Death Compensation

Chapter 537 Negotiation

Chapter 537 Negotiation

"Lu Bai?" Uncle Yu picked up his teacup while talking, glanced at Lu Bai with plain eyes, and then started to read the report in his hand.

"Beauty, are you free to watch the sunrise with me?" However, Lu Bai didn't even bother to pay attention to his pretentious manner, and came to the side of Venus Venus in two or three steps. , chat with each other.

They have collected a lot of their own identities, and there is a high probability that their names were leaked from the demons.

Confirming one's identity by way of questioning is nothing but putting pressure on oneself.

A torture-style inquirer naturally stands on the upper air, and it is easier to establish a psychological gap.

And the difference in position will bring about a gap in momentum.

If it is a stunned young man who responds to the other party's question stupidly, he will naturally put himself on the weak side.

In the following negotiations, you will find that you are very aggrieved, and they don't take your request seriously, but you will care about the conditions they put forward.

Negotiation is a science, and there are many ways to gain the initiative.

Although Lu Bai will not be led by the nose just because of a few words, his skin is now thick enough to withstand the bombing of shells and even heavy weapons, thick in various senses.

It's just that Lu Bai didn't want to be overwhelmed by others in terms of language.

If you suppress me with words, then I will tease your girls.

And while teasing, he also looked at Mars, the sufferer.

As Mars, Mars, who has the attribute of God of War, is a violent guy.

His own son was molested, he only felt his face turn red, and then turn green.

Because when he was about to make a move, Uncle Yu glanced over helplessly.

Anger is suppressed, naturally only green is left.

However, Venus did not resist this. She touched Lu Bai's chest with her slender fingers, bit her lips with her teeth, and showed a charming look in her eyes. At this moment, she perfectly meets some of people's requirements for choosing a mate - long hair and big hair. wave.

Especially for the last request, Lu Bai could feel the humidity in the air.

"Enough!" Uncle Yu interrupted their flirting.

Venus could only let go, waved to Lu Bai with a smile on his face, and took two steps back to sit on the seat.

At the same time, he said a few words silently.

Through lip language, Lu Bai roughly read out information such as 523 next door tonight, probably the room number.

And all of this made Mars' face turn green.

Falling in love with a wild horse, but there is no grassland in his home, so he can only grow grassland on his head.

Mars and Venus are nominal CPs, and they have always been very affectionate outside these years.

However, Venus is a rotten crotch, with countless male favorites outside, and hooked up with Jupiter in the team, and Mars even noticed the possibility of other Eight-day Star members climbing into her bed.

Mars was extremely angry about this, but there was basically no way to do it. At most, she could only vent her anger on her handsome man, but she didn't dare to touch Jupiter and other eight-day stars.

Because this is a taboo, they can do whatever they want. The only bottom line is that the water balance line should not be messed up.

But now, he has nothing to do in the face of Lu Bai's little boy.

Batianxing is unable to make a move in a short time.

If Lu Bai can't be killed at once during this period of time, then there is no need to provoke and offend the other party.

Uncle Yu can use verbal means to pressure people, this is to take the initiative in negotiations.

Mars couldn't really make a move with this.

It can already be seen from this that Lu Bai has grasped the weakness of the guards at the moment, so no amount of testing is meaningful.

Uncle Yu waved his hand as a gesture of invitation, and asked Lu Bai to sit in the lower seat across from him.

Regarding this, Lu Bai did not mess up as before.

After all, this is the headquarters of the guards, and it is their territory.

There is no need to continue the boring temptation.

"Hand over Saturn, and the black lightning bomb, we can forgive..."

"Let's save this kind of sleep talk at night when I'm dreaming." Lu Bai interrupted the other party's asking price: "My time is very precious, and I don't have the time or energy to argue with you."

"There is no need to say more about these unrealistic words. What I want is very simple."

"Publicly recognize the legitimacy of the Mutual Aid Association, and do not allow the private capture of Mutual Aid Association members. One thousand A-level to C-level documents that can be strengthened by Void Zero Point."

"And a story."

"That's all my request. If it can be fulfilled, then today's peace talks will be considered a successful conclusion."

"If not, then I actually don't mind activating the black lightning directly."

"You should know that I'm not trying to scare you."

"I can admit that the Mutual Aid Association is legal, but I need to hand over Saturn." After hearing Lu Bai's request, Uncle Yu was neither angry nor impatient like Lu Bai.

Instead, he calmly gave his own conditions, not tepid, making people want to be angry just looking at them.

"My request cannot be less, and handing over Saturn and Black Lightning is even more nonsense."

"The bomb only has the meaning of deterrence when it is in your own hands."

"Deterrence is the basis of balance, and you don't want the balance to be broken, right?" Lu Bai said meaningfully.

"But your request has already broken the balance." Uncle Yu said, "I can't give you the enhanced file."

"It doesn't involve E-level. I can figure out those things by grabbing a few enhancers and exploring them for a while. I just don't want to waste time."

"You actually didn't pay much attention to these files. D-level enhancers are just consumables for you."

"What everyone needs is balance, even if it's only a temporary balance, leaving things to me is your best choice." Lu Bai said very seriously.

"Anything needs to have a relationship in order to maintain a balance. If you just let you pinch the source of danger and threaten it, then the so-called balance is just an illusion maintained by you unilaterally."

Uncle Yu also immediately fought back, grasping the key points in Lu Bai's words.

"You have to give something to ensure that after you get what you want, you won't ask for it without restraint."

In the face of the person who is holding your hand, you must not compromise without a bottom line. Once you compromise, there will be a second time, and then countless times.

In the face of domestic violence, dog gambling, helping younger siblings, etc., even if you really have no choice but to compromise for the sake of your children, you must make the other party pay a certain price when you compromise.

People are all creatures who push their feet. You have to use the price to let the other party know that you are not lacking in the determination to kill and break through at the first time.

Otherwise you will just be bullied.

The same is true for Uncle Yu at the moment. In reality, they are now passive and need time, and they don't know enough about Lu Bai.

Lu Bai wanted the Mutual Aid Association to appear on the bright side, which seemed to be a face to the guards, but in fact it also made it easier for them to learn more about Lu Bai.

Those low-level strengthened archives, although important, really won't hurt one's muscles or bones.

As for the last story that Lu Bai told, no one would care what kind of story it was.

"I want to know what you found in that laboratory in the suburbs." At this moment, Uncle Yu didn't mention the release of Saturn, but changed the subject to the laboratory in the suburbs.

The place where Lu Bai first appeared has been swept by them several times at this moment.

The clues left there have also been analyzed countless times.

It was nothing more than a loss of control in the laboratory, and the imprisoned void monsters broke out of their cages, causing countless casualties.

Just because of the darkness under the lights, until now, they still haven't found out who established this research institute.

And judging from the traces of destruction there, except for some traces at the gate that they couldn't understand, most of them were just traces of the activities of some C-level void monsters.

If it is just to study these, then why do you want to avoid the guards and secretly establish a research institute.

This is abnormal and unreasonable, and the benefits and risks are seriously inconsistent.

What this behavior symbolizes is so intriguing.

Once he was dug out, even if he was in a high position in the guard, what he had to face was something that most eight-day stars would not want to see.

What's even more intriguing is that they haven't been able to find any clues since they checked themselves.

So he set his sights on Lu Bai.

The first place where Lu Bai appeared was that research institute, maybe Lu Bai was created by some research in that research institute.

So far, no one knows exactly where Lu Bai came from.

If that institute's research is the star of death, then it does have this value.

It's just that Lu Bai knows that this is not the case. The most valuable thing in that research institute is C30, which has the existence of controllable void creatures.

At this moment, many people's eyes fell on Lu Bai's face, but Uncle Yu's eyes fell on the other eight stars because they were in the top position.

He is suspicious of the people in the eight-day star.

It's a pity that these eight-day stars know that he has some kind of spiritual infection ability, so they have more or less energy shields on their bodies to isolate themselves from the outside world.

So Lu Bai couldn't directly sense their emotions.

After a short pause, Lu Bai shook his head and said, "I can only tell you that my landing there has nothing to do with that research institute."

"If you want some compensation, then return the black lightning to you." Lu Bai took another step back at this time.

And this kind of performance made Uncle Yu and others think that the things in that research institute are very important.

Lu Bai's so-called irrelevance is nothing but a lie that both parties know well.

However, in this case, it is also a good thing to be able to solve the source of danger of black lightning first.

It's just that what they don't know is that the C30 is in Lu Bai's hands at the moment, so it's no big deal to tell them the truth about the institute.

The reason why he chose to conceal it was because although Lu Bai had no way to directly read their emotions.

But Lu Bo is also a master of micro-expressions.

He already has a general idea of ​​who established that research institute.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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