Death Compensation

Chapter 567 Void Device

Chapter 567 Void Device

After Zhang Nian left a certain area, he immediately took out the communicator and transmitted the information back to the headquarters.

The cold wind was too strong, and the tears on my face couldn't flow.

Zhang Xinnian felt an inexplicable anger.

This anger is inherited from Li Ansheng.

Before that, Li Ansheng seemed to be the same, with a suppressed but burning anger.

At this moment, Zhang Nian's anger was also ignited.

Especially when he found some minced meat in the same place after the arrival of the demon army, that anger completely occupied Zhang Xinnian's heart.

He and Li Ansheng grew up together when they were in school, and they had a falling out because they liked the same girl, and they got back together after a breakup after drinking.

In essence, the two people are very similar, they are both ordinary people in that oppressive era.

The time spent with each other even exceeds that of family members, or they are family members.

Familiar with your preferences, know your taboos, laugh at you when you are embarrassed, but find ways to make you not so sad when you are sad.

In life, there are always such people who carry more of your emotions.

So when they die, you're even angrier than you almost died yourself!

Zhang Xinnian poured this anger into the battle.

The fighting intensity of the Mutual Aid Society and the escort team has been upgraded.

Many fortifiers have thrown themselves into the battlefield. They roam the city wantonly, hunting and killing those who do not belong to their forces.

The already dilapidated city became even more dilapidated under this kind of battle.

No one thinks too much about whether the world will really end tomorrow, because they know that if they continue to think about these things, then they will definitely die before the end of the world.

Of course, the fortifiers of the guards also suffered heavy losses.

Although the number of mid-to-high-end combat forces in the Mutual Aid Association is relatively small, Lu Bai is still free now, and often sends out the avatar of the demon to experiment with the things he has researched.

Many enhancers who were enjoying the fun of hunting just now became prey in an instant.

During this process, Ding Yan also appeared several times, but he still did not join any party, and even complained about Lu Bai.

He accused Lu Boming of knowing the problem and still killing the knight, resulting in an imbalance between day and night.

At that time, Ding Yan was very excited. At this moment, he already understood what E-level enhancers represent. Killing them will only cause the world to become unbalanced.

Perhaps it was because he also wanted to kill Tide once.

Or maybe it was because he discovered this world and already had more than a dozen lesions on his body, Ding Yan was also very angry that time.

"Have you ever thought about the members of the mutual aid association, they all worship you and regard you as a god, have you considered them?"

For this kind of accusation, Lu Bai seemed indifferent, and gave his own answer thoughtfully.

"You have to understand one thing, that is, the demons of the Mutual Aid Club belong to me, not I belong to the Mutual Aid Club."

"What I do, I don't need the consent of the demons, but what they do need my consent."

"The purpose of my establishment of this organization is to make this organization serve me."

"It's not like playing a house, setting up a family, becoming the head of the family, and then being responsible for everyone in the family."

"I never took responsibility for other people."

"About this point, the Heavenly Demons actually know it."

"My attitude has always been very obvious."

"The welfare of the demons is good, but it doesn't mean that I should be responsible for them."

"It's more of a deal where they give their loyalty and I give them strength and a future."

"It's just that in this transaction, I have the initiative, and it's relatively fair."

"It should be those E-level enhancers who really make this world like this."

"You should blame them for not being responsible. They have become the pillars of the world by betraying the world, but they have no sense of being responsible for the life and death of the world."

"Come and challenge me."

"It's them who are guilty."

"However, no matter what, your behavior will only make the world worse. As a human being, don't you have a little..." Ding Yan couldn't help but refute when he heard Lu Bai's words. Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Bai.

He carried the oil lamp and walked towards the distance, and he no longer wanted to continue talking with Ding Yan.

"Do I need to tell you that I am no longer a human being?"

All that was left to Ding Yan was this sentence.

After bidding farewell to Ding Yan, another message came from Mars.

The reason why the members of the guards suddenly had a second-stage mutation in their abilities.

"Void device."

On the other end of the special communicator, Mars got straight to the point and handed over the information to Lu Bai.

During this period of time, all the D-class members of the escort team underwent an intensive operation.

And the source of this operation is the void device.

In the past, in order to prevent the city from being destroyed, the guards would turn on the void device when eradicating void monsters.

Strengthen the surrounding environment by consuming the zero-point energy of the void, so that these environments can fully withstand the influence from life.

However, now the guards are not even willing to deal with the void monsters, so naturally they no longer care about the damage of the city.

As long as it doesn't interfere with the escort headquarters and their material transportation routes, the escort doesn't care how the city is damaged.

Lu Bai has always been very interested in the void device. This thing seems to be unique to the guards. The other two forces do not have these things. If they wanted to use them before, they could only apply to the guards.

And Lu Bai also disassembled the void device placed outside. He has been very interested in this thing since he entered the dimension.

It's a pity that the void device outside is just an empty shell, and there is nothing useful inside.

After Mars defected, Lu Bai also asked him if he knew anything about void devices.

But Mars also shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

There are many secrets in the guards, such as the death element of the world, how this thing appears, even Mars is not very clear.

All they knew was that after Yue Sheng's death, they rushed to Yue Sheng's secret base, and only briefly checked there.

Then there was the world's first void monster, and also the first E-rank monster to attack them.

The monster ate Yue Sheng's body, and then attacked them frantically.

At that time, they were basically just D-level enhancers. With their combined efforts, they barely survived the attack of the void monsters.

But still let the void monster escape.

At that time, the cognition of void monsters was not as mature as it is now, so they actually lived in panic during that time.

Then Uncle Yu took out the death element of the world, saying that he found it from Yue Sheng's relics.

Everyone can choose a suitable element according to their own attributes, and then they can be promoted to E rank with this thing only if the conditions are right.

In that case, Tidal directly made a choice, and then was promoted to an E-rank enhancer at the fastest speed.

At that time, Uncle Yu had a total of ten world death elements in his hands.

Eight heavenly stars together with Pluto and another.

In other words, it had already been determined at that time, and there were only ten E-level enhancers at most.

Even when Lanyue and Luoyue showed E-level enhancers, they thought it was people from those two cities who were lying.

The same is true for void devices.

With the increasing number of D-class members, Uncle Yu brought out the device one day, saying that it was discovered by the latest research.

"That's why I want to betray. Uncle Yu has too many things to hide from us."

"It's said to rule the world together, but actually threatens us with those things every day. It's too insecure." In his words, Mars seemed to be trying to restore his image.

He was not a rebellious boy, but he betrayed because Uncle Yu was not trustworthy.

It's just that Lu Bai directly ignored these words.

It doesn't matter if you are good or bad.

If you don't say important information anymore, then you don't matter anymore.

After defecting from the escort, Mars is not so confident now.

Seemingly aware of Lu Bai's murderous intent, he quickly told Lu Bai all the information he had received in the communicator, in exchange for dirty meat.

Although Mars had defected, it didn't mean that he was no longer in the guard.

As an eight-day star, although Mars has a green dot on his head, his ability is not bad.

Especially the ability to develop offline.

After all, he is one of the few people among the eight-day stars who still retains research capabilities.

It was precisely because of this large-scale second operation of the D-level enhancer that Mars discovered the information of the void device.

This thing has a body, and that body is in the basement of a building around the guard headquarters.

The operations of those D-level strengtheners are all done in it.

And after completing the strengthening operation, their abilities have changed in the second stage, basically possessing the 'suppressive' attribute.

For example, the long-haired man, his hair has the ability to 'suppress' other people's control over the body.

The inch-cut man, on the other hand, has the ability to freeze and suppress something with ice cubes.

Obviously, this is transplanting the ability of the void device to the enhancer, and combining it with the enhancer's ability, resulting in various changes.

As for Mars' inside line, he kept an eye out during the strengthening process.

According to his description, during the strengthening process, they will be anesthetized first, and then all kinds of perceptions will be suppressed. He can only vaguely feel that he is immersed in a sticky liquid, and after the soaking is completed.

He had just been lifted onto the operating table, and he had received drug resistance training, so at that time he was already slightly awake, and quietly discovered that the operation was to implant some kind of meat into his body.

The piece of meat was still alive, like a worm.

Good night everyone

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