chapter 536 Eight Heavenly Stars

Chapter 536 Eight Heavenly Stars

This is also the reason why Uncle Yu has become more serious over the years.

Because he can't laugh.

As for Yue Sheng, he made various descriptions in his so-called prophecy, and then determined a basic point based on these descriptions.

That is, the world will eventually be destroyed, and it is the death star that brings about the destruction.

However, Uncle Yu didn't know how Yue Sheng came to this conclusion.

That's why they underestimated this so-called prophecy in the beginning.

Now it looks like it's a math problem.

Yue Sheng is that top student, after he wrote the solution, he quickly wrote the answer.

In the process, he introduced a new formula that caused a sensation. This formula is the zero-point energy of the void.

These scumbags also focused their attention on this formula.

There is no way to understand Yue Sheng's problem-solving process.

In particular, Yue Sheng also omitted most of the derivation process. For Yue Sheng, the omitted part of the process can be obtained by mental calculation, such as a simple ordinary calculation process such as 1+1=2.

But for people like Uncle Yu, it seemed like a natural moat.

So the answer Yue Sheng deduced was like a prophecy to them.

They ignored the answer and only focused on the new formula. Now it seems that they have put the cart before the horse.

Let go of some regrets in their hearts, now they at least have mastered the important formula of void zero-point energy, relying on this thing, maybe they can unlock the final answer.

At this moment, Uncle Yu was just a scumbag who took the formula and randomly applied it to the question, trying to get an answer.

In this process, there are also various other problem-solving ideas, such as reading comprehension of Chinese, rote memorization of history, and political...dirty.

No matter what, the person who has the ability to really start solving the problem has already been killed by them with a backstab.

Now they can only take the formula left by the other party and solve the problem in their own way.

"Even without Yue Sheng, we can protect this world that already belongs to us!" Uncle Yu raised his head and looked at the eight-day stars sitting on both sides of the conference table, with a surge of pride in his heart.

The power of Batianxing is much stronger than that of Yue Sheng.

The so-called star of death, Lu Bai, is extremely difficult to face an eight-day star, and once he faces the tide, he has no chance of winning.

It's a pity that Saturn was caught by mistake, and Jupiter accidentally left a big bomb, and now there is still an insider hidden in the guard who set up a research institute privately, and the balance line of adding water has also become unstable due to several previous failures.

If it weren't for these problems that made the powerful guards unable to attack with all their strength, Lu Bai would have been approached by a group of E-level enhancers long ago.

Yue Sheng is indeed the savior, and he did rely on his own strength to suppress the original war.

It's just that at that time, he didn't carry out the E-level enhancement, he just enhanced it to reach the D-level.

Yue Sheng didn't understand the power of the E rank!

This is where Uncle Yu is confident.

In Yue Sheng's research, he denied the existence of E-level enhancers, and believed that D-level enhancement is the highest level that humans can bear.

But obviously Yue Sheng was wrong. Not only did the E rank appear, but there were more than one!

At this moment, Uncle Yu seemed to have received the notice, so he said into the microphone, "Let him in."

After a while, the door of the conference room was opened.

Lu Bai walked in calmly.

"Hey, there are so many people so late." Lu Bai looked at the people on both sides of the conference table, feeling the pressure from them, but said indifferently.

Except for Uncle Yu who is an ordinary person.

Most of the eight-day stars are here.

Except for Saturn, which was captured by him, the earth's tides that are still missing, and Uranus, which seems to be still in the hospital.

Even the supernumerary member Pluto appeared behind Uncle Yu.

Jupiter() Jupiter!

He was sitting on the left side of Uncle Yu, with his eyes closed at the moment, as if he didn't care about the previous defeat and the Saturn in Lu Bai's hand.

Mercury () is a young man wearing leather armor. Of course, according to the information, he is actually almost fifty years old now. The reason why he looks like a young man is actually the zero-point energy of the void on the one hand, and maintenance on the other.

At this moment, he was silent, looking at Lu Bai seriously, but did not make any other movements, as if he was just waiting for an order.

Although it is said to be Mercury, it has no water at all. It corresponds to Mercury in Roman mythology, the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology, and Hermes in Greek mythology.

This planet closest to the sun is the messenger of the sun, so he is sitting on the right side at the moment.

According to public information, Mercury's body size is the shortest among all the eight-day stars, and at the same time, it is also the hardest one.

His body density far exceeds that of ordinary people, and he has a speed that exceeds the limit that can be observed by human eyes. He is the fastest among the eight-day stars.

Below Mercury is a very dazzling woman, even after Lu Bai came in, she looked at her many times.

The light golden curly hair, the flawless, exquisite face, and the curves of the body full of arcs can make people crazy.

Venus (), people generally associate it with the god of love and beauty, whether it is Ishtar in Mesopotamian mythology, Aphrodite in Greek mythology, or Venus can be used to call her.

Of course, generally speaking, choose the one with the widest spread - Venus.

If there is anyone who can compete with the first person, Chao Chao, in terms of popularity, then only Jin Xing is there.

On this point, even Jupiter can't compare, after all, everyone has a love for beauty.

The description of Venus' ability is not detailed, and it can only be judged from her few shots.

Anything that attacks her will be punished. She is like a treasure loved by the gods and will never be harmed by any foreign objects.

Most of the time, Venus will not take the initiative to shoot. She can solve most of the enemies by being attacked just by standing there.

At this moment, she was not sitting on the chair, but standing there with her hands on the chair, looking at Lu Bai with some kind of curious and expectant eyes.

Or maybe it was because of Jin Xing's attitude that the eight-day star opposite her was looking at him with a kind of unfriendly eyes.

Mars () was called Mars in Europe in ancient times, the "God of War" in ancient Roman mythology, and it was called Yinghuo in ancient Chinese because it glows like fire, and its position and brightness change from time to time, symbolizing turmoil and ominousness.

So when you are an eight-day star, people prefer to call you Mars.

The ability of Mars is also very strange, and the information given is incomplete. Like Uranus, he exhibits the ability of super low temperature, and also the ability of ejecting magma. Occasionally, it is a pure physical collision, but it is also caused by unknown means. Huge damage.

Therefore, the essence of its ability is estimated to be similar to Jupiter, in a hidden state, and the abilities that were revealed before are nothing but derivatives.

Mars obviously has some relationship with Venus. After Venus showed interest in him, he looked like he was about to kill you.

The last octogenarian here is Neptune ( ).

This is the only woman among the Eight Heavenly Stars, different from the shiny one of Venus, at this moment she is wearing a dark blue nightgown, her eyes are empty, as if she is sleeping with her eyes open.

She is the closest to Lu Bai at the moment, but she seems to have nothing to do with her.

Astronomically, Neptune is the known planet in the solar system farthest from the sun.

People's impression of Neptune is actually similar to that of Uranus.

The size, mass, composition and structure, and even the rotation speed of the two are similar.

A closer look, however, reveals that Uranus is the only eight planet whose primary name is Greek rather than Roman mythology.

Whether it is Jupiter, Mars or Venus, they are all derived from Roman mythology. Although there are corresponding Greek mythology, when naming planets, they are basically based on Roman mythology.

No wonder Uranus pulls his hips so much.

Greek mythology, no.

Roman mythology, yes!

Jing Luo is ecstatic!

So compared to Uranus, Neptune poses a greater threat to Lu Bai.

Neptune has strong storms, and the measured wind speed is as high as 2400km/h, which exceeds the wind speed on Saturn.

In terms of pure planetary culture, Neptune is more suitable for storm disasters than Saturn.

However, according to the data, Neptune's ability is not a storm, but the ability to control water that fits the name Neptune.

Therefore, Neptune has the least number of shots, and she will only be dispatched when the void monsters on the river or seaside attack.

It is said to be Neptune, but it is actually more like the king of fishing.

It wasn't because it was night that she was wearing pajamas.

But no matter during the day or at any other time, even at the most formal press conference, she is dressed in thick fluffy pajamas, as if she can fall asleep at any time.

This also led to the fact that although she is the only female member of the eight-day star, her popularity has always been at the bottom.

In this regard, Lu Bai has seen all Batianxing, except for the tide that has been elusive during this period of time.

It has to be said that Lu Bai could see that all of these people possess unique skills, and all of them are talents.

If he did something now, Lu Bai would be rubbed on the ground by the five people present.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's just the incarnation of the demon.

And this time there was no intention of making a move.

He came to the guard headquarters today with only one purpose, and that was peace talks.

The Mutual Aid Association with the names of the Demons has already been announced.

And through the battle in the prison, the sign was successfully erected.

However, so far, most people still have the impression of terrorists for mutual aid societies.

This is very bad.

Now that they have the opportunity to threaten the other party, it is natural to negotiate conditions and take a piece of meat from the guards.

If you have an inch, you must take an inch!

First update.

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